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Desert Prince: Modern and Erotic Version of The Arabian Nights: New Fairy Tales Series - Book One

Page 16

by Jones, Sarah

  In spite of the sensations that took her away, Louise was aware of what he was saying, and yes, she agreed with everything. She belonged to him.

  "Deliver yourself, Louise," Said roared in her ear, and as if the order were magic, she twisted in his arms, whimpering and twisting with the delicious sensation.

  Said invested in her a few more times and withdrew from his body, using his hand to pour himself on the bed beside her, a guttural sound coming from his throat.

  And Louise laughed.


  Quieter, the Sheikh looked oddly at Louise, who continued to laugh, putting her hands on her flushed face. What was she laughing at?

  He walked over to where he had left his pants and wiped away, still studying.

  Louise controlled herself, realizing that Said did not seem pleased with her. How could he tell him that he laughed because he had discovered that Najila was right? A man could howl.

  "Forgive me," he said, looking away.

  He walked over to her, touching her chin.

  "I like to see you laughing." Your skin becomes warm and soft to the touch. Said he smiled. "But it is undeniable that I begin to think you laugh at me, gazelle.

  - Does that make you angry? She asked, with another question.

  He thought for a second.

  - Not really. I just want to know what I did wrong to make you laugh.

  Louise bit her lip in embarrassment.

  "You, my prince, have taken me to heaven," she replied timidly.

  "I'd like to do this more often," Said said with a laugh. He ran his hand over Louise's arms and noticed her cold. "Take a shower with me," he said.

  "I will," she agreed, following him to the water tank.

  He helped her down the marble steps and took her by the hip as he took a scented soap from a side rock.

  Louise turned her back so he would wash her back and then let him brush the soap over her breasts and all over the rest of her body.

  "Now that we've got what we wanted, will you tell me why you did not show up that night?" She asked, clinging to his shoulders so she could wash her leg.

  "Alisha took me a long time, with her stories about her tribe and her father," he said. She slid the soap down the inside of her thigh, concentrating on what she was doing.

  "When she asked me to accompany her to her room, because she was afraid of being alone in the corridors, she did something I did not like."

  She kissed him.

  "Yes" he admitted, sighing. "After she did it, and saw how I reacted, asked me to forgive her, saying that she had been carried away by the feeling of gratitude for me. I turned my back and left her alone.”

  Louise's heart broke with relief at the realization.

  Said stopped washing her and handed her the soap, turning on her back so they were rubbed.

  "There is a place in this palace to which only me has access. He was silent until he finished and turned. She placed her hands on his chest. "When I need to think, or run away from something, that's where I'm going."

  "I can not imagine him running away from anything," she said, smiling, passing the soap on him.

  I fled from you, gazelle.

  "I can take you there," he said, changing the subject. She would not reveal her weaknesses to him.

  "I would." Louise nodded, then frowned. "Why do they call you a prince?"

  Said stepped back and dipped into the water, returning seconds later, tangling his fingers in his hair.

  "My father was the real prince. Received this title for his leadership, kindness and discernment. He ruled for his people, with my mother at his side, a true princess. I just inherited his title when I took the throne.

  "No one here in the palace calls him that" she said, momentarily absentminded by a drop of water running down Said's chin, wanting to lick it.

  "Because I'm not like my father, Louise. As soon as I began to govern, I told everyone not to refer to me that way. Alisha and the others do it because they are not from here" he explained.

  - Does that bother you? To be called a prince.

  "When you say it, you excite me, gazelle" he admitted with a look of greed. "As for my people, I can not allow them to do it, because I am not good, I am not like my father.

  Louise felt sorry for him. Pity he did not realize how much he was wrong about himself.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

  "Well, I'm happy about this confession, because when we're alone, I'll call you my prince."

  "I must warn you" Said began, holding her buttocks, lifting her against his body, "that every time you turn to me that way, I want to do bad things with you.”

  She shivered completely and placed her legs on his hips.

  "Then do bad things to me, my prince. I'm here to serve you" she whispered in his ear.

  The Sheik laughed contentedly as he pressed Louise against the wall and began his series of tortures on her. Pleasurable tortures, showing how bad he could be.

  Chapter Twenty

  Not even the sum of all the kisses or the tenderness of all the caresses would disappear from Louise's memory so easily. No matter what happened, the memories of the way he led her that night would be eternal as long as she lived. Never, she thought, could she forget the warm moments when he wrapped her in his arms and possessed her against the stairs in the cistern, pouring passion upon her, whispering in his ear words that expressed how much he wanted her. Nor would he forget when, in the end, the Sheikh withdrew from her to free himself and considered her eyes, as if tapping all the truth he had always sought.

  Louise sighed, running her fingertips lightly over Said's chest, sleeping soundly at his side. After they had delighted in the delights of pleasure, the Sheikh had led the lady into hisroom, ensuring that he wanted her by his side during the night.

