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Murder Mysteries #5

Page 9

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "Try me Marshall. If it wasn't you it would be somebody else probably less sensitive to my sexual persuasion than you are."

  "Tell me about your relationship with Andrew. Where did you meet and when was the first time you both realized your were meant for each other?"

  "We met at a seminar at UCLA about eight years ago. He'd just landed the associates position here at the university. I was looking for a job when he told me the U of O was looking to add one more associate professor to their biology staff. Well, long story short, they hired me. Andy was renting the house we live in now. Two graduate students were helping with the rent money. He asked me to come live with them. We'd had a week in LA and we both felt good about each other.

  After a couple years went by, the grad students having moved on, we shared the expenses. Later we pooled our money and purchased the house. We were terribly happy. Both of us were working hard to publish and be tenured. Andy was ahead of me doing well. We thought that all was fine until Professor Blick started making noises of plagiarism. However, the university thought he was just jealous as it took him more than ten years to tenure. Andy was on a fast track around eight years. Well enough of that.

  You'll find this out anyway, but about a year ago, Andy and I started having personal troubles between us. I suspected he'd a new boyfriend. He denied it and we lived estranged for a few months. Then one night, my class was cancelled so I returned home early. I walk in unannounced finding my lover on the receiving end of a blowjob from one of his students. I walked back out and stayed at a motel for a night. When we came together to talk about it he said it was a one nightstand and meant nothing. We moved on, but I'd some reservations about us living as a couple much longer. Two months later he's lying on the floor dead."

  Stacy let him blubber for a minute or two then she asked, "Art who has or had access to poison that has the hallmarks of hemlock according to the pathologist."

  "We all do in one of our labs. Literally hundreds of people have access to hemlock, but all have been warned about even touching it without a teacher or lab tech around to supervise."

  "What about the house Art; will you continue to live there? Whose name is it in and is there a will involved that you are aware of?"

  "The house is in Andy's name and his last will and testament states in case of his death all his property goes to me. We both have a life insurance policy but it's only one hundred thousand dollars. His parents are very old living in Florida. He sends a Christmas card each year."

  "Let's leave it there for the moment Art. Try and find a place that is comfortable until the police release the house back to you for living in." Stacy could see that all the interviews had finished. It was time to compare notes.

  A Comparable List

  Stacy looked at her watch seeing it was past nine pm. She wanted to take a quick look at what some of the high points were of the interviews. Emma, after a nod from Stacy said, "Hey everybody, Stacy wants your attention please."

  Everyone gathered around and indeed came to attention. Stacy said, "Let's go over the salient points such as motive. In my thoughts motive in this case might be the idea of plagiarism being one and jealousy being another. My interview with Art Menans revealed the victim had an affair with a younger student. Art caught them in the act. Let's go around the room here and voice what the major points of your interviews revealed. I see Rory is on my left so begin Tall Man."

  "My first suspect was Clair Jordon who seemed bitter about the vic being awarded tenure so quickly. Also she did mention the plagiarism aspect of his rise to stardom so fast. Actually, both of my suspects voiced about the same thing. Neither one really liked the vic and when I asked why they were here tonight, they just shrugged their shoulders. I gathered it was something to do on a boring Saturday night."

  Ben was next and he said, "Camila Knox hates both of the residents of the house. Why she was there is something she'd wouldn't address. I felt she is a prime suspect. As a matter of fact, Sarah Green echoed Camila's statement."

  Dan said, "Dylan Thomas hates gays and double for the victim and his roommate Art. The rapid rise to tenure and the idea of plagiarism made the guy shake his head. He too said he was bored and came to view the hypocrites. I don't think he killed anybody. But on the other hand, Leah Lancer seemed to detest the victim. She whispered that the victim was giving one of the deans some on the knees favors."

  Willie was next and said, "My two guys were meek and mild. They both seemed like they'd come for the good times and cared less about politics. They both thought the vic was a good guy who worked hard."

