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Sailmaster's Woman

Page 9

by Annie Windsor

  Ki lifted his head. “In time, I hope so. Patience, beloved. With Akad’s help—and as you grow accustomed to your new life, less will hold you back.”

  “Mmm.” Elise pressed her face into Ki’s neck, and seemed to be satisfied, but for one last sadness-filled thought.


  Chapter 7

  Elise focused on Akad’s quill as it drifted in the air. It was a matter of perspective, she had discovered across the last stellar days, using the mind to move objects. Simply pushing the air back and bringing other matter forward.

  All matter had pa, or life-force, as she had learned from the priest. That life-force, no matter how small, was like metal to the magnet of her mind. Of course, some types of matter had more pa than others. Items she considered inanimate on Earth—even those had pa, if only a trace.

  Always knew that damned computer at work was alive.

  In front of Elise, ink dripped from the quill’s tip, but didn’t fall to the cabin’s silver floor or splash on her naked skin.

  Concentrate. Focus….

  The stray ink slowly returned to the tip of the quill.

  “You are learning quickly.” Akad’s tone was full of admiration. “I would not have thought such progress possible. By the time we reach Arda, you will be ready for Presentation to our people. Impressive.”

  A smile played at Elise’s lips. She rather liked being naked in front of Akad, because it did help her slay her inhibitions—but also because the sight of her aroused him. He would never say so, nor press her for anything improper, but giving an alien-priest a hard-on was still a thrill. Good thing she had learned to shield her thoughts most of the time.

  This power thing is going to my head. Elise sighed. If I don’t concentrate, I’m going to make a serious mess.

  Using her thoughts, Elise moved the quill up and back, writing Elise in mid-air and holding the ink in place. In a fit of adolescent enjoyment, she added loves Ki. And then, Ki loves Elise.

  Akad snickered. “Soon, you will be ready to handle pure pa as we do, to coat those things you desire to be more responsive to your thoughts. Amazing.”

  By day, she and Akad had been working on Ardani protocol and her psi skills. By night, Elise had been doing her best to wear Ki—and sometimes Fari—out.

  Her pregnancy was still a private thing, with only Ki and Fari aware of it. Somehow, this increased Elise’s enjoyment. Another secret treasure, like the sensations and feelings she had found with her new family of choice.

  She should have felt wanton and ashamed, but all she felt was excited by the lingering images of her husband, her sha, pleasing her with the full force of his incredible cock. Fari didn’t enter her pussy, but she had learned his strong, masculine taste as well as she had learned Ki’s.

  The more she worked with her mind, with the traces of pa in any object, the more she enjoyed sex. Just when she thought it couldn’t get any better, it did. Elise could connect with Ki so fully—but not completely. It was frustrating. She wanted to give her full mind to her husband, but no matter how hard she tried, something always held her back. And she knew what it was.


  Elise ached for the single loved one she had left behind on Earth.

  It was a pain that wouldn’t go away, but Ki’s response to her requests to send word to Georgia—or better yet, go get her—had been met with refusals and attempts to explain and comfort.

  It is forbidden. We cannot interfere with a primitive culture. What if someone finds the communication?

  No, we cannot take a woman from Earth, even if she would come willingly. No interference. I am allowed you only because the OrTans had already taken you, beloved.

  Even if it were not forbidden, the trip would be too dangerous. You are pregnant, shanna. War is brewing.

  By the time we traveled there and back in a frigate, you would be half to delivery. We would need a speeder, and a speeder would be no match for an OrTan skull…

  His reasons were endless, and all very rational. And yet, Georgia had to be out of her mind with worry, and grief, and loneliness. Elise wanted to relieve Georgia of those burdens, to give Georgia a chance at the new and exciting life Elise had discovered.

  And Elise wanted her own grief to be resolved, so she could enjoy a deeper, more complete joining with Ki.

  Her sha never complained, though. He seemed both pleased and surprised by how much thought and sensation they could share. When Elise touched the channels of pa marking her husband, she felt like she was touching his soul. And when he spoke to the sails, she felt the whisper of his voice all around her.

