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Romance: A Dirty Secret: Just Can't Stay Away (Bad Boy Escort Romance Series)

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by Capleton, Cindy

  Copyright © 2016 by Cindy Capleton

  All rights reserved. No part of this guide may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Published by Adekieu Publishing

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  A Dirty Secret

  Just Can’t Stay Away

  Cindy Capleton

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  Chapter 1

  “Mom, I don’t know how it happened,” Isabella said in a hushed voice. She was blankly staring at the letter in front of her.

  “Is this really happening?” She read it again to make sure that she was reading it correctly.

  “Are you okay? Isabella?” Her mother brought her back from her thoughts. Isabella looked up with a big smile on her face.

  “I got into Yale University, Mom. I’m going to New York!” she said, and happiness could be clearly heard in her voice.

  Isabella was a girl with a genteel personality; she was tall with coral-black hair that plunged over her shoulder. She had a sculpted figure with a tapered waist and glowing skin. She never failed to be in the spotlight wherever she went. Nobody could ignore her good looks. Despite all the attention and fame she got because of her pretty looks, Isabella was always humble and polite. Isabella was a beauty with brains, always the at the top of her class and an incredible artist. All she needed was a silent room with a canvas, brush and paints, and she could spend hours in that room without eating or drinking.

  “I finally got in, Natalie. I’m so excited,” she told her best friend while packing her bags. “I can’t believe that I will finally study what I love. I can’t wait to be there.”

  The morning of her flight she woke up with excitement.

  “It’s the big day! Finally, it’s here! What should I wear?” she continued talking to herself.

  Isabella jumped out of bed and looked through her clothes. After 30 minutes of trying to find the right clothes, she decided to wear a simple white, full-sleeved shirt with black skinny jeans.

  She stared in the mirror while brushing her hair.

  “You did it, Isabella,” she whispered to herself. Isabella then stepped back and admired herself for a moment and looked up at the clock.

  “Oh shit! I’m late!” She grabbed her purse and ran out to say good-bye to her family. Her brother Nate had already taken care of her bags, and he drove her to the airport.

  “Please find yourself a guy in New York, Isabella,” Nate said. “You’ve always been alone because you thought guys would take advantage of you. All guys are not the same. Okay? You need to experience being loved. I don’t want you to feel lonely; you’ll be all by yourself over there.”

  Isabella knew he was right. After her last relationship three years ago, she couldn’t trust another guy with her feelings.

  He’s right. Every guy will not do what Isaac did. I’m getting a fresh start and I will not push every guy away.

  “You’re right Nate. I will give myself a second chance,” she smiled at him.

  They said their farewells and Isabella went inside.

  Sitting in her seat, she was thinking about the conversation she had with Nate. She couldn’t help but remember what had happened three years ago.

  “I don’t want to go, Isaac. Your friends are weird. I don’t feel comfortable with them.”

  “Please Isabella; it would look bad if you don’t go. I don’t want to go without you. It’s Alex’s birthday. She’s expecting us.”

  “Okay but don’t leave me with your friends and disappear like you always do.”

  “I won’t.”

  She was lost in her thoughts and did not notice that someone sat on the seat right beside her.

  At last, Elijah found his seat which was right beside Isabella’s and was pleased to see that such an attractive woman would be his companion. He sat there and looked at her. Her eyes were closed. She looked sad. He could not take his eyes off Isabella’s glowing skin and red lips. Her rich black hair was laying on one of her shoulders. He was in the middle of admiring her when a tear rolled down her cheek.

  His hand acted on its own and reached up to gently wipe the tear from her cheek.

  Isabella opened her eyes and stared at the man in the black suit sitting in front of her. She stared at him, taken aback by his actions. She was trying to find what to say to him when he broke the silence.

  “I do not like it when I see a girl crying. I apologize. My actions must have surprised you.”

  “Umm yes. It’s okay,” she replied in a confused manner.

  “I’m Elijah,” he introduced himself.

  “Hi, Elijah. I’m Isabella,” she replied politely and smiled at him.

  Elijah was attracted to her, as all men were. What he did not know was that Isabella also thought that he was handsome and decent.

  “Are you going to New York?” he asked, trying his best to have a conversation with her.

  “Why else would I be on the plane to New York if I were not?” she said teasingly and looked at him with a smirk on her face.

  He laughed and said, “You can’t blame a guy for being a little confused, sitting next to such a beautiful lady.”

  It was a six- hour flight to New York and time flew for them as they talked nonstop, discovering they had a lot in common. They soon reached New York, and Elijah expressed his desire to meet her again. They exchanged numbers, as the two said their goodbyes and parted ways.

