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Romance: A Dirty Secret: Just Can't Stay Away (Bad Boy Escort Romance Series)

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by Capleton, Cindy

  “I’m scared.”

  “Why? I won’t hurt you.”

  “I know that. I haven’t done this before. I’m not ready for this,” she said in a weak voice.

  Elijah eyes widened. He had no idea that a gorgeous woman like Isabella could be a virgin. He immediately stood up and grabbed his coat from the floor that he had taken off and thrown in the heat of the moment. He covered Isabella with the coat and untied her.

  “I am so sorry. You would not have imagined your first time to be in a place like this. I did not know you are a virgin,” he whispered with a hint of regret in his voice. He handed Isabella her dress and asked her to get dressed. “I will give you a ride home,” he said with a dark expression.

  “I want to continue this,” she said in an almost inaudible voice. “But in a decent bed,” she added.

  Elijah smiled at her. Isabella left Cassie a text and went back to her dorm with Elijah.

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  Chapter 4

  Elijah and Isabella left the party, which was still in full swing. People were dancing and drinking and the music was blasting from the walls. Elijah held Isabella’s hand and was pulling her out of the crowd. Isabella was still lost in the majestic beauty of this man. She admired the way he rightfully held her hand and pulled her out from the crowd. She was awestruck.

  They went around all the way back to the parking lot. He took his car keys and fidgeted with the remote. “Beep, beep” went the lock. It was a sleek Mercedes-Benz SL63 AMG– SL-Class. Isabella was set to wonder again. Who was Elijah really? He must be a very rich guy because a commoner cannot own such a beauty for a car. You need to be something. Lost in her thoughts she did not realize that Elijah was standing with the door of the convertible open for her.

  He ushered her to get in. She got in and he closed the door and walked around to sit in the driver’s side. The car well defined Elijah’s classy personality. She was amazed at the beauty of the interior. She glanced over to see Elijah’s shining face in the street lamp’s light. He was in a pensive mood. His eyes vacant and distant as if he was lost deep in thought. Isabella fixed her gaze on him but he did not respond back. Instead he kept staring ahead. She looked away and out the window as tiny droplets of water smeared down the glass. It was starting to rain. They drove the rest of the way in complete silence.

  As Elijah pulled into the premises of the dorm, Isabella felt like something was coming to an end. She felt strange. She did not want to get out of the car but she had to. Elijah turned to her after half an hour of silence. His eyes darted for hers and pierced her very being as he looked into them. Isabella felt a flush of emotions. He suddenly leaned forward and planted a very brief kiss on her lips.

  Isabella did not even have time to return his kiss before he pulled away. He got out of the car and came around to her side to open the door and let her out. Elijah accompanied her to the entrance of the dorm and turned to leave.

  “Elijah,” she called out.

  “Yes, sweetheart?”

  “When will we meet?”

  He smiled at her. “Soon.”

  Elijah then turned and walked towards his car. He sat in the car and waved goodbye. She waved back too, feeling incomplete from the inside.

  Isabella climbed the stairs of the dorm and reached her room. She gave the knob a try, but it did not open. Cassie was still at the party. It was only 11:30 pm. Obviously, she would still be there. . She was a party animal and according to her the party begins after midnight. Isabella lifted the door mat and picked up the spare key that was lying underneath. She opened the door and entered the dark, cold room. She searched for the light switch near the door and turned on the lights. The room was still just as both of them had left it. Her clothes and everything else lay on the bed. She quickly changed into her pajamas and went to wash her face. Seeing herself in the mirror she saw her lipstick smeared across her mouth. Traces of Elijah, she thought and smiled. She ran her fingers over her face, her lips, down to her neck and collar bone, recalling the way Elijah had touched her on all these places. She missed his touches, his masterful strokes. It had been just an hour since he had left her, and she wanted him bad. She craved for him. Realizing that she needed to sleep, she came back from her memory of Elijah and left the washroom.

  Isabella got into bed as she wanted to do nothing else. She thought of reading a book but found herself too distracted. There was something that kept on beating in her mind. She tried to concentrate on the words but could not. They were all a blur as she tried to read them. After a while she found it completely and utterly worthless to carry on with the book, so she tossed it aside and plugged in her earphones to listen to some music on her iPod. Skimming through a few songs, none of them matched her mood.

  What was it with her? She felt frustrated. Isabella finally decided that she should just go to sleep. She lied down and pulled the cold sheets up to her face. As she did this, she missed the warmth that Elijah’s touches gave her. It was intoxicating, his face so close to hers… his warm breath running across her face, his arms gripping her tightly around the waist. She hugged herself tightly recalling the encounter she had had with him today. She knew she had never felt this way about anyone ever before. Not even Isaac.

  The reality was that no one had ever gotten so close to her, ever. She never allowed anyone to come close to her, butElijah was different. He had her spellbound. She loved the way he cared for her. But the thing that kept her ignited from the inside was wondering how and when they were ever going to be together.

  She wanted him. She felt the urge deep down inside. And after what happened at the club, she knew he had the same hunger for her. Whatever it was, she knew that it had a hold too strong to break.

