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Art of Deception (The Black Diamond Series Book 4)

Page 31

by D. Camille

  There was a knock at the door and Ray answered. He then instructed Trent to enter and watched as the door opened and Trent spotted Marc. Ray saw his eyes narrow as he entered the office taking the seat next to Marc.

  “Trent,” Marc greeted casually.


  Ray looked at both guys and felt the tension. He lifted a brow while he studied them then after a minute he turned to Trent.

  “Marc was able to find the women Esteban was holding,” Ray informed him.

  Trent simply nodded watching Marc.

  “We couldn't have located them without the work that you put in Trent,” Ray told him.

  Trent continued to watch Marc. “What happened to Callie?” he questioned him.

  “You saw what happened Trent,she was hit,” Marc answered.

  “Why weren't you hit?” Trent demanded.

  Marc turned to him. “You sound as if that's a problem.”

  Ray looked at the two. What the hell was going on here?

  “It is.” Trent told him.

  Marc shook his head and reached into his suit jacket. He pulled out Callie's necklace and handed it to Trent.

  “I brought this to you.”

  Trent quietly took the necklace and held it in his hand staring at it for a few moments. He placed it in his pocket and looked back at Marc.

  “Where was she hit?” he asked.

  Marc glanced at Ray then back to Trent. “She didn't suffer. First hit was fatal.”

  “Where?” Trent questioned.

  Marc paused for a moment. “Back of the head, then one to the neck.”

  Trent nodded and stood. He glanced at Ray then began to turn towards the door as Marc stood as well.

  “You know, women like Callie don't come around often,” Marc told Trent and Trent turned to him. “Somebody that fearless and strong should never be forgotten.”

  Ray looked at Marc wondering where he was going with this.

  Trent stepped closer to Marc staring at his dark glasses. “I'll never forget Callie and if I find out that you had anything to do with her death, that FBI badge won't mean a damn thing,” he said in a low voice.

  “Trent!” Ray barked and Marc lifted a hand towards him.

  “It's okay Ray. Trent wants to play with the big boys.”

  Marc stepped closer. “You got a problem with me Trent?” Marc asked.

  “Yeah...I do.”

  “Then let's do it,” Marc lifted his arms in the air.

  In a flash, Trent grabbed Marc's gun before he could react and had it pointed at his face. Ray was out of his seat instantly as Marc kept his hands in the air.

  “See, last time you told me don't pull this unless I'm prepared to use it. Believe me dude, I'm so prepared right now,” Trent told him with the weapon still pointed.

  “Trent! Put the damn gun down!” Ray yelled coming to stand next to Marc.

  Trent shook his head focused on Marc. “I know you were trained by Ray, but I've been trained by Ray, Jordan and Sean.”

  Marc and Ray continued to watch Trent with the gun. “I wonder if I start shooting will all these damn bullets miss you like they did in Colombia?” Trent asked.

  “Trent, Marc didn't hurt Callie! I swear to you. Put the gun down,” Ray told him in a neutral voice.

  Trent ignored Ray. “Why were you arguing with Callie at USC?” Trent demanded.

  Marc took a breath with his hands still in the air. “I was warning her about getting too involved with you. I was trying to protect her.”

  “Well you didn't do a good damn job, did you?” Trent snapped.

  Ray intervened again. “Trent, Little Bruh, don't do this.”

  Trent's eyes narrowed. “Don't do what Ray? Don't act like I don't know that everybody is lying to me?”

  “Put the gun down Trent,” Ray told him slowly. “It's over now. You're going to learn everything.”

  Trent glanced at Ray. “When?”


  “Why tomorrow?” Trent questioned.

  Ray looked at him. “We have to tie up the last loose ends tonight. You don't have to do this.”

  Trent looked between the two men before slowly lowering the gun and handing it to Ray. He turned to look at Marc.

  “I guess you need to brush up on being prepared.” He turned and walked out of the office closing the door behind him with a thud.

