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Art of Deception (The Black Diamond Series Book 4)

Page 29

by D. Camille

  “I don't know!” Trent said frustrated. “I do know that they're all lying to me!”

  “Okay dude, calm down. Think rationally. You're a genius. Why would your brothers and Marc want Callie dead?”

  Trent sat on the bed. “Maybe she knew something or maybe she did something and they found out about it?”

  “But why wouldn't they just tell you?” Kent asked.

  “I don't understand it.” Trent shook his head.

  “What are you going to do?”

  Trent's eyes narrowed. “I'm waiting for Marc to get back from Colombia and then I'll know for sure.”

  “When is he supposed to be back?”

  “Ray said they're almost done down there. So I guess in the next week or two,” Trent explained.

  “Dude, if it's true, then what? I mean, you went all the way out there to find them.”

  Trent laid back on the bed and closed his eyes. “If it's true then I couldn't stay here anymore. It's hard enough being here with Callie gone and I couldn't look at them the same knowing they had hurt her. I don't care what she did. You just don't do that!”

  “Would you try to hurt them?” Kent asked.

  “I would want to,” Trent answered honestly. “That's why I know I would have to leave here. I could never hurt Sage, Lily and Diamond like that. I love them.”

  “Man, I'm sorry Trent.”

  Trent sighed. “It's like I'm a damn jinx. Sometimes I feel like I should have never even been born.”

  “Don't say stuff like that. You've been through a lot and you've made it. You'll make it through this too.”

  The doorbell rang and Trent stood heading to the door.

  “Yeah, I guess,” he told Kent as he opened the door. Sage, Lily and Diamond stood on the other side smiling at him.

  “Tint! Tint!” Diamond screamed when she saw him and he smiled at her.

  “Kent, I'll call you back,” he said into the phone.

  “Okay dude. Talk to you later.”

  Trent disconnected the call and reached for his niece as he let his sisters inside. They both kissed his cheek before moving over to the sofa.

  “We hope that you don't mind us stopping by. We've missed you,” Sage told him.

  He looked at them. “Nah, I don't mind. I've missed you too and my Diamond girl.” He gave Diamond a kiss on the cheek.

  “How are you?” Lily asked him.

  He shrugged. “I'm cool.”

  “Trent you know we all love you and we'd do anything for you,” Sage told him.

  Trent avoided her gaze and played with Diamond. “Yeah...”

  “Your brothers say that you're angry with them,” Lily commented.

  Trent looked at them. “My brothers are lying to me.”

  “About what?” Sage looked shocked.

  “About what really happened to Callie.”

  Lily looked at him. “Why would they lie to you Trent?”

  “Because they've done something that they don't want me to know.”

  Lily and Sage looked at each other.

  “Apparently I don't know all that's going on here, but I can tell you this Trent. Jordan, Sean and my brother would never hurt a woman, let alone kill her, if that's what you're suggesting,” Sage told him adamantly. “They are capable of a lot of things, but that's not one of them.”

  “I agree Trent. They just would not do something like that,” Lily confirmed.

  Trent looked at both women. “I don't want to believe it, but they are hiding something.”

  Sage shook her head. “They're always hiding something Trent.”

  “Things are not always as they seem Trent and sometimes a trail can lead to a destination because someone has directed it that way,” Lily explained quietly.

  Trent thought about her words and looked at both women. “Thanks for coming to see me. I really did miss you both.”

  “We love you and we're going to get through this, whatever it actually turns out to be. Your brothers would never hurt you for any reason,” Sage said coming over to him.

  He looked up at her. “I'll try to remember that.”

  Lily came over and touched his head. “It's the truth.”

  He smiled at them and they both hugged him.

  “Please let us know if you need anything,” Lily told him.

  “I will. My mother has been here a lot. She's been helping me get through this.”

  Sage looked at him. “She's made mistakes but she's really trying.”

  He nodded. “I know. I'm thankful to have her right now.” Lily smiled at him remembering what had transpired with Carolyn when Trent had first arrived. She was happy they were finding a way to bond with each other.

