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For Love & Torture_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

Page 100

by Michelle Love

  Livia nodded. “She was.”

  “I hope that we can meet soon.”

  Livia wriggled into his arms. “I did speak to her about that. Nox…she’s not ready. She told me she still has so much anger towards your father that if she saw you, saw that you looked like him now, she might have some kind of left-brain-hip-check and freak out on you.”

  Nox was silent for a while. Livia studied him, her brow furrowed. “I hope I haven’t upset you.”

  “No.” But he sat up and rubbed his face. He picked his shirt up and started to put it on. “I guess…well…”


  “I guess I should tell you. Charvi and my mom…way before she was married to my dad, they were close. Very close.”


  Nox nodded. “I was the only one who knew. My mom used to confide in me and she always told me, although she never regretted marrying my dad and having Teague and I, that she hated being estranged from Charvi. That she had loved her entirely.”

  “Why did your mom leave her?”

  Nox gave her a sad smile. “Family.”

  “Enough said. God, the tragedy of it all.” She stroked his face. “Do you think that’s why your father went crazy? He found out?”

  “I don’t know, Liv, I honestly don’t. Dad was pretty open-minded, pretty progressive. I can’t imagine he would freak out over something like that; then again, I never imagined he could kill my mother and brother in cold blood.”

  Livia shivered. “My father was, or is, a drunk asshole but he never laid a hand on me. I can’t imagine what it must have been like for you.”

  He kissed her forehead. “That’s the thing…he was a great dad. Really great. None of those machismo, you-are-boys-so-you-must-be-tough crap. I guess I’ll never understand.”

  Livia was quiet for a while. “Nox…why did the police believe he was guilty so easily, then? Why didn’t they look into it further?”

  He looked surprised. “It was pretty cut and dried, sweetheart. They found Dad with the gun in his mouth, gunshot residue all over him.”

  “He could have been framed.”

  “Unlikely, according to the forensic team, but I appreciate you thinking well of him.” He kissed her again. “What about you? You don’t talk about your family that much.”

  She shrugged. “Not much to tell. Only child, Mom was amazing, but cancer doesn’t discriminate. If the world was fair, it would have taken Dad.”

  “Do you think you’ll ever see him again?”

  “I doubt it. It’s no loss, really. My family is here. Moriko and I met first semester in college – roommates ever since.” She checked her watch. “Talking of which, she’d due home any minute so you might want to get dressed.”

  “Too late.” The door was opening as Livia was speaking and a grinning Moriko strode in. “Hey, kids. Nice cock.” She added to Nox, who was trying to cover himself with his jeans and laughing. Livia burst into giggles as she covered his groin with her body. Moriko’s high laughter rang out as she disappeared into her room. “Let me know when you’re somewhat decent and I’ll come out.”

  A few minutes passed and Moriko stuck her head out of the door. She looked disappointed. “Oh. You’re dressed. Give a girl a treat, why don’t you?” She winked at Nox who grinned back. Livia shook her head.

  “You are terrible. Look, we’re going to order pizza and beer – want in?”

  “Hell, yes, if I’m not disturbing anything.”

  “Not at all.”

  When the pizza arrived, Livia passed out cold beers and they sat out on the tiny balcony that looked over the city. “If you squint,” Moriko told Nox, “you can see Bourbon Street from here.”

  Nox looked in the direction of the famous street. “Really.”

  “Squint harder…harder…. now close your eyes and imagine Bourbon Street.” Moriko cackled at her joke and Livia giggled, throwing a piece of pizza crust at her friend.

  “Don’t tease.”

  “No, no” Nox said, grinning, “that’s what best friends are supposed to do to the paramour. It is the law.”

  Moriko nodded wisely. “You are wise, Young Padawan.”

  Livia coughed and it sounded suspiciously like ‘geek.’ Moriko smiled, cat-like. “You may mock, Liv, but me and Wondercock here are bonding.”

  Nox choked on his pizza and Liv threw an apologetic look at him. “Sorry, she’s not housetrained yet.”

  The three of them spent the late afternoon and evening drinking and laughing and then at ten p.m. Moriko got up. “Well, it’s been swell, guys, I’m outtie.”

  “Hot date?”

