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For Love & Torture_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

Page 41

by Michelle Love

Then he looks at me and I have to look away quickly. When I bring my eyes up, I see Jade. And when she walks back into the door she came out of, I sneak a peek at the guy who’s waiting for her and see he’s getting out of the car.

  He’s tired of waiting and is going in after her. But she’s not really wanting to be with the guy. I know Jade. If she was into him then she’d have told her friend she had to go and would’ve come running to him.

  She didn’t do that. She told him to wait and then she went back inside for some reason. And here he is, pushing himself on her!

  I should do something. I know I should.

  Instead of getting out, I pick up my cell out of the center console. Maybe I’ll call her. Maybe I’ll see if she’ll answer my call.

  Before I can make up my mind, I see them both coming out of the classroom and Jade’s shaking her head as they stop and talk. He’s throwing his hands up in the air and she’s got her head down.

  She’s being submissive to him and I find myself hating it. Has she found herself another Dom? Has she gotten herself into something she thought would be comparable to what we had but has turned out terrible?

  What if he’s hurt her? What if he’s demanding too much out of her? What if she wants out of their agreement and he won’t let her out?

  I told her not to get involved with another Dom!

  My heart pounds as I try to decide what I should do. I’m not afraid of getting into a confrontation with the guy. It’s not that at all. It’s Jade I’m afraid of.

  What if she tells me to get lost? What if she tells me she belongs to that guy? What if she tells me she doesn’t love me anymore?

  The fear flows through me like a river of hot lava. And that’s what makes me stop being a little bitch and letting fear rule me. Opening my door, I get out and wait a moment to try to hear what they’re saying.

  I find I can’t make it out at all. It’s all just mumbles and grumbles. Moving around the car, I find Jade still looking down. “Jade!” I shout to get her attention.

  Her head turns slowly as she hears my voice. She’s stone still as she looks my way. Her cap comes off as she puts her hand up to hood her eyes. It’s only then that I realize the sun’s setting behind me. I must look like a dark figure to her and nothing more.

  Moving toward her, I shout again, “Jade!”

  “Pierce?” she asks as she comes to me. “Pierce, is that you?”

  “Jade!” I shout again as I walk a bit faster. “It’s me! It’s Pierce!”

  With a jump, she flat out runs to me. Her arms are outstretched as she shouts, “Pierce!”

  And then we collide with a burst of energy that defies nature. I can’t figure out where she ends and I begin as I run my hands all over her and our mouths meet. Our tongues swirl together like old friends who’ve missed one another desperately.

  Then a voice interferes with our sweet reunion. “So this is the man who made you the way you are, Jade.”

  With soft kisses, we stop our kiss, but can’t seem to let the other out of the hold we have on each other. “This is Pierce. The man who made me what I am today.” Her hand flows over my cheek. “You’ve shaved.”

  With a nod, I take her hand and hold it, running it over my smooth cheek. “I did. And your gorgeous face is a sight for sore eyes, baby. Did you miss me at all?”

  Tears start to run down her cheeks as she chokes back a sob. “More than I knew was possible. Does you being here mean what I think it means, Pierce?”

  “Are you even going to bother introducing us, Jade?” the moron who should be hitting the bricks and leaving us alone asks.

  “Oh, uh. Well, Pierce, this is Charles.” Jade pats my chest. “Charles, this is Pierce. And we should get going. He and I have tons to talk about.” She looks up at me with shimmering eyes. “Mind giving me a lift, Pierce?”

  Wiping away the tears that she’s shed, I answer, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  I move with her, taking her to the rental car. The guy is right behind us, fuming. “Pierce, you and I should talk before you spend any time alone with Jade. She’s been in therapy for the last few months over what you did to her.”

  Stopping dead in my tracks, I ask her, “Jade, is that true?”

  She nods and sniffles. “But it’s okay. My therapist told me I’m not crazy.” She laces her fingers with mine. “And neither are you.”