  Marc turned to Ray. “You all wanted to know if he had it in him. I guess you got your answer.”

  Ray handed Marc his gun. “You were just going to let him kill your ass?” Ray asked.

  “You didn't tell me the little cub had turned into a lion,” Marc said replacing his gun on his waist.

  Ray shook his head. “He's more like his brothers than I thought.”

  “I'm glad this is over. Hopefully after tomorrow I won't have his target on my back.” Marc took a seat as Ray went back to his chair.

  “What the hell was that about Callie?” Ray demanded. “That wasn't work.”

  Marc shrugged. “Beautiful, smart, brave women like that are hard to find.”

  “You and Callie?” Ray asked frowning.

  “No. You know I don't mix work with pleasure. Plus she was so in love with little dude, she didn't see anything else,” Marc answered.

  Ray studied him. “So if it wasn't work, then what?”

  Marc shrugged. “Who knows? Maybe.”

  “No wonder Trent wants to kill your ass. He probably picked up on that,” Ray told him.

  “There was nothing to pick up on. Nothing happened with Callie, ever.”

  Ray nodded. “For your sake I hope Trent believes that because Little Bruh means business.”


  Trent waited until Ray left for the day before heading up to the third floor. Ray housed most of his equipment on this floor including instruments for analyzing. Flicking on the light he moved over to one of the immaculate tables. Trent located the equipment that he needed and brought it to the table. Slowly he pulled Callie's necklace out his pocket.

  Trent stared at it as emotions rushed through him. He remembered the first time he'd asked her about it when she'd taken him to the fair. He recalled seeing her with it on at his birthday party. He closed his eyes and remembered her wearing it in his bed with nothing else. Trent covered his face with his hands and forced himself to focus. He took out a pair of gloves and put them on.

  He began examining the necklace and looking for traces of DNA. He held it up to the bright light on the table and inspected it. If Callie had been shot in the neck and head there should be traces of blood on the chain of her necklace. He didn't trust Marc as far as he could throw him so until he verified his story, he still didn't trust him.

  Trent went through a vigorous inspection of the jewelry. When he finished he was livid, fucking liar! There wasn't one trace of blood anywhere on Callie's necklace. How in the hell did she take a hit in the head and the neck yet not have one drop of blood on her necklace? Even if Marc had cleaned it, why would he take the time to do it to that extent? Who would be that meticulous to remove every drop and trace and why? No one without a reason.

  Trent decided he would give his brothers until tomorrow and then all hell was breaking loose. He wouldn't be lied to one more day. He cleaned up everything he had used and replaced all the equipment before turning off the lights and exiting the room. Trent went to his office and got his keys before exiting the building. In his car, he dialed Kent's number.

  “What's up dude?” Kent answered.

  Trent began to drive home. “Marc's ass is back.”

  “What did you do Trent?”

  “I pulled his own gun on him,” Trent said merging into traffic.

  “How in the hell did you do that? Isn't dude FBI?”

  Trent smirked. “My brothers make the FBI look like mall cops.”

  “How'd you get his gun?” Kent asked confused.

  “He let his guard down and I took it like Sean showed me.”

; “Okay and your brothers aren't the mafia?”

  Trent sighed. “Will you listen?”


  “Marc lied to me, just like everybody else. He told me that Callie was hit in the head and the neck. He brought me what's supposed to be her necklace and it didn't have a trace of blood on it,” Trent explained.

  “Maybe he cleaned it?” Kent offered.

  “Kent, I used special solution that can detect the smallest trace of blood...and nothing! Not a damn speck! Even if he cleaned it, who would go to that length to make sure there was no blood on it?”

  “So what are you thinking Trent?”

  “Either this isn't Callie's necklace or someone went through a whole lot of trouble to clean her blood off of it, which means they're covering up something.”

  “Okay dude, what are you going to do now?”

  Trent looked through the windshield. “I'm going to confront all my brothers tomorrow. Ray said I would know everything and I'm not leaving until I do.”