  “I never want to leave this ship,” she murmured, drawing hearts around Ki’s name. The ink still wasn’t dripping.

  “Ah, these frigates are no place to live,” Akad said. “Wait until you see the hills of Arda. And Camford. Such a castle—the Tul’Mars have ruled from Camford since the first recoded time on our planet.”

  “How long is that?” Elise lowered the quill and guided the ink back to its well. “In Earth years, I mean.”

  Akad watched as the last of the ink disappeared. “Stellar years are much the same as Earth years, but our lifespans are roughly ten times longer. Our recorded time began approximately 40,000 stellar years ago.”

  As Elise used her mind to twist the cap back on Akad’s inkwell, she felt a surge of curiosity. “How old is Ki, then?”

  “Our Sailmaster has lived one hundred and fifty stellar years.”

  “Oh.” Elise grinned. My old man. I’ll have to tease him about that.

  “Fari is one hundred and twenty stellar years of age, in case you were wondering.” The priest winked at her. “And with Ardani medicine, our healthy climate, and the strength of the Tul’Mar pa bonded with your own, you could very well outlive them both.”

  Elise returned Akad’s training items to the table in the Sailmaster’s quarters. She had learned a great many things in the last few weeks, sexual positions with one or two gorgeous warrior-hunks notwithstanding.

  Her first impression of Arda as a gender and sexually liberated paradise hadn’t been far from wrong. As Sailmaster, Ki was a king in the old-fashioned and total sense. He ruled Arda and all of her colonies, with assistance from his brother, sister, and cousins. Ardani citizens readily accepted the Tul’Mar rule, and Ki’s family had a reputation for generosity beyond measure. No one on Arda went hungry or unclothed. They had no homeless shelters, few jails or courts, and virtually no crime.

  All Ardani citizens were educated, and could continue their education at any time, free of charge—and judging from Akad’s hints about the volumes of history and lore concerning Arda and the thousands of known inhabited planets, there would always be plenty to learn.

  As the Sailmaster’s wife, Elise would be viewed as a queen. She would be expected to become well-versed in the cultures, customs, and basic language of countless civilizations. This prospect both intimidated and excited her. She would be an equal in all affairs of state (as soon as she had a clue what they were), because by marrying Ki, she became not only an Ardani citizen, but also the only citizen not ruled by the will of the Sailmaster. Just as he was the only citizen not subject to her commands.

  “It would unbalance the relationship,” Akad had explained. “Even a Sailmaster needs someone who is his equal.”

  Bringing herself back to the present, Elise smiled. She certainly hoped His Majesty found her to be an equal. He seemed to. In fact, he seemed nearly perfect, as did the emotional and physical connection they shared.

  Other than Georgia, the one worry Elise harbored was about that stupid mange-alligator Lord Gith, and his “claim” to her. Akad spoke little of it, and Ki refused to talk about it at all. Both men claimed that Gith’s suit was inconsequential, because win or lose, Arda would never surrender their Sailmaster’s mate.

  Elise couldn’t imagine a war over her, though. Most of the time, she pushed the thought aside, because she felt helpless to do anything about it.

sp; “Okay,” she said, holding out her hand to the priest, palm up. “You promised. If I could write my name with no spills, I could have some.”

  Akad’s expression went from fascinated to worried in a matter of seconds. “Are you certain?”

  “A deal’s a deal, priest. Hand over the goods.” When he hesitated, she added. “This is your queen talking. I can give you a direct command, right?”

  Akad sighed. “Very well. Though I can’t see what you need it for now.” He reached into one of his pockets and took out a small brown vial. “You should be most accustomed to your husband’s size and length, and—”

  “And it’s my business.” Elise bent forward and kissed Akad’s cheek. She made sure to let her breasts brush his robed chest, and she felt him shudder. “You’re sure this drug poses no health risks—even if I were pregnant?”

  “Correct, but I assure you, you could not be pregnant unless you and Ki planned for conception to occur. There are no accidental pregnancies on Arda.”

  Elise smiled. “If you’ll excuse me, then, I have some things to do before my husband arrives. I only have a few minutes.”

  The priest bowed, gave one last glance to Elise’s chest, and almost ran from the Sailmaster’s quarters.