  The air was cold and, covered only with a thin linen sheet, Louise moved on the bed, getting closer to Said's body, which was completely naked, stretched out on the mattress, allowing her to study every small contour of his body. Even with the faint light of the moon entering the room, the lady recognized, on his left shoulder, the recent mark, reminiscent of the wound he had sustained in the attack he had suffered. In his chest, a few tiny old wounds instigated her to discover what had happened there.

  She leaned over him and kissed him on the chest, feeling him sigh in his dreams as he pulled away.

  Louise descended slowly from the bed and wrapped her body around the sheet to protect herself. There was still something that kept her from being completely free there, to become what she now wanted.

  She walked to the large window, which ran up and down the wall, allowing the moonlight to pass through the leaked spaces, projecting figures on opposite walls.

  She leaned against the stop, as she had done so many times before, and breathed deeply into the dry air of the desert, being instantly flooded by a sea of perfumes coming from the opposite camp: spices and food.

  Below were two men guarding the entrance to the camp, seated in wooden boxes, while drinking in a leather bag, around the fire. They talked quietly and did not even notice Louise watching them.

  She gazed at the dark horizon, where a cluster of stars shimmered over the arid desert and reigned in its magnificence, as if every bright spot were an angel on that inhospitable land. Louise remembered the times when she admired the constellations in her father's home in England as she fled to the terrace in the middle of the night, spending hours studying with fascination each of the sparkling polka dots up there. There were nights when Louise's father, desperate not to find his daughter asleep in bed, would catch her perched on the terrace railing, her eyes wide.

  She missed that.

  Oh, my God, I missed my father.

  How I wanted to tell him everything I was getting to know about the desert, things I had not even discovered in his journals or researches. I wanted to tell him that I was truly living.

  Louise swallowed, feeling the tears burning in the corners of h
er eyes.

  Why was it so hard to admit, even to herself, that she was happy there? Was it ashamed of all that had happened in that palace or because of what had happened to her friends?

  Louise dug her nails into the wood of the window frame and cried softly, her shoulders shaking with the sadness that hit her.

  Now, how could I stop thinking about dead friends? How not to blame for what happened? The admission that she was happy while they were dead tormented her.

  What kind of person was she?

  She had even abandoned her expedition for love, for not having the courage to run.

  Her eyes faltered, and she almost gave way to fade to the floor, as strong hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her against something hot and strong. She did not push him, knowing who he was, grateful for the comfort she needed. She let her head rest against Said's chest as he gently squeezed his hands around her.

  Louise, slowly, calmed down, even though she knew she was in the hands of the man who had changed her whole life. The man she loved.

  "Come to bed with me, gazelle" Said said into her ear as she led her through the room.

  The Sheikh removed the sheet from Louise's body, taking the opportunity to see it in every small detail, satisfied with the gift from Allah, which certainly was her. He helped her to lie down on the bed and lay down next to her, covering them with the sheet.

  She nestled against the Sheikh's body, burying her face in his shoulder, and he was overcome by a feeling of possession so strong it could be devastating. He had a desire to protect her from any harm, to keep her always at his side, watching her smile and every night sink into the sensations of her body. This frightened him, since he had never felt so much need for a woman like Louise. He knew he should have taken her away, as his own laws demanded, but he still needed her.

  Said believed to be enchanted by Lady Louise, the Englishwoman who had been thrown into his life so suddenly, but the passion, as he well knew, would vanish in a short time. Yet he was certain of something. He would keep Louise by his side, not thinking of the consequences, as long as it was necessary, while that intense feeling still lingered within him. He liked to have her, even though he had to admit that the strategy of keeping her a slave had been a failure.

  When Louise's body settled into hers, he relaxed as well.

  "I'm afraid," she whispered, frightening him.

  "I can protect you, my girl" Said replied, turning to her so he could look her in the eyes.

  She sniffed, shaking her head.

  "My thoughts, Said. I can not control them" she said, crying again, now silently.

  "Why you can not, gazelle." He cupped her chin with his fingers. "Look at me, Louise. Tell me what scares you, talk to me, please.

  Would that help her?

  Breathing deeply, Louise created the courage to bring the feelings to light.

  "I saw them die," she began nervously. - I can not forget. They would be alive if I ...

  "There was nothing you could have done," he interrupted quickly. "You were brave in venturing through the desert, Louise. You probably are the bravest woman I've ever met.

  - I made them come here. I promised that they would be recognized, that upon their return to England they would be treated as true nobles. She slid out of Said's embrace and sat on the bed. - And there's my father. He must hate me right now and I do not really blame him.

  Angrily, the Sheik also sat down and took her by the arm, making her see him, even in the shadows.

  "I will not allow you any room for such thoughts, Louise," he said so intently that the lady swore she saw her blue eyes flash. "I'll consume it before it happens." I will place within you good and new memories.

  "Just help me, Said. I do not care what you do, as long as you can help me. She was almost begging, the fear she felt.

  Said held her by the sides of her face, exerting the right pressure.

  "I'll erase your fears and thoughts with my kisses, gazelle," and saying that, he kissed her lips. "Let me relieve you, and it will be gone."