  “That’s not exactly true. I am a bit nuts. I did send the only woman I’ve ever loved away. That was insane if you ask me.” I kiss her cheek as we start walking again.

  We gaze into each other’s eyes, unable to get enough of each other. Then the old hound dog barks again, “Jade, seriously! This young man and I need to have a private talk. I must demand it.”

  “Hold on, Pierce.” Jade lets me go and takes a few steps to stand in front of the other dude. “Charles, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. You’re a real gentleman and I’ll never say any different. But I don’t want you to say a thing to this man. If you ran him off, I’d most likely kill you and regret nothing by doing it. He’s come back for me, a thing I’ve prayed for every day for six months. And I’ll let no one get in our way. You understand, don’t you?”

  He’d better understand! I’m not walking away from this woman again!

  “Jade, I know you think you love him …”

  “Shh, Charles,” she interrupts him. “I know I love him. Don’t make things awkward between us. I’d hate that.”

  With a nod, he walks away, going to his car as we watch him leave us, his head hung low. Jade comes back to me and I wrap my arms around her, then kiss the top of her head. “He seems like a good guy.”

  “He is. He’s just not you though.” Jade’s arms run around my neck as she looks into my eyes. “Now how about you take me to my flat and we make love until we can’t anymore, then go to sleep in each other’s arms the way I’ve wanted to since I got on the jet that night.”

  “Anything you want, baby. I’m yours completely, for as long as you’ll have me.” I open the passenger door and help her get inside.

  When I slip in behind the steering wheel, I find her smile bigger than I’ve ever seen before. “Pierce, is this actually happening? Are you really here?”

  “I’m here. You and I are going to make plans for our future. It may not all be roses and wine, but by God, we have more love between us than most have. A future with you sounds like heaven to me.”

  “Agreed,” she says, then closes her eyes as she laces our fingers together again. “I’m not ever letting you send me away again, Pierce Langford.”

  “No need to worry about that. I’m never letting you go again, Jade Thomas.”

  Driving away, toward the setting sun, I can’t help but feel I’ve done the right thing. All I can see is happiness in her eyes, and when I glance in the rearview mirror, that’s all I find in mine too.

  I do believe we’ve found our happily ever after ending after all!

  The End

  Grant Jamison, as mentioned in “The Dirty Virgin” is a founding member of the BDSM Club, The Dungeon of Decorum. He’s a character who will appear in every Submissives’ Secrets Novel and if you sign up for our Newsletter then you’ll get his story with each newly released, steam-filled, full length novel.

  Here’s what you can look forwarded by signing up…

  Dirty Dom

  The water’s cold…She’s red hot!

  She sits on the white, rocky shore as I stalk her from behind.

  Her aspirations are as big as the Texas sky.

  I have other plans for the Yale College girl.

  Kinky plans!

  I’ll command her body and she’ll command my heart.

  The first step in my plan, make her crave my c*ck.

  Then everything else will fall into place.

  My only fear is that one day she’ll go away.

  Leaving me alone to miss her…

  Click here to get your copy


  His Dirty Little Virgin Extended Epilogue

  A Submissives’ Secrets Extra

  By Michelle Love


  Steam rolls out of the large pot I’ve taken the lid off of so Pierce can drop the live lobsters into the water that’s just begun to boil. “I can’t watch,” I whine as my eyes close, and turn my back to the carnage my husband is bringing down on the poor, unsuspecting lobsters I named Benny and Joon.

  “It happens so fast, they feel nothing,” he tells me in a vain attempt to end my guilt over how much I’ll be enjoying them soon. Putting his arms around me from behind, he uses the dish towel I have in my apron pocket to wipe his hands. His lips press against the hollow behind my ear. “And something as special as a five-year anniversary deserves a special meal. Don’t you agree, baby?”