  After his sisters departed, Trent sat in his room thinking. What if things weren't as they seemed? His brothers were capable of creating all types of illusions, he knew that for sure and one thing for certain, they knew something that they didn't want him to find out. Whatever it was, he wondered if it was going to crush him even more than losing Callie.

  When Marc returned, Trent would know everything he needed because he was going to make sure Marc told him exactly what happened to Callie, one way or another...


  Isabelle entered her hotel room where she'd been staying for nearly the past month. Kicking off her shoes at the door, she padded barefoot into the room dropping her briefcase on the sofa. Her phone rang and she quickly pulled it out of her purse. After a quick glance at the screen she answered.

  “Hello Sage.”

  “Hi Isabelle. How are you?” Sage asked.

  Isabelle sighed. “I'm doing alright, but it will be a month tomorrow Sage and he hasn't even mentioned coming.”

  “I went to visit the Sun God...” she began.

  “How is he?” Isabelle interjected eagerly.

  Sage smiled on the other end of the phone. “He's fine Isabelle. He said he's been working to fix that situation down in Colombia.”

  “I really miss him Sage. I didn't realize it would be this difficult,” Isabelle confided.

  “I know Isabelle and if it's any consolation, he misses you too,” Sage told her.

  Isabelle looked around the room. “What if he's moved on?” she questioned quietly.

  “He hasn't. He hasn't even seen another woman while you've been gone,” Sage relayed.

  “How do you know that?” Isabelle asked.

  “He told me himself,” Sage answered.

  Isabelle closed her eyes and inhaled the scent of jasmine. She frowned as she stood and walked toward the bedroom. Opening the door, she gasped as she saw jasmine petals all over the bed.

  “Oh my...” she whispered.

  “What's wrong Isabelle?” Sage asked concerned on the other end.

  Isabelle continued walking into the attached bath and stared at a full tub covered with jasmine petals along with candles all along both the sink and tub.

  “Oh my...”she repeated.

  “Isabelle what is wrong?” Sage repeated anxiously.

  Isabelle heard the concern in Sage's voice and immediately brought her attention back to the phone.

  “I'm sorry. There are jasmine petals all over my bedroom and bathroom,” she said in awe.

  “Did you order them?” Sage questioned.

  Isabelle smiled shaking her head. “No...It's Ray.”

  Sage squealed. “The Sun God is coming!”

  Isabelle's phone indicated another incoming call and she looked at the screen.

  “Sage, I'll call you back. I have another call coming in,” she said breathlessly.

  Sage laughed. “I can guess who that is. Bye Isabelle.”

  Isabelle switched over to the other line. “Hello.”

  “I hope you enjoy your bath Belle,” the baritone told her.

  “Thank you for thinking about me,” she said quietly.

  “I never stop thinking about you Goddess.”

  She smiled. “How are you?”

  “Hmmmm...I haven't had
my favorite taste in nearly a month. I haven't looked into pretty brown eyes or tasted full sweet lips. I haven't had long, luscious legs wrapped around my back nor have I heard my Goddess scream my name the way she does when I'm worshipping her beautiful body.”

  Isabelle leaned against the door and closed her eyes. “I...I don't know what to say to that.”

  “Say that you want me to come and get you.”

  She took a deep breath. “Didn't we discuss this when you took me to the airport?”

  “It's been a while. I wondered if your answer would still be the same?” he queried.

  Isabelle lowered her head. “Yes. It is.”

  “Okay Goddess.”

  Isabelle lifted a brow. He'd said that same thing in the car. “What does that mean?” she asked.

  “It means that I understand exactly what you are doing.”

  “What am I doing?” she whispered.

  Ray laughed. “Exactly what you're supposed to do beautiful.”

  Before she could stop herself she blurted out, “I miss you...” She sucked in a breath at her mistake.

  There was a brief pause and Isabelle leaned her head back against the wall gritting her teeth.

