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Scoring Wilder

Page 26

by R.S. Grey

  "Oh, god, that felt so fucking good. I could feel you clenched so tight around me," he murmured, readjusting us again so that he was lying down on his back and I was sitting on top of him. It felt deliciously sexy to ride him like that. I liked being on top, commanding his pleasure like he'd just commanded mine.

  I gripped his knees and pulled myself off of him slowly before letting my weight push me back down. I felt him shudder every time I did it, and his dark, husky groans fueled me forward.

  "That's it. Push yourself down onto me. Ride me, baby," he ordered.

  I did just as he said, slowing our pace to a maddening rate. His hands were gripping my ass hard enough to leave marks. He let me move up and down a few more times, but then I knew I'd pushed him too far. He gripped my hips and took the power back as he started pounding into me from below. I was forced to take it as he yanked my hair so that my back arched.

  "Yes, right there," I told him as I felt him stroke the spot that threatened to make me scream. I felt wild and hot. Our heavy breathing intermingled. Our skin was slapping together in a symphony of delicious sound.

  "Liiaammm..." I dragged as he continued to push into me. I knew I wouldn't last much longer. His fingers circled once. Twice. And then I was coming again, harder and longer than the first time. He kept pounding into me, chasing my orgasm with his own. Just as my pleasure was starting to wane, I felt him come, hot and hard inside of me. I knew that if he wasn't wearing a condom he would have coated me from the inside out. The idea made me shiver with lust.

  "Kinsley," he groaned over and over again until finally we were laying there in silence. I'd fallen back onto him so that my hair fell around his neck. His chest rose and fell beneath me, carrying me up and down.

  We laid like that until our breathing eventually returned to normal. It was clear a monumental road had just been crossed and neither one of us was ready to get up yet.

  "I need another shower. C'mon," he said, sitting up and carrying me with him. My thighs felt like jelly and I laughed when I tried to stand.

  "Here," he said, scooping me into his arms and twisting me so that I had my legs wrapped around his middle.

  I laughed as he started walking us to his room.

  "That was..." I began with a dazed expression.

  "Fucking amazing," he filled in before planting a kiss on my lips.

  I chuckled and agreed emphatically. He didn't set me down until the water was warm and even then he soaped me up and helped me wash my hair.

  "So, not a fan of the standard missionary?" I joked as I wrapped a towel around my chest.

  He eyed me mischievously. "Not when I've got a body like yours to work with," he winked. "Now, I'm starving... will you help me cook dinner?"

  I trailed after him with a cool smile. "Only if you tell me 'Kinsley Bryant, you are the sexiest lay I've ever had. No girl can compare to you. Not even all the models that I've slept with'."

  Liam paused and spun around to face me with an arched brow. "No other girl compares," he smirked, stepping closer to me and bending low so his face was level with mine. "They were fucks, you and I are on a completely different playing field, Kinsley."

  I smiled cheekily before dipping forward and kissing him on the tip of his nose. Then I spun around him and spanked him on the butt. "Now feed me!" I joked, quickly running away before he could return the spanking.

  I, of course, wasn't fast enough and he made my ass sting with a cocky grin and a flash of a sexy dimple.

  While Liam pulled out a few ingredients for dinner, I found my phone so that I could call Becca. I was dying to know how things ended up going for her and Penn.

  She answered on the fourth ring. "Can't talk right now, Penn is trying to weasel his way back into my good graces."

  I started laughing hysterically. "Is he there right now?"

  "Yes. I'm actually at his house in Malibu."

  "Hey! We're in Malibu, too."

  "Oh good, I might have to come stay there depending on how the next few hours go," Becca joked.

  I pulled the phone away from my ear. "Becca says that she might crash here tonight."

  Liam cocked a brow. "Hope she enjoys hearing you screaming my name."

  My mouth fell open. "Oh my god. Becca if you heard that—"

  I could hear her saying, ewwww, even before I held the phone back to my ear.

  I laughed, "Sorry. He can't be tamed… he’s just like Miley." I shook my head at Liam, but I couldn't wipe the smile from my face.

  He flashed me an innocent shrug.

