Always Mine

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Always Mine Page 13

by Sam Elswit

  Andy’s voice filled the garage. He had that typical boy band kind-of-voice that made people swoon whenever they heard it, but under it all, was a bit of gravel, making him perfect for the indie sound Farmers’ Market was going for.

  “Hello?” Andy had replaced his mic for his cell phone. As he listened to whoever was on the other end, his eyes widened ever so slightly.

  “Who is it?” Emily yelled in her usual manner. “If it’s your mom, tell her we could do with a new batch of cookies…”

  Andy quickly put his hand over the receiver. “Shut up, will you? It’s Jeremy Pryce, you know, that well-known producer.”

  “I know who he is, half-wit.”

  “Well, then shut it. He wants to meet with us, but only if you stop acting so uncivilized.”

  Emily rolled her eyes. I knew she wasn’t a fan of Andy. She thought I could do much better, but what did she know? She was just my sister.

  “Is that so? That’s perfect. I can meet with you tomorrow then.” Andy kept nodding for no apparent reason, his foot tapping against the ground. “Great. Great. I will see you at seven then.” Again, he paused. “You too!” With that, he hung up the phone, a smug look on his face as he sat down in a nearby lawn chair, reclining back as if he had already made it to the big leagues and was enjoying a sunny day on Miami Beach.

  “Well, are you going to tell us what Jeremy said or are you just going to lay there like some smug, arrogant asshole?” Emily walked up to Andy, hitting him upside the head with one of her drumsticks.

  “Ow! What the hell was that for?”

  “For keeping me in suspense. I know you don’t play for my team, but every man should know better than to keep a girl waiting.”

  “Jeez…” He rubbed his head, looking at me as if asking for help.

  I just shrugged. I knew better than to tempt Emily when she had anything she could use as a weapon in her hand.

  “Fine. He wants to meet with me, tomorrow at seven.”

  “Just you? Doesn’t he want to meet with all of us?” I asked, walking over to the mini fridge and grabbing an energy drink.

  “Well, he said he’s more comfortable with having a one-on-one. Since I was the one to contact him, I thought it was only right for me to go to the meeting.”

  “But Ben’s the leader.” Emily pointed out. “Shouldn’t he be the one to go? Besides, he’s our songwriter too. All you do is sing and anyone can sing.”

  “And all you do is play the drums. A two-year-old can do that…”

  “Oh yeah?” Emily asked, venom seeping into her words. I feared she would pounce on him at any moment.

  “It’s no big deal, Em. Andy knows this band just as well as I do. I’m sure he’ll do a fine job representing us.” I said, even though I did find it a little peculiar that Jeremy Pryce only wanted to meet with one member of the band.

  “Hmm, if you say so.” She shrugged. “But, if that’s the case…I think Andy should buy us a couple drinks down at Scotty’s.”

  “How is that fair?” Andy protested.

  “Too bad, I already volunteered you. Besides, you work plenty of hours down at your father’s accounting firm to have money to spare for a few drinks.”

  “Not with your gullet I don’t. You drink like a fish.”

  “Fish don’t drink, stupid.” Emily shot back. “Let me grab my jacket and we can go.” She giggled in triumph before leaving the garage.

  “How have you put up with that crazy woman for twenty-three years?” Andy asked. “I swear, she gave me a goose egg.”

  “Maybe you deserved it.”

  “Oh, come on. Don’t be like that Ben.” He grabbed me by the arm. “What do you want me to do? Apologize?”

  “That would be a start. Second on the list would be treating me like a legitimate boyfriend instead of someone to get off with.”

  “Do you think I don’t care about you or something?” He asked, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. “Because, that really hurts, you know.”

  I frowned slightly. Was I too hard on him? I mean, our relationship wasn’t bad… Maybe my expectations were just too unrealistic. It wasn’t like Prince Charming actually existed…

  Chapter 2


  I was enjoying a beer at the bar when someone slapped me on the back, nearly causing me to choke on the French fry in my mouth.

  “Phil! Man, am I glad to see you! I would have died of boredom with those two.” She thrust her thumb in the direction of two young men who were practically sitting on each other’s lap.


  “Right. Have I never introduced you? I’m a horrible friend, huh?”

  I shook my head. “Of course not. You always keep things interesting.” I smiled at her. Emily and I had met in high school when we both took the same art class instead of gym. “What are you doing here?”

  “Well…” She ordered herself another drink. I could tell she was already tipsy from her constant giggles. “… I’m here to get drunk and have a good time. I’m not too sure about my bandmates though.”

  “Oh right, you told me you were in a band.”

  She giggled. “Yes! Master drummer at your service.” She bowed her head, almost hitting the edge of the counter. “You’ll find no better in all the seven seas!”