  “Look Trent, call me after you talk to your brothers and don't do anything crazy,” Kent told him.

  “Cool. I'll talk to you later.”

  When Trent arrived home, it was early evening. He made himself a light meal and laid across the sofa. He didn't have classes for the next two days which was a good thing considering what was possibly about to go down tomorrow. He couldn't imagine what his brothers were going to tell him. All he wanted to know was how Callie had died and why. Maybe then this ache in his chest would go away.

  He pulled Callie's Ankh out of his pocket and stared at it. Slowly a tear slid down his face and he didn't bother to wipe it away, it was followed by another then another. He brought her necklace to his lips and kissed it gently before hanging it around his neck to lie next to the one she'd given him.

  Trent stood and walked into his bedroom. He slipped off his shirt and stepped out of his pants before lying across the bed. He already knew what his dreams would be. They were always the same. He dreamed of his love. He dreamed of his heart. He dreamed of Callie Jones.

  Trent awakened the next morning to the smell of food. His mother was here already. He sat up on the bed and wiped his face. Trent’s heart began to beat as today he would talk to his brothers. He felt tense at the thought of what they might say to him. He climbed out of bed and slipped into some shorts and a T-shirt before greeting his mother. He stopped at the bathroom to freshen up before heading to the kitchen. When he reached the doorway, he stopped.

  “I made you some breakfast baby.”

  Trent turned and walked back into his room. He picked up his phone and dialed Kent on a video call.

  “What's up Trent? You talked to your brothers already?”

  “Dude, I'm losing it,” Trent told him breathing heavy. “I'm tripping.”

  Kent could see the look on his face. “What? What's wrong?”

  Trent shook his head. “I just walked into my kitchen and swore I saw Callie making breakfast.”


  “I think I might be actually losing my mind over her,” he whispered brokenly and sat on the bed.

  The phone was removed from his hand and he looked up.

  “Kent, tell Trent you can see me.”

  “Damn! Callie?” Kent exclaimed. “What the hell?”

  She turned to Trent. “I'm real baby.”

  “Trent it's her! It's Callie!” Kent yelled through the phone.

  Trent stared at her until she touched his face. “Callie?”

  Callie turned back to the phone. “Trent will call you later Kent.” She disconnected the call and threw the phone on the bed.

  She focused her attention on Trent. “Please let me explain.” Callie knelt in front of him with her hands on his thighs.

  Trent looked down at her. “You didn't die. This was all set up.” The pieces were rapidly fitting together in his head now.

  Callie nodded. “Yes.”

  “Did you even get shot?” he asked.

  She shook her head slowly. “No...”

  Trent lifted his hands to his face. “I don't believe this!”

  Callie rushed on. “We had to save those women Trent. Esteban was using them as sex slaves.”

  Trent stood and so did Callie. “Why didn't they just tell me? Why put me through all of this?” he demanded.

  “They were afraid that if you knew I was alive down there, you would come to Colombia to find me,” she explained. “The initial plan was for Ray to find out where they were and for me and Marc to go and rescue them. When the plan changed, Marc had to locate them and I had to stay and go undercover. It had to look like I was killed by Marc so that he could keep his cover down there as a part of Esteban's crew.”

  Trent walked across the room. “So Marc made it appear like he shot you so that it would look like he was still loyal to Esteban?”


  Trent's eyes narrowed. “And you've been in Colombia with Marc this whole time?” he questioned.

  Callie looked confused. “I wasn't with Marc. I was working on the case,” she clarified. “When your brothers switched the plan, I had to pretend to be dead.”

  Trent turned to her. “Do you know the agony I've been in trying to find out what happened to you?”

  “Your brothers told me you were very upset.”

  “Upset! I wasn't upset Callie! I was ripped to damn pieces!” he shouted.

  Callie lowered her head. “I'm sorry Trent. I had to protect you and I had to help those women because...I was almost one of them.”

