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First One In Last One Out

Page 12

by Laura Marie Henion

  She pulled off her sunglasses and threw them to the side.

  "Just leave me alone. I don't want you here. I don't need you bothering me,” she yelled. Her voice cracked, and then she covered her face in her hands.

  "What's wrong?” He knelt down into the sand.

  She held her head between her knees.

  She sniffled then whispered in a whimper.

  "Please just go, Ryan. Please."

  He could not let himself leave her like this, so upset and crying. Damn it! It killed him inside to see her crying. Why?

  He did not think twice about his next move. Kneeling down into the sand, Ryan pulled Katie into his arms.

  She tried to resist but he would not have it.

  Katie sobbed against Ryan's chest as he held her. They were kneeling in the sand facing one another.

  He did not say a word, instead just held her tight until finally her breathing began to settle down.

  Katie slowly began to pull away and Ryan held her by her waist.

  "Please forgive me. I didn't mean—"

  "Don't apologize.” Ryan reached out and cupped Katie's chin in his hand, his other hand still lay against her waist.

  She was so delicate, so small compared to him. He had an overwhelming urge to protect her, cradle her in his arms and take all her sadness away. What could this attractive young woman have been exposed to?

  Ryan caressed her chin, forcing Katie to look into his eyes.

  Another tear fell and he gently wiped it away with his thumb.

  Ryan stared at Katie and her eyes of sadness.

  "Why are you so upset?"

  "I don't want to talk about it. I'm sorry.” Katie turned her face towards the ocean.

  Ryan placed his hand gently against her cheek causing her to look back towards his face.

  "You're so beautiful."

  He stared at her, absorbing the silky texture of her skin, the deep color brown in her eyes and lips seductive, pink. A tear sat at the corner of her lip.

  "Please don't push me away, let me help you."

  Katie closed her eyes and tried to look back towards the ocean. He heard the minor gasp of air, sniffle, then her body slightly shiver. She was hurting inside, he sensed the pain and his anger dissolved then reformed into compassion.

  Ryan pulled her body against his.

  Katie looked up towards him.

  Their lips nearly touched and Ryan felt his heart racing, he nearly lost his breath from embracing the delicate woman in his arms.

  He held Katie close with one arm while his hand cradled her head and drew Katie's lips against his own.

  He kissed her deeply, absorbing the softness of her lips, they tasted better then he imagined.

  Katie did not resist.

  Their mouths fought to devour the other's, tongues entwined in a race to reach fulfillment. The need and the common attraction were strong and clearly expressed in their bodies’ reaction and response to one another.

  Then they kissed more softly, their lips meeting each other as if planned.

  Ryan kissed her chin, then her neck.

  His arm moved around her waist to brace her so she would not fall as he gently lay her down on the sand.

  His body half covered Katie's.

  Their lips met again as he leaned on his elbows and placed his hands against Katie's cheeks.

  They continued to kiss, making out on the beach, the sand soft underneath them. Ryan's fingers entwined in Katie's hair, their chests rising and falling as one.

  Simultaneously they parted lips then Ryan stared at Katie a moment.

  She looked like an angel, eyes closed, lips full and he smiled.

  Katie's eyes fluttered open, her lips swollen.

  Ryan whispered, “There should be a law against your lips Angel. You make me weak."

  Katie swallowed hard. She could not believe what just happened. How could it go this far? What if someone had seen them?

  Katie moved her head sideways trying to look around them, imagining a large crowd of onlookers gawking.

  Ryan followed her line of sight. They were still alone.

  "It's just us Angel, and maybe a few seagulls.” He smiled and her insides fluttered.

  She could feel his muscles, his strength surrounding her. She tingled inside because of it and her body wanted Ryan closer. She did not know him and chemistry or not she should not be rolling around in the sand with him. This was a mistake.

  Katie's eyes followed the strong shape of Ryan's face, his jaw line then back to those incredible lips of his. He was all man yet his skin was soft, clean-shaven and he was incredibly handsome.

  She needed to snap out of it. He was a fireman, he was dangerous and more threatening than he could possibly understand.