  "You two are gross. I might have to stay here just to spare my ears from the madness," she said, and I heard Penn chuckle in the background.

  "All right, well call me if you need me... and seriously, Becca, hear Penn out."

  Liam yelled so she could hear him, too, "Yeah! Give my friend a second chance."

  "Okay, okay. I'm hanging up now."

  "Bye, Becs."

  After I hung up, I sidled around the counter and started helping Liam with dinner. He'd given me one of his shirts to wear with my underwear and he couldn't seem to keep his hands from sliding under the cotton hem.

  I'd stir the pasta and he would set his hand on ass. I'd cut some tomatoes for the salad and he'd have his arms wrapped around my waist, watching me work.

  "You realize we just had sex, right?" I joked, twisting around to give him a chaste kiss. I felt his hard muscles against my shoulder as I spun back around. God, he was in good shape.

  "You realize that, as your boyfriend, I'm allowed to appreciate how sexy you look wearing my shirt," he joked, before setting to work on the garlic bread.

  "It feels weird thinking about you being my boyfriend," I admitted sheepishly.

  "Why?" he asked, preheating the oven.

  "I mean, I just watched one hundred thousand people chanting your name. Isn't that crazy? You’d think it would go to your head, but you're actually a really nice guy."

  He laughed. "To be honest, I still feel like the same little kid spending day in and day out on the soccer fields near my house."

  "Just a little more in shape," I winked, and he shook his head with a small smirk.

  We finished prepping the rest of the meal and then sat down and ate at his breakfast table. I pulled the shutters open so that we had a perfect view of the ocean with the sunset. It was nice just being with him after the chaos of the past few days.

  He was wiped out from his long day, so we cleaned up quickly and then cuddled on his bed. Everything felt so natural with us. Each step that should have been awkward was eased by Liam's confidence. Before I even asked for it, he'd pulled out a washcloth and spare toothbrush for me in case I'd forgotten mine. Which of course, I had. Then he had the covers on the bed pulled back so that I could just slip in next to him. I tried to tone down how giddy I felt as I cuddled into his side and inhaled his masculine scent. Be cool, Kins. My fingers dragged across his chiseled abs, adoring every single contour. This is your life now. You are the person that sleeps next to this set of abs. Also, this set of abs is attached to a man that probably has some major neurological damage since out of all the models in the world, he’s chosen you and your flat-ass.

  “Hey, I like your ass. It’s not flat,” he said right after I realized that my internal monologue had actually been an external monologue. “Also, I’m more than just my abs.”

  “Of course you are, babe. Of course you are.”

  Don’t worry, abs. I’m actually here for you.

  “Yeah, still out loud,” he smiled, pulling me into his side.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  "Liam. Liam! Are you still sleeping at this hour?" A cheery voice rang throughout the house as I drifted into consciousness.

  Then I realized what I'd heard and I shot up in bed. Liam was still sleeping soundly next to me, but I’d definitely heard the sounds of a woman humming and moving about the house. Then I noticed the amazing smell of sizzling bacon drifted closer.

  Was there a woman inside Liam'
s house and was she cooking for him? What in the world? Did he have a housekeeper or some kind of weird estranged lover that broke in every now and then and made him breakfast?

  That actually wouldn’t be so bad… free pancakes.

  I turned toward Liam and shook him awake. "Hey, babe, wake up."

  He moaned then blinked his eyes open.

  "There's someone in your house calling your name. It's a woman and I think she's making breakfast. Do you have any crazy stalker fans that would do that?" I asked, only half kidding.

  He squinted his eyes and then shot up suddenly.

  "Oh crap. It's my mom," he said, throwing the covers off himself.

  "Your what?!" I asked, my eyes growing wide.

  He grabbed a t-shirt out of his closet and pulled it over his head. Did he have to cover up his abs? Wait no. I couldn't think about that right now.

  I hopped out of bed and went to my oversized purse to get my clothes that I'd packed the day before. I had a pair of shorts and a summery blouse, so I pulled on the outfit quickly and tried to calm my nerves.

