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Art of Deception (The Black Diamond Series Book 4)

Page 30

by D. Camille

  By the time he was done tears were running down Isabelle's face. Ray reached for the ring still sitting on the chessboard. Silently he took her hand as he got to his knee. Placing the ring on her shaking hand, he looked up at her. “Moon Goddess you have conquered this Sun God. Will you belong to me forever?”

  Isabelle nodded while tears continued to stream. Ray stood to his feet removing the handkerchief from his breast pocket. He gently wiped her face watching her with serious brown eyes. “Is that a yes Goddess?” he asked.

  Isabelle threw her arms around him. “Yes...” she breathed in utter relief. “I love you...yes!”

  Then uncharacteristic of Dr. Isabelle Martin, she shouted at the top of her lungs “YESSSSSSSS!!!” before she burst out laughing with joy.

  Ray joined her in laughter while holding her close. “Do you know why I requested this room?” he asked looking down at her.

  “No why?” she asked.

  He lifted her onto the table. “Because it's soundproof, you can scream all you want.” He kissed her taking her breath away. Ray's hands went to her skirt lifting it above her hips before he grabbed her panties quickly pulling them down her legs.

  “Ray! What are you doing?” she exclaimed as he grabbed the hem of her blouse whipping it over her head leaving her in her black bra. His brown eyes scalded her with his gaze and he licked his lips.

  “I'm worshipping you Goddess.” He began his work on her body.

  Isabelle threw her head back as her body responded instantly to his touch. “I'm at work...” she breathed.

  “Nobody's coming in here.” His hands went to his belt and she watched him. When he'd made quick work of opening his pants, he laid her down on the table. “Item number four on your list. You really liked that one,” he whispered to her.

  She smiled up at him. “Yes, I did...” She moaned as she felt his engorged flesh entered hers. She was flesh to flesh with him and the sensation of feeling all of him was unimaginable. Ray stroked her slowly whispering how much he missed her and loved her.

  Isabelle felt tears leak out of her eyes at the sheer pleasure of being one with him, and to think that she would have this for the rest of her life was too much. Ray paused at her tears and gently wiped her face.

  “Belle?” he looked down at her in concern.

  Isabelle lifted a hand to his face. “I love you so much.”

  “You are so beautiful. You're mine and I love you,” he whispered back to her before resuming the process of making her explode. Thirty days without each other made them both reach their pinnacles sooner than normal. Isabelle felt the warmth of his seed rush inside her body and she held him closely as he emptied his soul into hers. They sat that way for a few minutes before Ray pulled away. He reached for his handkerchief and wiped the excess from her legs before sitting her up on the table.

  She stared up at him in awe. “I can't believe you!” she told him smiling.

  He stared down at her with solemn eyes. “I can't believe you either Belle.” He picked up her blouse and handed it to her.

  Isabelle took it slowly and put it on. She could tell he was upset. “What is it? What did I do?” she asked pulling her skirt down. Ray retrieved her panties handing them to her. He waited silently watching her as she put them back on. Isabelle made a move to get off the table and he halted her with a hand on her waist.

  “I brought you something Isabelle,” he told her and she waited with her heart beating. She had no idea what it could be that had made his emotions turn so suddenly.

  He reached inside his suit jacket and produced the item he'd found in her nightstand. Handing it to her, he watched her face.

  Isabelle took it in her hand. “You were in my bedroom?”

  He nodded and her eyes watered. “Is this why you're here? Why you've done all this?” she accused.

  “I was coming for you regardless.”

  “How do I know that?” she demanded trying to get off the table again. Ray blocked her way, again.

  He lifted her face to his. “Because I told you so.”

  “I didn't want you to know,” she whispered. “Not until you knew what you wanted.”

  “I've always known I wanted you Isabelle. Now I want both of you because you both belong to me.”

  Isabelle looked at the positive pregnancy stick in her hand. “I don't know what happened.”

