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Murder Mysteries #5

Page 22

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Two hours later, Stacy and Rory were sitting at a window table watching the rivulets of rain going every which way as the storm continued its relentless force upon the Oregon coast. Stacy with a cup of tea said to a coffee drinking Rory, "Tall Man, this is really nice. It smells so good as it should for the holiday season. I'm truly enjoying this nice break. How about you?"

  "It could go on forever Super. I'm fighting to keep my thoughts on the present and not the future. I'm like a little kid sometimes. I hate thinking the fun will end and then back to the everyday grind of life I face. I could use the pronoun we, but this is solely my thinking. I must learn to be satisfied with what I have and not wish for something that is not possible at this time."

  Stacy realized what he was talking about. After what he said she wondered if inviting him down for the holidays was a good thing to do or not. She felt a little guilty being selfish needing a man for some much needed loving she desperately desired. Was she remiss in inviting him back into her life and then sleeping with him? Or did the situation go both ways and neither one was being selfish. The only way to determine that end of things was what happened in the future.

  "Tall Man we need to live for the moment and not think about what might happen later on. We've no control of the future. So we must let it develop as things or life presents itself. Right now I'm pleased with this special time I'll not forget it for a long time, if ever. Well………."

  "Stacy – Rory," as the door opened revealing Flo Medders Bandon's police dispatcher and source of any and all local information. Not only that she was a special person in Stacy life as her role of big sister took place when Stacy's mother passed on. She hurried over and gave Stacy a big hug while Rory stood there with a grin on his face as if not knowing what he should do next. Flo decided the greeting for him with a brief hug. "I'm so happy you guys are here," said Flo.

  Rory helped take off her rain soaked coat and hustled off to hang it up in a closet near the entrance. Stacy said, "You must catch me up on the stations doings Flo. How's the new chief and of course the officers that must be new also?"

  "Karen is a treat and wonderfully pleasant most of the time. However, she sometimes is very moody," Flo said lowering her voice to a whisper leaning in to share some tidbits of insider information. "I think she has a hard time with her monthlies. Also, she seems a little promiscuous. Word has it she visits Coos Bay and goes over to Roseburg a lot. Some juicy words have come my way. Well, she's single and if she needs a man so be it.

  Now James is still with us and has the senior position on our patrol staff. We've newbie officer that is still wet behind the ears, but he's a country boy with respect for his elders. There you have it Stacy. We truly missed your father from town, but now that he's back, the town feels safer and happier."

  "That information warms my heart Flo. I'm so happy being back for a few days. Seeing dad and Fran living together being happy makes me want to cry. Like Rory said, 'this should never end' and I agree with him, but we've a job to do and our lives must return to things we do best."

  "I'm on the entrance point to let customers in and shuffle them out after eating so other's can take their place. James is coming to help me and Karen will be here too making sure all is calm and no crowding takes place."

  "Well Flo I've got to go back and wash some dishes. I'm in charge of dishwashing and it seems never ending in a restaurant kitchen. I'll catch up with you later," said Stacy leaving for the kitchen.

  It was dark outside when the restaurant closed its doors on Christmas day. All who had participated sat around two tables exhausted. Even Sam was looking worn out from talking to a bevy of old friends who'd come by. Flo was first to comment saying, "I can't believe we didn't have some pushing and shoving going on today. What a blessing in disguise that all were happy and well fed today. It was maybe because the presence of the police or maybe it was a given that if all wasn't well today this would be the end of a good thing."

  Rory had gone around the room pouring each person there a glass of wine. During the day he'd asked Officer James to sneak off and buy a few bottles of wine. Nobody said a word that water glasses had to be substituted for fluted wine glasses. Rory said, "I toast to the finest turkey dinner I've ever eaten. Also it's been my delight to have participated in an event that the residents of Bandon won't forget in the coming years. Also a special toast to the owners of the Beach Loop Restaurant. Here to a great team of cooks who knock the socks off any other restaurant I know of. Rory took a sip of the wine and smiled looking at all the friends he'd made over the last few years.

