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Smooth Operators [Clandestine Affairs 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 14

by Zara Chase

  “If you’d met my dad you wouldn’t ask that question. Controlling doesn’t come close to describing his personality. We’re too much alike and would have finished up killing each other.”

  She laughed. “Chef’s knives at twenty paces.”

  Gus returned her smile. “Heads on chopping blocks, served medium-rare with a spicy dressing.”

  “Idiot!” She playfully thumped his arm. “You paint a grim picture, but presumably the rest of your family survives. I know you have a sister. Fergal told me about her.”

  Gus’s eyebrows disappeared beneath his hairline. “Did he indeed?” He sent her a long, probing stare and then his generous mouth split into a wide smile. “I’ll be damned!”

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Fergal never talks about his disastrous marriage to my bitch of a sister and almost took my head off the last time I tried to get him to open up about it. God alone knows, he has reason enough to be bitter, but it ain’t healthy to bottle it all up.”

  “You obviously have issues with your family.”

  “Only my father and sister. I have two older brothers who work in the restaurant, and we get along just fine.”

  “Fergal told me you felt guilty about him and your sister, but he doesn’t blame you. Why would he?”

  “Because I should have tried harder to warn him about Sheila. I already told you that my dad’s a control freak and us boys were raised with the proverbial rod of iron. Sheila’s the youngest, and his little princess. She learned to wrap him around her little finger from the get-go. Sugar wouldn’t melt in her mouth, unless there was something she wanted and couldn’t have. I told Fergal and Harley that she’d probably make a play for one of them when they came home with me one time. She’s striking to look at and has learned to hide her manipulative personality over the years. Fergal was sucked in by her, and…well, I guess he told you the rest.”

  “Yes, she sounds selfish.”

  “She tried to put the blame on Fergal for her having strayed. The truth is, she couldn’t bear to think of his attention being focused on anything or anyone other than her.” Gus pulled a disgusted face. “Not even his career.”

  “Sounds like he’s better off without her.”

  “No question, but it’s left its mark, which is why I’m glad he spoke to you about it.”

  “I’m not sure why he did.”

  “Aren’t you? You sure about that?” He sent her a look she couldn’t interpret, lifted her head from his chest and stood up. “You stay there and doze. I need to start dinner.”

  “I’ll help.”

  “I’ve got it.”

  Briana figured he didn’t like anyone else intruding upon his space when he was in chef mode and so didn’t insist. Besides, it was way too comfortable here and she was still boneless after their phenomenal sex fest. She yawned, snuggled into the cushions, and closed her eyes.

  She awoke when she heard Fergal and Harley’s voices.

  “No one at home,” Fergal replied to Gus’s questioning look. “Any problems here?”

  “Nothing I couldn’t handle,” Gus replied, looking smug as he pottered about in the kitchen.

  Harley stopped to give Briana a brief kiss on the top of her head and disappeared into the bedrooms. Fergal sat beside her.

  “You look…er, relaxed,” he said, dropping a kiss on her lips.

  “Gus has been entertaining me.”

  Fergal laughed. “I’ll just bet he has.”

  “What happens now?” Briana asked. “About Greg and his father, I mean.”

  Fergal shrugged. “Not much we can do tonight, other than to keep a careful watch. At least the weather’s on our side. I doubt if anyone will be tempted to come up here and try anything in this downpour, especially not if they know we’re still here.”

  “I’ll have a word with Raoul. See if they’ve found anything on the Seagrove guy yet,” Harley said, rejoining them and giving Fergal an imperceptible nod.

  “Do that,” Fergal replied. “How long until dinner, Gus?”

  “Ten minutes.”

  “Okay, babe.” Fergal turned toward her and twirled one of her curls around his finger. “We’ve got time to kill while we wait out the weather.”

  Briana frowned. “You still think something bad will happen once the weather clears?”

  “You need to accept that someone’s out to destroy what you’re doing here, darlin’, and all my instincts tell me they’re not about to stop anytime soon.”

