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The Facility

Page 12

by Amy Yao

  “You’re really going to make me do this?”

  “I am,” he promised, grinning at her.

  Exhaling slowly, Erika leaned forward. She pressed her knuckles down into the soft, white carpet. Then she started to crawl. Still dressed like some slutty schoolgirl, she made her way closer and closer to her husband.

  “Very good. There’s actually something I want to show you. The Facility is very well-equipped.” With those ominous words hanging on the air, he opened the door and he started to walk.

  Erika was about to stand, but her husband called out another command. “I expect you to crawl, Erika.” When he used her name, he changed it. He made it sound like something submissive. He may as well have been calling her a slave or a slut.

  It didn’t matter.

  Erika felt like she had no choice. She started to crawl, following after her Master.

  They went past one door after another. Erika barely made out the words etched into each portal. She didn’t know exactly what was going to be behind them, but she didn’t think she would like any of the answers, so she simply kept her head down.

  Technically, Erika knew that she was supposed to try to get more information. At a point like this, when she could move relatively freely, it would have been wise for her to concentrate on her surroundings. If she could figure out the layout, the organizational pattern to this building, then maybe she could have used that information to escape.

  Erika didn’t do it.

  It was easier to simply crawl, to wait, to wonder exactly what her Master had in mind for her.

  He stopped in front of another door, and he turned the handle for her, almost like a gentleman.

  “Sit in the front row,” he commanded.

  Erika didn’t exactly understand, but she moved forward. The carpet gave way to linoleum tiles. Then she looked up, and she saw a long, green chalkboard. Not only that, there were desks, maybe twenty or twenty-five. All at once, she realized that she was in a classroom. Her uniform made a lot more sense.

  “Keep crawling,” David ordered.

  Gritting her teeth, Erika obeyed. She crawled toward the front of the room, and then she finally picked herself up. She sat down. David passed her, and he went over to the teacher’s desk. He crossed his arms and sat against the edge.

  “Guess what, Erika?”

  “What?” She shot that word out onto the air, practically snapping her teeth.

  “Today, you get tutored in proper female etiquette and behavior. I’m going to teach you how to be a good girl for me.”

  “You don’t get to do this to me,” she said.

  “And for that, you get spanked three times. Come up here, Erika.” He really did talk to her like she was just a student.

  More than anything, she wanted to rage at him. But then, he pulled the controller from his pocket. He pointed it at her. His thumb hovered over one of the buttons. If he pressed it, what was going to happen?

  Erika didn’t know; she couldn’t know. Because of this, she timidly stood up. She walked over to his desk, and that’s when he grabbed her. He pushed her down and he pulled back her skirt, exposing her panties.

  “One,” he called out, his hand flying down, spanking her again. With the vibrator still teasing her pussy, Erika nearly came right there! She was close, so desperately close. Her mouth watered, her heart hammered, and all of that defiance she’d carefully mustered suddenly dissipated, vanishing into nothing.

  “Two,” he said, spanking his wife again. She had on the panties; that was true, but that flimsy little bit of fabric didn’t protect her from the force crashing into her. Another wave of arousal and embarrassment hit her. This wasn’t right; it wasn’t fair. Getting spanked shouldn’t have done this to her! Accepting a spanking from her husband should have been an anathema. But it wasn’t. It felt good. It felt so good even as it hurt.

  David cocked his hand back, savoring the moment. It was time for her last spanking.

  Or was it?

  “Three,” he announced, swatting her behind again. Then he spanked her twice more.

  “That’s not fair!” She said.

  But her husband wasn’t interested in listening to her or debating her point. Instead, he grabbed her, pulling her into his arms, and he fondled her breasts. Her nipples were hard, so hard! In fact, she instinctively started rubbing her ass against his crotch.

  Erika never would have done something like that on her own. But right then, right there, it felt like she had no choice. Her body didn’t belong to her. It was David’s; she was just a slave or a pet or schoolgirl. She couldn’t quite tell anymore.