  Let’s recap. We’d just had some raunchy sex in his living room last night and now I was meeting his mother. And oh yes, I’d gone to bed with my hair still damp. I reached up to feel around the web of tangles that had at some point been my hair. On a scale of one to toe-up, I was probably looking similar to Courtney Love on a bad day.

  How would this even work? Would he walk out first and then I would follow him fifteen minutes later and explain that I'd slept in the guest room?

  "Oh, ha-ha, I always come over to Liam's house at the crack of dawn... no, of course, I didn't have sex with your son last night."

  "I forgot she was coming into town." He eyed me with amusement. "I've been a little preoccupied."

  I wiped my hand down my face and then ran to the bathroom so I could pee and brush my hair. Thankfully once I was done, I looked semi-presentable.

  "Ready?" Liam asked when I'd returned from the bathroom.

  I gulped. "Are we going down together? What are you going to tell your mom? Does she know you have girls stay over?"

  "I'm 25, Kinsley, not 15."

  I rolled my eyes. That wasn't helping. He stepped closer and wrapped me up in a tight hug so that only my tiptoes were left on the floor. "Besides, she knows about you and she's wanted to meet you."

  I pressed my lips into a thin line. Had he really talked to his mom about me? I remembered him mentioning her visit the other week. I couldn’t believe we'd completely forgotten. I should have had it tattooed on me somewhere.

  He loosened his grip and then took my hand to lead me toward the kitchen.

  "Mom!" Liam yelled as we rounded the corner.

  "Liam!" she exclaimed, turning from the stove and throwing her arms around her son. I pulled my hand out of his so they could have a private moment, but it only took her a second before she glanced up and saw me standing there with my hands clasped in front of me.

  "You must be Kinsley!" she beamed, pushing Liam aside like he was yesterday's news and then stepping forward to wrap me in a hug. Citrus. His mother smelled like fresh citrus, and I took a deep breath as she enveloped me in her arms.

  "Hello, Mrs. Wilder," I smiled when she released me. Her eyes scanned over me, not to size me up, but rather just to get a good look at me. She was an inch shorter than me with the same dirty blonde hair that sat atop Liam's head. Hers was mixed with a few strands of grey though. She was probably in her mid-fifties, but she exuded a youthful air and I think I fell for her instantly. I wanted her to like me.

  "You have the best taste, Liam,” she winked at me. “He gets that from me," she said before going back to tending the stove. "Do you like bacon and eggs, Kinsley? I've got some muffins going in the oven as well." The more she spoke, the more I noticed her slight English accent. It added to her charm.

  "I love all breakfast foods," I said, patting my stomach. She beamed at me again and then I finally glanced toward Liam. He'd been resting against the refrigerator wearing a playful grin. I winked and stuck my tongue out at him before turning back to his mother.

  "Do you need help with anything? I'm pretty good with eggs. Wait, let me rephrase that, sometimes I can scramble eggs without burning them," I offered.

  "Could you start making some coffee? I was filling the pot when you guys walked in," she answered. I immediately started tending to the coffee while Liam grabbed the cream and sugar.

  "How long are you in town for, Mom?" he asked, slinging his arm over her shoulder playfully. She hip checked him and then shooed him away so she could flip the bacon.

  "Well I was supposed to be here yesterday afternoon so I could see your match, but my flight was delayed," she huffed and threw her hand in the air as if to say 'those damn airlines'. "So now I've only got three days left before I head home."

  "You didn't miss anything special, promise," Liam assured her.

  "I cheered extra loud when he scored, Mrs. Wilder," I winked, and they both laughed.

  "Well as long as he had you there, he probably didn't miss me at all," she quipped, piling the eggs and bacon onto a big plate.

  I set the table and Liam set out a carafe of orange juice.

  "You two need to eat up, you're both top athletes and you need your fuel. Especially you, Kinsley. You look like you're skin and bones," she said, pushing eggs onto my plate.

  "I promise I eat a lot. I just run every day," I shrugged and started biting into my bacon.

