Against the Odds: A Love Story

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Against the Odds: A Love Story Page 6

by ADAMS, J.

  I could feel Hayden's gaze following me as I moved around the kitchen, and the look in his eyes warmed me almost as much as his touch. Indeed, his look at that moment was like a touch. He had no idea how much his very presence affected me. Then again, maybe he did. I met his adoring gaze with my own and determined that there was enough electricity between us to light up the whole state of New Mexico.

  I held the tray on my lap in the truck as Hayden drove to his place. As soon as we got in the house I took the food to the kitchen and reheated it while he took a quick shower. Ten minutes later, he entered the kitchen wearing clean jeans, no shirt, and barefoot. Just seeing him this way did heady things to my emotions.

  “Come here, baby,” he said in that low drawl of his.

  I immediately stood and went into his warm embrace. Standing on my tip-toes, I pressed my face against his neck and breathed in the intoxicating and familiar scent of him. Tangling my fingers in his damp hair, I sighed.

  “I missed you, Raine,” he breathed, burying his face in my hair. He pulled back a little and looked down at me, his sensuous mouth curving up in a smile. “Let's hurry and eat.” He pressed a work-roughened hand to my face, caressing it softly. “I've got some plans for you.”

  “Oh, really?” I comically arched an eyebrow, making him laugh. “Then by all means, let's hurry.”

  Hayden and I sat snuggled together on the porch swing with a quilt wrapped around us. A couple of mugs of hot chocolate sat on a white iron table. A large citronella candle burned brightly on another table. The night was cool, the sky was dark, and the stars were out. It was beautiful.

  We quietly listened to the peaceful sounds that filled the night. A slight breeze rustled the leaves on the tall trees and the soft serenade of the crickets was soothing to our ears. The light of the full moon made the small grove of trees look magical, providing the perfect ambiance for us.

  I pressed my head against Hayden's shoulder and he rested his chin against my forehead. As I sat with him this way, a feeling of warmth surrounded me that could not be put into words. In all my years of marriage to Jerome, I had never felt this kind of warmth. I never knew it existed, and I was happy to be making these new discoveries with Hayden.

  The obvious differences between us would concern a lot of people if they were in our situation. Some people would be concerned about the whole black-white, cowboy-city sister thing. But these things didn't concern me, and they didn't concern Hayden. The differences meant nothing to either of us because they were shallow thoughts. However, he meant everything to me, was everything to me. In essence, I guess our differences are what drew us together. Now, he was the air that I breathed. And I knew at that moment, if I ever had to be away from him, my heart would literally break in two.

  “Raine.” Hayden's gentle voice drew me from my pondering. He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes, his gaze intent. He silently let his thumb caress my cheek for a moment. “I love you, baby.” He smiled. “I love you so much, and I want you to be my wife.”

  The softly spoken words brought immediate tears to my eyes. I hadn't told him I loved him because he had never said the words to me. But oh, how I had wanted to tell him! How my soul had cried out the words! It cried out even now.

  I pressed a hand to his bearded face as tears spilled down my cheeks, refusing to be stopped. “I love you, too,” I whispered. “And being your wife is what I want more than anything.”

  He smiled and brushed the tears from my face with his fingers, tightening his embrace. “Let's make it soon, Raine. I'm tired of living alone.”

  I looked into his eyes and smiled. “And I'm tired of having to say goodbye to you every night. I barely get any sleep because I'm usually lying there thinking about you.”

  “You get sleep” he countered, grinning back at me. “Shoot, sugar, all I'm ever able to do most of the time is lie there all night with my eyes closed because I can't get you off my mind.”

  “So, that's where the bloodshot eyes are coming from these days.”

  “Dang straight. But don't you know it's worth it?”

  I caressed his lips. “It is for me too.”

  He silently let his eyes roam over my face for a moment and slowly bent his head, capturing my mouth with his, igniting a fire in me that burned from the inside out. When he kissed me, everything else went away. Nothing else existed, and I knew his kisses would always affect me that way.

  “How soon?” he whispered against my mouth. He pulled back a little. “Next week works for me.”

  “Are you serious?”


  “Next week?”

  “Next week.”

  I grinned in surprise, warmed by the knowledge that he really wanted me, that I was really going to be his wife. “Well, then, I guess next week would be fine with me, too.”

  He smiled before kissing me once more, and I knew in that moment that no matter what path my life would take in the future, this is the one I would forever be grateful for, because it led me to Hayden.

  I had no idea, however, as we clung to each other under the stars, that our love was about to be tested in ways I never expected.

  Reality always keeps a heart in check.


  I was about to head out to where Hayden was finishing the repairs on another section of the fence when my cell phone rang. Checking my reflection in the full-length mirror once more, I picked it up and was startled the see the number for the Zuri Agency displayed on the caller ID.

  “Hello,” I answered and grinned when I was greeted by the voice of my friend, Andrea.

  Andrea was a secretary for the agency, and a darned good one too. I always told her they never paid her enough, and I had heard it said more than once around the office that she was indispensable. I had only spoken with her a couple of times since coming to Roswell. Both times she called me from her home. This time, however, she called from the office, which surprised me.

