The Bear’s Surrogate: A Paranormal Romance (Shifter Surrogate Agency Book 2)

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The Bear’s Surrogate: A Paranormal Romance (Shifter Surrogate Agency Book 2) Page 6

by Layla Silver

  Kyle laughed. "Relax, it's non-alcoholic. There are teenagers here."

  I nodded in understanding. "For a second there, I thought you'd found where Claire keeps your pair locked up."

  "Ha-ha, very funny, Linc. Not that it's any of your business what my mate does with my balls," he answered, raising his finger at me.

  I held up my hands in surrender, laughing when I saw Claire making her way towards us. There was a woman with her whom I didn't recognize, but judging by the conniving look on my friend's face, I knew that I would be finding out soon.

  "Lincoln, there you are!" Claire exclaimed happily, drawing me in for a quick hug.

  "Was I missing?" I laughed, earning a slap on my arm.

  "You should be making your way around and saying hello to everyone, not just stand here with this one. All he does is enable you," she complained, making me look at Kyle above her head.

  He shrugged and gave him his 'what do I know' face, which he always did when it came to his wife.

  "You remember Diana?" Claire asked animatedly, giving me a look that said, 'go with it or else.'

  "Of course," I said, extending a hand and catching sight of Kyle trying hard not to laugh.

  Diana, Dakota; they were all the same to me, and I didn't want yet another woman causing me pain. I made polite conversation with Diana. She wasn’t from Werebear Ranch, but I’d probably met her at a previous clan party. She was a beautiful woman. Josh and the other guys in the clan were typical womanizers who made sure they invited plenty of gorgeous women to their parties. It wasn't Diana’s fault that I was messed up and couldn't scrap together any interest. I managed to politely make my escape only to find myself in a conversation with yet another pretty woman, and another, and another. As the night went on, I talked to at least half the single women in the room. Some of them were just making polite conversation, but I noticed a few that were definitely showing interest. I ended up with about five phone numbers I had no intention of ever calling, but besides that, I had a good time.

  The party went well, and I enjoyed how everyone was genuinely interested in one another's wellbeing. It was like having a huge extended family, and I understood why Kyle and Claire were so happy and expressed their love for everyone here freely. I was feeling more and more at home with my new clan, and I was confident that my child would have a happy life here. And so would I; I just had to dodge Claire's matchmaking efforts first.

  Chapter 10 - Dakota

  I frowned as I looked at my swollen feet that barely fit in the slippers I was trying to put on. It seemed like everything on me was swollen lately, and it was a struggle getting dressed every morning.

  “That’s it, no more cheeseburgers for you, little one,” I joked as I patted my stomach.

  Time had gone by so fast that I could hardly believe how big I had gotten. I was six months along now, and my life had become a routine of work, monthly prenatal visits, and a lot of naps. I was carrying a lazy baby, no doubt about it, with a very particular love of burgers and anything sweet.

  “So, I got lucky with the morning sickness, but I had to get this?" I sighed loudly, looking for some shoes that would fit.

  I could use a nice foot massage, I thought, and my mind instantly went to Lincoln's large, capable hands. I allowed myself to think of him just once a day without guilt; happy, sexy thoughts only. It was better than the initial thousand, which only served to make me miserable. The man wouldn't leave my thoughts, no matter how hard I tried. It only took seeing a couple in the parking lot, or getting in my car, or breathing to be reminded of him.

  I had cried again the day I had found out that I was pregnant. Because when I had gone to the clinic, I had seen Lincoln everywhere I looked. It made me miss what we could have had, although I had no idea what that could have been. Which made it worse because my imagination was very creative. I conjured up thoughts of Lincoln driving me for my monthly check-ups, helping me exercise, and making me laugh when it all seemed too much. I imagined not being so alone and opening myself up to a chance of true happiness. I imagined not looking over my shoulder every time because he was right there, making me feel safe. And when I had gone home, I had deleted his number so that I wouldn't be tempted to call — something I now regretted terribly.