  “Tepid but doable.” Moriko threw her denim jacket on. She winked at Nox. “Good to meet you properly. Look after each other, kids.” And she disappeared into the apartment. “And keep those windows open…it reeks of sex in here.”

  “Yeah, it does,” mumbled decidedly drunk Livia, with a satisfied grin. Nox laughed and hoisted her onto his lap.

  “You’re drunk.”

  “Yep.” She kissed him. “And you’re beautiful. Take me to bed, Renaud, and fuck the brains out of me.” She shrieked as he stood and threw her over his shoulder, carried her into her bedroom, and proceeded to do just that.

  Chapter Eight

  “The lavender one…no, not that one…does that look lavender to you? That one, yes.”

  Moriko was barking orders at Livia as she dressed for the Thanksgiving meal at Nox’s home. The dinner with all his closest friend. All of them. And their girlfriend and boyfriends and …Livia felt sick with nerves. She stepped into the dress Moriko had said, then shook her head. “No. I don’t feel right in it.”

  “What about the white one?”

  “I don’t want to come off as a vestal virgin. And anyways, gravy.”

  Moriko sighed. “Fair enough. So, we’re looking for something that says ‘Hey, don’t mind me, I’m the go-to-go-but-not-slutty-girlfriend from the wrong side of the tracks…’ I’ve got it. Let’s go find some knocked-up-from-the-thrift-store pink dress and Duckie can take you to the dance.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Livia was feeling irritated now. She’d tried on several of her dresses and was getting down to the last few she owned. Moriko rolled her eyes.

  “Pretty in Pink, Doofus.”

  “Moriko, this is serious. Nox is picking me up in fifteen minutes and I have nothing. Nothing.”

  “Jeez, don’t have a cow. Hang on.”

  She disappeared and Livia heard her ruffling through her wardrobe, and frowned. “Dude, there isn’t a chance in hell I’ll fit into anything of yours.”

  “Quiet.” Moriko came back bearing a large box. “I was saving this for Christmas but I think you need it now. Open it.”

  Livia’s eyes widened when she saw the label on the box. “Oh no, Morry, you can’t afford this.”

  “Shut up and open it.”

  Livia lifted the box lid and shifted the tissue paper. She gave a little gasp. She pulled out the mauve dress and held it up against her.

  “Put it on, moron.”

  Livia slid into it and turned to look at herself in the mirror. The neck came down in a vee-shape- not too low, but low enough to show off her long neck and décolletage. The color picked out all the gold highlights in her golden-brown hair and complimented her large eyes and creamy skin. It hugged her curves and fell to just above her knee. Classy, elegant…Livia couldn’t believe it. “Oh, Morry, I can’t believe this. Thank you so much.”

  Moriko’s eyes were soft. “I knew as soon as I saw it, it was made for you. Wear your gold locket with it. Here, let me.” She hooked the necklace over her friend’s head. “Lovely. And wear your hair up. Here…” Once again, she took charged a moment later, Livia’s thick dark and gold hair was swept up into a chignon, with a few strands falling down to soften it. Some subtle gold eyeshadow and a slick rose pink lipstick and Livia couldn’t believe the reflection in the mirror. Was that really her?

  “You look i
ncredible,” said Moriko with a self-satisfied grin. “Who’s your Momma?”

  “You is.” Livia laughed and hugged her. “Thank you, Boo.”

  “Now, I hear a car door which means Nox is early as always. Have a lovely dinner and don’t let anyone…you know.”

  Livia grinned. “Looking like this? They wouldn’t dare.” She high-fived her friend as the doorbell rang.

  Livia was flattered by the expression on Nox’s face. “Wow,” he said, his voice cracking. “Wow, Liv.”

  She flushed and kissed him, but seconds later, Morry came out and stuck a Post-it note just above his groin. Nox laughed as he read it.

  “Livia Chatelaine, do not touch/squeeze/suck on this until after the dinner party and you no longer need to look perfect. Do not ruin my masterpiece.”

  Livia choked out a shocked snort as Nox howled with laughter. Moriko grinned and closed the door behind her. Nox offered Liv his arm.

  “Ready, beautiful?”