  Trent looked at her. “What are you talking about?”

  Callie leaned back against the wall and began speaking with her head down. “When I was seventeen, my father owed a drug dealer and he couldn't pay, so they decided to take me instead. I was sleeping in my bed one night when he came. I woke up and he was standing over me. I always kept a weapon under my pillow because I'd learned before that my parents weren't the best protection. He went to grab me and I stabbed him in the shoulder. I jumped out of the bed and ran. I went to a neighbor's house and they called the police. That landed me in the custody of protective services and I was taken to a girl's home the same night.”

  “All I remember is being so scared and so all alone. I didn't know what was going to happen to me. I sat on the bed crying the rest of the night. The next morning I watched a man come into the room and he was larger than life. He was big and muscular and he had the most amazing brown eyes. He was like a god.”

  “He called my name and I trembled from the deepness of his voice. He told me he had come for me and that he was going to take care of me. He said that he would make sure no one ever tried to hurt me again. I didn't know who he was or how he found me, all I knew is that I believed every word he said.”

  “I left with him and he took me to a place that looked like an office building, but when we got inside there were rooms on the top floor. A sweet lady came and told me she had a room ready for me. I remember looking at him afraid that he was leaving me but he promised he would be back and that I would be safe. A week later, he came back and took me to the apartment where I live now. He paid all my bills and for my school. He gave me a job working for him and trained me on how to protect myself. And he's never asked for anything in return.”

  “All the girls I live with were rescued in some way by him. He protects and provides for all of us. I remember the first time I asked him his name. He told me he was the Sun God and to me he really was a god because he saved me and changed my life.”

  “When Ray asked me to come and help on the case of the missing women I didn't hesitate, then I met you. After he told me there was a threat on your life, I begged him to let me help protect you. There was no way I was going to let anything happen to you. You are my love and even if we aren't together after this, I will always love you Trent.”

  Trent took a seat on the bed after listening to her. “What happened to the guy who came for you?” he asked angrily.

took care of him. When he came to get me at the building, he told me I was safe and that he had handled everyone. He said I didn't have to worry about anyone coming after me again,” she answered softly.

  Trent watched her closely as she continued.

  “I know you were hurting and I'm sorry you had to go through this, but I would rather have you hurting than dead.” She paused for a minute and when he didn't speak she continued, “I understand this is a lot to process so I'll just go and give you some time to think.” She turned and walked out of the door. Callie entered the living room, grabbed her purse and started toward the front exit.

  Trent met her at the door and she stopped before looking up into his dark eyes. He grabbed her face kissing her with all the love in his heart and Callie's bag fell to the floor as she surrendered to his onslaught.

  Trent lifted his head and looked down at her still holding her face. “Do you know what I was ready to do for you?” he asked hoarsely.

  Callie blinked away the wetness on her lashes and nodded.

  “I love you Callie. I didn't even know what to do with myself.”

  A tear slid down her face onto his hand. “I heard you calling for me when you thought I'd been shot. I cried so hard I thought I would die.”

  Trent pulled her into his arms holding her tightly and Callie leaned into his solid strength. “I love you baby. I missed you so much,” she whispered to him and he began to wipe her face when she looked up at him.

  “Are you okay?” Trent asked searching her face.


  Trent lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist staring into his face where his dark eyes were serious.

  “Don't ever do anything like that again,” he said slowly.

  “Is there anybody else trying to kill you?”

  He shook his head. “No, but you were about to have me kill somebody.”

  Callie smiled. “I heard you've turned straight gangsta while I was gone,” she teased him.

  “I'm not the same dude that I was before,” he told her seriously.

  She touched his face. “What does that mean?” she asked warily.

  He turned and pressed her back against the wall then leaned down to her. “It means that I'm not a kid. I'm a grown ass man and everybody is going to treat me accordingly. All this keeping secrets to protect me is a wrap. It's done! I can protect myself,” he informed her.


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