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Murder Mysteries #5

Page 10

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "First off it'll take a little time and secondly, remember it was you who set him free. By evening you'll be back to normal. Be happy for the guy. He needs a lady in his life. If I recall you saying he's an only child who'd been spoiled by his mother most likely. If you've time, let's do dinner as my mother, bless her heart, is in town to babysit for me."

  "I'll try hard Cathy. I've some interviews this afternoon, but I'll keep it in the forefront of my brain. Thanks for the ear," said Stacy hanging up feeling better.

  Dan came in as if on cue. "Dan, see Art Menans and dig into his last forty eight hours of relationship with the victim. Sex needs affirming or denying. Also find out who the young boyfriend is that usurped poor Art." Dan left with just a nod of taking care of the order.

  Stacy found Professor Sid Blick's phone number in the faculty directory. He answered as if sitting on the phone. Stacy introduced herself asking if he had time for an interview about the deceased Andrew Floaten. He gave her the building and office number saying he would be there all afternoon.

  Stacy went by Dan's office and discovered he'd made an appointment with Art Menans. Stacy rode with Dan to the university. He went one way and her other. Stacy finally found Professor Blick in an out of the way office for retired professors. He was what one might expect to see: thinning silver grey hair slick back upon a large head. Heavy black framed glasses rode on a nose built for much heavier things. Also an in vogue moustache and goatee finished off his red cheeked face. His squat portly body was decked out in casual clothes with the proverbial sport coat with patches on the elbows.

  Both decided that first names would be the handles of choice. "Sid it's come to our attention that you've made no bones about disliking Andrew Floaten rise to tenure upon questionable publications," stated Stacy getting right to the point.

  "I've some proof, but not enough to convince the powers to be. I'm not sorry he's dead. We don't need questionable staff at this fine university. Also there's the sexual persuasion side of the story. Some of the higher ups are of the same vine as Andrew was. It really is no secret that our staff in the biology dept took a strong dislike to him for the reasons I've just mentioned."

  "Okay Sid, how hard would it be to pinch some hemlock poison from a lab here on campus," asked Stacy.

  "Not hard at all if you're staff. From what I gather all were staff at last night's party. Therefore any of the attendees could've poisoned him."

  "Do you have any specific staff in mind who might want him dead?"

  Stacy saw Sid looking at her with his magnified blue eyes. It was a little disconcerting, but she endured. Finally he said, "It's not my place to point fingers Stacy, but if a murderer is in our midst we must flesh that person out. I'd look at David Oxnard. Leah Lancer and even Dylan Thomas. Some of them have been vocal and others have been silently fuming. There could be others on the list but from what I've heard and read about your success in solving homicides, feel confident you'll get your perpetrator."

  "Thanks Sid and if I need to seek some more answers can I come back to visit on occasion?"

  "Anytime young lady. Once the university puts one of us out to pasture, we long for company. Here's my rarely used cell phone number just in case you need me."

  Dan and Art

  Dan found Art sitting on a lawn chair in front of the house. The house was still a crime scene that included yellow tape. As Dan walked up, it looked like Art was starring off into space with his memories of the past with his mate. Dan held out his hand saying, "I'm Deputy Marshall Dan Art."

  "Oh yes, sorry I was day dreaming. Let me get another chair Dan, if I may call you Dan. Please call me Art or just Menans is good too." He went around back and returned with an identical lawn chair. Now what can I help you with Dan."

  "I hate to bring news that is blunt and to the point Art, but I've just returned from the post mortem of Andrew. I've some personal and sensitive questions to ask."

  "Never mind Dan. Ask away. He's gone and nothing can hurt him now."

  "Let's go back a day or so before the party or earlier in the day might be a better time to ask these questions. We found evidence of sex in both his stomach and his backside. Can you confirm that act involved you or was it another person?"

  "It wasn't me he was involved with Dan. The person you need to ask that question is a graduate student by the name of Shawn Nickolas. Andrew and Shawn have been having an affair for months now. He'll probably tell you Andy was about to kick me out; which is not the truth. Sure we were having a rough spell, but don't all relationships have rough spots."