  He watched the couples as they walked into Nox’s huge, welcoming home, already dressed for the meal, candlelight, soft music. The silver-service staff moved silently around them with trays of Champagne cocktails and amuse-bouche. There were going to be twenty guests in all, mostly couple, but a few were flying solo. But all he was really interested in was his host and his beautiful, wrong-side of the tracks girlfriend. He shot an amused glance at some of the other women and wondered just how bitchy they were, how much they would look down their nose at her. That would be fun, at least. All the while he would be watching the girl, seeing just how smitten Nox was with her. Gauging how devastated he would be by her inevitable demise.

  It was all to do with timing…murder her too soon, and maybe Nox wouldn’t be as crucified as he needed him to be. He gave another laugh. No, that sap Nox would always take these things hard, no matter how long he’d been fucking her. But he didn’t want to rush this. He’d waited over twenty years to do this to his old friend again. Ariel had been easy - no-one’s guard had been up. He still remembered the look of shock, of horror on her lovey face as he plunged the knife into her. The look of confusion. He itched to see that again.

  The door opened and Nox led Livia into the room. The beautiful couple immediately took the attention of the guests, and as Nox began to introduce Livia to his friends, the man who would soon try to kill her watched her, the way she moved, the curve of her body, her full breasts, the sweet smile on lush pink lips. He smiled. He would enjoy her murder as much as he would enjoy Nox’s pain. And by the look on Nox’s face, he was already in deep.

  “Nox Renaud is in love again…. who knew?” He murmured to himself and went

  to join the party.

  Chapter Nine

  “Rules of society mean we shouldn’t be sitting next to each other at dinner,” Nox said to her and grinned at her stricken face. “Luckily, I’ve never been one for rules.”

  She pinched his buttock hard and he laughed. “You’ll pay for that later, Renaud.”

  “I do hope so. At last, Amber’s here. Come on…you’re guaranteed a warm welcome with her.”

  Livia followed him over to where a stunning redhead stood talking to Sandor. Sandor winked at Livia and she gave him a grateful look. Amber too smiled at them both.

  “Well, at damn last. Hi, Livia, it’s great to meet you finally.”

  “You too.” Livia cursed the fact that her voice shook with nerves – this was Nox’s best female friend, and she wanted to make a good impression. Amber was…sensational. There wasn’t another word for it. Tall, at least five-eleven, her long cherry red hair fell in waves down her back, her make-up was perfect, and her hourglass figure was poured into a red dress which should have clashed with her hair but worked on Amber. Amber watched her size her up with a grin on her face.

  “It’s all artifice, darling. At the end of the night, I’m in sweats, shoveling French fries down my throat and watching Netflix. I look like the Swamp Thing.”

  Livia choked out a laugh. “Somehow I don’t think so.”

  Amber grinned. “Let’s leave these dudes and go have some girl talk somewhere.”

  Uh-oh. Was this the ‘you hurt my friend, and I’ll hurt you’ talk? Well, Amber was entitled, Livia thought but she couldn’t help throwing a nervous glance back at Nox. He winked at her and mouthed ‘Don’t worry.’

  Whatever she expected Amber to come out with it wasn’t “Thank you.”

  Livia’s eyes widened. “For what?”

  “For putting a smile back on my friend’s face. It’s been a long time coming. Here,” she snagged two glasses of champagne and handed one to Livia, “drink up. Let me give you some tips on how to survive this party. Believe me, it’s no asocial thing, it’s just who the ones to avoid are.”

  Livia had just spotted Odelle Griffongy walk in with Roan. “Well, there’s one I do know to avoid.”

  Amber followed her gaze. “Odelle? Well, she’s not the friendliest, but neither is she malevolent. Unlike Mavis Creek over there.” She nodded to a squirrelly-looking, rail-thin blonde who was making puppy eyes at Nox. “Now she has always had a thing for your man. Little does she know, we all call her Mavis Creep.”

  Livia smothered a snort of laughter as the woman shot daggers at them both. Amber pointed out everyone to avoid – thankfully not too many. “Nox invites them out of politeness. I would have kicked them to the curb a while ago, but them I’m not as nice as Nox.”

  Livia grinned at her. “Is anyone?”

  Amber grinned. “Oh, he has his dark side, the same as all of us. But,” she said in stage whisper as Nox approached them, “his weird fetishes are something we should discuss another time.”

