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Murder Mysteries #5

Page 23

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Stacy arrived to see her father and Rory going over the rough drawings of the new table project upcoming. They stopped looking up as she said, "Sorry to interrupt, but I needed to hear some familiar male voices before dinner."

  Her father cocked his head wonder what she was talking about and so did Rory. She saw their confusion, but decided to not let them know that a deep male voice is one of closeness almost akin to protection she needed once in a while. Her father was her rock and then she saw him smile as it dawned upon him what she meant. Rory on the other hand was lost and later she would enlighten to further his education about females.

  To break the silence she said, "Dinner in about an hour guys. Now tell me about this table you're designing."

  "I think I'm in over my head," Ray said smiling. "I'm wide open for suggestions."

  "I'm not sure I can get my idea across but let me try. I think you ought to take small pieces of myrtle wood and glue them together like lamination. Then maybe you could run a boarder of maple around the perimeter, say about four inches. The legs I've no idea. You could make some nice design laminating the swirly myrtle wood."

  "You've saved the day Stacy," said father.

  "It's great idea Super. You could be the designer and your father and I, whoops, not I, but he could make the product. About the only thing I'm good at is sweeping the floor," he said laughing.

  "Tall Man, I'll say this for you – you definitely know you assets and limitations," Stacy said with a sly grin telepathically sending him a message that he might indeed get his way later on tonight.

  "I'm not out to kid anybody, as you well know Super. I hate to say it but what you see is what you get. Now if I could just find a way to sleep without talking, I might find what I'm missing."

  Ray looked at him wondering what the hell he was talking about. Never mind he thought, I'm on my way with this table thanks to my little girl. He needed to go south to his wood supplier and order some pieces he could cut out on his table saw. Stacy walked over and gave him a waist hug. He draped his long arm around her and surprising, kissed the top of her head. Stacy leaned in and Rory got a little embarrassed. He grabbed the broom and began sweeping away from father and daughter.

  After a lovely dinner, with Rory taking credit for making sure there was not much left over, Stacy and her father went to the living room to talk about the case waiting for her arrival on the morrow. Both knew they needed to discuss the case before she left. The phone just did not suffice when it came to such serious things lurking ahead.

  "What's your thinking Stacy at this time in the case? I think the guy is waiting for you to lead him by the nose."

  "I'm pulling back from the idea to meet him on my own. I'll meet him but have an officer with me. I'm thinking to publish a -- what's next-- kind of thing. I'll grant him he's made his point and now what. He needs to realize he's made his point. But, you know, I'm scared he'll come up with some other hair brained reason to keep on killing. Additionally, I'm not entering into anything that has all the hallmarks of a political scapegoat; namely me. Connie is eighty-five percent real and can be trusted by about the same amount. In other words, I won't have to retire at age thirty because I was tagged as the one responsible for a killer that assassinated innocent people because they like to work."

  "I like what I'm hearing," said father. Rory walked in whipping his hands on his jeans. He said:

  "Sorry to interrupt, but I couldn't help but over hear what you guys were talking about. I totally agree Stacy that stay an arm's length away if you can. I'm not much help, but let me know what I can do to help. I'm a little tired so will say good night Ray and see you in the morning before we leave."

  Both watched him leave by way of the kitchen. Hearing the door close Stacy said, while Fran walked in looking like an easy chair would be her immediate desire, "He's a good man dad. I've made it very plain that our relationship is at an arm's length and only for the moment. I think he understands and can live within those boundaries."

  "He sure has it bad Stacy," said Fran. "Believe it or not, back in high school I had a similar situation, but more, I thought, puppy love kind of thing. Then along comes our twenty five year reunion. His name was Alex Merryweather. We did go to a few movies and had a few burgers together, but I can only remember one time we actually smooched. Anyway, at the reunion, Alex came up and asked me to dance. I had to look at his nametag. Lord was he handsome and rich too boot. My husband was still alive at the time. Alex said to me, 'Fran, I'm still in love with you. I could never get you out of my mind. Your personality and being so friendly, has kept me in love with you for over these many years. I lost my wife a few years ago and if you ever become single, I'm there if you need me.'

