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Holding on to Someday

Page 20

by K. Leah

  I do as I’m told, still mulling over a way to get her to spill the beans about Brady’s plans for tonight. She takes the towel off my head and rubs my hair a little more to get all the excess water out. Combing through my wet locks, she tells me, “Just sit back and enjoy the next hour or so while I pamper you. You deserve it, and, let me tell you, you need to get out of this perpetual ‘sick day’ wardrobe funk.”

  “Hey now! That’s not fair… it’s not like I go anywhere. Do you expect me to dress up just to stay home?” I have a flashback to my college days of wearing sweats and hair scrunchies for days on end.

  “No, but your poor hair has paid the price, and your nails are a disaster. Have you been chewing on them?!”

  I drop my head, “Maybe…”

  “Well quit it! I’m fixing them tonight, and I don’t want to see that jagged mess anymore.”

  I’m curious as to what all she is planning for the couple hours, so I ask, “What exactly have you been instructed to do to me?”

  She smiles brightly and says, “First, I’m going blow dry your hair, then I’m going to add some soft curls with a curling wand, and after that, I am going to do your makeup, nails… feet and hands…and then I’ll get you dressed.”

  “And what exactly am I supposed to wear? I don’t even know where we are going?”

  Angie reaches over and grabs a box off the table. “He took care of that too,” she says, holding up a box from a trendy boutique in Downtown Charlotte.

  I’m shocked. “Seriously?! Oh my gosh… did he buy me clothes?”

  “I kinda helped him out, but he knew what he wanted. I just helped put the other pieces together. Let me say this dress is perfect for you, and you are going to look smokin’ hot in it!”

  “Can I see?” I ask, reaching for the box, but Angie pulls it away.

  “Tsk…tsk…tsk… Not yet. That will come later.” She circularly motions her hand instructing me to turn around in my chair, so I do as she says.

  The next hour is like being at the salon. Angie dries my hair straight and uses my curling wand to add a few loose curls. She applies some makeup that makes a big difference in my appearance. I forgot I could look pretty. We talk about all the latest gossip going around the office, and she asks me about my new position. Somehow, she already had an idea of what was happening. I wonder if she’s the one who put in a plug to my boss about this new position we discussed earlier.

  We talk about her and Charles wedding, which they haven’t planned yet. There is still no wedding date set, and I get on to her about it. She shrugs it off, saying she needs her best friend well before any planning can take place.

  “Let’s go to the bedroom and put on your dress and then I’ll apply the finishing touches. Brady is going to be here soon, so I want to make sure everything is perfect.” Angie grabs the box and bag off the table, and we make our way into the bedroom. I’ve been walking around the house on my own as much as I can without support now, but it does get tiring sometimes.

  “You sit,” she says pointing at the bed, while she opens the box and pulls out a lavender dress. She lays it on the bed, so I can get a full view. I place my hands over my mouth. It’s so beautiful. I’m not surprised Brady would pick out a pretty dress like this for me. It’s an off-the-shoulder, floor length, flowy dress, with a small, beaded flower accent at the waist.

  “Angie… this dress is gorgeous!”

  She claps her hands together and says, “I know! Isn’t it, though?! When he showed me the dress I knew it would look perfect on you.”

  I look up at her, “So I guess we are going somewhere formal tonight.” She points to her mouth and clamps her lips together, indicating her lips are sealed.

  “Okay… so what else is there? Are there matching shoes?”

  Angie pulls another smaller bag out and displays a beautiful pair of silver ballet flats. “We knew you couldn’t swing heels yet, so we opted for something a little more practical. You can’t see them under the long dress, but still, he wanted you to have pretty shoes to match.”

  She reaches back into the bag and pulls out a couple more boxes. When she opens them, they reveal a beautiful rhinestone and purple-beaded bracelet, with earrings to match. My eyes grow wide with excitement, and I can’t wait to get all of this on. It’s been so long since I’ve worn anything fashionable, much less something fancy, and it will feel good to look pretty tonight. Especially for Brady.