  “When did you become a pirate?” I asked, wrapping my arm around her waist so she wouldn’t fall off her barstool. “Careful. You’re going to hurt yourself.”

  “Nonsense.” She pressed her finger against my lips to keep me from talking. “You worry too much.” She sighed, resting her head on my chest, her finger twirling a strand of my thick hair. “Too bad you’re not into girls. We could have so much fun together…” She teased, as she always did whenever she was intoxicated. I knew she meant well and that she was aware that no matter what she did, I just wasn’t into her in a romantic sense.

  “Oh yeah? Do you want me to write you a love song and sing you to sleep?” I cooed into her ear, playing along with her little fantasy.

  “Mmm, yes please. But you must do it in your Frank Sinatra voice… no, wait… Elvis… no, I know, Cello Green. Yeah. Yeah. Do him.”

  I laughed. “You know I’m not very good at impersonations, and I don’t swear.”

  “You can censor yourself. You know, say ‘forget you’ instead of ‘fuck you.’ You’d be so good. The male Taylor Swift.”

  “I really don’t see your logic here.”

  “It’s simple really, all you have to do is get into a bunch of relationships, end them all, and then write about your experiences.”

  “Um… that’s not really what I hope for in a relationship.”

  “Oh, right, right, you’re still looking for the one.” She giggled. “Hey, are you going to eat those fries?” She asked, looking at my food like a vulture.

  “Go ahead.”

  “Ooo, you’re the best Phil.” She clapped her hands together before she grabbed an extra cheesy fry and popped it into her mouth. “Damn, I didn’t get any bacon with that one.”

  “So, why are you here with your bandmates?”

  “Oh, right. I never did tell you, did I?”

  “Nope.” I took a sip of my beer, waiting for an answer, but she seemed more interested in finishing my fries.

  Finally, she let out a loud burp, pummeling her chest with her fist. “Mmm, that really hit the spot.” Whoever thought that all girls were feminine and dainty, had never met Emily. “Anyway, to answer your question, the band is making pretty good progress. We sent a demo to a producer and he seems interested in us.”

  My eyes widened. “Oh really? That’s amazing.”

  “Meh.” She shrugged.


  “Yeah. Meh. It’s a good song, but it’s going to waste being sung by our vocalist. I keep trying to tell Ben that he’s garbage, but he just won’t listen to me. Biased, you know, because Andy is his boyfriend and all.”

  I glanced over at the two men she had pointed out earlier. One of them had Emily�
�s black hair. He wore it in a shaggy style. A few strands got loose, covering his beautiful brown eyes. His face was clean-shaven and his skin fair. He was strikingly attractive. Obviously, good genes ran in their family.

  Wait, what was I thinking? This guy had a boyfriend. I shouldn’t be thinking about him in this manner.

  “How long have they been together?” I asked before I could stop myself.

  “God, I don’t know. A couple months? A year tops.”

  “Oh. That long, huh? They must be really serious.” My voice fell slightly. It seemed wherever I went, people were enjoying happy relationships while I spent most of my Friday nights alone at the end of a bar…

  “Why, you interested?” Emily grinned wildly, poking me in the arm. “Oh my God, you and Ben would absolutely make the cutest couple, like ever.” She spoke loudly and I feared her brother would hear her.


  “Aww, are you shy?” She leaned on me even more, her body pressed up against mine. “I mean, if I can’t have you for myself, my brother would technically be the next best thing, right?”

  “Please, Emily, I don’t want to get in the way of him and his relationship.”

  “I don’t think he would care all that much. If you ask me, he’s been wanting to break it off with Andy for a while, but he’s too much of a softie to hurt anyone’s feelings, let alone break someone’s heart like that.”

  I just shook my head.

  “Oh, come on. You have to admit, he’s pretty cute.”

  Her comment made my cheeks burn slightly. He wasn’t just cute – he was exactly my type.

  “Plus, you two would be a great fit for the band. Ben on the guitar, you on the vocals. It would be so perfect… C’mon. I simply must introduce you.” She jumped down from her seat and grabbed me by the hand, trying to drag me toward her brother.

  “Emily.” I hissed, trying to get her to stop. “What are you doing?”

  “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m doing what I should’ve done a long, long time ago.” She yanked on my hand even harder.

  How was such a tiny girl so strong?

  I stumbled out of my seat, struggling to regain my balance as she towed me toward the couple. With a wild grin on her face, she tapped her brother on the shoulder, clearing her throat loudly. “Ben… there’s someone I want you to meet!” Emily turned around, about to show me off like I was a letter on the Wheel of Fortune crossword and she was Vanna White, but I had already disappeared.

  “Where did he go? He was right here…”

  “If this is another one of your stupid pranks, I’m really not in the mood,” Ben said, turning his back on her.

