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Sailmaster's Woman

Page 10

by Annie Windsor

  “Who can say?” Akad treated him to a withering frown. “I have contacted Krysta, and she is bringing her speeder to meet us. May the Gods pray she has better sense than the both of you.”

  “We did not know she would be harmed!” Fari grabbed the priest’s shoulder. “We would never consent to anything dangerous for Elise. Her psi talents—we thought she was capable. Safe to couple with the both of us.”

  Akad shook his head. “An excellent speech. Perhaps you will give it to the people who have assembled for her Presentation? She will no doubt sleep through that, at least.”

  Ki stood and strode away from the conflict, into the chamber where Elise lay in her stupor. The argument behind him only increased his frustration, and his heart ached as he beheld his still, pale soul’s mate. Keeping a piece of his mind on the sails, urging his ship toward Arda at top speed, he bent over and kissed her warm brow.

  Hear me, beloved. I am eternally sorry. Had I but known….

  Akad said the strength of their combined physical and mental connections overwhelmed Elise’s lesser psi skills. To be connected with two sources of enhanced pa, it was too much for her synapses, and her brain simply turned off her consciousness to protect her life.

  If she failed to wake. Ki would fling himself into airless space.

  He had known her only a few score of stellar days, but she was everything to him. His heart’s partner. His soul’s mate. Every moment, she surprised him anew, and drew him closer to her. He did not know if he could survive without her.

  These things he whispered in her ear.

  Then, settling beside the bed, Ki took Elise’s hand and ran his lips over her fingers. For a time, he whispered poetry to his shanna, then hummed songs known on his planet for thousands of stellar years. Healing songs. Songs of regret, and of love.

  In a while, Fari joined him. Akad had huffed away to the bow to await Krysta’s speeder.

  “Has she stirred?” Fari asked.

  Ki shook his head. “Her thoughts are quiet.”

  “I am so sorry, brother. This is my fault.”

  Fari’s anguish coated his words, and Ki cut him a sharp frown. “This was no more your doing than mine. We have both been besotted. Surprised and intrigued. From here, we learn from mistakes and exercise more caution.”

  “I will make this up to you. To her.”

  “You owe me nothing.” Ki kissed Elise’s hand. “Except to find your own shanna, and expand our family. Grow our love. Elise deserves nothing less than all the joy we might give her.”

  With a sigh, Fari fell silent. He took up a post at the foot of Elise’s bed, and there he remained until late in the afternoon, when the brothers heard Astoria’s docking horn.

  “I will go to greet Krysta,” Fari offered.

  Ki nodded. He found he did not want to let go of Elise’s hand, and he did not want her to go to Arda without him. That was foolish, of course. She would receive much better medical attention at Camford, and there would be no risks from battle.

  Stellar minutes passed as Ki studied his sleeping bride, and he found he had run out of words. As he slipped from his chair and knelt at her bedside, thoughts were all that remained, and prayers, and hopes.

  You are so strong, beloved. Please, return to me. Let me show my sorrow in a thousand reparations.

  “Well, well,” said a rich female voice from behind him. “It is about time a woman humbled you.”

  Through his fog of fear and concern, Ki felt a shimmer of relief. “Krysta.”

  He stood and turned, greeting his younger sister with a fierce embrace. She was as tall as Fari and almost as strong, and her hair and eyes were as dark and mysterious as starless space. Still, Krysta radiated an undeniable light, and her presence steadied and comforted Ki.

  “Take heart, brother.” Krysta pushed back from him and gazed at Elise. “Akad says your feral mate has strength beyond our understanding.”

  “From his lips to the stars.” Ki let out a rattling breath. “I curse myself for this misjudgment.”

  Krysta continued to study Elise, taking in the lighter-haired woman’s lanky yet petite frame. “Is it true that she is with child?”

  Ki felt his cheeks color. “Yes.”

  To his surprise, Krysta grinned. “Good. Cheers to both of you! To the dreg pools with Lord Gith and his foolish pursuits.”

  A smile tugged at Ki’s mouth. “Thank you, sister.”

  Krysta met his eyes, then hugged him again. “I need to bear her home now. Can you let her go?”

