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Sailmaster's Woman

Page 8

by Annie Windsor

  Fari was always warm and cordial to her, irrespective of invitations.

  It’s like having my cake, and eating it, too—whenever and however I want.

  Elise smiled. She didn’t know what to do about her sudden royal status, or about getting word of her whereabouts to Georgia—maybe getting Georgia to Astoria or Arda—but Elise did know one thing. She was never going back to Earth. Not to stay, anyway. The very thought of her life before Ki made her faintly ill.

  At that moment, Ki’s hands wandered over her breasts. Her nipples responded immediately, hardening against the silken fabric of her knee-length shirt. The tie around her waist was loose, and Ki pushed it open.

  He stroked her midsection and kissed her ear, murmuring, “You are as beautiful as the stars, beloved. I hope our children will have hair like the sky’s lights and eyes as blue as the Arda Sea.”

  “Mmm. I hope they’re dark like you, with eyes like black pools and hair the color of space itself.”

  Ki chuckled. “Perhaps we should have many children, some fair and some dark.”

  “Do—um, do Ardani and humans from Earth have children the same way?” Elise leaned into Ki’s chest as he caressed her breasts.

  “Akad tells me yes, though Ardani gestation terms are shorter. With the combination of our slightly different biology, the priest thinks you will carry for around five months—a few weeks longer than a typical Ardani pregnancy.”

  “I’m assuming making a baby is similar.” Elise sighed as Ki’s hands moved lower, to her thighs, under the edges of her tunic.

  “Yes, though I would need to know you are ready, that you desire conception.” Ki’s muscles tensed as he spoke.

  Elise tried to track his thoughts, but he kept them quiet.

  This must be important to him.

  “If I say I want a baby, then tonight when we make love, you can just…see that it happens?”

  Ki turned Elise around. His black eyes bored into her. “Please, do not tease me about something so beautiful. I know we have been together only a short time to your mind, but already I would catch the stars and make them your gifts. To fill you with my essence, to create life with you—it would be a sweet dream for me.”

  “Okay.” Elise pressed her hands against Ki’s rock-firm shoulders and kissed him. She took her time, tasting the faint salt of his lips, breathing his leathery musk. He let his hands travel up her legs until he cupped her ass—and discovered her bare skin.

  Ki’s rumble of male approval warmed Elise deep inside. With each kiss, each touch, he treated her like a goddess, like she was the only woman in the universe he truly desired.

  I’ve only known him a few weeks. How can I want a child with him?

  And yet she did. She wanted to feel him pounding into her pussy, and know that when he climaxed, he would give her a baby. The thought-to-thought connection dispensed with so much mistrust, so much fear and so many misgivings. Elise knew what Ki was about. She knew what he thought, what he felt, and even some of his secret dreams.

  All of them involved her.

  Ki turned Elise back around to face the heavens and grazed her neck with his teeth. His caresses grew hungry, with one hand finding her nipples and the other moving straight for the wet slit between her legs.

  “The crew,” Elise whispered.

  “They will keep to themselves.” Ki bit her neck again, this time rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

  Elise shuddered. His hands felt like fire on her chilled skin. Astoria shimmered in the dark of space, and Elise felt like she was riding a shooting star.

  I want you, shanna. Here. Now.

  Already, Ki was rubbing her swollen clit, and Elise could barely think. He could bring her to climax so quickly. Her breath came in ragged gasps as he moved her back against his cock, all the while keeping up his gentle, circular strokes on her aching clit.

  Orgasm came like wind in the sails. Elise’s whole body shook in Ki’s embrace, and she heard herself cry out as Ki intensified his efforts, massaging her clit harder and harder to bring her to a second climax only seconds later. He pressed his hand against her sensitive bud, letting the aftershocks roll through her as he nuzzled her neck.

  His breath tickled and teased, and Elise wanted his lips on hers. Limp but ecstatic, she broke away, turned around, and kissed Ki. With shaking fingers, she unlaced his pants and let them fall to the deck. His pulsing cock pressed into her, and she gripped it with both hands.

  Ki groaned.