  Hell! Katie did not even understand her reaction to Ryan, she just knew that she was not ready for this.

  "Let me get up. My leg is hurting.” She lied, anything to get the throbbing hardness against her belly away from her. Ryan was driving her wild.

  Ryan slowly moved to the side and sat up. Katie did the same.

  She brushed off the sand from her legs and arms and avoided making eye contact with Ryan.

  His hand touched her cheek forcing her to look up at him.

  "Don't push me away now ... I'm not finished with you.” He leaned over to kiss her lips and Katie turned.

  "Stop, Ryan. We can't do this. It won't work.” Katie quickly stood up from the sand and brushed her backside off.

  Ryan did the same then stared at her a moment with his hands on his hips.

  "Are you afraid of me? Do I scare you?” He asked gently taking her hand into his own.

  Katie remained silent as he stared down, noting how much larger his hand was in comparison to the soft, delicate hand he held.

  Did she think he would not be gentle with her? That he wouldn't be a delicate lover, sincere, putting her feelings, her needs ahead of his own? Was he even capable of that kind of self-sacrifice? He never met a woman he wanted more with and he wanted everything with Katie.

  His mind was in fast-forward and all they did was kiss. But damn he could easily devour her up. Katie was special.

  Again, Katie tried to pull away but Ryan would not let her.

  He took both her hands and pulled her to him.

  He kissed the knuckles of her hands and gazed into her eyes.

  "I'm gonna make you mine Angel. These lips of yours are too addicting."

  He kissed her on the forehead then released one of her hands. He held onto the other and they began to walk silently down the beach.

  Ryan did not let go of Katie's hand. He was afraid she would pull away, afraid of not being able to touch her, he held on. The emotion was both scary and exciting to him. It was an absolute first and he could not help but wonder if all the stress and regrets he had in life, were finally weighing on him, mentally. As they walked in silence, he attempted to understand his immediate attraction to Katie. He glanced at her, taking a moment to absorb the fact that he would not let her go, held her hand snugly and took control. She did not scratch his eyes out or scream for help. Maybe she was feeling the same way?

  Katie's eyes moved from the water to the beach in front of them and Ryan could tell she was a bit tense. He glanced down at their hands and all he saw was her dainty wrist, peaking out against his solid hand. It was monstrous compared to hers. Gently he began to release her hand and entwined his fingers between Katie's fingers. Their gazes met and she smiled.

  The warmth filled him to his soul. Katie blushed then turned back towards the water again.

  They walked past the lighthouse and over the last large hill of sand.

  Ryan had not spoken a word. It was as if Katie just needed his company as he needed hers.

  He led the way to the end of the flat beach.

  She had not been to the end of Warrens Cove Beach since childhood. There was a tall, steep mound of sand in their path. Ryan let go of her hand, felt the emptiness inside him, then
quickly grabbed her by the waist. She placed her hands over Ryan's and he guided her up and over the sand bank.

  As soon as they topped the mound of sand, the most gorgeous beach house came into view.Katie suddenly remembered it belonging to the original settlers on the island, the Warrens.

  "Oh God, what an amazing house. I haven't been up here for ages,” Katie admitted and Ryan smiled.

  "That's the Warren's house, right, the original settlers on this island? My God, I forgot how gorgeous it was."

  Ryan offered his hand to assist her down the large sand dune and she accepted, placing her hand in his until they reached the sand dusted ground.

  "Want to get a closer look?” He was all ready halfway across the pea gravel road.

  "Ryan, someone might be home. They probably get mad at the nosy people who trespass on their property,” Katie reprimanded him and Ryan winked.

  "Live a little dangerously Angel. What could they do? Besides, there's no one home."

  Katie's heart was beating rapidly, she was never one to invade someone else's privacy, never mind break the law. She could not help but wonder if the police department was as mild as years ago. She also wondered if it was just as small. She cringed a moment but only a moment. Ryan had already reached the stairs to the back porch. There was no turning back now.