  “Yes, that was fair. In fact, you’re going to thank me for your spanking. Say thank you, Mr. Reynolds.”

  Master had sounded bad. Mr. Reynolds seemed worse.

  Erika didn’t want to have to address her husband like he was more mature, like he was the competent one. And yet, she didn’t see any other option, so she licked her lips. Because she didn’t want to endure the humiliation of another spanking, she gave her Master what he wanted. “Thank you for spanking me, Mr. Reynolds.”

  “Good girl. Now, I think you have earned a reward.”

  His wife didn’t know what those words might entail.

  Much to her surprise, David reached into his pocket again. With his free hand, he took out the chain, and he tossed it onto the floor.

  Almost as though she couldn’t believe it, Erika hesitated. Part of her wanted to leap down onto the linoleum tiles, to snatch it up. But what if this was some sort of trap? With another low chuckle, David immediately understood why his wife hesitated. “It’s okay. Go ahead. Take it. I’m giving you permission to remove your chastity belt.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Reynolds,” she said.

  Erika slipped down onto her knees. She bent forward, showing off her panties again. This shouldn’t have been a big deal, but it was. It felt important, like she was giving something up.

  Despite this, Erika snatched up the key. She lifted her skirt, all under her “teacher’s” watchful eyes. She used the key on the lock. It fit! That was a relief. Erika had silently wondered if this had been another trick, one more way for her husband to tease her.

  But no, the key worked.

  She pulled the chastity belt off, letting it hit the floor. Then, because she couldn’t quite control herself, Erika went for her pussy. She slid her hand between her legs, she closed her eyes, and she started to bite down on her lower lip. This was going to feel so good. She couldn’t wait for it. The anticipation burned bright through her body, this incandescence need that she couldn’t possibly control.

  “Stop,” commanded her husband as he grabbed her wrist. “I gave you one treat. No one said you could have another one so soon. Sit down.”

  “Please, can’t I have an orgasm? Please, just one? It won’t be a big deal. Please, please let me have one!” Erika was even tempted to bring her hands together, to beg. She could have gotten on her knees, yet she refused. Apparently, she still retained a few shreds of dignity.

  “No,” he said simply.

  Erika sat down. As she did so, her husband pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil. He dropped them both onto the desk. “Erika, write about how you are going to behave from now on.”

  Was this a homework assignment? Really? Something she was supposed to do in class?

  Although her fingertips trembled with indignation, Erika didn’t feel like she had any other choice. She picked up the pencil, and she started to write.

  Or at least, she figured she was going to. The tip of the pencil touched the white paper. She scraped some of the lead on to the surface, only she didn’t know what to put down. “I don’t know what to write!”

  “You’re a smart girl. I’m sure you’ll figure something out,” David replied. “Besides, you’re going to have to read this out loud. So you had better do a good job.”

  The other implication was clear: if Erika wanted her orgasm, then she needed to do this.

essing a snarl, she started to write.

  “Pencils down,” David commanded.

  At once, Erika obeyed. She dropped her pencil. Why did she obey so quickly? She didn’t want to think that any of this “training” was affecting her, but she could feel it. It really was altering the way she behaved.

  “Erika, stand up in front of the class and read your paper.”

  With her sex still wet and eager, Erika acted like she had no choice. She got up in front of the empty desks. David went back toward the middle. He rested his arms on another seat, his cheek pressed into his knuckles.

  He really did look like a relaxed teacher or professor. It was infuriating. She hated the easy way that he assumed command like this. While she had to struggle to become a subservient young woman, David assumed this mantle of authority without even trying.

  “Go ahead. Get started.”

  This was a test, an examination to see if she would be able to cooperate and play along. As she licked her bottom lip, Erika realized something. It would be easy for her to rant. She could have said that this was wrong, that she was going to get out of here, that she would find a way to escape. She wasn’t going to allow herself to be trained. She wouldn’t be turned into a pet or some schoolgirl fantasy. She was a woman, an adult, and she had rights!

