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Desert Prince: Modern and Erotic Version of The Arabian Nights: New Fairy Tales Series - Book One

Page 17

by Jones, Sarah

  - They are right?

  "We have food for all of us. But with new families, it may be somewhat uncertain, "he admitted.

  "Can not you try and convince them to leave soon?" Alisha is already recovered and Aban looks good, "Louise suggested.

  "It's not that easy, gazelle. He sighed, holding her hand in his. "It's my responsibility to watch over Alisha until she decides to leave. These are the laws of my people.

  Louise rolled her eyes.

  "Sometimes your people seem very strange to me," she muttered.

  Said laughed out loud.

  "I'd say the same thing as the English, Louise. Our customs are very different.

  "Yes, I think they are," Louise agreed, and then she remembered something that, by divine grace, might work. "Well, I'd like to ask you something."

  - What is?

  She bit her lip, wondering if it was worth it or not.

  "I came to this desert with a mission, who was interrupted when ..." She stopped, not wanting to speak of them. She took another breath to continue. "Please let me find Al-Delhi."

  "The lost city of Al-Delhi?" Is that why you came to the desert? Sheik watched her in disbelief.

  Louise just nodded her head in agreement.

  Said sighed looking at her.

  It might be interesting to drive you through the desert...

  "I'll go with you."

  She stood, startled.

  "Really?" Oh, I can not believe it! Louise smiled, clapping her hands and almost jumping.

  "But I'll ask for something in return," he added.

  She withered.

  Why, it was obvious that he would ask for something!

  "What do you want from me, Said?" She could not resist asking.

  "I want you to let me use you for my pleasure tonight, here. I want to possess you with strength and assure you that I will shock you with what I have in mind.”

  She licked her lips, a little apprehensive.

  The proposal, however, seemed fair to her.

  "Do what you wish with my body, Said. I'm yours.

  He stood up and stood in front of her.

  "It will be only pleasure and the fullest happiness you can imagine." He kissed her on the forehead and walked away.

  More happiness than I was feeling? Oh, she doubted it.

  But she longed for the night to come soon.

  Chapter twenty-one

  Even before the large table served with breads, smoked meat, Chancliche and sweet dates, Said had no appetite. Unlike his guests, who were busy with the meal, he kept quiet, sometimes glancing disdainfully at Louise at his side, who chewed slowly a piece of cereal bread. Alisha looked bored.

  "Are you all right, Alisha?" He asked the young woman, who looked up at him in surprise.

  "It's my head, my prince. I have some strong pains, "she replied.

  "Something normal, Alisha. I think you need fresh air. Perhaps I can accompany you on a tour?” Aban's eyes flashed with interest in the direction of Said, who shifted uncomfortably in his place.

  - It will not be necessary. If you will allow me, I will retire to my room, sir. She looked worriedly at Sheikh, who nodded, allowing her to withdraw.

  "The servant will accompany you," Aban said, taking a slice of the cheese to his mouth.

  Louise set the meat on the table and rose to her feet, but Alisha quickly showed herself.

  "Thank you, but I need to be alone." With a quick greeting, she left the room without looking back.

  The lady searched for Said's reaction, hoping he would tell her to leave, which would probably be the right one. But he just motioned her to sit down again, and she wisely obeyed, lowering her head and returning to her food.

  Said took a deep breath and tried to swallow a sip of the black tea that had been served, since he had now lost any interest in dinner. It was hard to concentrate when all he wanted was for the hours to go by faster, and the moment she was at his disposal would arrive soon.

  "I do not know what to do with Alisha, my prince," Aban began, sighing as he set the food aside to begin the conversation. "I understand that the trauma of everything that has happened still shakes her, but it is certain that her kingdom is beautiful and could do her good.

  Louise turned her attention away from the food, concentrating on what the man was saying.

  "I think she must find something that makes her want to go again. It is in her blood to rule, to be superior, and I fear that not to exercise her functions are leaving her sad.

  Said did not move a muscle, examining carefully what the man was saying. For what he was beginning to discover, it did not seem to him so bad.

  "Do you want to go back to your old camp?" He asked, hoping inwardly that the answer would be affirmative, since at that point he was most anxious to get rid of the troublesome man.

  Aban looked away from the Sheik and cleared his throat.

  "I do not think it's time for Alisha to find what's left of her old home." His kingdom provides her with the necessary protection, and his authority encourages her to continue. You're a good influence on her, my prince.

  The Sheik wanted to roll his eyes at such nonsense. It was clear what Aban was trying to do, and it was certain that it would not work at all. He had been through the other times before, and in none of them had he been so pressed. This was the moment when he thought again of the possibility of ordering everyone to leave the kingdom.

  With incredible politeness, Said, making any comment, closed the matter without leaving any gaps for Aban to ignore his decision.

  Silently again, the Sheikh began to meditate, to study the man, who had again devoured the portions of food without seeming to care about anything else. He looked at Louise and found her looking at him curiously. He quickly understood the meaning hidden in her gaze, which clearly agreed with him about the man. The woman's gaze was so pure and honest that Said could understand it easily.