  Elise smiled, sliding her hands down his length. He was so warm and thick. She loved how it felt to rub from his tip and back to the heavy, soft sack behind. She loved the look of pained desire on his face when she did it, too.

  Elise loved Ki. Every splendid inch of him.

  “I want you inside me,” she said. Her voice sounded like a hoarse whisper. “ Fuck me. Now.”

  Obliging, Ki lifted her in one strong sweep, then lowered her onto his throbbing cock.

  God, he felt good inside her.

  She wrapped her legs around him and squeezed, letting him bury himself to the hilt.

  So, so good. So completely filling and satisfying.

  His strength was incredible as he moved her up and down, up and down, on his powerful length, grinding his hips against her each time she slapped against his thighs. Her breasts raked his chest, his face. A few times, he caught her nipple in is teeth. When he flicked his tongue against the sensitive flesh, jolts of pleasure made Elise cry out and dig her fingers into his neck.

  Over Ki’s shoulders, Elise could see the frigate’s shining decks. And beyond that, the stars she used to see only through telescopes.

  “Harder,” she begged, and once more, Ki obliged. He rammed into her so forcefully her breath left in a rush. So hot and hard, like a molten flow within her.

  She gripped him with her legs, pulling, urging him on. She was almost to the top, and she knew he would come when she did. She let her mind loose, pouring out her pleasure, her absolute enjoyment of Ki’s every motion, scent, and sound.

  The time was right.

  The moment was perfect.

  “I want a baby,” she gasped. “I want your baby. Please. Do it. Do it now!”

  Ki’s eyes went wide as Elise climaxed. She rocked against him, once, twice, and then he exploded inside her.

  Holding on with all her strength, Elise kept Ki’s cock inside her. His breathing came in rough gasps, like her own gulps for air. He smelled of sweat and sex, and she adored him more.

  “Did you?” she asked, surprised at her own soft, hopeful tone. “Will I be pregnant?”

  After a rattling sigh of release, Ki smiled. “Yes, beloved.”

  * * * * *

  Ki Tul’Mar knew he had lost control on the deck two nights before.

  His shanna had wanted a baby, and he gave her one.

  He had to be out of his mind.

  Lord Gith’s suit was no doubt before the Galactic Council. All of Arda might know about those troubles before they even knew their Sailmaster’s mate. War was brewing. And Ki Tul’Mar had made a baby, a child to deliver into a mess that might not be settled any time soon.

  I must be mad. I knew falling in love would rob me of my mind! Better that few know about the child, at least for a time.

  Ki and Elise had already discussed this, and she seemed to understand and agree.

  “Dock!” Ki shouted, and Astoria’s crew pulled her to a halt alongside the skull ship they had been tracking for four stellar days.

  Ki held his position on the bow as crewmen looped the tethers. The hilt of his diamond blade rested against his palm.

  When he was certain the ships were secured, he gave his next command. “Board!”

  The rescue party bailed over the rail.

  From the skull ship, OrTan slavers bellowed.

  Swords flashed and clanked. Shouts filled the atmospheric containment.

  Ki sprang off the bow, used the nearest sail to swing to the skull ship, an
d joined the fray. Three OrTans rushed him before his feet were firmly on the slaver ship’s deck. He dodged to the right, and one of the beasts ran straight off the ship. The creature struck atmospheric barriers face-first, then slid from view.

  Working dispassionately, Ki rid himself of the other two OrTans as if each were Gith. He felt like an automaton, a child’s mechanical toy, as he labored.

  Before Elise came to him, Ki had enjoyed the heat of combat, the challenge, the risk—but now it only frustrated him. He wanted to be with his shanna. He wanted to be the one protecting her instead of Fari.

  But Fari was Sailkeeper, and security was his duty. Astoria was Ki’s ship, his mission, his crew. He had to lead them.

  Fari. Tell me she is safe.

  There was a pause, and then, She is safe. Focus on your purpose.

  His purpose. Yes.

  In under two stellar weeks, Astoria would reach Arda, and Ki wanted this last victory fresh in the minds of his crew. He wanted tales of bravery and gallant rescues spread over Arda’s mountains and forests. Most of all, he wanted Ardani pride running high, and trust in his leadership stronger than ever.