  She swallowed down her apprehension. “All right, but it’s not fair to ask you guys to hang around indefinitely.”

  Fergal flexed a brow. “Trying to get rid of us?”

  “No, but it doesn’t seem right. You’re losing money by not being at work, and I can’t afford to pay you.”

  “We’re okay.” Fergal’s grin was pure sin. “If you want to pay us, we could play some more games while we wait. No pressure, though. If you’d rather not we won’t walk out on you. Promise.”

  Briana was surprised to see an element of doubt creep into his expression. She’d never seen him anything other than totally in control and confident before. Eyes lowered, pussy leaking yet again, she was conscious of all three of them pausing with what they were doing, waiting to see how she’d respond. Did they honestly think she’d turn them down? She wasn’t quite that masochistic.

  “Yes please, Master Fergal,” she said, eyes still downcast.

  “Good girl.” Gus resumed whatever he was doing in the kitchen. Harley’s fingers flew over his computer keyboard again. “Harley just left some stuff in your room. Put it on, no deviations or additions, and join us back here as soon as you’re ready.”

  She stood up, and Fergal patted her butt in dismissal. She was conscious of his eyes following her progress as she headed for the corridor leading to the bedroom. They clearly had something planned for her and had even taken the trouble to pick out the clothes they wanted her to wear. It would be something pretty and feminine, she was willing to bet. Guys liked women to look feminine, didn’t they?

  She entered her room and stopped dead in her tracks. Oh my! There were just two flimsy items of clothing laid out on the bed and a pair of four-inch heeled black sandals on the floor beside it.

  “I can’t wear those,” she said aloud, picking up a pair of black latex crotchless panties and giggling. “And what the hell is this supposed to be?”

  There was a honeycomb fishnet excuse for a dress lying on the bed. It would hide absolutely nothing, and if she wore it without a bra her tits would hang down to her knees. Still, they would know that because all three of them were already well acquainted with her large breasts and pretended to like them. She’d try the things on, just so that she could say that she had, and if necessary she’d go back out there and say pollution.

  Hell, what was she thinking? Her disappointment would be ten times more severe than theirs if she called a halt to proceedings before they’d even gotten underway. Her juices were well and truly flowing, and she wanted to play this game of dress-up, even if it made her look ridiculous. She stripped off her clothes, sprayed herself all over with her favorite body perfume, and pulled on the panties. They were a snug fit, but the freedom of having her pussy lips and the crack in her ass uncovered was kind of liberating.

  “Okay, so far so good,” she told her reflection.

  The dress was stretchy, with a high halter neck. She pulled it on and found it ended halfway down her thighs. It flattened her tits against her body, and the nipples poked out through holes in the honeycomb fabric. Hell, she’d felt sexy before, but this took the experience to new levels. Briana sat on the edge of the bed and slid her feet into the shoes. She wasn’t surprised to find they were her size. Someone had done their research. She ran a brush through her hair and left it loose, the way they liked it. There was no point bothering with makeup since she was pretty sure they’d kiss lipstick right off her. Once she got heated up, mascara would trail down her face and make her look like
a panda.

  “Ready or not, here I come,” she said, walking slowing toward the great room.

  The sound of her heels on the wooden floor must have alerted them to her approach. All three men stood when she walked through the doorway and emitted a communal whistle of approval. They’d also transformed the room in her absence. Scented candles burned from every surface and soft music played from Harley’s laptop.

  “Dinner awaits, ma’am,” Fergal said, extending a hand to her.

  Harley held out her chair, which had a towel thrown over the cushion, presumably to protect it from her leaking cunt. These guys thought of everything.

  “Thank you,” she said, hamming up her role as lady since they appeared intent upon being gentleman. For now.

  Gus served shrimp-and-avocado appetizers while Harley poured the wine.

  “Did you learn anything more about Seagrove?” she asked.