  Ray smiled at her. “The Universe has simply blessed me.” He kissed her and pulled her into his arms.

  “I haven't told anyone else,” she said into his shoulder.

  Ray picked her up from the table and took a chair with her on his lap. “Then we can tell them together. Now tell me when you want to marry me.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Today.” She smiled and kissed his jaw.

  He laughed. “I don't think that's possible Goddess. Don't you want a wedding with all the pomp and circumstance befitting of a woman of your status?”

  She looked into his face. “No, I don't. I only want you. I don't care about any of that.”

  Ray smiled at her. “Vegas is on the way back to LA,” he told her.

  “I want to be Mrs. Ray Parker as soon as possible. I've put in a lot of work to gain that title.”

  “We can have a big reception when we get back?” he offered stroking her hip.

  She nuzzled his neck. “It doesn't matter. I got my prize.” She touched his handsome face.

  “No, I got the prize Goddess. The most beautiful, graceful, brilliant, sexy and sweet prize there is,” he whispered. “Now tell me that you're mine to keep.”

  She beamed at him. “I am yours to keep Sun God...”

  “And I am yours my beautiful Moon...”


  Later that evening, Isabelle was lying on Ray's naked muscled chest toying with his flat male nipples. She locked onto his eyes.

  “So let me get all of this straight...” she began.

  “When you, Sean and Jordan were in college you all started an elite group called the Black Diamonds, that rescues women involved in sex trafficking?”


  “And you're the leader of this group?”

  Ray looked at her. “Uh...huh.”

  “And you... what again?” She looked at him in question.

  “Handle people.”

  She nodded. “You...handle the people who are in charge of endangering these women?”

  “Yes, we started locally and now we go wherever we’re needed.”

  “Your sister Sage was a spy and she was kidnapped by her ex-boyfriend then Jordan...handled him and sent him to the jungle,” she repeated.

  He nodded watching her.

  “Lily was an art thief involved with the string of burglaries that I hired you to look into and Sean...handled Bernard Pearson because he had been involved in the murder of Lily's father.”


  “Jordan's mother was working with my father and Mrs. Jackson trying to ruin Sean and Jordan then Sage sent her to Mexico.”

  “Yeah...” Ray rubbed a hand down her naked back.

  She continued to watch him. “This Esteban was holding your mother who had been kidnapped by his grandfather in retaliation for your father killing his son.”

  He nodded.

  “And you went to Colombia to rescue a group of women being held by him, but you had to...handle Esteban before you were able to find out where he was holding them.”

  “But I will find them,” he told her with determined brown eyes.

  She touched his face. “And you had to leave Callie there?”

  He nodded sadly. “Yeah, I have to wrap this up because Trent is really hurting. I can't stand seeing him like this knowing it's my fault.”

  “Are you going to be able to keep him from finding out the truth before you can fix it?” she asked. “I know he's a genius.”

  “He's smart as hell and now he's growing up fast. We're not dealing with a little boy anymore,” Ray told her. “We're d
ealing with a man who's lost the woman he loved. He's liable to do anything.”

  Ray looked at her. “If I lost you I know I'd do anything. I would be unstoppable.”

  “I think you're already unstoppable. You took over an art museum in New York City,” she reminded him.

  He smiled. “I didn't take it over, just one room.”

  Isabelle gave him a sultry look as she climbed over him. “You took me over,” she whispered.

  Ray touched her stomach. “If I wouldn't have come for you, would you have told me Isabelle?”

  She smiled. “I knew you were coming for me, eventually.” She paused. “I was going to make sure you did.”

  Ray laughed. “So you made a list of things to put it on me. You enlisted my mother and sister to help you in your plot to conquer me...”

  “And Lily, Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Masters,” she added.

  He shook his head. “Then you left town carrying my child.”

  Isabelle shrugged sitting on top of him. “You gave me the waist beads and you never told me they were also for fertility.”

  “I never knew they worked so well,” he commented. “I'm glad I've never given them to anyone else before.”

