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Page 5

by Margaret McHeyzer

  “You’re gonna get yourself killed out here,” I yell after her. She’s turned away and started walking again.

  She flips me the bird behind her back and keeps going.

  She’s as stubborn as they come, the most headstrong person I think I’ve ever met. And by far the most courageous too. She’s already stood up to me countless times and was even willing to take on the Crowes.

  And she makes me hard. Just thinking about her determined ass trying to handle this on her own does it for me.

  She’s a few hundred feet down the road and I look around to see just how deserted it is out here. Sarge and the boys are hanging back having a smoke while they let me deal with Phoenix. I look at Sarge and he chuckles and shakes his head at me.

  Here we are, middle of the night, secluded highway, her dressed like that, and she decides to walk off.

  “Phoenix,” I yell at her again. But she ignores me and keeps going.

  I get on my Harley, start her up and roll down the road to where she’s walking.

  “Get on,” I say as I cruise beside her.

  “Go away,” she responds with furrowed eyebrows and squinting eyes.

  I pull over again, peg the bike up, get off and catch up to Phoenix in three long strides. If she wants to act like a spoiled brat, then I’ll treat her like one. I reach her, turn her around, lean my lower half down and throw her over my shoulder. “You want to be a child? Fine,” I say as I smack her pert little ass.

  “Put me down, you Neanderthal.” She hits me on the back, and I laugh ‘cause upside down her strength is shit.

  “Not until you’re on my bike,” I say. God damn it, why am I getting hard holdin’ her like this? Maybe ‘cause if I turn my head I can bite that ass of hers, or possibly because I wanna fuck her on my Harley.

  “Put me down. I can walk.”

  “No can do. You’re comin’ back with me, and that’s final.” I give her another smack on the ass to reconfirm it and she jerks just enough to tell me I’ve smacked her too hard.

  “Fine,” she finally concedes. I pull her down over my shoulder, letting her hot body slowly slide against mine. Riding with wood will be difficult, but Nix will have her arms around me, so I’ll take that. For now.

  “You really are an arrogant jerk,” she says as she straddles the bike again.

  “Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard it all before, and I’m sure I’ll hear it again. So unless you’ve got something new to tell me or you wanna reconsider wrapping those pink lips around my cock, I’d keep my mouth shut if I were you.”


  “Pig-headed,” I fire back.

  She closes her mouth and smashes her lips into a thin line. It’s clear to me she’s pissed. I stand and look at her, waiting for the next smart-ass comment to fly out of her mouth. But she remains quiet.

  “You done?” I ask.

  She doesn’t say anything, just looks away and rolls her eyes.

  “Good, now hold on tight, ‘cause you just put us behind by twenty minutes and I wanna make that time up.” Really I just want to scare the shit out of her, let her know this is the major leagues. If she’s so insistent on being a pain, I’ll happily take the lead.

  No girl… oops, woman, is going to top me as alpha.

  No fucking way.

  Grit: Chapter 8

  The rest of the trip goes fine. Phoenix shut up and didn’t say a single thing. Her arms remained tight around me and damn, that felt awesome.

  There’s something about how she feels, so close to me, that makes me want to keep her there a while longer.

  We roll into the clubhouse at around three in the morning. Sarge must have called ahead because four of the prospects are waiting for us so they can roll the gates back and let us in.

  I chance a look over my shoulder and Nix’s eyes are wide open, looking around the compound. Her arms tighten more around me. She must be feeling insecure; this is far from her normal surroundings.

  “Relax. I can protect you here,” I say in a low voice over my shoulder.

  The look of fear eases a touch when I say that to her, and her arms relax. But I don’t let her off so easily. I grab her hands and keep them tight around me for just those last few seconds as I park the bike.

  Aaron walks out and stops as he checks Phoenix over.

  She gets off the bike first and timidly stands behind me, but not entirely, trying not to look frightened.

  Where’s my tiger gone now?