  - Yes please. Louise reached for Said's mouth, throwing herself into his arms, in a clear sign that she was giving him body and soul.

  Said laid her down on the bed, placing his body over hers as his large, willing hands, began to slide down her legs, thighs, and breasts, inflicting on her skin the eternal memory of his touch.

  The Sheikh took Lady Louise between the sheets, seizing his body, his mind, and, still more, his heart.


  She woke up alone the next morning, but that was no cause for disappointment. Nothing could cool the feeling of tenderness and the relief she was feeling. She had never been a woman given sentimental crises, but it was undeniable that since her arrival in that palace her emotions had been very fickle.

  It was comforting to know that there was someone there for her, someone who was not exactly good at words but who did real body magic. Said was good at distracting her, relieving her of the troubles. So simple and straightforward.

  Upon arriving in the kitchen to eat something, Louise was informed directly by Karida that Said had rushed to the camp, where some men had lost control and got into conflict. She also knew that Alisha had refused to get out of bed, saying that she was ill and would spend the day alone, which further encouraged Louise.

  In the afternoon, to the surprise of the lady, the Sheik summoned her for a walk through the palace, which she accepted cheerfully.

  "I love this place," she said, smiling. They were in the fountain garden, now more colorful than before. There were new plants there, hedges and freshly planted palm trees, and a small tree that drew Louise's attention to the beautiful flowers that flowed from her branches. - Oh, look at this! She left Said and ran to the plant, kneeling to appreciate the petals better.

  "They are desert roses," the Shaykh said, standing behind her. "I met it while I was traveling, before I was attacked. It was in my things, and when I came back I asked to be brought here.

  "It’s so beautiful," whispered Louise, touching the pink petals gently. "I thought I'd never see one of them that close."

  "Did you already know it?"

  "Yes," she said, standing up as he undid his pants. "Through my father's diaries."

  - Let's continue. I want to take you to a place. "Said offered her his arm, and Louise readily accepted. They left the garden and walked down a hallway to the left, where she had never been. "I'm curious about your father." Has he been here?

  "Yes. Many years ago, Father explored part of the desert, taking notes and research" Louise said. "It was right after Mama's death, when he left me with an aunt."

  "I see," Sheik said, hoping she would continue, but when Louise was silent, he thought it was a difficult matter for her.

  - Where are we? She asked shortly afterward as they stood in front of a door carved in wood and marble that rose halfway up the wall and extended sideways.

  "I said I wanted to bring you here where I'm alone when I need to."

  Said pulled out a rusty key from a little bag, and patiently opened the big door, pushing it for Louise to pass.

  She had a hard time believing it was real. She seemed to have been thrown into paradise, the only explanation to be faced with such beauty. It was a circular wing, with a marble fountain in the center, surrounded by marble walls, encrusted with gold, probably with gold nuggets.

  Louise moved further into that place, stumbling, barely knowing if all that was real. There were black wooden benches arranged in various positions, decorated with colored vases on the sides.

  The lady explored the place and found a smaller door on the other side of the wing. Hesitantly, she looked at Said for permission.

  "I want you to see everything from this place, Louise. Open the door" he replied as he walked over to her.

  Heart pounding, Louise opened the door and entered the room. It was a small room, all decorated in carmine and amber. There was a single bed, two tables and dark red curtains beside the bed, a wooden chest
that looked very old. It was all so clean that Louise assumed that Said would appoint someone to clean it.

  "Is this where you come when you need to?" She asked as she stood in the doorway.

  "Here is my peace and sanity. He left where he was and stood beside her. "Only I can come in here." This place is isolated from others.

  The lady frowned, studying the room.

  "Then why am I here?"

  "Because I want to share with you part of what I am, gazelle. The distance between them was short and already beginning to affect Louise. "My mother lived in this place, and I was born here.

  She blinked, admiring him suddenly.

  "When she was gone, my father isolated this place, preserving it for him alone. And when he was gone too, I had him just for me. He took Louise's hand and made her sit on the bed. He dragged the trunk closer and knelt beside it. The chest was open, and he soon began to rummage through it. "I've never been able to let go of these things," he said, lifting a pale blue dress, full of ribbons and lace. It was a model a lady would wear years ago in England.

  Louise touched the fabric, afraid but curious at the same time.

  - It's beautiful. She met the Sheik's gaze, which was a little sad. "You're saving your mother's memory, Said.

  "I remember feeling her perfume on some clothes when I was younger. He stroked the play, holding it to his nose. But over time it was fading. I know I should get rid of this and bury the past, but here, here, with her belongings, is where I have peace.

  She smiled, delighted at the discovery of how Hamed's mighty Sheik, that terrible man, could be so sweet. I would risk saying he was changing.

  "I miss my mother too, Said. And unlike you, I do not have much of her. I'd like to, but I have not. She followed him with her gaze, rising and closing the chest. "Why does it look so bad?"

  "It's amazing how you can know when I'm not well. He laughed, sitting down beside her. "There were more conflicts between the men in the camp. They believe there will not be enough food for everyone if Alisha's friends stay here.


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