  “Okay… let’s get you up and dressed. Before you strip naked in front of me, take this.” She hands me one more bag and says, “You need to go put this on yourself.”

  I’m curious what it could be when I peek in the bag and see lace. I bet it’s a bra and panties. “Did he seriously buy me a bra and panties?”

  “No, but I did. If you are going to be wearing all of these beautiful things, the undergarments should match, so you needed something besides granny panties and a white bra. Go,” she says, motioning me toward my bathroom. I laugh because it’s not like he’s going to see what’s underneath my dress, but I guess it does make sense to lose the granny panties for the occasion.

  Stepping into the bathroom, I pull out the items; -lace panties and a bustier bra. “Seriously, Angie!” I yell out. I hear her call back to me from the bedroom, “Oh get over yourself and put it on. Hurry up!”

  Opening the door, I feel incredibly self-conscious. Wearing only my new undergarments, I peek around the corner to see Angie sitting on my bed. She looks up and sees me still hiding behind the bathroom door. She smiles and pats the bed. “Well… come on. We’ve got to get you dressed.”

  Angie laughs at me as I walk toward her. “You definitely need to tuck these away for your honeymoon.” I roll my eyes, trying to appear cavalier, but all the while, I feel half-naked in front of her. I shouldn’t care…..she is, after all, one of my closest friends. But, dang it, I feel very awkward right now!

  “Angie!” I squeal, “He will most certainly NOT see me in these tonight!”

  “Oh, I know I’m just giving you a hard time. Come on,” she says, and grabs my hand, pulling me toward the bed. “Let’s get you dressed.”

  We tuck, pull, zip, and adjust the fabric until everything is on. Angie turns me around to look at myself in the mirror. Wow. I’m speechless and surprised at how I look. I haven’t felt this pretty, ever.

  I turn around to see Angie holding a tube of lipstick. “Final touch is lipstick, and then you will be ready.”

  I hear the doorbell ring, which is odd because if it were Brady he would use his key. I look at Angie, “Who’s here?” She smiles and says, “Your prince charming awaits.”


  My Own Version of a Fairy Tale

  I open the door to find Brady in a black suit and tie. Be still my heart. He looks amazing! His eyes widen as he takes me in. We stand at the door gazing at each other for what seems like an eternity until Angie snaps us out of our trance.

  “Ahem…you’re gonna be late if you don’t stop gawking at each other,” she says, laughing.

  Brady reaches out to grab my hand. “Clara, there are no words for how beautiful you look tonight. You. Are. Breathtaking.” He leans in to kiss me on my cheek. I feel a deep blush spread across my cheeks, while a swarm of butterflies flutters around in my stomach.

  “You look very handsome yourself, Mr. Reese. I’m almost speechless,” I say. He raises my hand to his lips, then loops my arm through his, tucking me close to his side. As we step out into the evening air, I see a limo parked in front of my building. I turn to look at him with eyes wide. He gives me a quick wink, “Your chariot, darling. Nothing but the best for you tonight.”

  The driver walks around to open the door for us. I turn to look back at Angie. She is standing in the doorway with a huge smile on her face. I mouth a quick “thank you,” and she blows a kiss into the air, waving us a happy goodbye.

  As much as I travel, I’ve never been inside a limo before. It’s amazing. Pale lights line the floor along the seats, and a black
privacy window divides the backseat from the driver. Brady turns in the seat to face me; still not letting my hand go, and he reaches down to kiss it once again. I do feel like a princess right now.

  “So, are you finally going to tell me what’s going on tonight? All these secrets keep coming out one by one. You know, I’m likely to start figuring it out.”

  “You… my love… are well overdue a night out, so I’ve planned the perfect night for us. We have reservations at The Capital Grille at Center City for 6 o’clock and then after we are going to the Blumenthal for a premiere performance of Cinderella.”

  “What?!” I shriek. “I’ve always wanted to see a live play!”

  A smile spreads across Brady’s face, and he knows he’s scored big points on this one.

  “You stinker… you are spoiling me tonight. The Captial Grille? You can’t even get a reservation there. Spill it…. Do you know people?”