  Everyone left with their backsides dragging. Hugs and cheeks brushed with kisses were seen and felt with Ray locking the door until later that week when he and Fran would come back for clean up to tide them over until a spring opening.


  Back home Fran was first to take a shower, then father told Stacy to follow as he'd relax in his chair for a just a little while. Rory used the motor home shower with his second shave of the day just in case. After his shower he lay down on the bed for a little relaxing time. He could hear the rain still beating the hell out of the metal roof above the motor home. Ray had had a giant car port built over the motor home. At first it seemed a little annoying, but then it became soothing making him drift off into dreamland.

  And that was how Stacy found him after her shower. She too was wore out. She used her new Indian blanket over the top of both of them. In no time both were breathing softly as the rain continued until the next morning.

  Both had woken up late in the night only to remove the covers, undress and fall back asleep until morning. Stacy was up first and after a brief bathroom break, wandered into the house to find both father and Fran sitting at the table drinking coffee. Stacy made herself some green tea and joined both at the table. Father said, "Stacy we both have something to tell you this morning."

  Stacy's head snapped around in somewhat of a shock hearing that there was something serious about to be said. She thought maybe Fran did not like her and Rory sleeping together or something like that. Then she saw her father's stern look turn into a grin. Her father's eyes gave him away. "Got your attention huh? Anyway, Fran and I have agreed to get married. We wanted you to be the first to know. We thought that come springtime we'd get married in our restaurant where we could have that followed by a little reception."

  Stacy was only just a little shocked, but broke into a big smile. She gave both of them a big hug saying, "What a nice Christmas season this has been. I'm so happy for both of you. I know, and perhaps Fran you'll forgive me, but I know mom is smiling down at us right this very minute sending best wishes our way."

  "Never mind Stacy saying or including your mother who was taken prematurely to a place where we all hope to go someday. Now how about some breakfast. I thought I'd make a giant omelet and if you'd make a stack or two of toast, we can make short work of our hunger."

  Rory came in looking rather sheepishly because he thought he was late getting up. "Sit down Tall Man and I'll pour a cup of coffee for you. By the way, dad and Fran will be getting married come this spring. If you are a good boy, dad says, you can come if you bring more wine!"

  "I promise I'll be a good boy," said Rory sitting down after shaking the hand of Ray's outstretched arm. As Fran was at the stove he gave her a shoulder hug and she told him thanks, but next time not so hard as her bones were a bit fragile. She laughed and said breakfast would be ready shortly.

  Stacy said, "I need to make some calls later this morning. I'm thinking if nothing is going on we can stay the day and leave for work tomorrow." She was looking at her father with whom she felt wanted her to hang around for at least today. He nodded his agreement as Fran dished up a tasty ham and cheese omelet with hash browns. Rory was rubbing his hands ready to dig in as he reached for the sour cream. Fran enjoyed watch a growing young man eat heartily. Stacy wondered about his health and father was thinking about his latest wood project.

  After breakfast Stacy and Ro
ry both having washed the dishes, returned to the motor home to make some calls. Stacy called Connie first and then after that she'd call Emma to see what was happening in Eugene at their office.

  Connie said, "I hope you had a good Christmas Stacy. My family was here along with some rambunctious grand kids fighting over their new I-pads and other high tech gadgets. There's nothing new here Stacy. All is quiet and I presume all is quiet there too?"

  "I haven't checked with Emma yet, but if something was happening she'd have called me. I'm going back to Eugene tomorrow. I might at we, as Rory is with me, are going back together."

  "Call me when you arrive back at the office. There're a couple things we need to discuss, but nothing terribly important. Have a good day."

  A call to Emma found all were happy at their place. No nothing of importance had been recorded on the answering service. Stacy said, "See you day after tomorrow Em. We'll leave here tomorrow late morning. If Sharon calls tell her Thursday is fine to return to the office."