  “Aaron, Phoenix. Phoenix, Aaron,” I say introducing the two.

  “Damn,” Aaron says. He takes her hand and bends over to kiss it.

  “Spoken for,” I say. A nice, gentle warning that he’s not to touch her, and neither is anyone else in the clubhouse.

  “Understood,” he says as he bows his head and kisses the back of her hand.

  Prick. No one would guess this Romeo is actually a prick in disguise, not when he’s all attentive and pussy-like.

  “I’m not spoken for,” Phoenix pipes up as she looks at me.

  God damn this chick. If she hadn’t gotten under my skin all those years ago, and if I didn’t want her so much, I would’ve dumped her ass and let her fend for herself.

  “Why the hell do you have to make everything an uphill battle?” I ask her as I grip her upper arm and drag her away from everyone. “You’re forever undermining everything I say.”

  “No I’m not,” she fights back, proving my point.

  “You’re doing it right now.”

  “I am not.”

  “Listen to yourself, you’re fighting me without you even realizing you’re doing it. Are we going to fight the entire time you’re here?”

  “I’m not staying long, just a day or two until I can make other arrangements.”

  I’m starting to lose my patience with her. There’s only so much stubbornness one man can take.

  “You’re wearing the last of my nerves thin, Red. Just shut up and let me take care of things. Tonight is not the night to fight, and it’s not the night for you to show everyone what a hard-ass cowgirl you are. It’s the night you say, ‘thank you, J, for saving my butt,’ and shut up until we get some sleep and figure out what to do tomorrow.”

  Finally, she gets it.

  I hope.

  “Fine,” she says as she lowers her gaze.

  “Are you hungry?” I ask as I lead her toward the clubhouse.

  “Yeah, I am.”

  I swing the door open, and it seems most of the club is here. A few skanks are lounging around on the sofas. Sandy, I think that’s her name, jumps up off the sofa and runs over to me. She leaps into my arms and wraps her legs around my waist as she kisses me.

  I push her away, almost throwing her off me to the ground, “What the hell are you doing?” I say as I turn to look for Phoenix.

  She dropped my hand the moment Sandy barreled over, and when I reached for her, she didn’t take my hand.

  “I’m sorry, Jaeger, I just missed you so much. Maybe I can help relieve some stress,” she says as she steps up to me and moves in to kiss me again.

  I step back and hold my hand up to her. “No, that’s not necessary. But you can make us something to eat if you want?”

  “Who’s ‘us’?” she asks, as her eyes defiantly dart to Phoenix and then back to me.

  “All of us. Sandwiches will do,” I answer in a clipped, pissed-off tone. Sandy gives me a small scowl and sneers toward Phoenix then skips off to the kitchen to make us something to eat. “Come on,” I say to Nix as I hold my hand out to her.

  I introduce her to all my brothers and they all look her up and then down and then over to me. She misses the head shake I give them, subtly telling them to keep their hands to themselves. She’s mine and if they fuck with her, they’ll end up hurt.

  “Come on, let’s have somethin’ to eat then we can get to bed,” I say as I place my hand on the small of her back and guide her toward the kitchen.

  I subtly slide my hand under her jacket, but her thin, fl
imsy pajama top still poses a barrier. But at least I’m one layer closer to touchin’ her soft, warm skin. Maybe when we get into bed I’ll get to cop a feel, or a fuck.

  Three of the four chairs are already occupied around the kitchen table and I look at one of the prospects and twitch my head to the side, telling him to move.

  “Oh no, it’s okay. You don’t have to do that,” Nix tells him, and the fucker sits back down again.

  Fine with me.

  I sit and grab her around the waist and plonk her cute little ass on my thighs.

  “What are you doing?” she says as she looks over her shoulder at me.

  “You’re not standing.”

  “I’m fine,” she fires back.

  “Will you just shut up and sit?”

  Sandy walks over with two sandwiches for Jason and Lion, and then comes back with a stack of sandwiches for Sarge. Sarge grunts his thanks and attacks them like he hasn’t eaten in a week.