  Sergeant Phil Aarons said, "Amelia Masan purported the victim rose to tenure on his knees. She was shaking all over talking about what scammer he had been. However, as we all know, the vocal ones are usually not the prime suspects. And that leads me to Ethan Clark. He seemed quietly bitter about the vics rapid rise to full professorship. He thought it was due to published papers that were questionable and the relationship to some higher ups, suggesting sexual favors. Ethan Clark is high on my suspect list."

  "Okay everybody, let's take a break and get something to eat. I'm sure my expense account won't be challenged. Let's meet up again in my office tomorrow at 8 am. I want to thank you all for helping get this case moving forward."

  Intimate Secrets

  They decided on a Denny's for late night cuisine. Rory was happy as usual. He and Ben were sitting next to each other having a quiet conversation. Stacy was chatting with Phil Aarons and Willie Westwood. Their conversation involved the past where the former lieutenant Ace went crazy trying to assassinate Stacy for turf encroachment. He wound up dead in a gun battle east of I-5. Phil said, "That was a black day and time for our department Stacy. Our new captain is strict but fair."

  At the same time Phil was talking she heard Rory and Ben talking about a redhead from Portland. Stacy's keen ears listened and after a few minutes gleaned Rory had a live in girlfriend.

  Stacy at first couldn't believe her ears, then seeing the smiles from both Rory and Ben, realized the truth. Stacy felt relieved of a burden and then instantly felt a pang of jealousy. Phil noticed she was acting a little strange and said, "Stacy are you alright? It looks like you just received some bad news."

  "No I'm fine, but was thinking about the other half of the victim Art Meanas. I'm afraid he might be suicidal. Never mind, here comes our food. Suddenly I'm very hungry. They all dug in including Stacy who put on a good front, but when she got home, found herself rather depressed. After stripping down, she went to the shower. Standing naked in front of the mirror she talked to herself. "You were the one who broke it off. You put career first and relationships second. What did you expect him to do; be celibate the rest of his life? Get real Stacy and focus on the task at hand. She turned and took a hot shower rinsing off with cold water.

  Returning to her bedroom, she adjusted the a/c, set the alarm for 6 am, cuddled a pillow falling asleep.

  A White Board

  The next day, upon entering the office, Sharon was busy typing up Emma's notes that she'd left on the desk the night before. Stacy with a warm good morning went to the kitchen for some tea. She'd totally forgotten about breakfast. With luck, Emma and Dan would bring some bakery.

  With mug in hand she went to her office, sat down and called her boss in DC.

  "Good morning Stacy. How's the case going so far," asked Connie Wilson.

  "We've a homicide with poison strongly being the method of dying. The victim was a college professor celebrating his reward of tenure with a party involving his close colleagues. We've thirteen suspects including his live in gay partner. The motive is not clear yet. Opportunity is readily available from their biology lab. Dr. Stone thinks it's hemlock. It would be easy for someone to drop the poison into his drink of sweet punch. The victim wasn't well liked because of two reasons: one is he reached tenure quickly on his prolific publications that some say are plagiarized. The other reason might be jealousy. I'm not sure that is reason enough to murder
a person, but let's see what happens. We've a few prime suspects from last night's interviews. This morning we'll all meet her in my office to go over the interviews again."

  "Rory's with you I presume."

  "Yes, do you need him back in his office right away?"

  "Not that I know of Stacy. Use him and good luck," said Connie hanging up.

  Stacy with board marker, went to the white board to make a box with three categories: Prime Suspect—Suspect—Possible Suspect. This system worked in the past when there were multiple suspects. It worked well to weed out the innocent and focus on the others. She went to work and had headings up across the top and vertical lines draw between the categories.

  She'd just finished when Em and Dan arrived. Emma, bless her heart, had made egg sandwiches at home with tomato and cheese on whole wheat bread. Stacy gobbled hers up like there was no tomorrow. She smiled thinking about that cliché her mother always used. Well, in her case, she was alive and talking one day and then her life was gone the next day. If one were to use the phrase properly, then live each day to the fullest because who knows what might happen the next day.

