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Captured By A Royal Thug 2

Page 3

by Heiress

  “I’m going to lift you up and it’s going to hurt, but stay calm,” he soothed me.

  There was so much chaos going on that no one even noticed me. Gun shots were still ringing throughout the palace. People were still screaming and running around like I wasn’t even laying on the floor bleeding out. I couldn’t understand it. I couldn’t believe no one cared about me.

  My daddy picked me up slowly and carried me out the palace. Still, no one seemed to care. No one stopped him. He stuffed me into a car and got in the front seat, pulling off.

  “Daddy?” I called for him.

  “Daddy’s here, Bella. I must get you out of here. It’s not safe for you. You’re not safe with him. He will kill you because you don’t love him. You love Adonis. That is where your heart is and that’s where it will always be. He will want you to love him and you won’t. I can’t lose like I lost-”


  It was like we had crashed into something and before I could ask what happened, I saw the bright light again.

  “Bella?” I heard a familiar voice say my name. “Bella can you hear me?”

  I opened my eyes and saw that I was laying down in the bed. A doctor was standing over me, checking my pulse. “What happened?” I rubbed my head.

  “You were found on the floor by, Abigail. The doctor said you could have blacked out,” King Enzo spoke as he too hovered over me.

  “You lied to me,” I whispered.

  “I lie to a lot of people, Bella. Care to be more specific?” he quizzed as if it was nothing.

  “You told me that I didn’t see my dad. You told me that you were the one who rescued me, but you lied. He did. He rescued me and then we got into this car crash and-”

  “Bella, I did not lie to you. I did rescue you. I can assure you that your father did not. He’s dead.” His words were so cold and harsh, with no empathy what so ever.

  “No, you didn’t. I saw him. I saw him, and he told me that-”

  “Bella, I think you need some rest. I have some things to take care of and I’ll be back in the morning to see how you’re feeling. Give her something to help her sleep,” he mumbled to the doctor. “Abigail watch over her. Call me if anything else happens.”

  “Yes, your grace,” she nodded. The doctor and Enzo walked out, and it was just me and Abigail. She sat on the bed next to me and held my hand in hers.

  “I wish I could tell you everything, but I can’t. But I can assure you that your father is not alive. Trust me, I would know.” Her head hung low.

  “How? How could you know that?” I asked.

  Her eyes lifted to look at me. They were so filled with guilt. “Because I’m the one who witnessed his death.

  King Adonis

  Niggas called my bluff when I told them I was gone show them that I wasn’t fucking around. When it came to the love of my life, there was no poker face. This shit was real. My feelings for her are real. My actions to get her back, are real. This King shit don’t mean nothing to me if I don’t have Bella as my Queen.

  “King Adonis, your father is asking for-”

  “Tell that fat fuck he can kiss my ass. That nigga ain’t my fuckin’ father either.” I snapped walking away.

  “Adonis, I know your upset, but you still need to run this county and your father-”

  “Is a fat fuck who took away my happiness!” I barked, turning my head to glare his way. “You think I give a damn about him or this country right now? I don’t give two fucks. All I care about is getting, Bella back to me. That’s it. Now go run and tell his ass that,” I snapped, walking away. This time, he didn’t follow. I made my way to the nursery to visit my babies. I spent every day with them hoping it would help with me not missing Bella so much, but it did the opposite.

  I could hear my baby boy crying so hard, which alarmed me. I ran to the nursery ready to fuck whoever up that had my baby crying like that. When I got to the room, I was confused to see Mena sitting in the nursing chair. She was holding my son up to her breast.

  “Mena what the fuck is your ass doing?” I quizzed, hovering over her.

  “What does it look like? I’m trying to feed my son!” she replied, attempting to put her nipple into his mouth. He wouldn’t latch on. “Why won’t he suck it?” she barked.

  “Woman if you don’t give me my damn son!” I snatched him out of her arms. Immediately he stopped crying. “He not even fucking hungry. And why you trying to feed him anyway? We talked about this. He’s not yours, Mena.”