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  Chapter 5

  Isabella opened her eyes. She felt happy and uneasy at the same time. She was happy about what had happened in the club last night, uneasy because she was uncertain of Elijah’s feelings for her. Was it just lust? Or maybe love? She had replayed the intimate moment with Elijah a thousand times last night. She wanted more of him. Thinking about him she felt a strange feeling down there. As if her lower parts were screaming to be touched by him.

  Isabella knew that she would not stop thinking about the events that had occurred last night unless she could find something that would keep her mind occupied. She planned her day, dressed up and went out to go grocery shopping.

  Isabella entered the store and grabbed the stuff she needed. She was done shopping sooner than she had expected.

  She looked at her watch. It’s just 4 PM. All I will do is think about him if I go back. She murmured to herself and sighed.

  As soon as she looked up from her watch, there he was. The one person she had been trying to take off her mind the whole day, standing in front of her. She did not realize how happy she would be to see him, and she had no idea how to react. She stood there silently while Elijah walked towards her with confident steps.

  "Get a hold of yourself, Isabella! Say something!", her inner voice screamed at her, but her brain refused to listen to her and she blankly stared at him.

  Elijah came close. He pulled her face closer to his and gave her a quick kiss on her cheeks.

  “You never fail to look stunning, Isabella,” he whispered in her ear, giving her goose bumps.

  All the blood in her body rushed up to her cheeks, making her face red.

  Elijah chuckled at her cuteness and grabbed the bags from her hands.

  “Thank you,” she said. “It’s good to see you.” She smiled at him.

  “Let me give you a ride, my lady,” he said in a teasing voice.

  Isabella smiled and followed him to his car. Elijah put his and Isabella’s bags in the back seat and opened the door for her. Isabella sat there and waited for Elijah to come around to his side.

  “You must be going out of your way to drop me home,” she said to him.

  “What if I say no?” Elijah

  “What do you mean?” she looked at him, confused.

  “I live just two blocks away from you,” he revealed in an excited tone.

  “Oh, that’s great news! I’ll visit you,” she said in a high-pitched tone.

  Elijah could not help but admire how many things Isabella could be at the same time: sexy, cute, and elegant. Elijah reached out and grabbed her hands, making Isabella blush.

  “Let’s go now. I have a decent bed, you know,” his voice had gotten heavier. Isabella was embarrassed, and what he said made that weird feeling in her lower parts come back. She did not know what to say. She turned her face to look out of the window, hiding her blushing face.

  “Did you like it?” Elijah continued.

  Isabella knew what his question referred to but she was too ashamed to say that she loved it. She did not answer his question.

  “I do not like when people ignore my question,” He said. She could sense a hint of aggression in his voice.

  “Yes,” she whispered softly, not wanting to make him mad.

  “Do you want me to do that to you again?”

  “I do,” she whispered in an inaudible voice.

  “Say it loudly,” he commanded. He parked the car at the side of the road and looked at her.

  She looked at him, confused at how his behavior changed from the gentle Elijah to the aggressive one.

  “I want you to touch me. I want you to do exactly what you did last night, a million times, to me,” she said while looking straight in his eyes.

  He started the car and drove fast. “Give me the keys to the dorm,” he said to her without giving a response to what she had said. He parked the car, got out and walked to the other side of the car. He opened her door and grabbed Isabella’s arm. Elijah walked to her gate and fiddled with the keys.

  Isabella followed behind Elijah. She was as turned on as Elijah was. She knew what his intentions were and had no problem with them.

  With the door opened at last, Elijah pinned her to the wall and breathed heavily, looking her in the eyes as soon as they were in. His grip was tight. It was hurting Isabella but she liked it. She saw the desperation in his eyes. He had no control over himself. She was fascinated by the fact that she had made him lose control.

  Elijah leaned in and kissed her. As he thrust his tongue inside Isabella’s mouth, his hands reached up and inside of Isabella’s shirt and grabbed her bosoms with force. He pressed hard which made Isabella moan. His other hand reached down to palm her womanhood from above her pants. Isabella could not help but moan endlessly. Elijah rubbed his hand over her pants, and Isabella kissed him back harder. She sucked on his tongue. As soon as Elijah reached out to remove her shirt they heard a voice.

  “Ehmm ehmm! You do realize you do not live alone, Isabella,” Cassie said covering her eyes with her hands.

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  Chapter 6

  Isabella sat in front of Cassie. It had been 35 minutes since Elijah had gone and Cassie made her sit on the bed. She quietly looked at Isabella and paced across the room, trying to decide what questions to ask first. She inhaled deeply and started attacking Isabella with infinite questions.

  “Is he the same guy who dropped you home last night?”

  “Did you meet him at the club for the first time?”

  “Are you guys sex buddies?”

  “He is handsome! You guys look great together! How is he in bed?”

  “He was pretty good at it as much as I saw.”

  Isabella interrupted her. “You saw? I thought you were covering your eyes.”

  “I did cover my eyes but not really,” she winked at Isabella.

  “You’re crazy, Cassie. Now calm down and, please, one question at a time,” Isabella said, laughing.

  They talked late into the night.