  Nox was grinning, clearly having heard her. “Liv, don’t listen to this one. Just go on pretending I’m perfect.”

  “Oh, I will,” Livia winked at Amber, who grinned and excused herself.

  Nox kissed Livia, his lips soft against hers. “You okay, sweetheart?”

  She smiled up at him as he slid his arms around her waist. “I really am. I love Amber already.”

  “Good. Seriously, there’s nothing to worry about. It may look…elite, but really, it is just Thanksgiving dinner.”

  Nox’s idea of ‘just’ Thanksgiving dinner was a lot different to most peoples, Livia though a half-hour later as they sat down to eat. Three huge turkeys, perfectly roasted, ready to be carved by the wait staff sat on the sideboard. Along the tables, huge silver platters of mashed potatoes, yams, bowls of cranberry sauce – sure, Livia thought, all the same food, but you could tell how rich the food was, how it was expertly made by the best chefs money could buy, and when Livia put the first piece of moist, beautifully seasoned turkey in her mouth, she almost groaned with how delicious it was.

  Halfway through the meal, which she had to admit she was enjoying with Nox on her left and Sandor on her right, she felt someone staring at her. She looked up and saw Odelle staring at her. “Have we met?” Odelle’s voice cut through the entire table’s conversation and Livia flushed red as everyone went silent and looked at her.

  “Yes, we have.”


  “Livia was at my Halloween party,” Nox said smoothly but Livia heard an undercurrent in his voice. Was he embarrassed or was he angry with Odelle? She couldn’t tell.

  Odelle studied Livia. “No, that’s not it.”

  Livia sighed. Just get it over with. “I work at La Chat Noir.”

  Of course, there was a silence. “The chef?” This was from Mavis Creep…Creek, corrected Livia in her head. Amber was right – the woman was obsequious – she clearly knew Livia wasn’t the chef. “No, I wait tables. I bring you your egg-white omelet, Odelle.”

  She couldn’t read Odelle’s expression – the other woman simply nodded and turned back to her meal.

  “Livia is a grad student at the University. She’s doing her Master’s degree, Mavis, and working to pay her dues. The stuff of good character, wouldn’t you say?” Nox’s voice was like ice and Mavis
’s smirk disappeared.

  “I worked the graveyard shift at Home Depot during my college. My father wouldn’t pay for my tuition unless I worked too.” Sandor piped up. “I had to pay my own rent. Nothing wrong with working your way through.”

  “What are you studying, Liv?” Amber piped up now and Livia told her. Amber looked impressed. “That’s fantastic.”

  “We need to hear you play, I think,” Roan joined in and she smiled at them all gratefully. Nox had good taste in friends. They had deftly diffused the situation she had been most wary of – and with class and good humor. Nox took her hand and squeezed it and Livia felt tears well up in her eyes. God, she loved this man. Who cared if they’d known each other less than a month? She adored him.

  After dinner, some of guests began to drift away until only Amber and Sandor, Roan and Odelle were left. Odelle was looking antsy to leave but Roan showed no sign of leaving. Livia sat on Nox’s lap, shoes kicked off, the formal dinner over with. She ruffled Nox’s curls and he grinned at her. She tickled his beard and rubbed her nose against his.

  “Did you have a good time, baby?”

  She nodded. “I really did.” She lowered her voice. “I love your friends. I mean, most of them.” She grinned as he laughed. “I have to say, I had pre-conceived opinions and I was wrong.”

  “For the most part.” Nox nodded subtly at Odelle. “She means no harm, really.”

  “I get it.”

  He stroked her cheek with his finger. “Will you stay tonight?”

  She leaned into him. “You know I will.”

  As the others left, after midnight and all vaguely drunk except Odelle, Roan hugged Nox and swung a giggling Livia around. “You, little pocket rocket, have made my friend smile. Adore you.”

  She was still giggling when she and Nox walked back into the mansion. It was so quiet, and Livia looked back out of the window. “The spooky fog is back.” Nox joined her at the window, running a hand down her back. They stared out at the mist coming off the bayou.

  “It’s late November,” Nox turned and trailed his lips down her neck, “Do you think it’s too late for a little…alfresco?”


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