  “He is! He is mine. They all are. I didn’t sacrifice everything including my King to come out of this empty handed. I only agreed to this absurd plan of your father for the baby. These are my babies too, Adonis,” she reiterated.

  “Last time I checked, you weren’t the one who was fucking Bella to make these damn babies!” I roared. I was no longer holding my tongue to spare her feelings. Especially after I’d made my decision about who I wanted to be with. Her feelings were no longer a concern of mine.

  “Have you once even asked me how I felt about all of this? About the contract being voided? About you choosing that whore over me? About the ambush that happened? Have you once asked me how I’m handling all of this?”

  “Nah, because I don’t give a fuck,” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Stop talking to me like that!” she spat.

  “No! I’m not gone stop talking to you like this because obviously you not getting shit, I’m saying. I don’t want you no more, Mena. I never wanted you. You were picked to be my wife. Your entire life has been about training to one day be my wife and serve me. I don’t want no fucking robot as a wife. I want love Mena, and I don’t have that shit with you. What we had was fake and it’s dead and to be honest, I don’t even know why the fuck you still here,” I snapped.

  “I am still your wife and Queen of Droga.”

  “Yes, on fucking paper. In here,” I said, pointing to my chest. “Your nothing to me.”

  Apart of me wished that I could feel some type of way about how I was speaking to Mena, but I didn’t. It only showed me how much I was faking it with her. I had thought that I loved her, but I didn’t. Maybe I deeply cared for her, but it wasn’t love. There was no passion behind my words and actions with her. Whereas with, Bella, everything I fucking did spoke and thought had passion behind it. It was almost scary knowing how much I was in love with her.

  “You know what? Fine. I give up. Since you don’t want me here, I’ll leave. But I’m going to ruin your entire life before I leave out those doors,” she threatened.

  “Just how the hell you gone do that? Huh?” I quizzed with laughter in my voice.

  “By telling you that I never lost your babies,” she blurted.

  I stood there confused by her words. I couldn’t tell if she was trying to get in my head or just piss me off. “What do you mean you never lost any of my babies?”

  “Just like I said. I never lost any of your babies,” she reiterated.

  “I’ve seen you lose eight of my babies so how the hell didn’t you lose my-”

  “Not one of them were yours,” she smirked.

  “I’m sorry, come again? Say what?”

  Slowly, she walked up to me with a proud grin on her face. “You heard me. None of my babies were yours. I can’t even tell you who the fathers were. It could have been your father. I was having sex with him in the first years of our marriage. It could have been, King Enzo. We had our share of sexual encounters when I would leave out the country. I’m sure the majority of them were Iman’s babies seeing that we’ve been sleeping together since I was fifteen.” She shrugged her shoulders as if it was nothing.

  “Oh, wait.” She held her finger up to her chin as if she was thinking on something. “Then again, there was that one time with your brother. He was looking so good that night that I had to have him. And I did. Over and over and over again. At first, I thought they could be your babies but when I did the math, they never added up with the time I had intercourse with you.”
r />   I could only stand there in rage as I listened to Mena speak. With every word, I grew more and more furious.

  “Oh, and just in case you were wondering, the babies aren’t dead,” she confessed, wickedly smiling. “Well, the ones that I went full term with, which were five. They are all alive. See, I paid off the doctor to feed my babies an herb that would make them sleepy, so you wouldn’t hear them cry. So, they would presume dead. You never checked, so it was easy to fool you. Then I had the doctor ship them off to my parents. Five beautiful healthy girls and though I never took a test, I’m positive little Rima is for your brother. She looks just like him.”

  As she laughed it off, I slowly placed my baby in his crib. My entire body heated up with anger. I could careless that my wife was sleeping around. That didn’t bother me. The fact that she made me think I had cursed myself. That I was the problem and the reason why the babies didn’t make it. I went through years of self-doubt and guilt thinking that I wasn’t man enough to produce a fucking heir and this dick hungry bitch was lying to me the entire time. I was beyond angry.