  "Somebody killed him Art. Who did it? You must have an idea who could have done it."

  "Andy wasn't well liked Dan. He wasn't a patient man. He wanted that tenure so bad he went a little crazy seeking the golden cup. If I were to pick one who stands out on the list of who killed Andy I'd say David Oxnard the head of dept. Andy was a sore spot and an embarrassment to his department. David wasn't happy when he heard Andy had been awarded tenure."

  "What will you do now Art about the house and such things?"

  "Work is the best cure for suffering a loss Dan. I'll keep my mouth shut and struggle forth attempting to reach the goal of being tenured. I'll make doubly sure to have my written work check for being not being original. Even if it takes more than a decade, so be it. I'll live here in our house with some changes to eliminate some things that have strong memories for me."

  "Where can I find Shawn Nickolas Art," asked Dan as Stacy walked up joining the two guys.

  "I'm not sure where he lives, but our secretary should have his address. Here let me write down our secretary's phone number."

  "Hello Art," said Stacy. "I hope you are getting stronger every hour. You must fight to remain strong during a rough time in your life."

  "Thanks Marshall for your encouraging words. Dan asked who I would point a finger at who murdered my mate. I told him David Oxnard headed up my list of bad guys."

  The Beat Goes On

  Shawn Nickolas wasn't hard to find. He was in a lab doing some research. To Stacy walking all over campus brought back bad memories of rushing to classes a half mile away. Such was this case finding Shawn in a lab thirty minutes later. Stacy chided herself for not wearing better walking shoes. Her morning exercise workouts paid off as she was happy to discover she was in pretty good shape.

  Shawn was busy writing in a notebook when Stacy and Dan walked up. Stacy flashed him her shield. She watched closely his reaction seeing a flicker of being scared in his deep blue eyes. For all intents and purposes he was gorgeous. He was a blue eyed and blonde with a body to wish for. Stacy was sorry he was gay, but then others like him were more than happy to associate with such a fine specimen of a man.

  "Is there some place we can go for a private conversation Mr. Nickolas," asked Stacy.

  "Yes, follow me please," said a voice with an East Coast accent.

  He led them to a back wall where a low table sat for students to gather around doing whatever was necessary for lab time.

  "I'll come right to the point Shawn. It's commonly known you were having an affair with Andrew Floaten. We’re seeking information that will lead to the killer's arrest. We think you can help us. Did he confide in you that he had somebody who really disliked him that might even murder him?"

  "He was deathly afraid of David Oxnard our dept head. But he never said he feared for his life. He was also afraid of a dean, but never mentioned a name."

  ''Where were you Saturday night Shawn," asked Dan out of the blue.

  Shawn's head flew up and then he said, "I was out walking around campus. It was warm out and too hot for my small apartment."

  "Is there anyone who saw you or that you met to talk to around 6 or 7 pm Saturday night," asked Dan.

  "Not that I remember," said a squirming Shawn who realized he didn't have an alibi for that time of night when his friend was killed. "I wanted to be alone as I wasn't invited to the party."


  After Stacy left s
he called the office, she realized she'd forgotten to tell Ben and Rory to take the top of the prime list for the second round of interviews. Candy said they'd just returned from a long lunch. Stacy was speechless thinking that both Ben and Rory were having a long lunch. "Okay give them the list anyway and I'll be back by 4 pm.

  Dan had Shawn's phone and address in his notebook. They said good-bye and motored back to the office.

  Rory and Ben were sitting at the small conference table in Stacy's office when she walked in. Both men could see she was a little angry. She put her bag down rather hard on her desk and said, "A long lunch huh guys. I would expect both of you would be out interviewing the Prime on our list."

  "Who said we were on a long lunch and not interviewing," asked Rory with a straight face.

  "Candy told me when I called the office around 3 pm."

  "Me and Ben were meeting Ethan Clark and Dylan Thomas at Denny's for a follow up interview. Actually, I guess you could call it a long lunch; huh Ben."