  She comes back with a sandwich for Nix and two for me.

  “Thank you,” Phoenix says as she picks up half of the sandwich to take a bite. But Sandy smirks at her and leans back on the kitchen counter, relaxing her body as she watches Nix just about to take a bite.

  “Stop,” I yell as I smack the sandwich out of Phoenix’s hand. I look at Sandy who’s suddenly looking guilty. “Here. Swap with me,” I say and switch the plates.

  “Oh,” Sandy says as she steps forward and bites her nails.

  “Thought so.” I move Phoenix off my knee and stand up, and just by crooking my finger, I beckon Sandy and point to my office.

  She hangs her head and stalks off in the direction of the office. She looks like a prisoner going to their execution.

  In the office she stands beside the desk, looking embarrassed and ashamed.

  “What did you do?” I ask as I sit in my chair and bring my boot-clad feet up on the desk, crossing them at the ankle.

  “I spit on her sandwich,” she admits openly.


  “Because. Who is she? Why is she here? It’s tough enough getting you to notice me with all the other girls around, and now you’ve added another one, which will make it tougher still.” Her hands fly out as she points past the door, and tears are have started to roll down her cheeks.

  What the hell is it with these chicks and their tears?

  “I know exactly who you are. But if you’re waiting around for me to make you more than just a club slut, well darlin’, that just ain’t gonna happen.”

  “But I do everything you want me to,” she whines as she starts to sob.

  “If I wanted a lap dog I’d go buy a chihuahua.”

  “You mean you don’t want me?”

  “I want you around ‘cause you’re a good girl, but there’s nothing permanent between us. You suck cock alright, keep us fed when we’re hungry, and do my laundry. But other than that, forget it. You’ll never be my old lady.”

  “But she will?” Sandy says bitterly, pointing toward the door again. She means Phoenix.


  “I saw how you looked at her, and it’s not like you look at me. You want her.”

  “Darlin’, what I want or what I’m gonna get is none of your fuckin’ business.”

  “Maybe I should I leave then?” she says, more of a question than a statement. Maybe she’s waiting to see what my reaction is going to be.

  “Sounds like a good idea.” What else am I supposed to say?

  Her weeping becomes uncontrollable and she starts that whole chest-heaving, can’t-breathe-properly, ugly-girl cry.

  She turns on her heels and flings the door open and runs outside.

  I get up and walk out to the kitchen. Sarge has demolished his sandwiches already and the prospects are sitting back casually making conversation with Phoenix.

  She’s laughing at something they said, and I immediately get pissed off.

  Why does she constantly have to be so angry when I’m around? Why can’t she laugh with me too?

  “Sarge, make sure Sandy gets home. You two, go with him.”

  “I don’t need an escort,” Sarge actually speaks.

  Jason and Lion stand and then sit back down again when Sarge barks his objection.

  “Then go clean the garage out,” I say to them, narrowing my eyes and warning them not to flirt with my woman.

  Both of them get up and walk out of the kitchen. Sarge leaves to take Sandy home, leaving Aaron and the rest of the club members in the bar area with a few skanks still hanging around.

  I sit beside Phoenix and pull my plate over and eat what she didn’t. “Not hungry?” I ask, because she’s only had half a sandwich.

  She leans her elbow on the table, rests her cheek on a closed fist and gives me that look again. Here we go, another argument.

  “Before you say anything, I just asked if you were hungry. I don’t want a fight, I don’t want the snarky, bitchy you to mouth off. I just want to know if you’re hungry.”

  Her eyes change from intense hard blue, to a softer, more accepting shade within seconds. Her face pales and her features drop, telling me she had to pull herself back from being a bitch.

  “No, thank you. I’m not hungry. I had half a sandwich but truthfully, I’m just tired and want to go to sleep.”

  “Okay, I’ll show you to my room.”

  “Where will you be sleeping?” she asks as I stand and hold my hand out for hers.