  “You think that shit funny, Mena?” I quizzed with my head cocked to the side as I took short steps towards her.

  “Not as funny as the fact that I tried to kill, Bella. She would have been dead and gone but whores tend to live long and healthy. How? I have no clue, but I wished to God she would have died. I wished her death along with these three babies-”

  Her words got caught in her throat as my hands wrapped around it. I had completely lost it. I was no longer in control of my own hands or my thoughts. The more I glared down at her tear-filled red eyes, the tighter I choked her. She clawed and clawed at me, but I couldn’t let go. I just couldn’t allow myself to let this bitch breathe another breath in my presence. She had to die.

  “Adon-Adon-Adon-please!” she begged in between life and death.

  “Bitch let me tell your monkey ass something,” I started, tightening my hold on her. “When I let you go, you need to go back to your room and start writing a letter. In the letter, you will state everything you just told me and sign it. After that, you will pack your shit and get the fuck out my palace and my life. I don’t want to see or hear from your ass ever again. You are banished from Droga and you will never be anyone’s Queen. Understood?”

  “Ye-Ye-Ye-,” she tried to say yes but she was slowly losing consciousness. Just as her eyes rolled to the back of her head, I let her go. She fell to the floor coughing and gasping for air. She held her throat and cried. I didn’t feel an ounce bit of sorry for her ass. She could have died by my hands a few seconds ago and I wouldn’t have shed a fucking tear.

  “I…will…not…write…that,” she struggled to get out in between her breathing.

  “You will or next time, I won’t let your ass go,” I threatened. I bent down to where she laid and got close up and personal with her. “Now tell me who helped you.”

  “Who didn’t help me,” she replied. “Everyone had something to gain by killing Bella. Your father. Your mother. King Enzo. Your sister and even Iman,” she was saying before the door opened and distracted her. It was Iman. That nigga didn’t even know that he was walking into a fucking danger zone.

  “I heard a commotion. Is everything alright in here?” he asked.

  Rising to my feet, I said, “Get up and go do what the fuck I told you to do. And if you think about running, I will hunt you down and catch you because there are only a few places you can go, and I know them all. Play with me if you fucking want to, Mena.” My eyes stayed on, Iman as I spoke to her.

  “I’m… I’m so sorry, Iman. I’m so sorry,” she said before she scurried out the room. I slowly closed the door behind her.

  “What is she sorry about? What happened in here, Adonis?” he asked.

  “That’s King Adonis to your backstabbing ass,” I spat.

  “Huh? What are you talking about-”

  “So, you helped Mena with the attack on, Bella? After you knew how I felt about her? After you knew that she was pregnant with my heir. After you saw how fucking happy I was with her ass, you tried to kill her? I’m not even mad that you were fucking my wife behind my back, which is fucked up enough. But, Bella? You were supposed to be my nigga.” I shook my head in disbelief.

  My parents having something to do with Bella being attacked was one thing. I could even get over my sister’s hand in it. Iman hurt me the most because he was the only friend I had. The only man I trusted. I trusted him more than I trusted my own flesh and blood. I couldn’t even fathom him doing some shit like this to me.

  “Adonis, it’s not what you think,” he started.

  “What part isn’t what I think? You trying to kill the love of my life or you fucking my wife behind me back?” I barked.

  “Both. I wanted to tell you, but Mena was the only one who knew my secret and threatened to tell you if I didn’t help her. I didn’t want to kill Bella, though I had my doubt about the entire situations. I just feared my secret getting out and-”

  “Nigga what secret? We ain’t got no fucking secrets! You been my best friends since I was in diapers. We took fucking baths and shit together. You’ve been with me my whole fucking life and you mean to tell me you got secrets? What secret could be so bad that you couldn’t tell me? What, you gay? You like fucking niggas? Is that it because I would still be your friend if that was the case and you know that.”

  “That’s not it, Adonis”

  “Then what is it? Are you secretly a bitch? Recently had a sex change? Are you fucking my sister and my momma too? Like what could be so bad that you can’t tell me?”