  "I see we're back to the category list we used with the Senior Center homicide," said Dan.

  "Yes, if anyone comes up with a better way to delineate the suspects, let me know. Lord knows I'm no trend setter."

  "It worked then and it should work now Stacy," said Dan. "I see what you mean about our suspects being sharp as a tack. It's going to take some real insight to find our killer; don't you think so Stacy?"

  "I'll tell you Dan that it would seem that all of our cases so far have produced a nugget of insight into the case. Something always comes up to help us solve a homicide. Let's hope it continues. Oh, good morning detectives Aarons and Westwood. Thanks for coming so early. Coffee is in the kitchen so help yourself. Dan will show you where the cups are."

  Ben and Rory walked in next looking fresh and ready to get on with the job. Rory gave Stacy and morning nod with a smile. Ben left to get a couple of cups of coffee. Rory dug into his bag for his legal pad of notes taken last night. He felt Stacy's eyes looking at him making clear she was aware of his new girlfriend. He wondered how she came across the information when Ben came with the coffee.

  "Okay let's get started here with discussing each suspect from the crime scene. As you can see I've three categories for suspect placement. A lot of your 'gut feeling' will play a large role where we place each suspect. Let's begin with Phil and his interviews with Amelia Mason and Ethan Clark."

  "I'll echo what I said last night that first Amelia Mason thought Andrew obtained his tenure on sexual favors from high up. Second his published work is suspect for plagiarism. She is really upset and at her age of around fifty, has experience enough to know how to poison someone without being caught. She's on my prime list Stacy. Next we have Ethan Clark. He too is pissed off that this gay guy has tenure so quickly with questionable published articles of original research. I'd put him in the middle as 'Suspect.'"

  "Thanks Phil and now I'll put my three suspects on the board. I'll begin with the vics roommate Art Menans. From what he told me the intimate relationship between the victim Andrew and himself was deteriorating quickly. Art told me Andrew had a new boyfriend that he suddenly surprised both in an act not becoming teacher/student. I have to place Art Menans as Prime Suspect.

  "Next I had the head of the department David Oxnard. From what I gather, he's too much to lose by committing murder. I place him on our last category. However, let's not forget that he was there and had opportunity and possible motive in that controversy like a dark cloud hung over his biology department. "

  Jayden Avery is a pacifist who hasn't the wherewithal to commit murder. I place him at the far right of our list."

  "Willie, how about your two suspects," asked Stacy.

  "Logan Rilley and Lucas Goldsmith are similar to your Jayden Avery. They are followers and not leaders. They were there to enjoy the festivities and nothing else. I place both at the end of the list of suspects."

  "Dan, how about your two suspects," asked Stacy.

  "Leah Lancer is adamant about the victims rise to tenure through bogus means. I place her on our Prime list. The same goes for Dylan Thomas. He hated the victim and mostly because he was gay with questionable credentials."

  "Moving on to Ben and his two suspects……….."

  "Sarah Green is Prime and for good reason. Or at least she portrays a real dislike for the deceased. Neither Sarah Green nor Camila Knox would give a reason for their dislike of the victim. Maybe the next interview will reveal the reason or reasons why. I asked why they were at his house having a party and as I remember, both just smiled as if it was a big secret. Put both on the 'P' list."

  Eyes that emitted daggers went to Rory as he was the last to report on his two suspects. The intense startling grey eyes focused on him didn't go unnoticed by Rory or some others who were privy to their prior relationship. "Rory what do you have to report about your two suspects," asked a voice that even woke up Emma.

  "Both Claire Jordan and Aaron Taylor professed their dislike for the victim. Both gave the same reasons of plagiarism and how he gained tenure so quickly. I gathered their being at the party was a boring Saturday night and free food and drink. I'd place them in the middle 'Suspect' list for the time being."