  I had no way of getting in touch with him, and it wasn't for lack of trying. I'd had no luck on the internet or social media; it was like the guy was a ghost. Had I imagined him, I often wondered? Then I got into my car and remembered that no, I hadn't. Lincoln had come over to fix my car, spent the night, then I had tossed him out like spoiled leftover food. My reasons might have seemed valid at the time, but I now regretted not giving him a chance.

  With my daily Lincoln minute over, I found another pair of shoes and prepared for work. Getting a new job had become more difficult since I was pregnant, but I only had to hold on to my current one for another couple of months before I could start looking again. I was hopeful that it would all work out, and I would have money saved over from my final surrogacy payment.

  I drove to work and parked in my usual spot, grateful that at least my car was still working well. It made life so much easier since I was getting bigger on a weekly basis now. Walking to catch a bus every day would not be ideal. I clocked in and went to the manager's office to check on my request for a new uniform. His facial expression changed when he looked up at my knock and laid eyes on me.

  "Dakota, come in," he said, gesturing to the empty seat in front of his old desk.

  "Thank you, sir," I said, drawing the chair out and sitting down.

  His eyes quickly went to my belly before moving back to my face, and I shifted in my seat, trying to make my stomach seem as small as possible. It was impossible; there was just no hiding it.

  "I'm glad you’re here, I was just about to give you a call," he began.

  "You were?" I asked in surprise. "Is it about my request? I understand if there isn't enough in the budget to—"

  "Yes, about that," he interrupted. "I'm afraid we're going to have to let you go."

  Wait, what?

  "I'm afraid I don't understand."

  I had done nothing wrong during my entire employment. I made sure to come early and do my job well. Even when it was hard and when it was painful, I never complained. I never said anything when they paid us late or even cut our salaries. I was the last person who deserved to be fired.

  He sighed. "We can't have you working in your current condition."

  "But I've been here on time every day, and I do my job just as well as I have always been," I said in defense.

  I couldn't afford to go on leave because they wouldn't pay me. This wasn't the kind of job that had maternity leave, or any kind of leave for that matter.

  "I'm sorry," he said, looking anything but.

  “Please, I really need this job. Just a couple more months, I can still handle the work,” I pleaded.

  “Dakota, it has already been decided. You can leave your uniform on your way out.”

  That was it then, no notice, no warning whatsoever. I stood up, still in shock over everything. What the hell was I going to do now? How would I pay rent or buy food? My landlord was already livid that I was late with last month's rent; this was the last thing I needed right now. My first cheque from the agency had gone to my uncle and covered a couple of months’ worth of rent and groceries. Now I had been living off of my salary, which wouldn't be coming any more thanks to my cruel reality. The bad thing about expenses was that they didn't stop coming just because the income stopped.

  I wanted to cry, but I felt too numb. All I could do was drag my swollen feet to the parking lot. My drive home felt longer than usual, and by the time I got there, I didn't even have the energy to eat. I just threw myself onto my bed and slept, dreaming of better things that were always eluding me. I dreamed of shifting and running through the woods with my parents. I dreamed of a large house and a couple of playful kids with hazel eyes. I dreamed of Lincoln.

  I woke with a
start, my alarm filling the room with its evil sound. I glared at my possessed alarm clock and was shocked to realize that I had slept till morning. I crawled across my bed and turned it off, then remembered that I had a check-up today. I didn't want to go, didn't want to do anything except stay in my room and wallow. But I couldn't. I had a baby to think of, and it wasn't his or her fault that my life was a mess.

  "Think they will mind if I show up without taking a shower?" I said to myself, looking down at my temporary roommate. "Wow, your response is overwhelming."

  Anna had texted me twice to check if I was doing okay, and I responded to let her know that I was alright and would figure something out. It was a lie, but I couldn’t have her worrying about me. What’s done was done, and I had no doubt that I had been replaced already. There was no shortage of desperate girls moving to the city and in need of a job that didn’t require any paperwork. Which meant I had to move on too, even though I had no idea where to begin. It had been impossible enough when it had been just me. But now, with the baby, it was a lost cause.