  He laughs, “You deserve to be spoiled tonight, and let’s put it this way: I haven’t paid for us to go on a date for months now, so I think we are due for something nice to make up for lost time. And as for the reservations…” he shrugs playfully, “I may have some connections.”

  I lean in to hug him, laughing while trying to process all that is happening.

  When we arrive at our first destination, a valet approaches the limo and opens our door. Brady steps out and reaches for my hand to help me out. He puts his arm around my waist to support me until I get my balance because I’m still a little wobbly. He leans in and whispers in my ear, “You okay?”

  I smile, nodding my head yes.

  I am once again rendered speechless as two men, dressed in tuxedos, open the doors to The Capital Grille. This place is magnificent. I’ve heard a lot about it, but never dined here. The hostess smiles as we approach, “Mr. & Mrs. Reese?”

  Brady nods yes. “Right this way, please,” she says, guiding us to our table.

  I look at Brady, smiling sheepishly. She referred to us as a married couple. I can’t stop the grin spreading across my face. I playfully poke him in the ribs, as he lets out a small laugh, but doesn’t look at me. We follow the hostess all the way through the restaurant, into a private room in the back. If I was already impressed, it doesn’t compare to how I feel when I look around the room. It’s lit with candles, and a sheer white canopy covers the table, it’s fabric tied back with bouquets of flowers.

  A man wearing black slacks, a white shirt, and a black vest stands beside our table. “Good evening.” He pulls out a chair for me, and Brady sits in the seat beside me. “My name is Collin, and I will be your server tonight. Can I start you off with a glass of wine or champagne?”

  “Can we have two sparkling waters instead, please?” Brady asks.

  The waiter nods. “My pleasure, sir. I’ll be back momentarily.”

  I smile, taking it all in. A classy restaurant, a very handsome date, and I am wearing a pretty dress. I almost feel like I am Cinderella tonight. Brady reaches across the table and takes my hand in his. “Mrs. Reese… hmm, I kinda like the ring of that.”

  “Did you tell them we were married?” I ask.

  He smiles, “I did what I had to do to get this reservation. There may or may not be a slight misconception that this is our honeymoon night."

  I try to muster an angry glare, but it quickly melts into adoration for this man. He has taken such good care of me throughout my recovery. Now, here he is treating me like a queen and spoiling me with a perfect night out. If he had to tell a little white lie to make it happen, who am I to judge? I smile at him and squeeze his hand.

  “I hope you enjoy tonight, Clara. You deserve this so much.”

  “Brady, you are amazing. I can’t believe you have done all of this, and you got us premiere tickets to see Cinderella. I almost feel like a little girl in a dream.”

  “Is it too cheesy?” Brady asks.

  “Cheesy? You mean the play?” I ask.

  “Yeah… it was the only thing showing at this time, so I took a chance.”

  “I think it will be fantastic! Cinderella was my favorite princess as a child! However, I’m sure we’ll see our fair share of little girls enjoying the show with us tonight. What time does it start?”

  “It starts at 7:30, but it’s just across the street, so we have plenty of time to enjoy dinner and make our way to the theater.”

  I smile, “Thank you, Brady… for tonight… you have no idea how much this means to me. All the thought you put into planning… the dress, Angie getting me ready, the limo… it’s really sweet of you.”

  Brady squeezes my hand, rubbing his thumb across my knuckles and smiles tenderly at me, as if I’m the most precious thing in the entire world.

  “You’ve been stuck at home for months now, and I wanted you to feel alive tonight. I mean, seeing you all dressed up…us actually going out… showing you off tonight… a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.”

  Our waiter returns with our drinks and asks if we’re ready to order. Brady doesn’t skip a beat and says, “We will both have the house special tonight…medium.”

  “Very well, sir… your meal will be out shortly,” and the waiter walks away.

  “House special? Do you care to share what we are eating tonight?” I ask Brady.

  “Nope… you’ll see in a little bit. But, I promise you will like it.”