  “I—I—” Ki’s words failed him. He had never felt so clumsy and useless in all of his stellar years. “Yes. I will carry her.”

  “Let me take her.” Krysta squeezed his shoulders. “Wait until you hear the departure horn. It will be easier than watching me spirit her away.”

  Ki struggled with his urge to fight Krysta’s wisdom, but in many things, women knew best. That much he had learned from his powerful, intelligent mother, before she was killed with his father in an OrTan raid on his father’s vacationing speeder.

  “As you wish,” he muttered.

  “I will care for her like my own firstborn.” Krysta’s tone was reassuring. “In a stellar week, she will be hale again. Trust me.”

  “Without question or doubt.” Ki knew his positive words were forced, but he did believe in his sister’s caretaking and healing abilities. “May the stars speed you home.”

  Krysta stooped and swept Elise into her arms as if Elise were indeed a child.

  Before Ki could object or change his mind, she turned and carried her new sister-in-law away from the chamber.

  Chapter 8

  Elise woke to real sunshine and naturally fresh air. For a brief moment, she thought she was on Earth, in her apartment—but her brain told her that wasn’t true. Her next thought was that she was still in space, on Ki’s frigate, but no. Not there either. The light hum and the sense of motion she had known for a few days longer than an Earth month—gone.

  She was in a large bed, almost twice the size of the largest mattress she had ever seen. The bed was high off the floor, and curtained like the one in Ki’s quarters on the Astoria. Gauzy drapes were pulled aside and tied to reveal a room the size of small cathedral—warmer, but no less ornate. The walls were made of sculpted gray stone, with what looked like carved ivory inlays. Silken tapestries covered many sections, splashes of yellows, blues, greens, and reds on the smooth rock. A large stone fireplace dominated the wall opposite Elise’s bed.

  On the room’s long right wall, the ever-present three wild women gazed at Elise from couches made of flowers and vines. Always naked, always fangs bared. Did they have to be everywhere?

  She sat slowly, feeling dizzy and confused.

  This had to be Arda. Camford—Ki’s castle. But how did she get here? What happened?

  The last thing she remembered was being with Ki and Fari, having perhaps the best orgasm she had ever experienced, feeling so close to them, and—oh.

  “Oh, no!” Elise rested a hand on her stomach.

  The baby! Was the baby still—?

  A feeling of well-being came over her as she rubbed her belly through a sheer, cotton-like gown. Her baby was alive, still inside her. Thriving. She didn’t know how she knew that, but she did. Something whispered in her mind and heart, and she knew that whisper came from her unborn child.

  Good heavens. Will I be able to hear this baby speaking and crying before she’s born?

  She? Is the baby definitely a she?

  Questions for Ki, as soon as she saw him.

  For a moment, Elise simply smiled. She felt exquisitely female, and safe and happy. But where was Ki, anyway? Weren’t handsome heroes supposed to be kneeling at your bedside after you woke from being ill, or unconscious, or nearly fucked to death?

  Then again, the room was so huge, he might be in some corner she couldn’t see, or in a bath chamber, or taking a leak.


  Her voice sounded small in the hug
e room.

  Elise shivered, pushing away the memory of the last time she woke alone in a bed. Made of air. On an alien slave ship.

  Dear God. Gith. What if that alligator bastard—

  A scraping sound made her jump.

  The heavy wooden door to the room burst open, and a woman strode over the threshold. She was tall and thin, yet muscled, and clad in form-fitting black leather. At least it looked like leather. Her long hair and large eyes were so dark they seemed to shine with blue highlights, and silvery designs covered her chest and neck. The soft pa pattern on her skin reminded Elise of cherry blossoms.

  As the door settled behind the stranger, Elise’s first impression was that Fari had undergone a sex change, and that the surgeon had done an excellent job making him stunningly perfect.

  And then it struck her. “Are you Krysta? Ki’s sister?”

  The woman flashed a bright smile. “Indeed. Welcome home, mate of my brother, though I would have preferred you arriving awake and not so ill used.”