  “To the hold!” He waved his sword over his head once.

  Astoria’s fighting men roared their approval.

  In stellar minutes, the remaining OrTans had been knocked out, destroyed, or rendered helpless. Ki and his crew plowed into the slaving section, knocking open doors and sending rescues above-deck to have Akad remove their collars.

  Once he secured the last of the captive’s quarters, Ki waded through the groaning OrTans and grateful females to reach the priest for a head-count. Several Ardani speeders would be sent from the planetary dock to take the rescues back to their home planets. This was typically something Astoria would handle, but they were on course for home, due to dock planetside for Elise’s introduction to her new planet.

  Her subjects-to-be were eagerly planning bonfires and feasts in her honor. Krysta had seen to it that Camford’s marbled halls and jeweled walls were polished with a woman’s touch. Everything lay waiting.

  “How many, Akad?” Ki drew even with the holy man and sheathed his sword.

  “Moment,” he wheezed. His voice was thin.

  Ki glanced down and realized why.

  A tiny Dini female was expressing her gratitude by demonstrating her oral talents on the priest. These women were no taller than a typical warrior’s knees, but their ability to use tongue, lips, and teeth for a man’s pleasure were legend across the settled universe.

  The Dini sucked Akad’s cock like her life depended on it. Her full, wet lips moved aside to show blunt lower incisors gently stroking the tender underside of his rod. Moving independently. They had minds of their own, those teeth. Ki knew that sensations—like ten fingers, two tongues, and several soft brushes working at once.

  Akad’s eyes were closed, and the woman’s jaws worked hard and fast.

  Hands tugged at Ki’s breeches, and he realized there were three more Dini, ready to tend him. One slipped her thin hands into his waistband and gripped his mast, squeezing and releasing, squeezing and releasing.

  Ki groaned as he thickened, but he pushed the small women away. “Thank you, no. I will take my pleasures with my shanna.”

  Ki. Elise’s psi voice floated through his mind. Are you aroused?

  He smiled, keeping hungry Dini mouths at a safe distance. Ah. You noticed. Yes, I am, beloved. But only for you.

  Are you in battle?

  The fighting is over. Why? Were you worried?

  Yes. Elise sighed in his mind, and he felt a wave of chills travel his skin. But now I’m just impatient. I’m touching my clit. Can you tell?

  By the Gods, he could. A feeling of soft wetness overtook his senses. Ki’s cock went rock-hard in seconds, so hard it was almost painful. More sensations trickled through him, no doubt Elise’s sweet excitement as she rubbed her clit—which he longed to flick his tongue against.

  In front of him, the priest grunted as he came.

  Ki ground his teeth. Shanna, have mercy!

  She has no mercy. Fari’s response was terse. If you do not return, I will be forced to leave this cabin to relieve my own pressure, brother.

  In a rare flash of jealousy, Ki communicated his wish that Fari and Elise wait for him to begin any coupling.

  Fari answered quickly. Of course, brother. Though I cannot speak for what she will do to herself while I wait.

  Ki received his brother’s mental image of Elise, naked across their bed. Her eyes were closed, and she was smiling. Clearly in the throes of passion. As Ki watched his brother’s thoughts, Elise ran her fingers across her nipples and pinched them.

  She did this over and over.

  Ki’s breathing quickened.

  Shanna, I beg you! His plea was desperate.

  Elise grinned and let her hand drop between her legs.

  Ki shook his head to sever his psi flow from Fari. With one powerful stride, he reached the priest and grabbed Akad’s collar. “How many? How many rescues? Tell me now!”

  Akad’s wide eyes went wider. “Sixty-one, Your Highness.”

  “Will you see to getting them on the speeders?” Ki eased his grip on the priest’s clothing.

  “Of course, Sire.”

  Ki nodded.

  He dropped the priest, hurried to the OrTan deck railing and hoisted himself to the rail. Using one of a dozen transfer planks now in place, he strode back to Astoria, down her silvery decks and steps, and into his cabin.

  Fari was gone.