  “How are you, girl?” she asked, her voice ringing with energetic excitement.

  “I'm good. What are you up to today?”

  “No good as usual,” she answered and I laughed.

  “Well, judging from the caller ID, you must have something important to tell me because you never call from the office.”

  “I know. If I made a personal call from this office, girl, they would probably garnish my wages and tell me I owed them for the trouble.”

  I laughed at her exaggeration. “You know, I keep telling you to get from behind that desk and start modeling. The money is a lot better.”

  “Yeah, right. Me, modeling? That will be the day.”

  She always gave me the same answer. “So, what's going on?” I finally asked.

  “What's going on is one of our top clients wants you for an ad for their new fall cosmetic line. They want you to be the new face of their company, and to put it simply, the agency wants you back.”

  “Who's the client?” I asked curiously. When there was a sudden knock at the door, I put my hand over the phone and said, “Come in.” Caroline opened the door and I put up a finger, indicating I would only be a moment.

  “The client is Ebersole & Company.”

  “You're kidding me!” I breathed incredulously.

  Ebersole was not just one of their top clients, they were the cream of the crop! Only two other models at Zuri had jobs with Ebersole, and they were only fill-ins for when the company needed an extra body on the runway for their clothing line. For me to actually be requested by them was truly amazing. I couldn't count the number of girls who would kill to model for them. A permanent gig with Ebersole was truly a model's one way ticket to the top.

  “They're talking seven figures, Raine,” she continued. “And they want you yesterday.”

  I blew out a breath and sat down on the side of the bed. I noticed Caroline still standing in the doorway. I motioned for her to have a seat. She sat in a rocker by the side of the bed, a curious look in her eyes.

I finally said. “I can't just pick up and come back. I have a life here now.”

  “You can't seriously be thinking of passing up an opportunity like this,” she said in disbelief. “A chance like this comes zero times in a lifetime.”

  You're telling me! I thought. A gig with Ebersole would have completely overshadowed my other modeling jobs. Shoot, I probably wouldn't have even had to take any other jobs.

  “Zero times in a lifetime, Raine!” Andrea's voice blared through the phone again.

  “I know,” I agreed with a sigh.

  After a moment of strained silence between us, Andrea softly said, “You've found someone, haven't you?”

  I closed my eyes and pressed my thumb and index fingers to my temples. “Yes.”

  “All right, ask yourself this. Is he worth blowing a contract this big? Is he really worth it?”

  I smiled, not hesitating to answer. “He is, Andrea.”

  I heard her heave an exasperated sigh. “I don't believe this,” she muttered and sighed again. “At least think about it, Raine. Just tell me you'll think about it and call me back, all right?”

  “I will,” I finally said. But truthfully, my mind was already made up. “I'll call you later.”

  When Andrea said goodbye, I could hear relief in her voice. I looked over at Caroline, who had been waiting patiently.

  “Your old life calling you back?” she asked, her voice soft and full of understanding.

  “It's calling . . . but I'm not going back.”

  She smiled. “It's tempting though.”

  “I suppose,” I conceded, then paused and thought, Who in their right mind wouldn't be tempted? I finally said, “It was a glamorous life and I made a lot of money, but it's not me anymore.” I smiled. “This is my life now, being right here, with Hayden.”

  Caroline reached for my hand. “You've completely changed that man's life, Raine. Now I have to tell you something, but I don't want you to mention it to Hayden, all right?”

  “All right,” I agreed, wondering what it could possibly be, especially since she didn't want me to tell Hayden.

  “Oh, don't worry,” she said, evidently reading my thoughts in my expression. “It's nothing bad. I just wanted let you know that Hayden called me late last night on my cell phone. He said he needed to talk.”

  “Really?”I stated, surprised, wondering what he needed to talk about. I figured it must have been something really important to call her cell, apparently wanting to avoid having me answer the phone.

  “I think he called me because he needed to be reassured of something.”

  “Reassured of what?”

  “He worries about you one day getting tired of this kind of life. And he thinks there might come a day that you'll end up regretting your decision to marry him and want to leave.”

  I stared at her incredulously. “Why would he even think that? I love him. There is no way I would ever leave him.”

  “I guess he's been alone for so long that handing his heart over so completely to someone has overwhelmed him a bit. But I assured him you would never leave and I think he's okay now.”

  I sighed. “You know, when I made the decision to leave that world behind, I did it because I knew there had to be something more out there for me.” I paused and swallowed at the sudden emotion in my throat. “And there was. With Hayden I have all I could ever want. There's nothing shallow about him. He really loves me. I can hear it in his voice, and I can feel it every time he touches me or even looks at me. He has given me something I never thought I would have. He's given me true happiness. After having a taste of such happiness, there is no way I could ever leave him, no matter how flattering the offer. So, I guess I'll have to prove to him every day that my life will always be here with him. Because I'm not going anywhere.”

  “I know.” Caroline again smiled, her eyes filling with moisture. “I'm so glad you came.”