  I took a quick bath then had some cereal for breakfast. I couldn't think of how little food I had left in my cupboard now; it would just make me cry. What I needed was a miracle right now, and it was too bad there wasn’t anywhere I could go to get one.

  "Good thing we'll get free lunch at the clinic," I said before patting my stomach.

  The clinic cafeteria always had food ready for all the surrogates after check-ups, just like they served snacks after yoga in the clinic gym. But it was only one meal. What would I do tomorrow? Or the following week when my food ran out again? I didn’t have time to think about it, though, because I had an appointment at the agency. So I left my building and drove to the agency, arriving just in time.

  "Miss Daniels, come on in," Dr. Brady said as I walked into the consultation room.

  He was one of the doctors who did routine check-ups for expecting mothers, and we had met a couple of times. My case doctor was Dr. Carlton, but Dr. Brady took over the check-ups when she was unavailable for any reason. I took a seat on the bed, and he lowered it to make me more comfortable.

  "So how have you and the baby been?" he asked as he walked to his computer and typed something in.

  "We’re both okay, although my feet have been swelling up."

  "Are you getting enough rest and drinking enough water?" he asked, walking back towards me with a clipboard.

  I nodded, and he placed the board on the bed near my feet.

  "We will check your weight and blood pressure, but it’s pretty common. Regular exercise and avoiding standing for long periods of time helps," he said, putting on some gloves. "Any other problems?"

  I laughed without humor and found myself responding. "Well, does being fired and having no idea how to make ends meet count?"

  Dr. Brady looked at me for a second, and I felt my skin heat in a furious blush. "Please forget I said that, I'm sorry."

  "Miss Daniels, if you are having financial problems that make it difficult for you to take care of the child you are carrying, you have to let us know," he said, giving me a concerned look.

  "I'll figure it out. Please forget I said anything," I said, feeling embarrassed.

  I didn't want to come off as the desperate surrogate who hadn't managed her first cheque well. I wanted the earth to just open and swallow me now.

  "It's really not an issue. The agency will talk to the intended father on your behalf. Remember, our main concern is for the baby's wellbeing," he said.

  That was true, this wasn't about my pride but about the baby, and I had to remember that. A part of me was happy that this was even an option. If there was anything they could do to help me out, then I was all for it. Wallowing wasn't going to take me out of my current situation.

  "Thank you," I finally said, and felt better when Dr. Brady gave me a warm, fatherly smile.

  "Not a problem. Now let's see how nicely this little bun is baking, heh?"

  I laughed and nodded, listening to his calm voice talk me through the check-up. Everything was okay, and the baby was developing well. Maybe, just maybe, I'd be okay too.

  Chapter 11 - Lincoln

  I checked my worksheet as I walked out of my bay, logging in the two trucks that were fixed and ready for collection. It had been a busy day, but I had been working overtime to clear my tasks so that I could enjoy my time off tomorrow without worrying about deadlines. I walked into Theo's office, and he looked up from his computer.

  "Lincoln," he beamed, "you have something for me?"

  I offered him the clipboard with completed diagnostics and everything that I had fixed. "Just the job sheet for Toni's pizza delivery trucks."

  "Splendid. He'd said he would come in on Monday."

  "Why wait, those pizzas aren't going to deliver themselves," I shrugged.

  "He'll be pleased. And the test report?" Theo asked.

  "Logged in and sent to your email," I replied.

  My boss smiled again and nodded. "Great then. You’re heading out already?"


  "Okay, then. Enjoy your weekend."

  "Thanks, you too," I replied, then turned to walk out.

  I had an appointment at the agency, so I changed out of my filthy work suit and took a quick shower. It helped to have an adequate locker room at work because most of the time, I finished work looking like something other than human.

  Hmm, the irony of that statement.

  I drove to the agency and walked into Elton's office right on time. He had a stack of papers in front of him, and I frowned as I took a seat.