  “I—I wasn’t ill used, really.” Elise pulled up her sheet because she had the feeling Krysta was staring at her breasts. Which was only fair, given that Elise was having a hard time keeping her eyes off her sister-in-law’s silver-patterned cleavage. “Guess we got carried away.”

  Krysta nodded. “Akad said the psi energy of such a full coupling was too much for you. But now we know, and we will be more careful.”

  We? Elise’s heart beat a little faster. Krysta said we, not they. As if she expected to be a part of future…um, full couplings.

  Okay, so Elise had been having sex with not one but two warrior gods.

  But Krysta was a woman.

  Elise had never thought about having sex with a woman. Never found a woman attractive in that way—but wait. That was a lie, wasn’t it?

  Georgia. She’s so beautiful.

  Georgia was family, but in truth a distant relation at best. There was nothing wrong with appreciating her beauty. With wanting to hold her, and enjoy her.

  Without warning, sadness overwhelmed Elise, and she started to cry.

  Krysta rushed to the bed and climbed in beside Elise, like a teen at a slumber party. She took Elise’s hands in her own larger ones and held them tightly. “What upset you, sister? Was it something I said? Should I fetch Ki? He is outside, on the archery range with Fari.”

  Elise shook her head, but found she couldn’t speak. The lump in her throat felt too big to swallow.

  “Ki is not beside you because I chased him out—Fari, too. They needed fresh air, and to gather their senses.” Krysta sighed. “My timing was poor. Apologies, Elise.”

  “It’s not that.” Elise pulled one hand free and patted Krysta’s shoulder. In spite of her nervousness, she felt instantly comfortable with the woman, who was so clearly kin to the man she loved. “Seeing you, I just—I thought about someone I left behind on Earth. My cousin, but we were raised like sisters.”

  Krysta’s expression shifted from distress to relief to sad understanding. “Ki made mention of this. Her name is Georgia?”

  “Yes.” Tears spilled down Elise’s cheeks again. “I’ve asked him to send a message, or take me back to get her, but he refuses.”

  “It is too dangerous! The baby, the OrTans—”

  Elise pulled away from Krysta. “Yes, I know. I’ve heard it all from Ki. But Georgia thinks I’m kidnapped or dead. She’s probably grieving herself sick.”

  Once more, Krysta’s beautiful, angled face reflected sadness. “This must be very difficult for you, losing your home, being stripped of all that is familiar to you.”

  “Not really.” Elise sank back against her pillows, leaving Krysta sitting above her. She didn’t protest when Krysta took her hand again, even when Krysta lifted it to her feather-soft lips and kissed it gently. “My life before Ki was stifled. Useless and boring. I don’t want to go back to Earth at all, except to get Georgia. She’d come with me. I just know it.”

  Krysta said nothing, and Elise knew there was nothing to say.

  Forbidden. Too dangerous. A thousand reasons, and I don’t give a damn. Elise sniffed. Unless I figure out how to get to Earth myself, I’ll never see Georgia again.

  To distract her new sister from her sorrows, Krysta told Elise about flying to meet Astoria.

  “I nearly had to fight Ki to retrieve you,” she said. Her rich voice sent shivers through Elise, who still couldn’t get used to the fact that her husband’s family wasn’t sexually off limits. That she was married, but free to think, to fantasize—even about such Earth-forbidden things as Ki’s sister.

  “By the time Ki docked planetside,” Krysta continued, “he was beside himself. He missed you so deeply. One stellar week away from you, and my oh-so-arrogant brother was nearly ruined.”

  Krysta explained that the kingdom of Arda had been informed that Ki Tul’Mar’s mate was ill, and bonfires dotted every hillside. There were dances and songs. Old medicine, to speed the healing efforts of Krysta and the priests.

  Krysta said Ki had barely left the bedchamber, and Fari spent hours a day checking to see if Elise had stirred.

  “They have been pathetic, really. Men are so strong, and yet so child-like at times. Led around by their cocks—it is too easy.” Krysta smiled.

  Elise reminded herself that this seemingly young woman was nearly four times her age, and she wondered how many lovers Krysta had known.

  Enough to put me to shame, no doubt.