  "As usual you ate while I interviewed Rory. However, here's our report Stacy. A few things came up about David Oxnard that elevates him to the top of our Prime list. Thomas said he overheard Oxnard on the phone talking to someone that the Andy problem would soon be resolved."

  "And on another occasion Ethan Clark said he heard Andy talking to his new boyfriend that he feared for his life from Oxnard. The word poison came up. I'd say we need to bring him in for a formal interview," said a smiling Rory to a grim faced Stacy.

  "Good work both of you. Why don't you both call it a day and I'll stay here to write up a report to DC. Tomorrow I'd like to see us interviewing Amelia Mason, Dylan Thomas for starters. Call each and ask them to come to our office rather than on their own turf."

  "Sounds good Stacy," said Rory reaching for his cell phone walking out the door. Ben followed leaving Stacy alone with her thoughts.

  Candy came in with a mug of tea. Stacy smiled and asked her to sit down for a chat. "Candy, we've been a bit busy lately. Are you happy working here and is there anything you need or want that would make your job easier or more efficient?"

  "Not really at this point in time. I'm learning a lot from Emma. She's really on top of the game. I guess I'm like her in a few ways in that I'd like to at least listen in on your interviews or conversations about the case once in awhile. I get a little lost as to who is who when so many names fly around. I really like your white board approach."

  "When the opportunity comes around Candy, sure you can sit in and learn some things."

  "This particular case is rather difficult to solve as poison is hard to prove who gave it to the victim. Here we have thirteen suspects with the opportunity to slip some poison into the victim's glass of punch. Also we're not dealing with an average level of intelligence with our list of suspects. Like most cases similar to this one, we need to catch a break or a bit of luck."

  "Rory said that the list of Prime suspects would never confess regardless of what intimidation techniques were applied."

  "He's absolutely right Candy. We need a witness or some evidence to place the charge of murder onto the killer."

  "Okay, I've some stuff to do so I'll let you go Stacy. Thanks for the chat."

  Stacy called Cathy and they set up a 6 pm dinner date. Cathy asked if Marsha could come along and Stacy told her of course she was welcome anytime.

  Girls Night Out

  By the time all three were sitting down sipping on some cheap wine, Stacy had come to grips with Rory having a lady friend. She totally felt embarrassed with her actions earlier in the day. She laid it all out on the table to her two close friends. "Stacy, we're just human and nothing more than ordinary people with feelings. It was his time to find someone he could share his life with. You're just too busy and on another mission that doesn't include a man around the house. I do have some news to share with you guys. I was in my university office preparing some notes for a lecture when a fellow professor stopped by to say hello. His office is next to mine. We chatted and before long we were both sharing some personal stuff about our lives. He's single and asked me out to dinner this coming Friday night!"

  "Great news Marsha," said Stacy. I can't wait to hear about the night out afterwards."

  "Marsha, I wondered why you were smiling so much lately. I wish I had some news to pass on but my life is so boring. However," she took a sip of wine looking at both Stacy and Marsha, "a guy at church asked me to lunch next Sunday after church."

  "What did you tell him," asked Stacy leaning forward on the table for the answer.

  "I said yes, but would it be alright to bring my two kids?"

  "He said, sure and I'll bring my two kids as well. Let's have pizza or something like that."

  "Nice, really nice and here I am stuck with a pillow between my legs," said Stacy laughing as their salads arrived.

  On the Morrow

  Stacy worked out at 6 am the next morning. Every day it felt better exercising. Both the men and women quit watching her work out. Stacy purposely wore loose workout attire rather than tight fitting butt showing, chest showing outfits she saw on other women looking for attention.

  By 8 am she was showered and in the office drinking a mug of tea from Sharon. Dan was checking on the background of Shawn Nickolas. He came in to report at the same time Rory showed up with bag of bakery goodies. Stacy greeted him cordially saying, "Morning Tall Man. Let's see what you got to take the hunger away this morning."

  "I was a little surprised Super that the bakery remembered me. They gave me ten percent discount this morning. They also told me to make sure I took some blueberry muffins for the blonde lady. So, if you dig through the bag, blueberry it shall be. Where's Ben this morning?"