  Dinner ended a short time later, when Aban, satisfied, left the canister with the remains on the table, sighing at the end.

  "If my prince does not mind, I'd like to say something important." With a disdainful look on Louise, he said “No servants.”

  With all dignity, Louise stood up, not exactly bothered by the fact that she had been called a servant by Aban, since her consideration for him was few, but because she knew that such a conversation would delay her plans, which involved Said, certainly.

  "Unfortunately, I can not join you tonight, Aban.”

  Louise stopped at the sound of Said's quiet voice.

  "I have an urgent commitment," continued Sheikh.

  "I can imagine that, my prince," the man growled, disappointed.

  Louise walked down the hall, almost stumbling on her own feet, dying of anxiety, knowing that it was Said's unavoidable commitment.


  If a few years ago they had told Louise that at some point in her life she would be lurking through the dark corridors of a palace in the desert, dressed in an almost transparent tunic, running into the arms of a powerful Sheik, she would certainly have a crisis of laughter, by the absurd that it would be. But things formerly impossible, such as lascivious midnight encounters with a seductive and ardent man, willing to give her pleasure, now seemed to her common. Ah, yes, life did not stop surprising her.

  Pleased not to find any guards in the hallway, Louise pushed the large door and sneaked into the wing where she had been with Said that morning. She was surprised by the dozens of lamps placed in various corners of the ward, which left the place especially beautiful, especially the fountain, which, illuminated by the yellow lamps of the lamps, still reflected the silver glow of the moon, leaving the water with a magical color. She walked to the other side, knowing exactly where to find Said. The door to the bedroom was open, and the man came in, dressed only in dark trousers, his bare chest and bare feet, his black hair messy.

  Louise smiled at the sight of him and could not resist rushing to touch him, wrapping him around the neck, des
perate to kiss him.

  "You look happy to see me," he said as he kissed her delicate nose.

  She smiled eager to touch the carved chest and tangled her fingers with the few that would tickle her hand.

  "I am," she confirmed. "And I questioned myself a few times as I came here, if that was correct.

  Said grabbed her by the waist and smirked.

  "Lie to me, gazelle. He pushed his hips against hers, simulating the sexual act, making her aware of his state of arousal." I know the only thing I could think of was my body inside yours. She's wishing him to take her hard and make her scream with pleasure.

  Louise bit her lip, ashamed to be unmasked. She sighed, giving up.

  "The fault of my libertine behavior is yours and this place. There is something that makes me act like that, as if it were all allowed" she ventured hopefully that he believed.

  Sheikh raised his head to the side, looking at her with a half smile.

  "I admit I started it on sex matters, my gazelle. But do not blame me for your wants and desires. I'm just helping you figure out what you want. You are a beautiful woman, an adult, and now know what it means to be in a man's arms.

  Yes I know.

  "Though I believe my point is right, I will not argue with you, my prince, since a good slave does not question her lord" she said with irony.

  Said laughed heartily, lightly flattening the woman's buttocks, and making her even more ashamed.

  "I'm dying to kiss every part of your body, woman. Come with me." Holding her by the hand, he led her into the room.

  Louise was surprised to find the room totally different from what she had seen in the morning. The curtains and bed parts were replaced by blue ones, and the old chest was gone. She wanted to ask about the reason for the change, but gave up when she realized it was unnecessary.

  "I want you to take off your dress and lie down on the bed completely naked," he announced in front of her.

  She hesitated briefly, but remembered her promise to give herself completely to him. She was there for that.

  She removed her robe and threw it to the floor, wondering if it was wise not to wear any other piece underneath. Said's eyes sliding over her body were enough response.

  As he had asked, Louise knelt on the bed and lay on her back, her legs tight and her arms down at her sides. Her rounded belly rose and fell rapidly, her breath racing. She frowned, suddenly realizing how much her belly had grown over the last few days, because of the plentiful food at her disposal. It probably would not please Said to see her so fat.

  She squeezed her eyes shut and clung to the sheet, cursing herself mentally for not having noticed the change in her body before.

  - There is something wrong? The Sheik asked confused.

  Louise opened her eyes and stared at him, forcing a smile.

  - It's a little cold.

  "For a little while." Said walked over to the small table beside the bed, and from a drawer he removed some of the objects she could not see. "When I'm done, it'll be so hot you'll need a bath."

  Well, that was unexpected.

  "Lie down next to me, Said" she invited, moving on the bed.

  "It's a tempting proposition," admitted Sheik. "But right now there's something that's tempting me even more, gazelle.

  She decided not to ask, and he set out to answer.

  - The revenge. He was again within reach of the woman's vision and reached into her hands a turquoise handkerchief. "I want you to feel the same thing I felt when you took my body for your pleasure, using me as you wished."

  She continued to gasp, listening intently to everything he said, and only realized what he was doing when he felt the bed sway with the weight of his body. Ah, Said was there.

  "I want to see you," she said, putting her hands to her face.

  "I will not allow it." Said locked her arms against the bed and positioned herself between his legs. "I just want you to feel."

  Louise understood and did not move any more, until she felt him touch her intimately and suddenly, entering her body, taking possession.