  Yeah, Erika didn’t say a single one of those words. Instead, her eyes moved along the text because she was horny. The more aroused she became, the dumber she felt. More than that, the arousal seemed to press into her, making it easier and easier for her to cooperate.

  She could just be a good girl. It would be simple. She didn’t have to fight or resist or think for herself. Surrender was simple.

  “Mr. Reynolds,” she said, addressing him as though this was a letter. “My name is Erika, and I’m learning how to be a good girl.” She stopped, clearing her throat. That had been bad. She knew it was going to get worse.

  “In order for me to be a good girl, I have to do as I’m told. I understand that my teacher is in charge. He’s smarter and more mature than I am,” Erika declared.

  “That sounds about right,” David said, interrupting her.

  Immediately, Erika wanted to tear the paper in half and walk right over to him. She wanted to slap him across the face and tell him that he wasn’t going to get away with this. But until she could figure out some way to free herself from the collar, she was going to have to do whatever her husband said. Fine. She could put up with this.

  Simultaneously, she reminded herself that these were just words. They didn’t have to mean anything. They would only upset her if she allowed them to upset her.

  “Because I’m a girl, I should do as I’m told. It’s easier for me to obey, especially my,” she gulped. “My teacher. I have to obey my teacher. In class, I need to be a good girl. Being a good girl means that I obey. I do as I’m told.” And just like that, she finished her impromptu paragraph.

  David got up. He made his way between the desks, and then he grabbed her. He kissed her hard. His mouth was on hers, and Erika was shocked, but only for about half a second. Then she kissed him back, molding her body to his. She could feel his erection as it pushed up against her pubis. Yes! That’s what she wanted. That’s what she wanted so badly!

  Suddenly, Erika forgot all about the humiliation. She didn’t worry about what any of this really signified. Instead, she just wanted to do as she was told. If it meant that she could have sex, then she would give him anything and everything she possessed.

  Breaking off, David grabbed her wrists and pulled them behind her back. He crossed them, effectively binding her. Even if there weren’t any shackles, ribbons, or ropes to tie her up, it didn’t matter. David, as her Master or as her teacher, had assigned her a position. So she had to accept it.

  What was wrong with her?

  He started to unbutton her vest, then her shirt. He pulled off both garments. Reaching back for her wrists, he still held her tight as he leaned in.

  “Your nipples look very hard,” he told her. “Now remember. You aren’t allowed an orgasm.”

  “Yes, Mr. Reynolds,” Erika said.

  Lowering his head gently, David kissed her right nipple, then her left. He parted his lips, wrapping them around the tip of her left nipple. He pressed down, and Erika shivered. That had almost been enough to get her off. How much more of this could she take?

  Erika really didn’t know.

  Grazing his teeth along her sensitive skin, he kept teasing her. He pulled away and leaned in toward her right breast. This time, he nuzzled her with the tip of his nose. It felt incredible. Even if she hadn’t been tormented by the chastity belt and its built-in vibrator, Erika still would’ve been turned on by this. More. She wanted more. She craved it like nothing else. And then he spread his tongue along her point. He tormented her, adding fresh waves of pleasure to the maelstrom that already raged inside of her.

  Murmuring helplessly, Erika wanted to beg. She wanted to plead with him, to promise that she was going to be a good girl. And yet, she could already tell that’s not what Mr. Reynolds wanted. She had to stay there motionless, because this was some kind of test. He wished to examine her self-control.

  The only problem was that Erika didn’t know how much she had left.

  He licked her nipple, he grazed his teeth along her skin, and he sucked gently. He toyed with her, knowing full well that she could hardly stand this.

  “What do you want, Erika?”

  It was a simple question, but she could hardly think. She couldn’t put any thoughts together. Then, when she finally managed to get enough concentration to tell him, she said, “I, I want you to use me. Please, use me. Have sex with me! Please, I want to feel you so badly!”

