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Captured By A Royal Thug 2

Page 2

by Heiress

  With my hands wrapped around my father’s throat, I tried my hardest to choke the life out his old ass. After much pleading and six guards, I was finally forced off of him. “The fuck off me!” I barked, yanking my arms from their grasp. I watched as my old man coughed up his damn lung to catch his breath.

  “Try and touch her if you want and I promise on God, you gone die before you reach her fucking door,” I threatened.

  “Well that won’t be necessary, your highness.”

  I turned around when I heard the voice of King Enzo. He walked into the room with a wide evil grin on his face. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I come as a defense to Lady Bella.”

  “Nigga who the fuck is you to come to my woman’s defense?” I snapped.

  “Your woman? Ha. According to this paper, Lady Bella is my woman. My wife. The new Queen of Zlato,” he smiled.

  “Nigga get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. Ain’t no way in hell this shit legit,” I spat.

  With a cocky grin on his face, he handed the paper to the guard who then handed it to Councilman Afran. With his glasses low on the bridge of his nose, he began reading it. “This document is indeed legal, but I regret to inform you, King Enzo that Lady Bella is to be beheaded today. In her contract-”

  “The contract that agreed that all family members had to sign and be present for? Princess Zara was not in attendance and her signature is not on the document. In addition, the document stated that Lady Bella was to give birth to an heir. She gave birth to three, so I think those two facts are reasons enough to have the document completely thrown out.”

  I didn’t speak because I actually agreed on that.

  “Well it seems like those two reasons are liable for dismissal of the document. The council and I will grant it.”

  “That is not all, council. I want to request that Lady Bella’s babies be released into her care. Now that she has her rights back, the babies should be with their mother,” King Enzo pleaded.

  “I will grant that as well.”

  “Thank you, councilmen.” He turned to me with a wicked grin and said, “Good day, your highness. And don’t worry. I’ll treat your children as if they were my own.”

  This nigga was begging for a fucking a death wish. Grabbing him by his shirt, I pushed his body into the nearest wall with all my strength. “If you think for one second that I’m letting you have my kids, you got another thing coming. Bella and my heirs belong to me and I’ll die before I give their asses up,” I snapped.

  “Then I suggest you should start picking out your casket because my wife is in the car waiting to leave to Zlato now,” he replied back.

  “She’s awake? Bella is awake?”

  Before he could answer, the doors flew open and my Aunt Madame barged into the room. “Adonis you must come quick! Bella is leaving! She’s leaving and-”

  She couldn’t finish her sentence because I let go of King Enzo and ran out the door. I raced outside, and it was just in time. Bella was about to be helped into King Enzo’s truck. “BELLA!” I yelled to get her attention. I ran towards her, but Zlato guards stood in front of her, blocking me.

  “Unless y’all want to die, I suggest y’all back the fuck up!” I threatened.

  “It’s okay…it’s okay,” Bella spoke, and they moved out of the way. I was seeing her beautiful face for the first time in months and she was still as stunning as the first day I met her. The only difference was that she was a little chubbier due to the weight gain. I didn’t mind though. She was still Bella.

  “Where the fuck you think you going? Nowhere!” I barked before she could answer. “Get the fuck back in the palace. Ain’t no way in hell I’m letting you leave with Enzo’s ass. All y’all must be smoking some strong shit if y’all thought I was about to let this shit fly.”

  “You were going to have them kill me,” Bella whispered.

  “Bella do you think I would be fucking standing here fighting for you if I ordered them to kill you? What type of dumb ass shit is that? I’m here because I love you and I don’t want your ass to leave!” I expressed.

  “Then why didn’t you visit me? Huh? Why did you leave me in that room in a coma alone? Why didn’t you try and save me the night of the shooting? You can say what you want about how you feel and how much you love me, but you left me to die, Adonis.” Tears trickled down her face. My heart broke as I watched the love of my life cry because of something I had no control over.