  Sadly a few years after that I got word he was killed in a car wreck up in Portland. I'll never forget him for his honesty and now a guy by the name of Ray Foreham has plucked me from the old lady single ranks. I'm so happy our future looks so bright."

  "What a story Fran," said Ray. I seem to recall the name, but both you and he were behind me in school. I'm sure Rory will find some common ground or be left out in the cold. Now like Rory I'm a little bushed so will watch a little tube and drift off in dreams of a laminated dining table."

  Stacy found Rory with a slight snore on top of the bed fully dressed. She shook her head wondering how to wake him up. He looked so peaceful and content. Be that as it may, with a spark of the devil in her eye, she reached down and squeezed his crotch. It took another one to get his attention as he moaned while his eyelids popped open. He smiled and said, "I'll give you ten minutes to quit that or I'll throw you on the bed. After that toss I'll ravish your body until you cry uncle."

  "I never scream for mercy," she said while making some room for his growing unit. "I don't have any uncles, but if I did, it would take some serious ravishing to cry out for uncle."

  Stacy stepped back and stripped down for her ravishment. Rory followed suit. She told him to lie back and enjoy the pattern on the ceiling. He did as told; however, if you asked him the next day what the pattern looked like on the ceiling, he'd say it was blond with sparkling gray eyes.


  On the 27th of December while Stacy and Rory were motoring up Highway 101 to Eugene, the Executioner, Chris McGoogle was in his insurance office wondering what to do next. A pile of newspaper lay in front of him. His secretary was on vacation until after the first of the year so it didn't matter if his desk was piled high with newspapers. He had read everything there was concerning his handy work. Already many accounts of folks long in the tooth were voicing their word to retire soonest as possible. There were so many that the Oregonian had begun to publish the names of soon to be retired workers so the killer would not target them. Chris had smiled knowing he had done his job very well.

  Now what he thought? He realized he had promised to put into print his profile, but he was not comfortable with that at the present time. Maybe it's time to retire as I'm still a nobody to any law enforcement agency. He leaned over the desk placing his elbows on it holding his head up with his hands. His gaze was through a window that begged a cleaning. God what a lazy secretary he thought. Well, if I retire then no more headlines or articles to read about his good work.

  Rather absently he walked to a storage closet to see what he could find to clean the window. He was very surprised to find some window cleaner and of course he could use the classifieds to wipe the window clean. He thought, if the window is clean then my mind will think and my eyes will also see clearly. He laughed at the thought while squirting cleaner all over the window. Ten minutes later it was spotless. He looked out onto the street seeing some cares driving by oblivious to his presence. If they only knew, he thought. He smiled even bigger thinking that if HE only knew. He went outside to look at his sign that was painted on the window. It was almost faded into oblivion from the southern exposure to the sun.

  He went to the yellow pages to call a sign painter to freshen up his sign. After making a call, the sign gu
y would be there just after lunch. Chris went back to reread his papers. His thoughts had drifted off to another good cause to kill people. Thinking about the thrill of killing, his crotch felt a sudden spurt of interest after a few years of total absence of any type of sexual activity. He reached down and felt a stranger rising to the occasion. It felt good.

  Stacy and Rory pulled into Eugene just at lunchtime. Emma and Dan were on the job excited to see both of them. Stacy felt Em's stomach and grinned. "I'm mostly over the morning sickness. Lord what an ordeal that is to go through. I thought Dan would move out for awhile. Now I'm hungry all the time. We're thinking about going out for lunch. Have you guys eaten?"

  "Nope and let's go to that buffet where the salads are really good. Besides Rory and Dan will enjoy gaining a few more pounds," Stacy said leading the group out the door. Emma locked up as Dan hurried to get the car.