  She leaned her body close to his in a natural need of support and courage. Ryan held her close, gave her a loving squeeze then placed his hands on her shoulders. He directed her towards the view, then released his hold to let her embrace what she was about to see.

  "Ryan we shouldn't be here, they're going to call the police,” she stated, turning back towards him.

  Ryan smiled, turned Katie around to face the water and take in their private, beach-front view of Warrens Cove.

  Katie froze where she stood, awe struck at the view before her.

  The large sand dunes blocked out everything and everyone. It was as if they were the only ones around for miles and miles. The silence was peaceful, the view breathtaking and here she was sharing this moment with Ryan.

  How could a stranger have such a positive affect on her? He had the ability to take all her sadness away or at least distract her from the sadness and the fear.

  Was it the simple fact that he was a firefighter, symbolizing heroism, bravery and strength? When had she become so needy, so frail and in need of protection? Katie felt confused, yet comfortable sharing this private moment with a man she hardly knew at all.

  She could feel Ryan's presence behind her, instantly she wished for his touch, his solid arms to wrap around her and make the fear disappear. He held her only moments ago and she missed his touch something terrible.

  Immediately, Katie felt Ryan's arms wrap around her waist from behind. It felt so right, so perfect and she laid her head back against his chest.

  They stood as one in silence. The minutes passed uncounted between them.

  In the distance seagulls flew, the ocean reached the shoreline and peacefulness surrounded them for what seemed like miles.

  "Isn't it gorgeous?” Ryan whispered, pulling Katie against him and leaning his chin on the top of her head.

  She felt so dainty and feminine and her body's curves fit against Ryan's body.

  "Oh yeah. This is incredible."

  They were lost in the view and in the moment. Ryan never thought he could feel so content and so at ease with a woman, never mind one he hardly knew. However, he was going to get to know her. Learn about every mysterious and amazing side to Katie that he was positive she possessed. He hugged her tighter.

  He felt giddy, like some love sick teenager as he embraced the feel of Katie in his arms, the scent of her hair and her perfume. He wanted to taste her again, her lips, her neck, her body. He felt the rhythm of his breathing increase, his desire to possess her affection. He bent his head down to kiss Katie's neck. Slowly as not to frighten her or disturb the intimacy of the moment he took his time placing small, gentle kisses against her skin. She was feminine and delicate, he feared his ability to maintain gentleness as thoughts of nibbling, enticing and seducing her challenged any form of etiquette he had. Katie reached back letting her palm lie flush against Ryan's cheek.

  He turned his face slowly towards the palm of Katie's hand, kissing her wrist gently then the palm itself.

  Katie closed her eyes and leaned her head back. God this man is incredible. Her body craved his touch, she wanted his hands all over her.

  Ryan turned her around by her waist so she was facing him.

  Their lips met and he picked her up off the ground sweeping her off her feet.

  Katie wrapped her arms around Ryan's neck while he held her tight and kissed her passionately.

  He was so strong and she loved the way he effortlessly lifted her, drawing her body and her lips closer to his own.

  She tingled from head to toe, lost in Ryan Master's kisses, caresses and strength. She could not recall ever feeling this way, hypnotized, under a spell and oblivious to anything other than the moment and Ryan's seductively talented mouth.

  In an instant, reality invaded.

  Suddenly, there was a loud noise like garbage pails banging against each other.

  "Oh no, someone is home. Come on."

  Ryan held her tighter even as he lowered her feet to the ground.

  "No. Don't worry, it's just Marcus. He always comes by this time in the morning to try and knock down the garbage."

  Katie pulled out of Ryan's arms and looked at him.

  "How would you know that and who is Marcus?” she demanded.

  "I should know who's snooping around my garbage and don't worry, Marcus is a nice dog. Just an eating machine."

  Katie was trying to process what Ryan was saying.

  "This is your house? I don't understand."

  Ryan smiled then took Katie by the hand. He led her onto the enclosed back patio and offered her a chair. She declined and instead took in her surroundings and the fact that Ryan had misled her.

  She had no right to be angry. Now they were even.