  I guess the surprises will continue tonight. The waiter returns a short time later and places a fancy salad in front of us. Brady and I both look at the salad and start laughing. “Looks like leaves off a tree,” he says.

  I try hard to contain my laughter, but he is right. “Oak… Maple… What else do you think?” I ask, stabbing my fork into the bowl and bringing it up to my mouth. “It’s good whatever it is. This vinaigrette is to die for!” I watch Brady chewing a few of his salad leaves and notice he has a little dressing on the side of his mouth. I reach across the table and wipe his mouth with my finger. He wiggles his eyebrows and smiles.

  No sooner than we lay our salad forks down, the waiter comes to collect our plates. Within a few seconds, he returns with our entrée. They have impeccable timing here. I smell the unmistakable aroma of filet mignon as he approaches the table with our food… steak served with roasted potatoes and vegetable medley. No wonder Brady knew to order the house special. I look at the plate as the waiter sets it in front of me. Yum, my favorite.

  We talk as we eat our meal. I told Brady how I tried to get Angie to spill the beans about tonight, but she wouldn’t budge. And how she kept doting over my dress, and the fact Brady practically picked out my entire wardrobe all by himself. Brady talks about how nice it is to have me out of the house tonight, showing me off to the world. I love how we get each other, and how easy life is with him.

  The waiter returns to take our dessert order. I’m full, but there is no way I’m passing up the killer chocolate mousse I’ve heard they have here. I’ve always been one to devour a good meal. People say I must have a hollow leg to eat as much as I do and remain relatively thin.

  “So, are you excited about the play?” Brady asks. “I’ve never really been to anything like this before, so I’m not exactly sure what to expect.”

  “Well then, we will have to experience our first play together,” I respond as I reach across the table for his hand. We enjoy a few moments of silence as we wait for our dessert. I soak it all up because a few months ago I had no clue if I would even get to have a happily ever after with this man. Life can change in an instant.

  “Brady, tell me about your first wife.”

  His face falls slightly, but he recovers quickly. “Well, I guess I’ve put this conversation off enough times. I can’t ignore it anymore, can I?”

  I shake my head no. He knew he would have to talk about her at some point. Even though we are having a fantastic evening, I don’t feel guilty about inquiring about the woman he used to love. I believe it will help me learn even more about him. To learn how he loved before me.

“What would you like to know?” he asks.

  “Everything. What was she like… did you take her on fancy dates like this?”

  He laughs, but it’s not his normal laugh, and I sense the defeat in his voice as it falters ever so slightly. “Well, we were young and poor, so definitely no evenings out like this. I’ve never, ever spent this much money on a date before.”

  Now I do feel guilty because I know this place is super expensive. Brady obviously reads my expression because he quickly adds, “But tonight is worth every single penny I spent. Because tonight is about showing you how much I love you and celebrating your recovery. It’s also making up for lost time.” He squeezes my hand to affirm he meant what he said.

  “So, about Trista,” he continues. “Well, she was the complete opposite of you and I don’t mean in a bad way. It’s just that she was very outgoing and loud. Man, was she loud,” he laughs. “She could grab the attention of a room in two seconds flat. You never doubted her presence anywhere.”

  Yeah, that’s pretty much the exact opposite of my personality. I’m very quiet and reserved and prefer to hide in corners rather than drawing attention to myself. “Go on,” I nudge him.

  He takes a deep breath, “Like I said, we were poor. Well, not poor, but newlyweds on a limited income back in the ‘90s. She was a school teacher… third grade. She loved kids, and kids loved her.”

  Hearing Brady talk about his first wife reminds me of the first time we had a conversation about her. I was at Brady’s house one day, putting away laundry, and I found their wedding picture hidden under his T-shirts. I pulled the photo out and was looking at it when he walked into the room. He stilled, seeing me holding the picture, taking in my reaction to finding it still tucked away in his drawer. Even though it was ten years ago, I didn’t expect him to throw away everything they shared. It’s not like they broke up and moved on.

  My mind replays the conversation.

  “This is her,” I stated.


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