  Isabella felt nice after talking to Elijah and wished she could spend more time with him.

  She took a cab to her dorm and all the way there she could not stop thinking about Elijah. At last, she told herself that she would definitely meet him again, because he said he lived here.

  Isabella took her bags and dragged them to her new room. She was happy with the vibe of the place. The walls were white, and there was enough space for two people. There were bags on one of the two beds but the owner was nowhere to be seen.

  These bags must b
elong to my roommate. I hope we become good friends.

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  Chapter 2

  Isabella was a very organized girl. She could not even think of taking a nap before her bags were unpacked and all of her things were where they belonged. Isabella changed into her most comfortable pajamas and tied her hair up in a rough bun. She unzipped her suitcase and took out a pile of neatly folded clothes to put in the cupboard. As she held the pile of clothes in one hand to open the door, Isabella heard a loud thud that made her drop the clothes to the floor.

  Cassie noticed that the door was unlocked and kicked it open. She was holding a carton of beers in one hand and a box of pizza in the other.

  “WELCOME!” she screamed as soon as she came in.“I hope we can be good friends, whoever you are!” Cassie loudly said.

  Isabella, being the helpful girl she was rushed towards her to help her with the carton, leaving the clothes on the floor.

  “Thank you. I was looking forward to meeting you. I’m Isabella,” she replied. Isabella took the carton from her and placed it on the table.

  She turned to Cassie and was surprised by the tight hug that came from her roommate.

  “I’m Cassie,” Cassie excitedly replied while she held Isabella tightly.

  “Whoa!. Someone is very excited,” Isabella whispered and hugged her back.

  Cassie was an extrovert. Nobody could ever find her not smiling. She was a brunette with shoulder length hair and green eyes which always sparkled with excitement. She was that girl in class who would always pass her tests without even touching the books. Cassie was also a party-freak. She could not sleep if she did not go to a club.

  “Let’s throw ourselves a welcome party, Isabella!” Cassie said in a very loud but motivated tone. “You have to see the clubs here. They’re awwwesome.”

  Isabella smiled at how cute Cassie was and said, “Yeah, sure. I also want to look around.”

  When Isabella was done unpacking her things, she sat down on her bed, closed her eyes and exhaled.

  “I do not like when I see a girl crying.”

  She could not stop thinking of Elijah and what a gentleman he was. She realized that she had been thinking about him ever since they parted ways at the airport. She had never felt this attracted to a guy before. It was strange for her. The feelings Isabella was experiencing were unfamiliar. She wanted to be close to him, very close.

  Cassie jumped onto Isabella’s bed and brought her back to reality. She had two cans of beer and the box of pizza in her hands.

  “It’s dinner time~”Cassie sang in a very bad voice.

  Isabella laughed and noticed that she had been starving.

  “It’s my favorite kind!” Isabella exclaimed and grabbed a piece of the pizza.

  “Let’s get ready and go out when we’re done,” Cassie managed to say in a weird voice because she had stuffed half of the piece of pizza in her mouth.

  Isabella nodded, excited, and continued to munch on her piece.

  “It’s so loud!” Isabella shouted in Cassie’s ear so that she could hear her over the loud music.

  “That’s why we are here!” Cassie shouted back and winked at her. Soon Cassie was lost in the crowd, and Isabella found herself a seat at the bar to quietly wait for Cassie.

  Ceilo was one of the most famous nightclubs in New York. It had an amazing interior with great music. The DJ was playing trance music, and the crowd was dancing to it like their lives depended on it. The place was impressive but Isabella did not feel comfortable being there. She felt suffocated and wanted to get out as soon as she could. She did not notice but she was the center of attention of all the single guys there.

  Isabella looked breathtaking in the backless black mini-dress that Cassie made her wear. The short dress revealed Isabella’s perfect long legs. Her hair was tied up in a high pony. She sat at the bar, taking in the view of people carelessly moving to the upbeat music. Everything was new to her because she preferred libraries or her art room to nightclubs. Quietly observing the crowd around her, she sipped on her drink. She noticed a familiar guy coming towards her but could not make out who he was because of the blinking lights and darkness. As soon as she recognized who he was, she felt an unusual sensation in her stomach.

  It was Elijah. The man who had been on her mind since the time she arrived in New York.

  Elijah stood in front of her and looked into her eyes a little longer than he should have. He came as near as he could to her ear.

  “You look exquisite, Isabella,” he whispered in his husky voice.