  Turning in his arms, I look into those hazel depths I’ve come to know so well. “Your beard is filling in already, and it’s only two days into our little vacation back at our cabin.” The hair is smooth as I run my hand over his cheek.

  Taking my hand, he leaves a kiss on top of it. “I think we should FaceTime the kids when we get through with dinner. We promised we’d do that for them every single day, you know.”

  “When we talked to them yesterday, they didn’t seem to give a crap that we were even gone.” I notice the pot with our lobsters is about to boil over and have to leave the comfort of Pierce’s arms to turn the heat down. “My parents certainly know how to spoil them when we take our once a year, week-long anniversary vacation.”

  “That they do,” he agrees as he goes to the fridge to take out the salad we made earlier. Placing it on the table, he looks around the cabin we came to when we first met. “The landlord sure is doing an excellent job of keeping this place up.”

  “Do you ever think about buying it from him, Pierce? You know, since it’s such a chore having the playroom equipment brought in and out for our stay.” Checking on our dinner, I see the shellfish are growing red and have stopped moving about. Thankful for their quick demise, I return the lid to its proper place and find my husband has his arms around me from behind once again.

  The man can’t seem to get enough of me!

  “I should think about it, shouldn’t I?” he asks me, then runs his fingers through my hair as his lips caress my neck. “But then I think you and I would keep finding reason after reason to make visits to our little cabin. And that would take time away from the little family we’ve started.” His hands move to run over my stomach. “And I’d like to get another bun in that oven ASAP.”

  “I know you do.” I turn in his arms and wrap mine around him. “And so do I. But I think we could use a get-away more than just once a year. Making our plans for our scenes is the highlight of my year.”

  “Funny, I thought acting out the actual scenes was the highlight of your year, baby.” His mouth closes over mine, thrusting his masterful tongue into my mouth, overtaking it, making it yield to his.

  We moan as our kiss grows. Our hands move over each other and then sound of the lobster pot boiling over intervenes, ending our kiss.

  With quick movements, Pierce grabs the pot holders and moves the pot off the hot burner. “Damn these things. Let’s get this dinner over with so I can take you to the playroom. I can’t wait to see your ass up in the sling.”

  My cheeks heat with a little bit more than embarrassment as my husband talks about tying me up. Desire burns in them as well. We’ve spent the last month honing the scene to perfection. We’ll practice it this week, getting me prepared to take all he hands out. Then we’ll perform it at the club. We’re seasonal members at The Dungeon of Decorum.

  Never in my wildest dreams did I foresee this in my future. I was going to be a writer, and that was that. Most likely I’d spend my time alone as I wrote my stories. But that all changed when Pierce came for me.

  We were married only six months after his arrival in North Wales. He bought an estate outside of London. My parents moved into the smaller home on the property. They actually fell in love with Pierce just as easily as I had.

  It took no time at all for us to be ready to add to our family. Little Sarah was our first; only a bit over a year after we were married, our baby girl came along. Two years later, we had her a brother, Johnathon. Then we decided to give a bit of space between them and the next addition to our growing family.

  With this anniversary, we’re tossing the birth control aside and letting nature take its course. So we’ll see what’s in store for us parentally in the next few months, I suppose.

  With the kids, and being the wife of a very busy man, one would think my goals would have suffered. And they have, somewhat. I’ve only been able to get out a book a year. I’d wanted to get them out faster; three a year was my initial goal.

  Oddly enough, it was Pierce who taught me how to schedule my time to include work and family. It was a thing he had to master before we were married. He wasn’t about to marry me and have kids if he couldn’t figure out how to give us the kind of attention we would need.

  Giving up the office in the Portland office, Pierce made a home office for himself. He does most things through the Internet, only having to go to Portland when board meetings occur that he has to make an appearance at.

  Pierce has become quite the professional time manager for our entire family. We run on strict schedules, except when we take our once a year vacation as a couple. Then and only then does he allow time to flow at its own pace, and we go along with it.