  Liam gave me a reassuring smile and then reached to hold my knee under the table. I think all parents have instincts to fatten up their kids. My grandmother would always shove cookies down my throat whenever we went over for holidays. If only I got cookies shoved down my throat everywhere I went…

  "Well you two are quite the athletic couple," his mom smiled and munched on her breakfast, eyeing us with admiration. I had no clue how she normally acted, but so far I felt like this meeting was going much better than expected.

  "Good morning, you filthy neighbors! Tuck away your naughty bits, Becca’s on the scene!" Becca’s voice rang out as the back door opened. Liam laughed as I hid my face behind my cup of coffee. I’d be karate chopping her naughty bits as soon as we were alone. A moment later, she and Penn walked into the kitchen like they owned the place.

  "Oh, oops!" Becca exclaimed, covering her mouth with her hand as she realized her mistake. "Is this a family breakfast?" she asked, pausing so that Penn nearly walked into her. “Ignore what I said about the…”

  Mrs. Wilder scooted her chair back to cut her off. She probably didn’t want to hear anymore about her son’s naughty bits. "No, no! Join us! You must be Penn's friend," his mom said, standing up to greet Becca. They shook hands as Becca attempted to cover her flushing cheeks. Hah.

  "Hey neighbors," I smiled, hopping up to get them plates.

  Thankfully Mrs. Wilder had prepared more than enough food, and soon the five of us were all sitting around the table eating and chatting. I only attempted to kick Becca in the kneecaps twice beneath the table.

  "So you girls play on the same team?" Mrs. Wilder asked Becca and me.

  "Yes, ma'am." I smiled at Becca who was in the middle of taking a big bite.

  "They must only recruit the pretty ones," she proclaimed, making us both blush. The boys agreed emphatically. I rolled my eyes at Liam and he just shrugged like he had no choice.

  "Well Kinsley was recruited because they felt sorry for her," Becca joked, “you know for being…” she paused and signed the universal gesture for cuckoo. I jabbed her with my fork.

  "Becca's actually the team manager. She just gets me water when I need it and cleans my sweaty jerseys," I quipped with a cheeky grin.

  Becca gave me a pointed stare and held her fork up in a way that made it look like she was flipping me the bird.

  "We actually have a game this week that my mom will be in town for," I said, turning back to Mrs. Wilder who was laughing at our little exchange.

  "Oh, how fun! Let'
s hope her flight isn't delayed like mine was."

  I laughed. "Well it's a short flight from Denver, so it shouldn't be too bad."

  "What day's your game?"

  "Tuesday," I said, realizing that was only two days away. How could time be flying so quickly? I couldn't believe I only had two days left until my first game, well technically it was a scrimmage, but still the media would be there ready to build me up or tear me down.

  She clapped her hands together in glee. "I don't leave for London until Wednesday morning! I'll be at the game sitting in the Kinsley and Becca fan section."

  Liam shook his head, but he was wearing an easy smile. "Mom, maybe Kinsley doesn't want your English butt there. You are very rowdy at sporting events."

  She eyed her son with an exaggerated expression of disbelief. "Nonsense! I was only kicked out of one for your matches, but that referee clearly hadn’t updated his prescription contacts in years. You can't blame me."

  Becca and I cracked up. "You can definitely come, if you'd like to. It's at 4:00 P.M. over at the ULA stadium," I explained.

  "Well, it's settled," she said, pushing back from her seat. "Now you guys finish up so we can go do something fun. If we stay around here, I'll just fall asleep. Jet lag is already catching up with me."

  We did as we were told, shoveling the rest of our breakfast into our mouths and then loading up into Liam's car.


  "So, you and Penn are back to normal?" I asked as soon as we'd left Liam's house after dinner. We’d spent the day shopping around Malibu with Mrs. Wilder. I tried to keep a close watch on Penn and Becca the entire time, but I couldn’t tell how much they’d worked out the night before. They looked better, but she still seemed to have the upper hand. He'd sidle up behind her while she was looking at clothing and she'd twist out of his hands and flash him a devious wink. It seemed like they were playing a little cat and mouse game.

  Becca rolled her eyes. "If by normal you mean completely dysfunctional, then yeah."

  I laughed and reached to turn the music down.


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