  His breath on Isabella’s neck made the sensation in her stomach grow even stronger. She liked it when he was close. She wanted more of that breath, but she was too new to this feeling to realize what she really wanted. She was sexually attracted to him as much as she was mentally and emotionally. Isabella sat there without moving. His presence made her feel uncomfortable. She had been a confident woman all her life and had never felt uneasy around anyone. What was about him that made her feel so different? Isabella desperately wanted to find out.

  “I cannot get you off of my mind, Isabella. Please, let’s go someplace quiet.”

  Isabella wanted to tell him that she had thought about him as well.

  It was as if she had no control over her body and she stood up to lean close to his ear.

  “Lead the way,” she whispered.

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  Chapter 3

  Elijah led her to one of the cabins in the nightclub. The music was not as loud as it was outside. Elijah closed the door behind Isabella and trapped her between the door and himself. Isabella could not think straight. She had wanted to resist, but her insides told her not to and she listened. Elijah noticed that Isabella had not made an effort to push him away. He leaned down until his face was on the same level with Isabella’s face.

  I was looking into her eyes. As I looked into her eyes, I could feel her searching for answers in mine. She was confused. Her big brown eyes were framed by thick long black lashes. Her cheeks were flushed and she was looking at me with questioning eyes. As soon as I laid my eyes on her lips, a strange sensation took over my body. I tightly wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer. I kissed her hard. Her soft lips perfectly molded with the shape of mine. I inhaled her scent. Her lips tasted like cinnamon and strawberry, giving me an intoxicating sense of freedom. I was desperate for her. I wanted to make love to her. I wanted to make her feel good. I wanted her to moan my name again and again while I make love to her. It took the energy of every fiber in my body to not peel off her dress and admire her perfectly sculpted body. I could hear her heartbeat quickening as I moved my hand slowly from her waist, brushing her sides slightly, up to her breasts.

  Elijah slid his hands from her waist up to her breast, Isabella's eyes widened and she came back to her senses. She tried to push him away. She tried to resist it, but she was too weak to push Elijah away.

  “This is not right. Please, stop,” she weakly whispered.

  Elijah did not listen and grabbed both of her hands behind her back with his left hand. He was not gentle anymore. Isabella sensed he was trying hard not to hurt her as he firmly held her in place.

  Elijah was breathing heavily. “I want to feel you, Isabella. Please let me make you feel good. You will love what I will do to you.” He managed to speak in between his heavy breaths.

  Isabella gave in. She stopped resisting. She knew that she wanted this as much as Elijah did.

  Elijah inhaled deeply and unzipped her black dress from the side. He continued to assault her lips and slid his hands inside of her dress. When Elijah’s cold hands came in contact with Isabella’s warm skin, she whimpered.

  Elijah thrust his tongue inside of her mouth. He wanted to taste every inch of her mouth. Isabella did not know how to respond and she moved her tongue to the side, but Elijah took it between his lips and sucked it hard. It was painful but pleasured Isabella at the same time. She
did the same with Elijah’s tongue which resulted in him being more aggressive. It made him even harder than he was before. He had been trying his best to stay in control, but his efforts were in vain when Isabella sucked him back.

  He grabbed Isabella by her waist and lifted her. He laid her down on the dark brown couch in the room and pulled her dress down violently. She now lay in just a black net bra and panties. Yet again, Elijah was stunned by her beauty. The black undergarments perfectly complemented her white skin. Her breasts, beautiful twins, rose and fell to the rhythm of her breathing. Her hair was now free from its ponytail, lying messily on her shoulder, covering half of her breasts. Isabella blushed when she saw Elijah staring at her body. She made an effort to hide herself with her hands but Elijah grabbed her hands. He took out his tie and tied her hands to the sofa, not breaking his eye-contact with her. Elijah hurriedly tore off her bra and grabbed one of the beauties in his left hand. He was on his knees beside the sofa, where Isabella laid, almost naked. He leaned down to take the other one in his mouth.

  Isabella felt wanted. She liked how Elijah had been touching her. She moaned when her breasts were being assaulted by Elijah. He was sucking on one of her breasts hard, and he slid the other hand inside her panties as Isabella arched her back.

  “You are so fucking wet, Isabella. I want to be inside of you,” He said after freeing her breasts and looking into her eyes.

  Elijah noticed that Isabella was flushed and she suddenly looked scared.

  “What is wrong?” he whispered. His tone immediately changed from hard and aggressive to soft and worried.

  Isabella looked away from his face and whispered,


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