  She gave him a smile. “You've only given them to me?”

  His hand caressed her bottom. “Yes Goddess. Only you.”

  Isabelle rubbed her hands down his chest to his hard abs watching his reaction.

  “I realize now that you played me,” he told her.

  “Played you how?” she whispered.

  Ray gave her a look. “I want you to teach me how to be sexy. Remember that?”

  Isabelle raised her arms over her head while she straddled him. “I did want you to teach me how to be sexy.”

  “You wanted me to want you.” He sat up staring into her face and she looped her arms around his solid neck.

  “Yes, because I wanted you,” she whispered. “More than anything.”

  Ray smiled at her. “And I want you more than anything...right now.” He laid back down on the bed.

  Ray gave her a look. “Would you like some more practice at item number one?”

  She looked down at him. “How did you find my list?”

  “I searched your apartment.”

  Isabelle looked surprised. “What were you looking for?”

  “I was trying to find out the reason you left me,” he told her.

  Isabelle lowered her head and was silent for a minute. “You can’t conquer a god by lying at his feet and I had to know if you could ever truly love me,” she said softly.

  Ray lifted her face. “Belle, I think I've loved you since the first moment I saw you.” He stroked her cheek. “At first I didn't want to get involved because I wasn't sure about your feelings for Sean...”

  “I know that in the beginning I thought I was in love with Sean, so I could understand any reservations you may have had.” She looked at him. “But you never have to wonder if my love for you is true.”

  She smiled at him. “You are my Sun God.” Isabelle placed her hand on her stomach. “And this is my little Sun God.”

  Ray placed his hand over hers. “Or my very own Baby Goddess.”

  Isabelle looked into his eyes. “Ray Parker, you have given me everything I've ever wanted.”


  Isabelle and Ray returned to LA two days later and rode to Jordan and Sage's home. In the vehicle, Isabelle turned to him.

  “What do you think they're going to say?” she asked.

  “You know good and well what they're going to say. Sage and my mother probably have a party waiting inside already in anticipation.”

  Isabelle smiled. “I haven't told her yet...about anything.”

  “Maybe Lavender told her,” Ray joked.

  “Mrs. Masters told Sage and Lily they were having boys, I should ask her what we're having,” Isabelle said rubbing her stomach.

  Ray shook his head and kissed her. “I'd rather just find out when the time comes.”

  “Okay.” She kissed him back.

  The car stopped and the door opened allowing them to exit. Ray led Isabelle up the stairs to the door where Jordan was waiting.

  “Izzy, how are you?” Jordan asked kissing her cheek.

  “I'm wonderful Jordan,” she replied with a smile.

  Jordan looked to Ray and nodded.

  “Come in. The ladies are waiting in the media room.”

  They both followed Jordan to where Sage and Silver were seated with Diamond on her grandma's lap. Sage looked up and ran over to the couple hugging them both.

  “Tell me everything!” she said happily looking at them both.

  Isabelle slowly raised her left hand. “We got married today!”

  “THE GODS!” Sage screamed grabbing Isabelle in a tight hug. She turned to her brother throwing her arms around him kissing his face. Jordan and Silver along with Diamond came and congratulated the couple with smiles on their faces. After everyone had taken a seat, Sage turned to her brother.

  “I knew she was your Moon, Sun God. I told you.”

  Ray smiled. “Yes, you told me Sage.”

  “Mommy told you too,” she added.

  Ray looked at his mother and smiled. “Yes, Momma told me too.”

  “I told you too,” Jordan added.

  Ray looked at him and raised a brow.

  “Well I told you to handle it,” Jordan clarified.

  “Okay Jay.” Ray shook his head.

  Sage looked at her husband then back at the couple. “So where did you get married?”

  “We stopped in Las Vegas,” Isabelle answered.

  Sage frowned. “Why'd you guys go to Vegas? We could have had something here.”

  “Here?” Jordan asked frowning. “Ray has a bunch of houses.”