  “I miss you Isabelle Martin and when I see you again nothing and no one is going to stop me from showing you just how much, so be ready Goddess.”

  Isabelle's body heated at his words and her breathing increased just thinking about him.

  “Enjoy your bath and I will see you soon,” Ray told her.

  “Goodbye Ray.”

  “Nob nala Isabelle.”

  Isabelle disconnected the call before lying across the bed of petals. She dialed Sage's number and she answered on the first ring.

  “He broke you, didn't he?” Sage commented.

  Isabelle placed a hand on her forehead. “I told him I missed him.”


  “I know...but his voice...the things he said,” she whispered. “And it has been a month Sage.”

  Sage sighed. “What else did he say?”

  Isabelle blushed. “Well... I can't tell you some of the things he said.”

  “And I surely don't want to hear them. That is my brother and I don't need any visuals.” She paused for a second. “I meant outside of anything pertaining to sex, what did he say?”

  “He keeps saying these words to me...I don't know what they mean.”

  “What are they?”

  Isabelle hesitated thinking, if it was something sexual did she want Sage to really translate for her?

  “What is it Isabelle?” Sage asked again.

  “It's...nob nala?” Isabelle said hesitantly.

  “Nob nala!!!!! He said nob nala?” Sage screamed.

  Isabelle sat up on the bed. “Yes. What does that mean?”

  Sage began a happy dance at her home. “Sage! What does it mean?” Isabelle demanded.

  “He said he loves you Isabelle!! Nob nala means I love you in Wolof,” Sage yelled happily.

  Isabelle fell back on the bed and petals floated around her as she dropped the phone beside her. She could however still hear Sage screaming, “Isabelle the Sun God is coming!!!!!”


  Ray ended the phone call with Isabelle and laid back on her bed in her apartment. He held in his hand her yellow pad with the heading Things Men Like In Bed. He shook his head as he read her list again. She had placed stars and notations beside each of the five items. Next to item number one, she had noted that she needed more practice. Ray laughed. Who wouldn't love this woman?

  What struck him the most was what she had written at the bottom of the page. It read in all capital letters, IF ALL FAILS BE PREPARED TO WALK AWAY! NO QUESTIONS, NO DRAMA! Ray knew she meant every word she'd written and he wasn't going to let that happen at all. He'd told Isabelle all along that she belonged to him and it was time for him to make it real. Now he had to do the one thing he'd never done his heart.

  Ray normally operated on facts and plans, neither worked with Isabelle. For his every move, she had a counter move. She foiled his every plan and moved stealthily on to her next one. She hadn't won the Sun God's heart. She'd conquered his entire world in a series of perfectly calculated and executed attacks. He hadn't even known what had hit him until it was far too late.

  Ray placed the pad on the nightstand and pulled open the drawer taking a peek. His gaze locked on an item inside. Ray picked it up and stared at it in amazement. What the hell? He sat frozen for a few minutes.

  “Got dammit Isabelle!” he yelled angrily as he jumped to his feet. “Game's over!”

  He stalked out of the bedroom, down the stairs and out the door.

  Chapter 24

  Isabelle left the hotel the next morning and stepped into the waiting taxi. When she was inside, she noticed the bouquet of jasmine on the seat. She glanced up at the driver who had picked her up every morning and afternoon since she'd arrived in New York.

  “There are flowers on your seat,” she told him thinking someone had left them.

  The driver turned to her. “Those are for you Miss Martin.”

  Isabelle looked surprised. “You know my name?”

  “Yes Ma'am.”

  “How is that?” she questioned with her eyes narrowing. “And how have you been my taxi driver everywhere I go?”

  The driver smiled. “Relax Miss Martin. I work for Mr. Parker. He hired me to drive you around.”

  “What? Ray hired you?” she asked surprised.

  “Yep, and those flowers on the seat are for you. I'll have you at the museum in a jiffy.” He smiled.

  Isabelle shook her head. “Thank you.” That Ray Parker, she thought.