  I felt bad for ditching her, but I hated meeting new people. I was always wicked awkward and nine times out of ten, I made a huge fool of myself. I just couldn’t bear to do such a thing in front of someone so handsome. I would die.

  “Where did he go?” Emily looked all around, trying to spot me, but I had strategically hidden myself behind the old jukebox. “He was legit right here.”

  “Stop it, Em. You aren’t going to fool me and steal my fries like last time.”

  “I’m not trying to snag your fries…” She scratched her head, seriously confused as to how I had managed to vanish so quickly.

  Eventually, she walked back to the bar, looking for me.

  I remained behind the jukebox, watching the couple. The supposed boyfriend rubbed Ben’s back in small circles, in a gesture that was surely meant to be soothing, but from what I could tell, it wasn’t having much effect. Ben looked tense. His broad shoulders were high, his neck shortened as a result. The muscles on the back of his arms pulsated every now and then, almost as if he was trying to break a walnut in his hand.

  I didn’t know what it was, but there was definitely something on his mind, which was odd because from what Emily told me, they should have all been through the roof with their success.

  “Phil! Come out, come out, wherever you are! I got booze!” Emily yelled, holding two pints of beer in her hands. She stumbled a bit before she stopped, chugging at least half of hers. The floor manager noticed her drunk state and walked up to her, placing a hand on her shoulder, trying to guide her out of the establishment. “Hey! What are you doing? I’m just trying to have a good time!” She protested.

  Before she could pour the other beer all over the manager, Ben appeared beside her and wrapped his arms around her tiny body. “We need to get you home before you hurt yourself…” He grumbled, running his fingers through his hair, finally getting it out of his face. He glanced in my direction, almost as if he knew I was watching him.

  Quickly, I started to tinker with the jukebox, pretending I was choosing a song.

  Jeez, why was I so awkward sometimes?

  When I dared to look back in their direction, the siblings were gone. The boyfriend who had stayed behind was talking to another guy, sitting a little too close. A knot formed in my stomach as I watched him, half-expecting him to make a move, but nothing happened, at least, not from what I could see.

  I lingered a little longer, my gut telling me that this Andy guy was bad news.

  Still, nothing happened.

  My stomach growled.

  Maybe I was just hungry…


  When I got home, I opened my takeout box, nibbling on my fresh order of fries. The cheese had hardened a little on the trip back home, but they were still delicious.


  By my feet, my cat, Patches, rubbed against my legs.

  “I already fed you.”

  “Meow!” He jumped onto the counter and sat down, pawing at the paper bag my food had come in.

  “No.” I wagged my finger at him.

  He responded by walking along the counter, eyeing the kitchen table, like he was about to jump and abscond with my food at any moment. Before he could do so, however, I grabbed the container.

  “Ha! Can’t get it now, can you?” I teased the feline before heading into the living room.

  He followed close behind me. “Meow!”

  “Fine. You can have one, but that’s it.” I picked out a smaller fry and dropped it on the floor.

  Patches snatched it up and carried it to his bed, hiding it amongst his toys. I rolled my eyes. My cat was not normal.

  I shrugged, knowing he would be occupied for a while, so I set down my fries on the coffee table and sat on the couch, turning on the TV. Like I did most nights, I browsed through the movie selection, trying to find something to watch. Of course, there was nothing good on, unless I wanted to watch Titanic for the 50th time this month.

  Leonardo DiCaprio was cute – but not that cute.

  Sighing, I rolled off the couch and headed back into the kitchen. There, I filled up the watering can I kept on the window sill. I started to water the various plants I had around the house, but I was bothered by the silence.

  “Lola, play Top 100 hits.”

  “Here’s a station you might like! It’s popular in your area!” The smart speaker my parents had gifted me for my birthday responded. To my horror, rap music boomed through the house, profanity flying left and right.

  “Lola, off!” I yelled over the loud, horrendous music.

  “Meet me on the west side

  I’ll show you where the chums are at

  Pow, pow, pow!”

  “Lola! Off!” I screamed at the device.

  Finally, the music stopped and I sighed in relief. So much for that idea…

  With no other option, I began humming, singing one of my favorite songs.

  “’Cause you were mine for the summer

  Now we know it’s nearly over

  Feels like September thunder

  But I always will remember

  You were my summer love

  You always will be my summer love…”

  Chapter 3


  I was getting anxious. Andy was supposed to be here for rehearsal an hour ago.

  “Hey, ins
tead of acting like the world is about to end, why don’t you call your little boy toy and find out where he is?”

  “Oh, shush. When did you become such a jerk?”

  She shrugged. “Just kind of happened, I guess. I do like jerky, and you know what they say.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You’re impossible.”


  “It’s one of my more charming qualities. I even have it on my resume.”


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