  “I forgot to melt the butter, Jade!” he calls out to me as I put the salad on the table.

  “I’ll do that while you cut open the lobsters.” I hurry to get the butter and get it all going as Pierce finds the scissors. “You know, darling, going out for dinner on our anniversary is a thing we can do.”

  “Never,” he says with a grin. “We go out on so many occasions. I love to make our own meal and recall our time back then when we came to this place as near strangers to one another. You couldn’t cook a lick. And I didn’t think I could really love anyone. We both learned so much in this place. And preparing the meal is part of that.”

  A smile takes over my lips as I think about how sentimental my man is. Such a sweetheart he can be at times. And such a harsh, masterful man at other times.

  My pulse quickens as I think forward to our time in the playroom. A paddle will be used for the first time for me. And Pierce has found a sling that will hold me up. He’ll still use more rope to maneuver me the way he wants to, and I can hardly wait!

  “Butter, Jade,” he calls out as he places our lobster-filled plates on the table. “I’ll pour the wine, and you get that butter over here. My mouth is watering, and it’s not for the food!”

  I giggle as I hurry to pour the butter into a small dish we’ll share. “Are you trying to say that your mouth is watering over me, my dear?”

  As I place the butter on the table, I find myself being picked up. Pierce’s voice is gruff as he whispers, “Of course it’s watering over you. I’m about to torture your ass until you plead for mercy.” His growl sends shivers down my spine.

  And just like that, sweet Pierce is gone, and the animal in him has taken over. I foresee dinner being eaten quickly and my clothes being torn off me within minutes.

  Oh, my!


  I thought it’d be impossible to manage work and family, but I was so wrong. Then again, I have to thank Jade for being such a great partner in life. If it wasn’t for her and the way she makes things so damn easy, then I don’t think I could’ve ever figured it all out.

  Not only did I gain a wife, but we’ve made a couple of beautiful kids as well. And to think that I never even thought I could manage to have a girlfriend along with work!

  The way things have changed is remarkable. Jade has written five books, one each year. The first three were shaky, but the last two skyrocketed to best sellers, and they managed to drag the first three up with them.

  I’m the family time-management specialist. With that grueling chore, I’m the one who earns tons of frowns when I lay down the rules. Bedtimes for the kids earn me the most.

  And where Jade and her career are concerned, I get a lot of frowns from her agent and publicist. Those women almost detest me. Not that I care in the least. Jade is my priority. To me, she’s not only my wife but the mother of our kids as well. We come first, career comes second. That’s how I run my life as well.

  Jade and the kids are numero uno. I’ve made my company reschedule board meetings because of my kids’ birthdays and once because Jade had the flu. I wasn’t about to leave her while she was sick!

  So I follow the orders I make my family follow. I’m not above any of them. We’re all equals. And we all have the things we’re in charge of. Even the kids. Little things, of course. They can’t do a lot yet. But they need to know they have roles in the family too.

  I thought I’d have my work cut out for me with Jade’s parents. But they never blinked an eye when Jade and I let them know how things would run in our home.

  Her parents live in the guest house on our estate. They know we value our privacy and are perfect at keeping to themselves and letting us maintain our family the way we see fit. In exchange for that respect, we allow them to spoil the kids rotten once a year, during our anniversary vacation. But things return to normal as soon as we get back home.

  That’s how things go for Jade and me as well. We allow ourselves the one week a year to go back to where we came from. Where our love was found. Where we began.

  Jade and I both get a bit giddy as we begin making our scene up a month before our anniversary. On the first day of September, every year, the heat starts to rise in our master bedroom back home.

  The planning is just as hot as the actual doing. And Jade has become magnificent at planning. She looks up all sorts of cool things, things that not only push her limits, but mine as well.

  She’s more than perfect for me, a bit of heaven, with a touch of hell. We’re perfect together, balancing one another in a way I didn’t know was possible.


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