  "Those are not for me, are they?" I asked, but he laughed as he shook his head.

  "No, Mr. Pierce. These are yours," he replied as he took out an envelope from the tray and handed it to me.

  I opened it and found two forms inside, which I read through and signed after I was satisfied. We had already spoken over the phone, so I was just in to sign. There was also something else in the envelope, and I took out two ultrasound images.

  "Oh, wow, is that my baby?" I asked in awe, looking at the tiny thing in black and white.

  "Yes, that's your baby, Mr. Pierce," Elton smiled. "Although you never requested to know the sex of the child."

  "Don't need to," I said, and he gave me a knowing smile.

  "I can see that. Anyway, everything is fine, and the pregnancy is progressing well. There is a small challenge with the surrogate, however."

  "Is she okay?" I asked immediately, worried that something might be wrong.

  But he had just said that the pregnancy was progressing well, so it couldn't be a health issue. Could it?

  "She's fine. But would you be willing to cover some of her living expenses? I understand it’s unexpected, but we wouldn't ask if it wasn't important," Elton said, which made me feel relieved that she was alright health-wise.

  But another payment?

  I didn't have anything left after the last deposit I had made on building materials. I had been counting on the fact that I had three more months until I had to pay the surrogate, so I hadn't hesitated to use all of my money.

  "I'm sorry, but I don't have any more money at the moment," I told Elton, feeling terrible that I couldn't help out.

  "She’s about to be thrown out of her apartment, and I don't need to explain how that would be bad for the baby," Elton said.

  "If that's the case, perhaps she can stay with me for the final trimester? It wasn't what we had planned, but I have lots of room, and she will have everything she needs at her disposal," I offered.

  It seemed like the perfect solution to the problem. I hadn't wanted to meet her, let alone stay with her, but that's the situation we had found ourselves in, and I had to make the most of it. It was a good thing that I spent most of my time working at the garage or around the house, so she wouldn't have to see me often. And the house was big enough that we could co-exist perfectly without stepping on each other's toes. The woman was carrying my child, and I would do everythi
ng in my power to make it work.

  "That shouldn't be a problem if you are okay with it. We'll get in touch with her and let her know." Elton smiled.

  "It's settled then; tomorrow works for me. I'll be home the whole day," I said, handing him the papers that I had signed.

  I put the latest ultrasound pictures in my shirt pocket, thinking I should probably get one of those baby photo albums. I wanted to capture every moment of my baby's life, and I already had a couple of pictures to start that timeline.

  "Thank you, that will be all," Elton said, standing up when I did to shake my hand.

  I nodded and walked out, making my way to my car. My phone rang, and I took it out as I unlocked my door. It was Kyle.

  "Has dinner been canceled?" I said without greeting.

  Kyle laughed at the other end of the line. "No such luck, grumpy. Please pick up some breadsticks and grape juice on your way home."

  I got into my car and put the key in the ignition before replying. "Are you making all of your guests buy something? Because the only reason I was coming was because of the free food."

  "Nope, just you. Because you are special," he replied.

  I scoffed. "White or red?"

  "White, please, thanks."

  "Later," I said before hanging up.

  This changed my plan of going straight home, and I drove back into the city. I got into a supermarket and went for the bakery first to get the breadsticks. As I walked towards the refrigerators, I thought of whether I should buy something to make my guest feel more at home. My fridge was always full, but I didn't have fruits anymore. A pregnant woman would need those, right? I didn't know if she was allergic to anything though, or if she had any particular pregnancy cravings. I would probably need to come back after seeing her nutrition chart and hearing her preferences. With that decision made, I left the shopping for tomorrow and got just what Kyle had asked for.

  Kyle and Claire were hosting a dinner, and the shifters that lived close by would be coming. It was too soon after the birthday bash, in my opinion, but the Bears were always up for a good time, so it was all normal for them. I didn't bother with dressing up when I got home, opting just to change my shirt and making my way to Kyle's place.


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