  “Right here?” David asked. His hand went under her skirt. He savored the heat of her body and the soft caress of her skirt on his knuckles and wrist. Then he had his fingers up against her opening, and he toyed with her some more.


  “Good girl,” he said, grabbing her again. He turned her around and bent her over the desk. He came up behind her, unzipping his pants and removing his shaft. He pushed his cock up against her opening, sliding into her quickly and easily. By this point, she had never been so wet before!

  He pushed into her and pulled back, letting the friction of his body against hers give Erika everything she desired. And of course, he loved seeing her blonde hair pulled back like this, her body on display and obvious. He enjoyed every inch of her. He pulled back again, almost withdrawing entirely. As he did so, Erika started to moan, almost like she worried that he was going to stop. What if he decided that she didn’t deserve an orgasm? What if he, as her Master, decided that he wanted to punish her some more.

  Erika really didn’t think she could take it, but she wasn’t going to get a choice, was she?

  Fortunately, he wasn’t just going to tease her or torment her. Instead, he pushed forward again, thrusting into her, and she whimpered with fresh gratitude. Yes, that’s what she wanted! Yes, that was what she needed!

  He pumped her, hard and fast, claiming her. And even when he grabbed onto her hair, pulling her head back, she enjoyed the pain. It seemed addictive, like this was where she really belonged. Now “come for me. Come for me like a good little slut,” he said. Distantly, she realized that he was panting now. As he bucked his hips forward and back, he burned through his strength.


  Erika heard that word, and she knew it was true. Right then and right there, she wasn’t her own person. No, she really had become a plaything. And she liked it! Erika didn’t know why, but the feel of his shaft deep within her took away all of her concerns. Her worries evaporated, leaving nothing behind but arousal and desperation.

  He gave her permission. Realizing this, Erika surrendered to her body. She came. She came so hard! She didn’t think she’d ever come this hard before. Now after hours of so much teasing, she yielded, giving herself up to those impulses. It felt like every nerve within her bod
y fired at once. She could hardly keep up with all of the stimulation.

  In fact, just as the orgasm started to fade, she dropped her head down, and she blacked out.

  From somewhere far away, she thought she could hear her husband laughing at her again.

  Chapter 5: Animalistic

  He was petting her. Erika understood this, and she recognized the sensations, the little traced movements of his fingers along her naked body, but she didn’t understand what it meant. For a little while, anyway, Erika even forgot about The Facility. Instead, she figured they were back at home. She was in her bed, and her husband was giving her a massage.


  Because he was her husband, and that’s what a good husband should do. It didn’t matter that she never reciprocated. It didn’t matter that he probably wanted her to pet him too. As far as Erika believed, women should always be treated better. Guys existed to make women’s lives better, right?

  Only then, a smattering of memory started to echo back behind her eyes. Erika remembered the collar around her neck. That made her reach up for her throat. And sure enough, she felt it, the black leather tight around her neck. It didn’t make it hard to breathe or anything, but she wasn’t going to be able to forget about its presence either.

  Groaning with dismay, Erika started thinking about her schoolgirl uniform. That’s when she reached down, sliding her hands along her naked legs, up to her waist, and along her chest.

  She wasn’t wearing a schoolgirl uniform, not anymore. Erika didn’t know if this was going to be good or bad.

  She opened her eyes, and she looked around. It felt like she was in a hotel room.

  Seated in a lounger just a few feet away, David glanced at her. He lowered his phone and smiled. “Good morning. Are you ready to head back down? Miranda has something she wants to show us.”

  Erika knew this might be her best opportunity. Quickly, she rubbed her eyes as she tried to get her thoughts back in order. Okay, she had to be able to talk to him. She had to be able to make this work. “David, I want you to take me away from here. Please, can you take me away? I promise, if you take me home, I can still be a good slave girl for you. I’ve learned how to behave. I swear, I won’t make any of the mistakes I made before!” The words just spilled from her lips. And when she was done, Erika found herself panting, her chest rising and falling.


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