  “So am I,” I said, squeezing her hand. Then I stood. “And now, I'm heading out to see my husband-to-be.”

  Caroline grinned. “Only three more days.”

  “Oh, I know,” I groaned with happy anticipation.

  “Well, you go on out to him.”

  Squeezing her hand again, I leaned down and kissed her cheek before heading out the door.

  Love is not bliss. It's productive work.


  I parked beside Hayden's truck and turned off the ignition. I could see him in the distance, bent over the fence and working intently. I sat for a moment and silently watched him. Though he was still a little distance away, I could still make out the hardened muscles on his shirtless form, his skin bronzed by the sun and glistening with sweat. I decided long ago that he must have an aversion to shirts, but I didn't mind one bit. He was indeed a beautiful man, the most beautiful man I had ever seen, and I could look at him all day and never tire.

  As I continued to watch him work, thoughts of the call from Andrea slowly began to seep back into my mind. I still couldn't believe the offer that had been made. Ebersole & Company had wanted me to be the new face for their fall cosmetic line! Me of all people! I couldn't help wondering why the offer had to come now of all times. I mean, I had done well for myself in the modeling industry and had made good money. I had enough money saved to be secure for a long time. But this! A seven figure contract!

  I closed my eyes and pressed my head against the steering wheel. Truthfully, it wasn't so much the money I thought about. With the very large settlement from the divorce, as well as what I'd accumulated modeling, I had more than enough. No, it wasn't the money. It was the position. With that job, I would have been in with the cream of the crop!

  I sighed and shook my head. Six months ago I would have jumped at the chance. Even four months ago. Anything to make me feel more beautiful, more desired.

  But I don't need that anymore, I thought with a smile. I don't need the praises of the 'beautiful people' of the world to make me feel beautiful, or desired. I have all those things with one beautiful person. The only one that counts.

  My thoughts shifted to my conversation with Caroline about Hayden's fear of me leaving. I couldn't believe he felt that way. There was no way I would ever leave him. I couldn't. It hurt to even think about being away from him. I mean, good grief, I could barely get through a whole day without seeing him as it was. He had become my whole life, my whole world. And he would always be.

  The ringing of my cell phone startled me from my thoughts. I hesitantly took it from my purse and looked at the caller ID.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” I muttered as I stared at Jerome's office number. “This is really all I need.”


  “What's up, girl?” came Jerome's irritating voice.

  What's up? What do you mean what's up? I couldn't believe he was calling me. Sure, our marriage hadn't ended on the worst of terms, but we weren't on the best either. “What do you want, Jerome?” I was in no mood to be cordial.

  “Can't I just call to say hello?”


  He laughed. “That's cold.” When I heaved an irritated sigh, he went on. “Well, I heard it through the grapevine you got offered some serious bling money by Ebersole.”

  “And just how did you come by that info?” I asked, angry at him for intruding in my life.

  “You know me, Raine. I pay well to stay informed.”

  The familiar arrogance in his voice made me fume. “Listen, Jerome. We're not married anymore, so stay out of my business and keep to your own, all right?”

  “But your business is my business.”

  “Not anymore it isn't.”

  “I'm always going to care about you, Raine. You know you've been offered the chance of a lifetime, so come on back here, girl and take care of business.”

  I sighed and closed my eyes, leaning my head back against the seat. “Did Andrea put you up to this?”

  “No, but the walls of Zuri have ears and I pay for those ears.”

  I p
ressed my head in my hand. “Stay out of my life, Jerome. Don't call me again.”

  He chuckled. “Something tells me you've found something warm and new out there, and I don't mean the scenery either. You're changing up on me girl, aren't you? Taking a little jaunt on the light side, huh? Well, that's okay because it's all good.”

  “Get a life,” I muttered, sick to death of his 'stick to your own kind' mentality.

  He laughed. “Well, just remember, girl, vanilla ice-cream gets boring pretty quick. I give you a year before chocolate is calling your name. That vanilla craving will never last.”

  “You are seriously screwed up, Jerome.”

  “You know I've always been a betting man,” he continued, “so here is my prediction. A hundred to one odds, Raine. A hundred to one odds that you'll soon miss the life and the people you left. You're too different from the people out there in that hick town. You're a high maintenance woman, and without the glamor and big-city conveniences, your life will definitely be miserable.”

  I had heard enough. “Goodbye, Jerome,” I said abruptly and hung up.

  The nerve of him! I pushed a hand back through my hair, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. Okay, no more phone calls. And no more of that life. Everything I need is right here. All I want is right here.

  I opened my eyes and looked up just as Hayden turned and saw me, and my heart immediately leaped with joy. As he tossed his gloves aside and began walking in my direction, all my other thoughts completely faded into oblivion. I immediately jumped out and ran to him. As soon I entered the haven of his strong, protective and loving arms, I felt like I had come home. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lifted me off the ground. I couldn't stop the tears burning my eyes as I pressed my face against his neck and molded to him.

  “I've missed you, baby,” he breathed against my cheek.

  With that softly spoken phrase, the tears came. I gently took his handsome face in my hands and looked into his eyes.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, apparently puzzled by my tears.


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