  The night of the shooting was a shock to everyone. I didn’t expect anything to go down. I tried my hardest to get to Bella, but my guards grabbed me and my family and blocked my path. By the time I broke free of them, she was gone. I ran around the entire palace in search of her only to find out that she had been found and taken by the doctor. I had been feeling guilty for months. I could have tried harder or something, but nothing was going to change the fact that I failed her.

  “I never left you to die, Bella. I just couldn’t...”

  “Couldn’t what, Adonis? Choose me over your precious Queen.” More tears leaked from her eyes. “We were supposed to get married. We were supposed to raise our children together in this palace and be a family. You were supposed to choose me,” she pointed to herself.

  “Bella, I did choose you,” I held her face in my hands and gazed deep in her eyes.

  “Then why am I here?” she asked in the softest, saddest voice. “Why am I here, Adonis? If you chose me then why did I get targeted? Why haven’t I seen my babies? Why was I in a coma and why was I set for death? Huh? Why am I marrying a man that I barley know and love and not you? If you chose me then why is this happening?”

  Question after question and for the first time in my life, I had no answer. I had nothing to say to her. There was nothing that I could do or say that would make her feel any different about what has transpired between us.

  “Bella please just-”

  “I don’t mean to be rude, King Adonis but me and my wife would like to be going now. The babies are too small to travel, so we will be back for them in a few months. I will have Bella send her…milk for the babies to feed. We wouldn’t want them drinking anything toxic from your so-called sweet Queen.” I could tell that Enzo was trying to insinuate something about Mena, but I wasn’t going to let anything distract me in this moment.

  “Wait…you’re giving me my babies?” Bella asked. I wanted to deny it so that maybe she would want to stay, but I saw how her face lit up.

  “Yes. When they’re ready they can come with you-Bella, don’t fucking leave. I can fix this shit. I can threaten the council to make them say yes to us. I can get them to annul the marriage. Hell, I’ll kill them and whoever I have to, to make you stay.”

  “It’s too late, Adonis. You have to let me go.”

  “I have felt what it feels to have true love and I won’t just let that shit go easily. I will fight to get you back. You will be my Queen,” I declared. Bringing her face to mine, I kissed her lips.

  “Sir, he’s kissing the Queen-”

  “Let him. It will be the last time he ever kisses her. I’ll let him enjoy it.” I could hear the grin in King Enzo’s voice, but I paid it no mind. My tongue was passionately caressing Bella’s and I was too into the moment to be focused on anything else. I felt her tears hit my fingers as we kissed. Just as I planned to deepen it, she pulled away.

  “Goodbye, Adonis,” she said as she waved for some old lady to help her into the truck.

  A hand was planted on my shoulder. “I cannot wait to fuck her. I bet she has the sweetest tightest pussy. Mmhmm. She’s all mine now, Don,” Enzo whispered in my ear.

  Reacting off impulse, I drew back my hand and punched him dead in the jaw. As he fell to the ground, I followed him placing my mouth to his ear. “That’s my pussy. It only gets wet for me. I wrote my name all on that shit, so don’t be surprised when she calls out my name. Punk ass bitch,” I snapped before standing to my feet. I took one more look at Bella and remembered this moment. The moment I stopped be
ing King Adonis. I was just Don now.

  I walked back to the palace on a mission. “Iman!” I barked as I made my way back to my library.

  “Yes, Adonis?” he answered, walking up behind me out of nowhere.

  “Gather up every man in Droga that’s willing to fight. That nigga think he can walk out of here with my heart and think I won’t come for him. He and his whole country got me fucked up. I won’t stop fighting until Bella is sitting on my throne with me. She will be Queen and I don’t care how many people have to lose their lives for that shit to happen. That goes for blood too!”

  They wanted a Royal Thug. I was gone give their ass just that.


  After days of sailing, we had finally made it to Zlato. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t impressed. It was even richer than Droga. Everything looked like it cost millions to make. Even the grass seemed expensive. They didn’t have wild animals on the loose, but they did have people carrying around gold like it was nothing. Everything was shiny. From the bronze trees to the sun kissed skin of the people. It was all so beautiful.