  “Nothing definitive,” Fergal replied. “Zeke’s still digging, but so far all he can find is that he runs a financial company back in Georgia.”

  Briana frowned, trying not to think about her tits resting on the edge of the table, nipples on clear display. “Why would a financial institution need a marketing company?”

  Fergal laughed. “Honey, the financial services industry is in meltdown and needs all the help it can get.”

  “Everyone needs marketing help nowadays,” Harley added. “Gotta love the internet.”

  Briana was getting used to having the guys around and felt comfortable with them. She was hungry and ate everything that was placed in front of her. Gus’s cooking was so expert that she’d challenge anyone not to. The guys chatted to her about anything and everything, casting frequent glances at her near-naked body, but not once turning the conversation in the direction of the hot sex that she hoped would soon follow.

  And the anticipation was driving her crazy.

  Did they like what they saw or were they having second thoughts? This was a surreal situation, and she needed reassurance. None was forthcoming. Harley’s laptop was on the table, and all three guys frequently glanced at the feedback from the outside cameras. There was nothing to see. The view didn’t change, but that didn’t stop them from looking at it with the same detached interest they spared for her. Briana no longer felt sexy. She felt neglected and unsure of herself.

  Finally it came to an end. Fergal stood up and came round to help her from her chair. Instead of leading her back into the great room, as she’d expected him to do, he pulled her into his arms so forcefully that their bodies collided with a hard thud. Winded, she looked up into eyes rendered smoky with unmistakable desire.

  “Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you look in that rig?” he asked.

  “Actually no, since none of you have bothered to tell me.”

  Fergal laughed as his large hands moved down to cover the globes of her ass and pulled her against his hard-on. “Sometimes actions speak louder than words,” he said. “Come on, we have a surprise for you.”

  She slid her hand into his, conscious of his vital strength transferring itself to her, washing away her uncertainties. Before she could take a step, her world went dark. Someone had blindfolded her. She gasped, taking a moment to adjust to the change. Fergal said nothing but kept hold of her hand. He moved forward and she moved with him, her excitement already enhanced by her inability to see anything at all.

  “We’re in the great room, Briana.”

  She nodded, aware of the warmth from the fire searing her back.

  “Lie down on the comforter, honey. We have some more surprises for you.”

  Fergal guided her down and lay with her, his large, naked body snug against her side, his rigid cock resting on her thigh. His breath peppered her face as he captured her lips in a drugging kiss that sent her heightened senses reeling. His magical tongue worked its way into her mouth, and she matched his ravenous need taste for taste. She trembled with anticipation when another body landed on her opposite side and a trail of damp kisses were teasingly applied to her spinal column.

  “Erogenous zones are found in the most unlikely places,” Harley’s hypnotic voice said from somewhere near her feet. She felt his hands on her legs forcing them apart. The material of the skimpy dress stretched but didn’t tear as she bent her knees up for him. “My, that sure does look pretty,” he said, blowing on her exposed pussy, sending her stomach into free fall with his wicked breath.

  Fergal broke the kiss, and a moment later his hands were on her breasts, molding, caressing, his fingers probing until she thought she’d explode from sensory anticipation. She felt the need to move, to show him how much she was enjoying herself, but the other two were touching her as well and she didn’t want to risk moving out of their range. Fergal sucked one pebbled nipple deep into his mouth, nipping at it with his teeth. She cried out as desperate pleasure spangled through her in unstoppable waves. Presumably Gus was the one behind her and his hand was now playing with her ass.

  Three pairs of large hands appeared to be everywhere, driving her increasingly frantic, and she gave up trying to remember whose were where. She felt cool lube being squirted over her ass and this time tried real hard not to tense up when a finger invaded her anus. Someone—probably Gus—was doing something to her nipples. It pinched in a pleasurable sort of way.

  “Nipples clamps,” he said softly. “You like how they feel?”

  “Yes, Master,” she replied, writhing as renewed streaks of fiery sensation heated her bloodstream.