  Elise gripped the vial he had given her as she used her thoughts to light candles.

  Do I really want to do this?

  She felt her anxiety rise, but battled it back. It’s a fantasy. But will I enjoy it in reality?

  The vial felt cool in her palm. She had prepared herself, trained her body as much as possible with what she had available. The liquid inside would assure that she at least felt little pain—and the payoff might be so worth it.

  With some determination, she reached out to Ki’s mind and made the invitation.

  Bring Fari tonight.

  It wasn’t an invitation she made every evening, but it was one Ki had never refused. Tonight, Elise was counting on that.

  She pulled off the vial’s cap, drank the contents, then laid it on the table next to her training items. Her mouth tingled from the crème-de-menthe flavor of the Ardani relaxation potion, and she felt its effects almost immediately.

  More than before, because I took more.

  On unsteady legs, but with a surprisingly clear mind, she collected a small flask of natural oils and placed it on the bedside table, made her way to the bed, and arranged herself to greet her husband and his brother.

  No sooner had she settled into the pillows than she heard the door open. Ki came striding in, followed by Fari. Both men looked flushed, as if they had hurried to answer her call.

  Ah, power. Elise smiled. “That didn’t take long.”

  Ki returned her smile with his own sexy grin. “Far be it for us to keep a lady waiting.”

  “What are you up to?” asked Fari.

  “Always the suspicious one,” Elise murmured. She heard her words slurring. “Why don’t you both come find out? I promise you’ll like it.”

  Elise wasn’t sure who came out of his clothes faster, but Ki reached the bed first. He eased under the sheets beside her, and she ran her fingers over his firm muscles. Her lips found the tips of his dark hair, and she let it tickle her lips before she kissed him.

  Some things—little gestures of affection, the rubbing of his pa mark, the feel of his cock inside her pussy—those were only for them to share. Other pleasures they both wished to give Fari, and his excitement and fulfillment pleasured them in return. Elise had grown so accustomed to the free sharing of desire and sex that she didn’t feel embarrassed any more.

  In fact, tonight, she wanted to take the sharing to another level.

  If she could.

  Her fingers found Ki’s cock and worked from tip to sack. Semen beaded instantly, and Elise used it to oil her palm as she stroked him. Fari was kissing her shoulders. She could feel his hard rod pressed against her backside. Normally, after long and satisfying foreplay—and any number of orgasms—Elise would welcome Ki into her aching pussy while she took Fari into her mouth.

  But not tonight.

  You have taken the drug Akad gave you our first night. Ki’s psi voice was surprised, but not upset. More intrigued.

  Yes. Because I need to be relaxed.

  But why, beloved? After all this time, have you come to fear us again?

  “No,” Elise said aloud. She ran her tongue over Ki’s left nipple, letting her teeth tease the taut bud above one of his swirling pa marks. His muscles tensed, and she bit him gently again.

  From behind her, Fari wrapped his arms around her and found her nipples. He pinched even as her teeth teased Ki. Bolts of pleasure shot through Elise, and she kissed her husband deeply.

  Ki’s cock pressed harder against her slippery slit, even as Fari’s rod nudged her ass. She could feel Fari’s throbbing rod, but he made no attempt to enter the wetness he was so close to. It wasn’t forbidden by any law, but by custom and the rules Ki and Elise had established for their marriage. That part of Elise, that pleasure was for Ki alone, forever and always.

  Elise had other surprises in store, however. Taking a deep breath, she allowed both men to see a mental image of what she had in mind.

  For a moment, neither Ki nor Fari moved. Then Ki spoke. “Are you certain? It could be painful, especially this first time.”

  “That’s why I took the drug.” She kissed Ki again.

  “I cannot,” Fari murmured, half to her neck, half into her ear. “I do not wish to hurt you. The baby—”

  “I’ve done my reading,” Elise whispered. “No part of sex is problematic until my last two or three weeks. As for hurting me—use the oils on the nightstand, and just stop if I tell you to stop.”