  “I know what you’re thinking. Beautiful right?” King Enzo spoke as we pulled into his castle like home. “Adonis may call his a place of residence, but mine is a castle. Entirely made out of gold,” he beamed.

  Rolling my eyes, I could care less. The entire drive over here I couldn’t stop thinking about my babies. I kept feeling on my stomach thinking I was going to feel my pregnancy bump, but it was flat. It disappointed me every time. I wanted to cry but I didn’t want to show my weakness. My father told me that men used that against women. Their weaknesses. I couldn’t reveal mine, so I sucked up my tears and tried to push missing my babies behind me.

  Then I kept thinking how I could miss someone that I never even met. I never even got to see my babies. I didn’t get to hold them, kiss them or even say goodbye. I wondered what they looked like. Did they resemble me or Adonis? I wondered how heavy they were and if they had a head full of hair like I did when I was born. All I could do was wonder.

  “Bella? Did you hear me?” King Enzo spoke, tapping me on my shoulder.

  “Huh? Oh, uh no. Sorry, what did you say?” I cleared my throat.

  “I said, Abigail will help you out and bring you inside. She will show you around and get you familiar with the grounds. I have some business to attend to, so I will see you later tonight. When I get back, we will go over the rules.”

  I looked up at him and caught his glance. Covering my mouth, I snickered because I thought he was joking. When I didn’t see him crack a smile, I stopped laughing. “Oh, wait. You’re serious?” I quizzed.

  “Very much so. King Adonis may allow you to act one way in his palace, but such disrespect will not happen in my castle. You will behave, or will you undergo the consequences and trust me, you don’t want that.” His face stayed still. Not even a grin.

  I didn’t know what to say back to him. The fear that I saw in Madame’s eyes was now in mine. I was starting to regret the decision of marrying this man. Since I couldn’t figure out how to response, I didn’t. I simply allowed Abigail to help be out the car with no words spoken. As soon as the door shut, the car drove off. I watched as the gold sand blew in the wind from the tires.

  “Is he always like that?” I asked.

  “Mean? You have no idea, Queen Bella,” she responded as she rolled me into the Castle entrance. The inside was just as I expected. Everything was made of gold. So much that my eyes hurt just looking at everything shine. Now this is what I imagined heaven looking like. As I looked around, I noticed that there was nothing but women here.

  “Why are there so many women here? Where are all the men?” I asked as I was being wheeled around.

  “They all had to leave because you were arriving.”

  “Wait. What? Why?”

  “Well because, King Enzo does not-”

  “Abigail!” I heard an older woman’s voice call out. I turned around and if looks could kill, I would be dead because the woman I was staring at was pure ugly. Hideous. She had the smoothest bonze skin, but she was still facially challenged.

  “Mother Envy. How can I be of service to you?” Abigail asked.

  “Where is my son? I have been looking for him for weeks. He left and told no one where he was going and then I hear he’s engaged or married. I’m just all confused dear,” she spoke with much concern.

  “Oh, well he stepped out to handle business, but this is Bella. This is King Enzo’s new wife. The new Queen,” she introduced.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” I extended my hand, but she didn’t shake it. At first, she stared at me as if she knew me. She examined my face thoroughly. Then, as if she remembered me, she shot me a cold glare. I don’t know what it was about me, but she was very displeased.

  “You are no Queen until there is a ceremony. Until my son announces it to the world. Until that gold-plated crown sits on top of your head. Until you take the thrown next to my son you are no Queen. You are just the woman he admires now once again, I’m going to ask. Where is my son?” her attention went to Abigail.

  “He-he’s with his men, Mother Envy. They went into the town on business. That’s all I know.” Abigail seemed scared.

  “Well when he returns do tell him his mother is looking for him and she is not happy.” She shot her eyes at me in disgust and then walked away.

  “Wow. She’s a real bitch,” I spat.

  “Ugh. Tell me about it,” Abigail sighed, pushing my wheelchair through two huge doors. The room I entered was gorgeous. It was like it was made for a Queen. Everything in it was fine and rich from the gold floors to the gold chandeliers. “This will be your room.”