  He went to the bottom and retired, following her expressions, the way she bit her lips and frowned. He leaned over Louise's body and allowed her to hug him as he stepped up, ready to make her feel the effects again. It was so easy to have her reacting again to the urges, and she moaned between her teeth as he withdrew from her and freed himself in her belly.

  Said removed the handkerchief and found Louise's eyes unfocused, looking for him. She smiled languidly, barely able to move.

  "I must say that you are very vicious and vicious, my prince," she teased.

  The Sheik rolled over to the other side of the bed and used the handkerchief to wipe Louise's body. She allowed, utterly devoid of the old shame she felt.

  "Are you still cold?" Said asked, tossing the handkerchief into a corner.

  "Not at all," she confessed, shrugging, turning to him. He frowned when she found her serious, looking worried. - Something wrong?

  "No. It's all right," she said, forcing a smile.

  Louise was surprised by his behavior, but she did not question him. Her body was worn and now she barely had the strength to stay awake. She yawned, tired.

  "Can I sleep here?" She asked, blinking.

  - Yes, sleep, gazelle. Sheik kissed the back of Louise's hand, and she sighed, falling into a peaceful sleep.

  He settled in and stared at the ceiling, feeling a little annoyed.

  Chapter twenty-two

  After last night in Said's arms, Louise did not find him again for a week. The next morning, when she had awakened with kisses and caresses, being encouraged to surrender to him again, the lady said goodbye to the Sheik with a passionate kiss and a promise that they would meet again that night. However, when they returned to the palace movement, both were warned that Alisha felt bad and needed the help of the servant, requested by Aban.

  So Louise was engrossed in a routine in which she kept Alisha company for most of the day, helping her whenever necessary, since she was strangely weak and sad, unwilling to leave the room.

  When she was not with Alisha, Louise was dragged into the business with Karida, who needed her help. By the end of the day, she could barely stand on her legs, and an encounter with Said was utterly impossible, since he also found himself lost in his commitments. The problems in the camp continued, and from what was said among the servants, not even the Sheik could find a peaceful solution to this. Some men in the tribe asked that the guests be sent away immediately, and what had begun with few people was now taking on a larger dimension.

  There have been a few times when Louise and Said met briefly. Just an exchange of glances, a smile on her part, and Said's intense blue eyes always upsetting her.

  The lady now realized how much she longed for the Sheikh, even though she was so close to him, for she could not touch him. The same was true of Said, who died of desire, of simply wanting to kiss her. He often had to find her to control himself so as not to drag her to an isolated place and kiss her until she lost air. There were pressing questions to be solved, and like Sheik, authority in the kingdom, he could not absent himself, yet he swore that in the slightest opportunity he would lose himself completely.


  That morning, as she had gone all the way to Alisha's room, she had not found the girl. The bed was undone, and the robes were not in the usual place. He looked for her in the main hall and in the kitchen, but there was no sign of her, which made the Englishwoman nervous. The lady considered talking to Said, but decided not to, since he was very busy with the affairs of the camp.

  She decided to keep looking, excluding some places in the palace where she knew she would not find her. She walked down the hallways and little wings, wondering what had happened to Alisha to act that way. She always warned her when she was leaving, and though she did not understand her behavior now, Louise remembered that the day before the girl had been disheartened and weak.

  Suddenly it occurred to her that
Alisha could be in the fountain garden, a place she liked very much. She rushed there, caring little for a good lady, happy to wear those comfortable robes and so lightweight sandals. If she wore the same dresses as before, she could scarcely move through the narrow corridors.

  She found the silhouette of the young woman, who was sitting on the edge of the fountain where she wet her hands, singing softly. She stepped closer, careful not to frighten her.

  "Alisha," she called with a weary breath.

  She lifted her reddened eyes, staring at her, and sniffled, embarrassed.

  "I've been looking for you in every palace." I was worried "Louise said, sitting down beside her.

  "Excuse me," Alisha said, her head bowed. "I woke up early and thought I'd come this far. She wanted to be alone.

  - Feeling bad?

  She denied it.

  "I'm missing home," she explained in a low voice.

  "I see what you're feeling," Louise said with a sigh. - I miss mine, too.

  The young woman raised her face again, her lips trembling and her eyes moist.

  "Your house is still there, but mine is gone," she murmured, covering her face with her hands.

  Louise felt sorry for her, broke her heart.

  "She'll form a new house, Alisha. She'll have a tribe at her side and all she wants, "she encouraged, trying to imagine how all that could be.

  She wiped her face and straightened her shoulders, regrouping.

  "My father said our kingdom was indestructible, no one could bring us down. Why was he wrong? She asked Louise, looking at her in disbelief. "It was just that some of our men were out, and ... there was nothing left."

  "You're not alone, my dear. Said welcomed her into the palace, I am on your side, and Aban saved your life. Louise noticed that, at the mention of the man, she twisted her mouth in annoyance.

  "Everyone I loved was gone. My father ... Hanin. She dipped his hand in the water and drew it back, playing with the drops that had gathered in her palm. "We were getting married in a few days."


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