  That business taken care of she said to Rory, "I'd like a peaceful day of relaxing around the house here Rory. I'd like to spend some time with my father. This afternoon I'd like to go shopping for your gift certificate and tonight let's think of something special for dinner for my father and Fran."

  "I'm with you Super. I need to call home and a call to Ben would be nice as well. As the rain has stopped, I might take a drive to Coos Bay and see my old captain. But let's go shopping first if you want to or after I come back is fine too."

  "When you come back is good. I'll catch you later." And she was gone out the door in a flash. Rory sat back down and called his parents and then after that he gave Ben a ring. All the recipients he talked to were fine and dandy. Ben said, "All's well here Rory. Kids have new toys to play with and I've a new smart phone the wife said I sorely needed. I'm not sure about the 'sorely' part, but I'll get one of the kids to show me how it works. When you coming back?"

  "Day after tomorrow is what I'm told. Today she's bonding with father and her future step mother. I'm drifting over to see our old captain for killing some time. Okay, see you in Eugene in a day or so."

  In the wood shop, with a nice wood fire burring, Stacy sat chatting with her father as he made some plans for the project he would work on. "Dad how's the new chief doing around town?"

  "I hear both good and not so good things. She seems that on her free time she is a bit of a loose woman. Other than that she is good at running the station. The staff seems to like her and Flo is still trying to adjust. I'm not sure she'll ever adjust and that might just her excuse to retire or find another job. Fran and I have talked about hiring her to run the cash register while we are in the kitchen. We suspect the lady we hired for that job might be skimming off the top a little bit. Yes, we have CCTV, but the clever ones can sleight of hand you very easily.

  "All things will work out in the end. You seem happy dad and so does Fran. I'm sure happy you're back in the soggy land of cranberries."

  "Yes, times are good Stacy. I love the woodworking and the restaurant is also a pleasure to play with making good things for people to eat. Every day we are full with reservations only. We always keep some seats for locals and the rest go to tourists. We don't have a published menu, but decided that on a daily basis or maybe three days in advance. I've a young man who dashes up to Coos Bay for our shopping list. Now how about you. How you doing and your life in Eugene is okay?

  Stacy went on to tell him about her new town house with a workout gym. "I'm liking my new place a lot dad. I feel safe there as my old apartment was not a good place at all. I have Dan drive me back and forth to work. He's a good eye for anyone following us. I never did like to drive and he's okay with driving me around. Work is good and I enjoy being the head of the agency. My staff are good intelligent people. Ben is like one of our beach sea stacks as a foundation to my place in time. He's a rock of stability. He keeps me down at ground level rather than flying through the clouds looking for answers.

  The homicide cases have been challenging, but nothing I can't deal with. However, this case involving an assassin is something I'd rather have not happened. If we could discover some evidence to work with then maybe we run the guy to ground. I do appreciate what you said the other night and now I'll revise my response to him via the public media. I think and hope we'll catch a break very soon.

  Anyway, I got a little lonely so when Rory called me up telling me his new girlfriend walked out on him, I asked him to come with me. He knows it's just for the moment kind of thing as I can't handle a relationship and be a US Marshall at the same time."

  "He's a good guy Stacy. He sort of reminds me of a big farm kid that has just come to the city to seek his fortune. I doubt he'll ever get over you as long as he lives. From what I see he's doing just fine. I don't give out advice, but will say this – when a boat drifts on the current leave the paddles or oars alone. Let it go its own way at its own rate."

  "I'll leave you alone for now and go see what Fran is up to. We need to drink some tea together. I'll be back soon.

  Fran was sitting at the kitchen table thumbing through a current issue of traditional recipes of the Old World. She looked up and saw Stacy come in. "Hi and how about a cup of tea. I'm looking at some Old World recipes. I'd like your feedback if you've the time."