  "Thanks to all of you. Phil and Willie can return to their office with my thanks to the chief for his help. Sharon had slipped me a note saying Marsha would do the autopsy at 11 am. Let's break for now and meet again here after the post mortem."

  Rory stood up with Ben wondering what to do next. Rory said, "Let's go fill my stomach up partner. It would appear our leader is too busy for breakfast. Or maybe she already ate?"

  Everyone left Stacy's office preparing to witness Marsha's job to determine cause of death. Stacy went to her desk to make a copy of the white board on her computer.

  Suspect Categories

  Prime Suspect Suspect Possible

  Amelia Mason Ethan Clark Jayden Avery

  David Oxnard Logan Rilley

  Lucas Goldsmith

  Dylan Thomas Claire Jordon

  Leah Lancer Aaron Taylor

  Sarah Green

  Camila Knox

  Art Menans Shawn Nickolas

  Post Mortem

  Stacy dropped off the suspect category for Sharon to make copies. Emma had quickly typed up the mornings happenings. "Sharon please send Em's report and this suspect list to Connie. Dan and I are going over to the morgue to view the autopsy." Dan must have heard his name as he came running out of his office to drive Stacy to the morgue.

  Dan noticed Stacy was abnormally quiet and something was bothering her. Dan was a little worried maybe she was down on him for some reason, but try as he might, he couldn't think of nothing. I'll ask Em, he thought as they parked at the morgue.

  Marsha was preparing for the autopsy when Stacy came in. Stacy and Dan both put on their respective gowns for observing the procedure. A few minutes later both Rory and Ben came in looking anything but serious. However, once in proper dress, they both became attentive as Marsha went to work.

  As morbid and invading as it sounds, Stacy was curious of the stomach contents and if the victim had had recent anal sex. Stacy held back the question of Art and Andrew having recent relations, but that was forth coming later today.

  Ben was observing the procedure thinking along the same lines as Stacy. As a matter of fact, Rory was thinking the same things, but had taken it a step further. He wondered if there was someone at the party that was also gay that nobody knew about. He tucked it away and looked over at Stacy who was glued to the action on the stainless table listening to Dr. Stone record the procedure.

  When it was time to open up the stomach, Stacy moved closer. Marsha made it clear that poison was the cause of death by viewing the stomach contents. It would take further analysis to determine conclusively that hemlock was the poison. Marsha using a hand held magnifier nodded to Stacy t
hat indeed semen was present in the stomach. Later it was confirmed the victim had sex within the last eight hours of his living life.

  Rory is Enlightened

  Stacy went to Ben and Rory saying, "Let go to my office to assign some follow up interviews." She turned and walked out to change back into regular clothes.

  Rory said, "Wow, she is on edge Ben. I wonder what is on her mind these days?"

  "Are you serious Rory that you don't know what is happening here," asked Ben.

  "I guess not Ben. I know the case is complicated, but that's not unusual for us guys."

  "Well, my naïve friend, I think Stacy got wind of your new girlfriend living with you."

  Rory's head snapped up and his mouth flew open. He never would have dreamed that if he found another lady friend, Stacy might be a little jealous. His shock turned to a broad smile. He said, "Do you think she might be a little jealous of Candy?"

  "I'm sure she'll get over rather quickly Rory, but in the meantime she's getting over the shock of you having a female in your life other than her," said Ben.

  Moving On

  Back at the office, Stacy called Cathy who had some other business to take care of that late morning. She missed the autopsy but was in her office after lunch. What's up Stacy? Sorry I missed the autopsy."

  "The results are as expected Cathy. He was poisoned with hemlock and had sex recently with someone other than his mate Art Menans. Anyway, last night I overheard Rory and Ben talking about Rory's new girlfriend from Portland. I found myself with pangs of jealousy and all day I've been short tempered with everybody. Tell me I need to get over this abject feeling right away."


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