  Sage turned to him. “Jordan.” Turning back to the couple Sage shook her head.

  Isabelle glanced at Ray. “I didn't want to wait,” she said softly and he bent to kiss her.

  Jordan laughed. “What was the rush? It's not like you two are having a baby or something.” He glanced pointedly at Sage.

  Sage's eyes widened as she saw the smile Isabelle tried to hide as she glanced at Ray.

  “Actually we are...” Ray told them.

  “Are what?” Jordan asked confused.

  Ray sighed. “Having a baby Jay, Isabelle is pregnant.”

  “What the hell?” Jordan exclaimed then looked at his mother-in-law. “I'm sorry.”

  Silver smiled at Jordan then sat Diamond on the floor before moving over to the couple. “I am so happy for you both.” She hugged each of them with tears in her eyes.

  Jordan walked over to them and gave Isabelle a hug. “Congratulations Izzy.”

  “Thank you Jordan.”

  He turned to Ray. “I guess you did handle it.” The two men laughed and gave each other a manshake.

  Sage sat on the sofa in her same spot not moving and Isabelle turned to her.

  “Sage?” Isabelle called her name.

  Everyone watched as Sage slowly stood and walked over to where Isabelle was sitting. Isabelle got to her feet and the two women looked each other in the eye. Finally, Sage put her arms around Isabelle.

  “I love you Isabelle,” Sage said softly.

  Isabelle was stunned for a moment then she hugged Sage back. “I love you too Sage.”

  The two men in the room watched the pair with relief in their hearts. Each of them loved both of these women dearly and wanted them to love one another.

  Isabelle pulled back. “Thank you for being there for me.”

  “I'll always have your back,” Sage told her. “You're our Moon.”

  Jordan rolled his eyes and Ray laughed. “I hope you two don't think my kids are calling you that!”

  “Don't you want your son to be a little Sun God too?” Ray teased him.

  Jordan frowned. “My son will be a Black. Thank you.”

  Sage laughed. “Don't pay any attention to Jordan, Ray. He calls
me his Khemetic Goddess.”

  Jordan looked at her. “You want me to tell them when I call you that?” he taunted.

  Sage smiled and went over to her husband. “It's okay. You can call me that later,” she whispered.

  He looked down at her and smiled. “Yeah...I will.” He took her in his arms as Ray held Isabelle.

  Silver looked at her daughter and son-in-law then to her son and new daughter-in-law, both her children had found their perfect companions and her heart nearly burst with joy. She reached down to pick up her beautiful granddaughter looking into her matching eyes. Silver was so thankful to be back with her children and now her grandchildren. She also had two new friends in Carolyn and Lavender. The Universe had truly blessed her and this family.

  Chapter 25

  Ray was planning to take Isabelle away on a honeymoon as soon as he got the Colombia mission tied up. They had been married for a week and he'd never been happier in his life. He always knew Isabelle was wifey material and she proved it every day. He couldn't have asked for a more perfect woman.

  Isabelle had been dismayed when they had returned and she'd seen the FOR SALE sign in front of his house. He'd explained that this particular house had been his bachelor pad and now that he was a married man, he wanted to give her a house of her own. When she'd asked for her own Temple in their new house, he knew he'd married the right woman for sure.

  Ray looked up, as there was a knock on his office door. Marc entered dressed in his usual designer attire and dark sunglasses. He closed the door behind him and Ray looked him over as he approached.

  “You look pretty good for a guy who just spent over a month in Colombia.”

  Marc took a seat. “I always look good.”

  Ray shook his head. Marcus was as cocky as he had been at his age, possibly even more so.

  “We good down there?” Ray asked.

  Marc nodded. “Took longer than I anticipated but we completed the mission successfully.”

  “Esteban's followers?”

  “Most of them hated him anyway so they were not an issue. The diehards had to actually die,” Marc informed him and Ray nodded.

  “You took care of Callie right?” Ray inquired pointedly.


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