  Almost two hours later the two women had made a list of ten good family recipes that they'd try out come this season. Stacy looked up at the clock seeing it almost half past eleven. She said, "Fran you wouldn't be interested in having lunch out would you?"

  "You know we so rarely eat out it might be nice to do just that sort of thing. I'll go clean up and go tell your father we're having lunch out."

  Rory came back just after they'd returned from lunch downtown Bandon. Stacy got in and off they went back downtown to do some shopping. At one of the gift shops, which stocked most everything one could imagine these days. It not only looked good but smelled good too. Rory just had to have some dark fudge and an ice-cream cone while they looked for something to remember this Christmas by. Stacy, Rory noticed had a serious look on her face as she prowled around fingering many things. Finally she found a match set of six inch tall images of male and female standing looking intelligent. "This is what I was looking for Tall Man."

  Rory looked but had a difficult time understanding her reasoning. Finally she saw the look of bewilderment and said, "Hey Tall Man, you take the statue of the woman and I'll take the man. As they are set in gold, we take the notion of a golden Christmas for us two young people."

  "Okay, I got it. Man sometimes I'm so thick headed it's not funny." He picked one up and discovered how heavy it was. He said, "I think these are solid brass. Let's get the year engraved on the bottoms. These are just perfect Stacy. Now I'll never be alone."


  Stacy thought, as she helped Fran with a green salad for dinner, there's really no substitute for a good home cooked meal with family and friends. It made her feel good that she at least had her father and her old home to visit. The old cliché about there is no place like home rang true throughout the ages right up until today. Certainly her mind and body felt that way.

  Stacy tucked the salad into the new giant refrigerator that had replaced the ancient one that her father agreed to buy new, but the old one resided in her wood shop. There was not much in it but he said it was like an old friend. Stacy sat at the table watching Fran put together a meat loaf. She wondered how old Fran was. Nobody knew, but maybe her father new her age. To guess a person's age is purely subjective and as Stacy looked at her new stepmother to be, thought in her late fifties. Her short hair was dark brown to the roots. Only she and her hairdresser knew the true color of her hair.

  From her head down she appeared in good form without a middle age spread about her. Face was rather long, but not a lot of age lines, but certainly smile lines were evident. A pleasant and warm face to look at and even a nicer face to talk to. Her eye contact was through dark brown eyes of warm
th. Stacy decided that Fran was just a product of good homegrown stock any man would dearly like to spend a lifetime with. She took a deep breath and sighed in contentment.

  However, after tonight it was back to work and to confront the evil that ruined so many lives already. She really did not want to think about it, but like a mosquito bite, it just keeps on itching and itching until finally the poison is absorbed. And right now it itched a lot as the closer than came to Eugene tomorrow, the worse vile insect that lurked in some dark place was put away where only rats would be found.

  "Stacy," said Fran, "are you okay? You seem to be in never, never land. I suppose you're thinking about work huh?"

  "I'm guilty Fran," she said trying to lighten the way she really felt. "I sometimes drift off and this was one of those times. I usually have a vision of what I need to do, but in this case, I'm drifting upon the currents not knowing what direction I'm going."

  "No matter what direction you're going Stacy, let it take you where life wants it to go. Most all the time it's the direction you really want to go regardless of how it seems at the time. I don't know much about what the situation really is with this madman, but I do know that he'll show you the path to his location. He wants you to catch him. I'd guess right now he's trying to devise a way to lead you to him."

  "Thanks Fran I needed that. I'm going out and see what dad and Rory are doing. I feel better now." Stacy stood up and as she walked out she said, "Christmas is so nice." Fran watched her go out the kitchen door thinking how much she wished she had a daughter like Stacy. Ray had told her about all of her cases she had solved and unbelievably she was not yet thirty years old. Fran shook her head wondering how such a little thing like that could mix it up with people that murdered others for one reason or another. Well, time to pop the meat loaf into the oven. That and the baked potatoes, mixed veggies and the green salad would suffice for dinner.


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