  Once in the car, Emma had know what Bandon was like and all the details. Stacy rattled on and on until the parking lot. Inside Rory and Dan went to work piling on food until it resembled Mr. Hood with brown gravy onto instead of snow. Stacy and Emma were more subtle choosing healthy foods instead of becoming a doctor's regular customer. Stacy had chicken breast meat for protein while Emma opted for, what was advertised, lean ham. Without a word, both girls looked at each other knowing full well the salt content of the ham wasn't a good idea for either mother or baby coming.

  Stacy asked, "Em hear anything from Sharon?"

  "She called in this morning. She told she'd be back tomorrow morning for sure. She sounded like she was having a good time. I'd suspect, now don't think like me, she was maybe a bit high sounding. To each their own. Lord knows I did a few semi-illegal things in my earlier days."

  "So far she's been very good Em. I really don't see anything to worry about. I had Rhonda check her out and she found nothing in her background to worry about. Anyway, how was your Christmas holiday?"

  "Surprising not so bad. Our mothers vied for top dog, but thankfully, Dan assumed the position. We're happy both are gone and we can get on with our lives. We've a lot to do preparing for this baby. I'm no spring chicken and the doctor said to keep the stress level down. Dan has been wonderfully helpful. I am so lucky to have found him Stacy. I have you to thank for the putting us together," said a tearing of the eyes Emma.

  "Eat and be merry," said Stacy. "We need to discuss our case this afternoon."

  Back at the office, Rory said his goodbyes and drove off to visit his parents before returning to work tomorrow. Stacy was a bit impressed as he didn't look so sad or hang the hangdog look about him. Maybe he was maturing faster than she thought. But now back to work.

  The three sat at the round conference table waiting for some or any inspiration to float down from above. Stacy said, "I've not read a paper in days. Can anyone catch me up on what the headlines are saying?"

  "As my professor says, 'Summarize succinctly' so I'll try. Hundreds if not thousands have had their names published to notify our assassin the names listed are retiring soonest they can. He did what he set out to do. What's next is anyone's guess," said Dan.

  "I give you and A- Dan," said Stacy trying to maintain a straight face, but ultimately losing it to a smile. She saw his face turn crimson. "Seriously, Dan, two sentences is perfect. Now what's the story on Angie? I know she went back east, but is she due to return anytime soon?"

  Emma shrugged her shoulders and Dan said, "We've heard nothing. I suppose Connie might know but that is a call you must make."

  "You know," as she showed the document they had had written before the holiday, stating that Stacy would meet, "I've changed my mind about inviting him to a meeting one on one. I need to rewrite the whole thing. I'm not comfortable with that idea. I wonder if Professor Gethall is around campus these days. Dan, tomorrow or later today see if you can find his whereabouts."

  "Em let's get back onto the used car lots soonest the girls can resume the search. We need some clues or a lead or something to chase this guy down. Do either of you have an ideas to throw out?"

  Looks went back and forth and it looked like nothing would materialize when Dan said, "What if this guy has a taste of blood now that he's killed twice and has seen the headlines. I think a sicko like him would be swimming in the good times he's created. What if he finds another cause to continue his madness? My suggestion is to write a final document outlining what he set out to do and now that's it's done, hang up his weapon."

  "Good suggestion Dan. Now let me call Connie and see what is what."

  "Good to hear from you Stacy. Presume you're back on the job?"

  "Yes, we're all here and making plans to, hopefully, catch this guy before he decides to kill more for one reason or another. Our only piece of evidence that we can search for is the dark colored van. It's a tenuous thread, but our only real lead at the moment. I've a few callers canvassing all used car lots. We might get lucky. I also asked our local professor of psychology to come by again for some more insight into this persons head. Which leads me to ask about Angie is she coming back or what is her schedule?"

  "She's visiting some of her colleagues for a day or two and then will return to your location. Before Christmas you had decided to send a document to the media. Is that still in your immediate plans?"

  "Yes, but I'm revising it to some degree. I've been advised to not invite the killer to a one on one chat. I'll get with Angie and the professor here to draft another notice for him to see that he's made his point; now it's time to give it up."