  “Adonis it’s not bad, it’s just-”

  “It got to be bad if you were willing to kill my fucking love! The woman who was carrying my fucking heirs! What the fuck was it?” I asked but he only stumbled over his words. “I am your King; Iman and I demand you to tell me what it is. Right now!”

  “I’m a bastard!” he blurted.

  “Nigga are you kidding me?” I laughed. “You tried to kill the only woman I ever loved over you being a bastard?”

  “No. I’m not just any bastard, Adonis. I’m your father’s bastard,” he confessed.

  My eyes caught his and I paused. I didn’t know if I was hearing correctly or if I was just going crazy. “Are you saying your my-,

  “Brother. Yes. I’m your brother, Adonis. King Zuse is my father, but that’s not the part of my secret I didn’t want you to find out.”

  “Nigga there’s more?” I barked.

  He paused for a minute before regaining his words. “Yes, there’s more. King Zuse is my father but, Queen Akeena is not my mother. She’s not yours either. Madame is.”



  For an entire hour, I paced the floor. I wasn’t even supposed to be standing, but I couldn’t lie down. I had to get up and move after hearing what Abigail just told me. I didn’t know how to process it. I don’t know if it was the fact that my father was really dead, or the fact that I just had a dream that he was alive. The dream felt so real, but after what Abigail said, I was no longer sure if it was. I felt like a damn crazy person.

  “Bella please say something.”

  “Abigail what am I supposed to say? You just told me you witnessed my father die after I just told you he’s alive. I felt him hold me. I smelled his breath. I heard his voice and saw his face as clear as day. How is it possible that he’s dead?” I spoke just above a whisper as tears streamed my eyes like a waterfall.

  “Well…it could be because what the doctor told you wasn’t true. About what happened that night.”

  “What do you mean it wasn’t true? As in no one tried to kill me?” I asked.

  “No. That much is true. Someone did try and kill you but not that night. From what I heard, that attack on the palace was meant for, King Adonis. Not you,” she informed me.

  Just thinking about Adonis dying made my heart race. Backing up to a nearby chair, I finally took a seat. I held my heart a
s my mind played little visions of Adonis dying. Tears flooded my eyes even more just seeing it unfold all in my head.

  “Then…then why would they make it seem like it was me? Like I was the target?” I asked.

  “Because the kill was unsuccessful, so they had to put the heat elsewhere. From what I overheard, the people who tried to kill, Adonis didn’t want him to know the kill was for him. Therefore, he wouldn’t be alarmed and prepared if an attack happened again. They could catch him unexpected and if he thought the kill was for you. He would be distracted and hurt; leaving him vulnerable for another attack.”

  “So, who tried to kill him?” I asked.

  “I don’t know, Bella. I just overheard King Enzo and some other man talking about it. They never said a name. For all I know, it could have been King Enzo himself who set up the attack, but I’ve never known for him to not be successful which is why I don’t think it was him. Bella I’m sorry-”

  “Wait, so what really happened? Why was there so much blood and why was I seeing things? What really happened to me?” I sniffed back snot and tears.

  “From what I heard, you had rat poison in your system. A lot of it. Someone was trying to kill you yes, but you were too strong. You should have been dead. That night, you were having a miscarriage,” she said, reaching for my hand.

  “Wha-what? But my babies were born- I don’t understand.” I shook my head.

  “Yes, they were but not all of them. You were pregnant with four babies. Three boys and a girl. You miscarried one of your boys. They were all in distress, but he was the only one they couldn’t save. That’s why there was so much blood. That amount of blood lost caused you to faint and hit your head. The doctor said you were distressed when he got to you.”

  “Got to me? But I thought King Enzo carried me to-”

  “He didn’t. He fled the scene. Everyone was going so crazy that no one stopped and noticed you on the floor. It wasn’t until Adonis’ army came in and scared the men away that someone saw you. You almost died along with your babies but somehow…some way you lived through that. It was like a miracle.” She smiled.


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