  "Probably fighting with his kids while driving them to school. He said teenagers are very difficult these days. All they want is money and independence. I remember money and loving my home

  "Ah, I hear him now. We've an interview with Amelia Mason and Dylan Thomas at 9 am. Trying to pry any information out of either one is like pulling teeth. I've a feeling we are spinning our wheels interviewing our suspects. Nobody is going to offer us any real evidence only circumstantial rumors."

  Ben walked in saying good morning. He'd a mug of coffee in his hand with an eye on the sack of bakery. A warm croissant, fresh ground coffee left Ben with the sounds of smacking lips to begin the workday. "Thanks to whoever supplied the bakery. I'd toss a few coins into the pot but my two kids cleaned me out this morning. My debit card is worn out after only a few months use. I'd best look for some moonlighting security job to augment my salary."

  "Remind me to never have teenagers Ben," said Rory wolfing down his third donut. "My kids will skip the teen years and go from elementary school to college without any schooling in-between."

  "I'm with you Rory," said Stacy. A while back I was waiting for a light to change to walk across the street, I saw a teen glued to his smart phone. A construction crew was repairing a sidewalk and this kid walks around the barrier stepping into fresh wet cement. Go figure. He was swearing at the crew that somebody would have to buy him new shoes. I walked by him flashing my shield saying for him to wake up and watch where he was walking. He flipped me off and ran down the street."

  Dan came with a background check on Shawn Nickolas. He waited until Stacy had finished her story and gave her a copy. Stacy scanned the document and handed it to Ben. Rory looked over Ben's shoulder reading the particulars of Shawn Nicolas from New York City.

  He was twenty-eight years old. He'd done his master's in San Francisco and was currently working on his Ph.D. here at the University of Oregon. His parents were well off and both professors back east. He'd a twin sister living in San Francisco and she too was in graduate school. There wasn't any criminal history or any problems along the way for Shawn. In all respects he seemed above board.

  Sharon came in with a rap on the doorframe. "Amelia Mason and a Dylan Thomas are here to see somebody about an interview."

  "Show them
in here Sharon. I'll ask if they want something to drink after they arrive," said Stacy.

  Amelia led Dylan through the door with a scowl Stacy's mother would laugh at. Stacy's mother told her one time that only women possess the best scowls of the human race. Pursed lips, heavy eyebrows and a pinched face made the observer beware of the wrath that might be behind the look. Stacy smiled thinking about what else her mother said about a scowl. She told her daughter that a scowl by a woman was mostly put on to throw somebody off balance. Amelia Mason would get the most pointed questions.

  Both professors asked for coffee, but declined a bakery snack. Ben took Dylan to the large conference room. Stacy and Rory, with Emma taking notes, began the interview. Stacy asked for her name and occupation for the record.

  "My name is Amelia J. Masan. I'm a professor of biology at the University of Oregon. I formally protest this questioning and want it recorded that I'm being unnecessarily hassled due to a gay's death while I was being entertained at his house."

  "Ms. Masan. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. I can read you your rights and require you to hire an attorney being present during questioning. It's commonly known you took a great dislike to the victim and openly spoke of your protest of his tenure and protested his life style. That in our world of law enforcement makes you a prime suspect. Additionally, as you make more than enough salary to afford a lawyer, you know full well that a lawyer will cost you upwards of five hundred dollars an hour. Now is that what you want Ms. Mason, asked a heated Stacy."

  "Don't let the power go to your head blondie. I know my rights," said a defiant Amelia Masan.

  "Rory read the rights to her and book her for Murder one. Take her to the city jail for booking. I'll call the prosecutor to file charges against her," said a calmer Stacy leaving the room.

  Rory did as instructed and soon had Ms. Mason in cuffs walking her to the front door. Dan was there to assist. Amelia remained defiant. Rory was as pissed as Stacy was. He was going to make sure this high-strung educator would spend some time meditating before being allowed to call an attorney.


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