  The porch was enormous and the full-length of the house. The old wide, white wood planks covered the floor. Above were four white wooden fans decorating the ceiling.

  The original white wrought iron lounge chairs, table for eight and rockers were decorated with burgundy cushions. The view from the porch was magnificent.

  Katie tried to imagine what it must have been like years ago when the first settlers began building on the island. She recalled the Warren house being one of the first houses ever built. The location alone had to be worth millions in today's realty market. Never mind the value of the restoration and maintenance of the original word work. Katie realized she was lost in her own thoughts until she glanced at Ryan who appeared to be staring at her.

  Her heart raced at the way he watched her so intently. Shyly, she turned away from him.

  "My grandparents were the Warren's. My parents had gotten divorced, my dad took off on my mom when I was just a baby. My mom remarried Roger Masters and had my name changed ... Roger legally adopted me. My father's parents, the Warrens, loved my mom dearly so they left her the house in their will."

  "But I don't remember you. I don't remember going to school with you or you going with my brothers."

  "I moved away with my mom when I was five. I had a rough childhood getting in and out of trouble, stupid stuff but finally got my act together and volunteered at the local firehouse. Before long, I was studying hard, hanging out with the firemen who showed me the ropes and I loved it. I got into the academy and landed a job in Hooks Bay a few towns from here and my mom told me about the house. I came here, cleaned it up, refurbished it and got the transfer to the local firehouse. Now I'm here with you.” Ryan pulled Katie back into his arms again.

  "Well it's gorgeous. You should be proud of your work Ryan, really proud,” she told him and he kissed her, released her lips then smiled.

  Katie was taken aback by his forwardness and the mere fac
t that he kissed her whenever he wanted to and as if he had every right to. It rattled her but at the same time it made her feel giddy inside. He stared at her now, just holding her gaze.

  "What?” Katie asked as she attempted to catch her breath and put a little space between their bodies that were now practically one.

  "I love your lips, they're addictive."

  Katie could feel the heat rush to her cheeks..

  "Come on, let me show you the inside.” He placed his hands on Katie's shoulders and led her through the double sliding glass doors.

  It was stunning inside with all the original woodwork.

  "I had to re-do the kitchen, it was a mess. I needed new pipes, new electrical work, it was nearly disastrous.” Ryan walked towards the refrigerator.

  "Want a drink? I've got some cold water."

  Katie smiled and nodded her head yes, she was taken aback by the beauty of the house.

  The sliding glass doors opened up to a large living room, fireplace and mahogany wood mantle. Ryan told her it was the original that his grandfather built.

  To the right was an all maple wood staircase that led to a balcony and a set of large windows again overlooking the ocean. The bedrooms appeared to be hidden down the hallway.

  On the first floor to the left of the kitchen was a sitting area with large windows with a side view of the ocean and the private beach on the left side of the house.

  A guest bedroom with an ocean front view stayed hidden near a small bathroom.

  "Ryan, this house is incredible. It must have taken you a long time to do all this work."

  "Over two years, but it was worth it. Let me show you upstairs.” He handed her the bottle of water. She took a sip then followed Ryan up the stairs.

  When they got to the top of the landing, he stopped to look at the view.

  "Do you like it?” he asked, hoping she would. Her reaction to his home was different from most women. She was truly impressed with his work and with the layout and construction of the house. He could not help but laugh at the giddy feeling he had. He was rambling on like some nervous teenager with a crush. Glancing towards Katie, the reality hit hard. She was not some teenage girl. She was all woman. He swallowed hard, his throat dry, his manhood at attention and realized this was all unfamiliar to him. So, this is what it meant, when a woman left you tongue-tied? He grabbed the railing for support and gazed at Katie. She looked gorgeous and had a rather serious expression on her face as she stared out the window. It was adorable how she gently tucked strands of hair behind her ear and leaned closer against the railing letting the curves of her body protrude forward. His eyes followed every curve from ankle to fingertips. His mind envisioned some rather naughty thoughts. He blushed, immediately embarrassed by them and the fact that Katie now held his gaze and possibly read his mind.


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