  The next morning, Isabella was immersed in her assignment. The assignment was to paint the best memory of her life. She had been working on it for four days. The deadline was two days away. As she smeared blue onto the center of the canvas and picked up yellow to fill the space, she realized that she had run out of paint. She furrowed her eyebrows and sighed. Yellow was an important element in her painting. She hurried to her closet, changed into neat clothes and rushed towards the door, grabbing her wallet. She walked to the road so she could catch a cab, and stopped when she saw a familiar car parked on the side of the road. It was Elijah’s car. She started walking towards it with a wide grin on her face to meet him but what she saw changed everything. He was with someone else. A girl.

  She took a step back and breathed deeply. Thinking that she might have seen wrong, she rubbed her eyes and looked again at the people sitting inside. It was definitely Elijah getting physical with another girl. Isabella’s vision blurred as tears welled up in her eyes.

  Her past was repeating itself all over again.

  Elijah saw her. Their eyes met for a brief second and she ran. She looked back but Elijah did not even follow her to explain himself. His indifference made Isabella feel miserable. How could she bring herself to trust a guy she had only met a few times? Why did her heart feel like someone just stabbed it? Is it normal to feel this hurt by someone she had only just met? Isabella went inside and dropped down to the floor.

  She had fallen for him. She realized she loved him. His touches were not the only thing Isabella craved; she craved his love, his attention. She wanted Elijah to only look at her and no one else.

  Isabella’s mind was frantically searching for reasons that could explain the situation she saw.

  “Lust. Lust. Lust,” she murmured.

  “Lust was all that he felt for me,” she cried out.

  Isabella dragged herself to the bed. She could never paint her best memory after experiencing one of the worst moments of her life. She cried herself to sleep.

  The next morning Isabella opened her eyes and kept staring at the ceiling blankly. She did not know what to think. She felt numb. Her eyes were swollen from all the crying she had done the previous night.

  “Do I wear pink or blue?” Cassie interrupted Isabella.

  “I think blue looks prettier, but at the same time pink suites me better.” Cassie continued to blabber.

  “You know what? I’m going on a blind date tonight! Oh my god, I am sooooo excited! Do you want to come?” she questioned Isabella.

  “Oh, why would you? You have Elijah!” Cassie frowned.

  Isabella winced as his name came up and closed her eyes.

  “And you are way too boring to go behind his back.” Cassie answered herself.

  “I think I should wear that red mini dress instead. Okay, yes. That dress is perfect.”

  Isabella opened her eyes and blankly stared at Cassie. She was too hurt to tell Cassie what had happened.

  How does she stay so happy all the time? She thought to herself.

  Cassie disappeared into the bathroom to change into the dress and came out wearing a royal blue dress instead of the red one.

  “I’m going to wear this. This is perfect for tonight. I think it makes me look elegant. Yes. This dress it is then!”

  “How do I look?” she happily exclaimed. “I think I look great!” she grinned.

  Isabella smiled at how childish she was.

  “Red is better,” she said dryly, confusing Cassie even more.

  “Okay then. I’ll wear that.” At last, Cassie decided on her dress.

  “By the way, why is all your painting stuff scattered on the floor?” Cassie asked while trying to reach the zipper at the back of her dress.

  Isabella eyes widened, “Oh, shit!” and she ran to complete her assignment.

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  Chapter 7

  Isabella ran to the canvas. The painting looked incomplete, just like she was feeling right now. Looking at the canvas, the painful memory flashed before her eyes. This painting was supposed to be one of the most beautiful memories she had. Instead, it became the source of o
ne of the most painful memoirs of her life.

  Isabella kept glancing at the canvas. She had run out to get yellow paint, a bright color, the color that represented life. But she never knew that life would paint her picture in the darkest color, in shades of grey.

  She knew no matter how hard she tried, she would not be able to get it off her mind. Elijah had brought color to her life, color that he himself ripped away.

  She knew she had to complete the painting no matter what, so she picked it up and started working. There was no yellow, but she decided to use the other colors instead. Isabella kept working, her hands mastering down the canvas throwing colors here and there. In the end, the result was a beautiful abstract of high hues of blue, red, and pink. She knew it did not make any sense to people who saw it at first, but abstract was the only way she could define her state of mind at the moment.

  Whatever the painting was, she wrapped it up and put it aside. Cassie had gone with her boyfriend to the movies. Completing the assignment had kept Isabella so busy that she did not realize it was evening already. She thought of having dinner but realized she might puke if she ate something.

  All she needed was sleep, but there was so much on her mind. She got into her bed and pulled the sheets over. It was dark. She heard something tap on her window. She looked towards it and saw water droplets trickling down the window. It was drizzling. She kept seeing the water droplets falling and then sliding down the window pane joining the other droplets to form a puddle somewhere down below. Isabella fell asleep as she watched the rain.

  Isabella was looking frantically for Isaac. He had left her almost an hour ago with Cathy and the rest of the gang. She had not seen him since then. Where did he go? She was missing him now. One by one people kept filling in Alex’s house

  The party was in full swing. Everybody was busy with something or the other. Couples were pushed up in corners making out. Some guys and girls were sitting around the coffee table playing cards. There were laughter and giggles all around.


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