  She looks at it, then reluctantly places her small, warm hand in mine and stands.

  “In my room.”

  “And where will I sleep?”

  “In my room.”

  “In the same bed?”

  “Unless you want to sleep in the chair, or out here with everyone else, yes, in the same bed.”

  I see her visibly stiffen, but thankfully, she shuts up.

  Hallelujah, the woman can keep her mouth shut.

  “Thank you for letting me stay here until I can figure out what I’m going to do,” she says in a flat voice.

  I won’t bother to correct her tonight. I just want to go to sleep.

  But hey, if she wants to suck me off to help me sleep better, I won’t say no.

  “Bathroom’s over there, and those are clean sheets. There’s a spare toothbrush under the sink in the bathroom.” I show her into my room and she stands looking lost.

  “Can I use the bathroom first? I want to wash some of the road grime off me.”

  “Sure. Towels are on the rack in there.”

  She takes a few steps toward the bathroom, but hesitates before she gets inside. She turns around, brings her leg up and takes off her boot, then repeats the procedure with the other leg.



  “Thank you.”

  Man, that must have felt like razor blades in her mouth.

  “You’re welcome.”

  She turns and goes into the bathroom and closes the door. I hear the shower start.

  Slipping into bed I lie on my back and listen to the shower, knowing full well she’s just on the other side of the wall.


  Wet and naked.

  She’s not in there for long before she turns the water off and comes out of the bathroom dressed in her sexy little pajamas.

  “Would you like some clean clothes?” I offer before she gets into bed.

  “Thank you. I’d love something fresh to change into.”

  I get up out of bed, and her gaze travels over my chest and all the way down my body.

  Her eyes are glued to me, and her mouth pops open when she gets to my crotch and sees I’m sporting wood. Damn, it feels like I’ve been hard since the moment I met her.

  “Oh I um…” She turns her head and scratches her neck, avoiding me at all cost.

  I open my top drawer and give her a pair of boxers which are too small for me, and a t-shirt from the drawer below it.

  “Thank you,” she says as I hand them to her.

  She di
sappears back into the bathroom, and I settle back into bed. It’s good to know I affect her as much as she affects me.

  Maybe if we just fuck, we can get over whatever this is that’s making us both so damned insane.

  The door opens and she walks out in my clothes.

  That has not helped with my situation. She looks fine in my clothes and I want her to keep wearing them so my scent is all over her, marking her, telling everyone she’s my property.

  She gets into bed beside me and turns on her side away from me. I turn on my side so my front is to her back, and I scoot over. I’m not touching her, but surely she can feel me close to her.

  “Goodnight, Jaeger,” she says then lets out a huge yawn.

  “Night, Red,” I reply.

  She sighs and I see her shake her head a little. I can only imagine she rolled her eyes too.

  I turn over and reach out to turn the light off beside my bed. When I turn back again I put my hand on her hip, and pull her close to me.

  She doesn’t say anything, but she does wiggle her butt back, letting me get her close to me.


  Maybe tomorrow, she’ll suck me off.

  Grit: Chapter 9


  Jaeger pulls me closer to him, and I’m fighting with myself to keep from yelling at him not to touch me.

  But this does feel nice.

  With his chest to my back and his hand on my hip, his breathing evens out and he begins to relax behind me.

  My own eyes are closed, and my body synchronizes with his. Our breathing matches and my mind begins to drift. For the first time in a long time, I feel safe.

  Jaeger moves his arm around my waist and pulls me in closer to him, as he slips his hand under my t-shirt and possessively splays his fingers across my stomach.

  “Hmmm, you feel good,” he mumbles behind me.

  Ass. He’s still awake? He’s half-snoring in my ear, but still manages to try and sex me up.

  He’s a walking, sexy, testosterone-fueled hornbag.

  When we came into the clubhouse and that bitch Cindy, or whatever her name is, jumped on him, I couldn’t help but feel a tinge of disgust.


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