  “Krysta, what happens from here? I mean, what happens next, for me?”

  Ki’s sister bent down and kissed Elise on the lips. Krysta smelled of mint and spring flowers, and her leather-clad breasts felt soft against Elise’s thinly veiled nipples.

  “You are beautiful,” Krysta murmured. “And your mind is so bright. Ki described you well.” She trailed one hand up and down Elise’s arm. Such a soft touch, almost a tickle, exciting and maddening at the same time.

  Elise’s mind swam as Krysta reached for her thoughts. Elise didn’t resist the mind-intimacy. She wanted to know Krysta—but she felt nervous. Self-conscious. And she felt her nipples tightening. The dampness in her pussy was immediate, and surprising. She fought an urge to pull away, and an equally strong urge to melt into the next kiss, to see what a woman’s mouth really tasted like.

  Krysta seemed to sense her ambivalence. She moved back, kissed Elise’s forehead, and smiled. “What happens next is that you rest and recover. Find your land legs, see your new home—and then we will reschedule your Presentation. Once the Law is satisfied, you will have much time to continue your training. And learning, and exploring.”

  “You make it sound simple.”

  Krysta crawled off the bed, laughing. “It will be, sister. Have faith. You are welcome here, and everyone will see to your comforts.”

  “Where are you going?” Elise gripped her sheet again, suddenly wishing Krysta’s warm, graceful body were back beside her. She felt cold, and too alone as Ki’s sister headed for the chamber door.

  “Patience, please. I am off to fetch my brother, lest he take me to task for not hailing him the moment you woke.”

  The moment Krysta departed, Elise climbed out of the huge bed and located the bathroom at the back of the chamber. It was much larger than Astoria’s simple bench and face basin—in fact, it was about as large as the Sailmaster’s quarters—though the toilet was still a bench. With several seats.

  Jeez. Do these people share everything?

  The bath basin seemed gigantic—a combination small swimming pool and whirlpool—with multiple faucets against the far wall. The sink basin was also huge, big enough for five or six people to share, and backed by a swirling ivory frame with an inlaid mirror.

  Elise took stock of herself, and felt mildly surprised by what she saw. Her skin had a slight pallor, but otherwise, she looked healthier than ever. Her hair had been recently combed. It had a rich golden sheen, and her muscles felt supple and strong.

  Ardani medicine must be as good
as Akad claimed.

  Moving her hands slowly over her soft gown, Elise touched her still-beaded nipples. Gentle thrills traveled up and down her spine, and she took a deep breath. The bathroom was beautiful. She felt beautiful. Everything about Arda seemed sensual and alluring.

  So far.

  Was it possible to have sex several times a day, every day, for hundreds of years?

  She just might find out.

  Elise used the facilities quickly, cleaned herself with sweet-smelling water and soft cloths, and ran what looked like a pearl-handled comb through her hair. For a second, she considered removing the sheer gown, but decided to leave it. The downy fabric felt good against her skin.

  “Beloved!” Ki’s voice rang through the chamber, followed by the hollow thump of a wooden door.

  Elise ran out of the bath chamber, across the marbled floor, and straight into Ki’s waiting embrace.

  “My shanna,” he murmured, kissing her hair, her face, her neck, holding her so tightly she could barely draw a breath. “I was so worried. How I missed you!”

  “I love you.” Elise fell into his kiss, already breathless because his hands seemed to be everywhere at once. He caressed her, rubbing the gown’s satin fabric against her hips, her backside, her breasts.

  She ached for his teeth on her nipples, the firm weight of his muscled body, the feel of his thick cock, pumping inside her slit.

  Ki swept her off her feet, carried her to the bed, and stretched her out beneath him. He was out of his clothes in seconds, all the while keeping his blacker-than-black eyes locked on hers.

  His cock was enormous. Elise felt the hot hardness against her thighs as he stretched over her and lowered himself for a long, deep kiss.

  Their thoughts joined as much as they could, and Elise felt Ki’s pleasure as he slid the flimsy gown up, over her breasts, and let it pool on her chest. He tried to restrain himself, but his excitement had an almost desperate edge as he fastened his mouth on her breast.


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