  The taxi pulled up in front of the building and the driver got out opening the door for her. Isabelle thanked him before she walked inside the building to her office. She opened her office door and gasped. There were at least ten crystal vases filled with jasmine. Her office was transformed into a botanical garden. She raised a hand to her mouth and moved slowly to her desk before sitting down staring at the arrangements.

  Isabelle checked her watched and saw that she had a staff meeting in five minutes. She put away her purse and grabbed her pad before heading down the hall. She could admire her flowers when the meeting was over. She was the first one at the conference room and took a seat in one of the empty chairs around the table. Isabelle looked questioningly at the oversized chessboard on the table, with a game already in progress. Someone must have left it from another time, she thought.

  Utilizing the time while she was waiting for the other staff, she began to peruse the notes she'd written for her part of the meeting today. She looked up as she heard someone entering the room. Isabelle dropped her pen to the table and it clattered to the floor. She didn't move as she stared up into bright brown eyes.

  “Ray?” she whispered in shock.

  He smiled at her and proceeded to take the chair on the other side of the chessboard. “Hello Isabelle.”

  She looked at the door then back at him dressed in a slate gray suit complete with jacket. His silver and brown silk necktie brought out his beautiful eyes and the white shirt laid neatly around his solid neck.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “You know why I'm here Goddess.”

  “We're about to have a meeting. You can't be in here,” she told him.

  Ray leaned back in his chair. “The meeting's been rescheduled.”

  “How? What?” Isabelle couldn't pose a question.

  “Ralph Benson called the Director here and informed him that it would probably be in his best interest to cooperate with whatever I needed,” he explained.

  Isabelle composed herself and picked up her pen from the floor before turning back to him. “You can't come to my job and just take over,” she told him in that voice that he always loved.

  Ray rubbed his chin. “You knew I was coming.”

  “What do you want?” she asked staring across the table at hi

  He nodded towards the chessboard on the table. “Since you like to play games Belle, I thought we'd play our last one.”

  Isabelle looked warily at him. “I don't understand.”

  Ray smiled. “You will Goddess.”

  “When we're done, will you leave and let me do my job?” she asked.

  He nodded slowly. “Whatever you want.”

  Isabelle sat up in her chair. “Fine.”

  “You see the board?” he asked and she nodded stiffly looking at the large pieces.

  He leaned forward. “It's your move.”

  Isabelle's eyes went from his to the board in front of her. She surveyed the pieces for a moment. “You came all the way here to play chess?” she asked.

  “I came to extol the skills of a champion.”

  She made her move and glanced up at him. “At chess?” she asked.

  Ray smiled before his attention went to the board. “At everything Goddess.” He made his move and sat back.

  Isabelle studied the board before she moved her queen and placed the opposing king in check. Her eyes met his. “Check,” she told him.

  Ray nodded slowly. “The queen has the king in check. Is she going to let him get away?” he asked watching her closely.

  “No, she doesn't want him to get away,” she said softly staring into his eyes.

  Ray studied the board for a few moments before making his move and Isabelle looked surprised.

  He smiled. “It's your move Goddess.”

  She quickly moved her piece. “Check mate,” she announced.

  His eyes met hers. “You win Belle.”

  “I know you're a better player than that. You surrendered,” she told him.

  “You gave me no other choice.” They stared across the table at one another. “You win the prize beautiful.”

  “What is the prize?” she asked softly.

  Ray reached for his king on the board and lifted the hollowed piece slowly. Underneath was a flawless princess cut diamond ring. Isabelle's eyes widened as she stared at the shimmering diamond lying on the chessboard.

  “No more games Isabelle.” He stood and came around the table helping her stand to her feet. Ray caressed her chin in his hand. “I am here to take you home Isabelle Martin and when we get there I want to make you Isabelle Parker. I want to worship you. I want to love you and protect you because I am in love with you. You are my Moon Isabelle. Please bring your beautiful light into my dark world Goddess.”


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