  Ki gazed deep into her eyes, and she saw the depths of his ecstasy, worry, and wonder. He slipped his hand between her thighs, letting his fingers linger in the patch of soaked curls and move farther into her pussy.

  Elise smiled at him, keeping his gaze as Fari smoothed the oil on his pulsing rod. When Fari returned to kneading her nipples, she felt the warm slick of the fluid across her pebbled peaks.

  Ki dipped a single finger deep inside her pussy, then drew it upward until he was stroking her throbbing clit. Elise moaned and thrashed, but Fari reached down, ran his hand through her slit, added her moisture to his oiled rod, then lifted her leg up.

  The drug didn’t enhance sexual experiences, but it opened Elise to more of Ki’s thoughts and feelings, more of Fari’s barely controlled wanting. Ki kept his finger moving in and out, fucking her with his eyes and his hands. Elise could barely stand the pleasure of having her leg high, being so completely open to her husband’s touch—but if he stopped, she’d die on the spot. His obsidian eyes seemed to swallow her whole as she climaxed, trying to squeeze her legs together, but feeling Fari keep them apart.

  Ki slowed his strokes in her slit, but only long enough to allow Elise the briefest of respites. Then he started again, massaging her clit, rubbing it like a touchstone, working her higher and higher. Before she came again, he stopped, pulled her forward, and plunged his cock inside her pussy.

  The sensation was incredible. Elise moved hard against him, and still Fari kept one of her legs high. She was wide open, and Ki’s thrusts were gentle but deep.

  And then she felt Fari, right where she had given him permission to be.

  The tip of his moistened rod pressed against her buttocks, then into her ass, and slowly, ever so slowly, inside her from behind.

  Ki slowed his motions as Fari moved higher and farther.

  Elise groaned with pleasure and nerves, and then Fari was a little deeper, and a little deeper still.

  There was pain, but then relief. The drug was working, and the oils made his entry smooth. She relaxed enough to let him in. Almost there. Almost completely filled—and then in one coordinated stroke, both men were inside her—Ki in her pussy, Fari occupying her ass. Elise groaned from the total ecstasy she felt. Any way she moved, pleasure exploded through her body. The line
between agony and perfect pleasure blurred, and Elise’s breath caught hard in her chest.

  Her body tried to force Fari out, but he gently moved back in.

  Ki matched his brother’s stroke in her pussy, and Elise felt like the world’s biggest cocks were fucking her everywhere.

  And then the brothers began to move together, up and down, up and down. Her ass, her slit—both ached and felt satisfied in the same instant. She rocked between them, moaning, helpless against the intense bliss.

  Her breasts pressed against Ki and she felt the heat of his pa. Like a living thing, it stroked her, touching her inside and out everywhere Ki’s chest made contact. Behind her, Fari flexed and moaned as he pumped into her ass. His thrusts kept time with Ki’s, in and out until Elise thought she might burst.

  Ki’s eyes were closed, and his face was a study in rapture as he moved.

  His desire swirled through Elise’s, lacing with Fari’s excitement until Elise felt drunk, sober, and perfect all at once.

  Every nerve in her body fired, and she screamed with the force of her orgasm. Her body shook and convulsed between the two men, ass and pussy contracting on both cocks, bringing them to climax almost instantly. Warmth filled her from the front and from behind, pushing her higher, and higher—and then she saw stars in a black night sky—and then she saw nothing at all.

  * * * * *

  Ki kept his head in his hands as Fari answered the priest. “She wanted us to.”

  “And if she wanted you to leap from the aft deck into the void, would you do that as well?” Fury crackled from the priest’s very pores. “No, do not answer that. I suspect your response would be as foolish as your actions. She is not Ardani! To manage a psi connection of that force and power—both of you should be whipped.”

  Fari did not respond. Instead, he looked at his own hands and sighed.

  Akad shook with the force of his convictions. “And she is pregnant. Your Highness. Pregnant, with all the perils ahead! Do you care nothing for her?”

  Ki ground his teeth, and his stomach ached. No, it hurt. Like someone clawed at his guts. Elise’s scent yet lingered on his fingers, even as she lay unconscious in the priest’s port chamber. “How long before she wakes? How long before I may speak to her?”


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