  "Send me a copy when you have the final draft. Meanwhile I've no real pearls of wisdom to give you Stacy. These types of cases are unique unto themselves. Let's talk later."

  Dan came in looking to see if she was off the phone and then said, "The professor is in town and will come by tomorrow am. He sounded happy to come see us. I can see he likes being close to us because he can observe first hand some of the traits of perpetrators. It's a wash both ways."

  "I'm happy with it if he is. The more we know the closer we can get to preventing any more senseless killing. I fear this guy is not finished just yet," Stacy said casting her thoughts at the window seeing it turn dark outside with the promise of rain coming very soon. Dan left Stacy to her thoughts. He went to his office and called Ben.

  "Hi Dan and how's your holiday past," said Ben.

  "It could have been a lot worse Ben. We'd both mothers at our new digs for a few days. I had to put my foot down once or twice as they both wanted to reside at the top of the pecking order. Em seems past her morning romance with the porcelain bowl. Anyway, and how was your short holiday?"

  "Actually quite peaceful and relaxing. I read the newspapers and its shocking how many people are retiring due to the assassination of two popular citizens. I presume you're at the office and Stacy has returned?"

  "Yup we're here and tomorrow am the professor is coming over. Stacy wants to rewrite the publication we'd drawn up before Christmas. I'm sure she would like it if you came," said Dan.

  "I'll be there around midmorning. I'm going back to the restaurant where the sheriff was killed and look around again. See you tomorrow."

  Stacy walked in and Dan looked up as she said, "Dan I'm a little tired would you drive me home please. I've one of those rare things called a headache. I seldom get a headache, but it happens. I refuse to take a pain killer as they do horrible things to my body. Anyway, let's go."


  Dan carried her bag up to her town house. She told him thanks and early morning would be fine with her. He told her he'd be here at 7 am. She nodded and closed the door. The first thing she saw was the Christmas tree looking as forlorn as she felt. She drug her bag to the bedroom and put it on the bed. She sighed and after putting her hands on hips, decided it was time to quit feeling sorry for herself. She quickly went through her bag tossing dirty clothes into her hamper and clean ones put away.

  When she came to the bronze statue, after unwrapping it, ran her hands over the cold metal. Stacy smiled and s
at it, temporarily permanent on her dresser top. A flash of the few days with Rory went through her head while shucking off her clothes. She concluded that it was just dandy. He was good as gold never pushing himself on her or demanding any personal time. As far as the sex went, she'd initiated it both times. 'Well,' she said to the room, 'I can't believe it was me and not him who wanted some intimate relations.'

  Shaking her head, she put on some work out gear and with a zip up hoodie, went to the fitness center just across from her town house. Her headache was gone and her spirits rose with the thoughts her life was doing just fine. Pete Poncy greeted her with a smile. Stacy wished him a Happy New Year and went to work. She was happy the clean up dude, Rodger Sparks was nowhere around.

  An hour later, sweat running down her back, red faced, she put on her hoodie and went home for a shower. After a feel good shower it was time for something to eat. After a two-minute search of a pitiful kitchen food supply, she gave it up for an order out dinner.

  Twenty minutes later an oven-baked chicken with a bagged separate green salad appeared at her door. Two Jackson's lighter, she dug into the chicken tearing off strips for her salad. Even though the chicken was warm and the salad cold, she didn't mind the two together. What did interest her was the news about how many Oregonians were retiring early. There were so many the newspapers were adding a supplement to accommodate the vast number of names. It made her angry watching people's lives being turned upside down.

  It seemed to her that it would be like being fired. One day you are working away and the next packing up or cleaning out your desk. She wondered how many borderline heart disease patients would hear the sounds of sirens coming to their rescue. Sadly, some would not hear anything. It was maddening to think that with a pull of a trigger on a gun, life could end instantly having aftershocks for days to come. Stacy shook her head listening to the newscaster lament the hardship of so many lives over a holiday that was supposed to bring joy and good will to all. She shoved her dinner away on the coffee table unable to eat anymore. A slight throbbing occurred at her temples.


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