  Elise was alone on their bed, still naked. Ki could feel the orgasm she had given herself, as if it hung in the air between them. He ached to be inside her, but battle grime clung to him like a putrid fog.

  “Join me.” He held out his hand.

  Elise looked at him quizzically.

  Ki bit back a groan as she shifted her splendid form on the bed, giving him a better view of her plump nipples and swollen quim.

  “To the bath,” he rasped.

  And then Elise understood. She smiled, giving more warmth to the room. With the grace of a Chimera, she lifted her exquisite frame from the bed and came toward him.

  He stripped off his clothing, and she followed him into their private bath chamber.

  It took only a few stellar minutes to run the silvery bathing basin full of water that the Astoria’s engines generated as a byproduct. It was purified, of course, and as wholesome as the water rushing through Arda’s many springs. Extra faucets added scents, herbs and minerals, to soothe the mind and skin.

  From flasks stored at bathside in a crystal cabinet, Elise selected a container of what she called “Jasmine,” which to Ki was the subtle perfume of the lana-flower. She sprinkled it over the water’s steaming surface, and sighed as the room filled with its fragrance.

  Ki went first, lowering himself into the deep bath. Grime left him in a cloud, and the water bubbled and foamed as he rose.

  Elise sat on the side of the basin with her legs just over the edge. Her look was one of love and interest, and great contentment.

  “Do you feel better?” she asked.

  Ki propelled himself to the basin’s edge and hooked his arms behind Elise’s knees. “In part.”

  She didn’t resist as he slid her forward and ran his lips across her thighs. Her quim smelled of musk and sweetness, and she purred like a chitta when he kissed the blond triangle between her legs.

  Wanting to take his time, Ki forced himself upward, to Elise’s mouth, and kissed her. Her lips parted, drawing him closer. Her felt her dry flesh against his warm, damp chest, and his pa mark grew warmer than the bath.

  “You are beautiful,” he whispered.

  Elise brushed his cheek with her palm, then let her fingers linger in the wet curls behind his ears. “You’re too handsome for words.”

  “For me, there will never be another. Do you understand how important you are to me?”

  His shanna smiled, then said simply, “Yes. You’re
the only man I’ve ever loved.”

  Their thoughts joined as fully as they could, and Ki kissed his soul’s mate deeply. He tasted her neck afterward, and her shoulders. Water beaded on her breasts, and he licked the droplets.

  She sighed.

  Steam from the bath drifted through the chamber like lazy fog as Ki traced Elise’s nipples with his lips, nibbling until she shuddered and thrust herself more fully into his mouth. His hands gripped her hips as he moved her to the very edge of the water, and then he sank to drink from her moist, intoxicating quim.

  So swollen. His tongue brushed her clit gently, again and again, until she squirmed in his grasp. At that, he slipped two fingers into her slit, then three.

  Elise moaned and arched forward. Ki drew his fingers out, then thrust them in deeper. Elise rocked against his hand, slowly at first, then faster and harder.

  Beneath the water, Ki’s cock was near to bursting as his beloved reached climax with a soft cry. Her body convulsed against his hand, treating him to more of her precious inner heat.

  Gazing into her diamond-blue eyes, he lifted her from the edge of the bath, into the water, and into his embrace.

  “I love you,” she murmured, then groaned as he slid his mast far into her waiting quim.

  Her eyes were still open, fixed on his as he lifted her up and down along his length.

  Her fingers cupped his cheeks, and they moved slowly through the bath, as if engaged in the Kon’pa itself. The dance of life.

  Ki concentrated on filling his shanna, as her thoughts directed him to do. Deeper. More powerfully.

  “Yes,” came her whisper. “Yes. More. I love you.”

  At the moment of peak, Ki knew if he hadn’t given Elise a baby on the bow a few stellar stellar days ago, he would have done so at that moment. His feelings raged as deep as his cock, plumbing his shanna’s depths, feeling glory in her total acceptance.

  Her love drained him like an overfilled cup, and he sagged in her sweet embrace.

  Life should be this sweet, always.

  “Will I ever be able to join my whole mind with yours?” Elise’s voice sounded dream-filled, yet disappointed.


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