  “My room? King Enzo doesn’t sleep in here with me?” I asked curious.

  “No. He likes his privacy. His room is on the other side of the castle. He has rules and I’m sure he will explain them to you when he gets back,” she said as she helped me out the wheelchair and into the loveseat. “I don’t mean to over step my boundaries, but you shouldn’t have agreed to marry King Enzo.”

  “Yea, you think? The man is clearly crazy,” I laughed.

  “No, Bella he is indeed crazy. I know you agreed to marry him to escape death but marrying him will result in death. He’s a man with great strength, low patience and a big appetite for pain. All of his wives have died by his hands. If he doesn’t kill you, then you’ll want to kill yourself just to get away from him.”

  With every word, I grew more and more in fear of him and my life.

  “I have been here since the first wife and I’ve seen what he does. It’s not pleasant. I’m only telling you this because I feel guilty. I never warned the others and I hold myself accountable for their deaths. One in particular.” Her eyes met mine and she gave me a look I couldn’t read.

  “Maybe if I would have said something they could escape and live, but I kept my mouth quiet. Out of fear.” Her head hung low.

  “Afraid of what? Of him? Afraid he would kill you?” I asked in panic.

  “Yes,” she answered. Tears flooded her eyes. I could see how afraid she was as she frantically rubbed hers hands over and over. “Just promise me you’ll do whatever he asks. Even if it seems crazy and bizarre and even a little unorthodox. Promise me because I can’t have any more blood on my hands. I can’t get emotionally attached to another Queen and then watch her die by his hands. Or her own.” Again, she looked at me with that same expression I couldn’t read.

  “What aren’t you telling me? I feel like you aren’t telling me something, Abigail. What is it?”

  “I can’t say right now Bella, but just know this was no accident. You were brought here on purpose. For his purpose. I can tell you that he will love you. He will love you with all his might and that’s dangerous for you. His love ends in death. It always does.” Her head shook as she wiped the tears from her eyes. “Just please be as obedient as you can. I need you to stay alive. I couldn’t save her, but I can save you.”

��Wait, what? Who couldn’t you save, Abigail?”

  Just as I asked the question, a knock came at the door and then it opened. It was Mother Envy. She scowled at me before darting her eyes in Abigail’s direction. “I would like a word with you, Abigail. Now,” she barked.

  “Yes, Mother Envy. Bella I will be back to help you settle in,” she said before she left out the room, closing the door behind her. I sat down on the bed with my mind thinking a million thoughts at once. Abigail’s confession scared the living hell out of me, and I wanted out. I wanted out so bad I could taste my escape.

  “This was a big mistake. A big mistake,” I whispered to myself. As I panicked…my body got hot. My mind started to race, and I could feel my body trembling. My eyes were moving so fast I could barely see what was in front of me. Then a bright light shined in my face.

  A sharp pain ran up my back. So sharp that I fell. My head hit the ground so hard, white noise rang in my head. Blood was everywhere. I could feel it leaking. My eyes felt heavy and I could no longer keep them open. Then out of nowhere, I saw a white light. A man appeared, and I could kind of recognize him.


  “Bella?” he spoke to me as he kneeled to the floor. “Bella baby is that you?” he quizzed. His eyes searched my face as if he was trying to make sure it was me. Like I wasn’t a clone or something. “I knew I would find you. I just knew it. When I heard he had brought you here, I knew he would come for you. I knew it and I took a chance to recue you and you’re here. You’re right here.”

  Tears filled his eyes. His lips quivered as he traced my face with his hands. “Daddy,” was all I could say. I wanted to hug him. Kiss him. Cry and say how much I missed him, but I couldn’t. I could barely think with my head hurting so bad.

  “I’m going to get you out of here. Then we’re going to go back home and I’m going to tell you everything. Everything starting from my fake death,” he said, smiling at me. I had always known in my heart that my daddy was alive. When someone dies, you can feel it. It’s like a dark cloud over your head waiting to burst into grief and sorrow. I never grieved. I was never sad. That to me only meant that there was no reason to be because my daddy was alive.


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