  “That’s good. There’s another clamp, and Harley’s gonna fix it on your pussy.”

  “He’s what!”

  “Just relax, sugar. It’ll blow your mind.”

  Fergal’s large hands sweeping across her gut and Gus sliding the plug into her butt distracted her. She barely felt it when Harley attached the clamp to her pussy lips. Presumably the three were connected by a chain because someone tugged at it and her entire world ignited.

  “Guys, that’s just awesome!”

  “No one gave you permission to talk,” Fergal said sternly.

  “Sorry, Master Fergal.”

  “What happens to girls who talk out of turn, Briana?”

  “They must be punished, Master Fergal.”

  “Then what do you have to say to me?”

  “Please punish me for speaking without permission, Sir.”

  “Get on your hands and knees, darlin’.”

  She’d barely wriggled into position before a sharp crack across her ass caused Briana to cry out. Then she smiled as the most glorious sensations, aided by the plug in her butt, sent a disturbing thrill ricocheting through her bloodstream. The whip, or whatever Fergal was using, came down a second time, even harder. Someone tugged on the nipple clamps as it did so, which was one tantalizing tease too many. Shivers of liquid excitement plagued her body, and she seriously thought she’d come then and there.

  “Don’t you dare!” Damn it, Fergal really was a mind reader. “If you come, Briana, we’ll remove the clamps and that ass plug you like so much. Then you’ll be made to crouch in the corner for half an hour, with your butt on display, and no one will lay a finger on you.”

  Half an hour! I can’t last half a minute without their hands. “Yes, Master,” she said meekly, swallowing down her excitement and forcing her burgeoning orgasm back into its cage.

  The next time he whipped her and someone tugged on the clamps, the other one pushed the butt plug a little deeper. They were testing her, trying to make her defy them and orgasm so they could punish her even more. Ha, she had their measure, and two could play at that game! She forced herself to think about all the poor manatees down in Florida who fell victim to careless boaters unable to read the warning signs and slow down. It helped, a little.

  Fergal clearly sensed that she’d mastered her impulses because the whipping ceased and he nuzzled her neck instead. “Good girl,” he said. “Self-control in these situations is an important thing to learn.”

  “Yes, Ma

  “She’s ready,” Harley said.

  “Okay, darlin’. If it gets too much, just remember the safety word.”

  If what gets too much? She felt a shifting of bodies around her and the plug being pulled from her butt. Someone tipped her onto her side and a muscled body slid down the length of her from behind. Slick fingers played with her anus and the head of a large cock pushed past her tight muscle.

  “Open up for me, babe.”

  It was Fergal, his breath hot and heavy against her shoulder, as she did her best to relax. She was convinced he’d never fit and it would all be a waste of time. Hell, another body was now sliding down her front, tugging on the nipple clamps as a cock slid smoothly into her pussy.

  “Room for two, darlin’?” Gus’s voice asked.

  Two? She couldn’t possibly take them both at once. Surely that wasn’t what they meant. But it appeared that they did. Fergal slid a little deeper into her backside. The sensation burned, but she was unwilling to have him stop, especially since Gus was making glorious progress into her cunt. The clamp was still attached to one of her pussy lips, pulling it tight, adding to the frenzy whirling through her brain—and other places. There was something different about Gus’s cock. It felt harder, bigger.

  “A cock ring,” he told her. Really, these guys had to be mind readers. “Makes me last longer so I can love you deeper and harder.”

  He loved her?

  “Don’t leave me out, sugar.”

  Oh my! Harley was kneeling close to her face and tapped her lips with the tip of his cock. She opened her mouth and teased his head with her tongue, lapping up his salty pre-cum, enjoying the opportunity to tantalize him for a change as she sampled the devastatingly erotic taste of him. He groaned, confirming that her ploy was working better than she could have hoped. Momentarily distracted from Gus and Fergal, she was astonished to realize that the latter was now well inside her anus and that it no longer hurt. Quite the reverse in fact. The sensation was sharp, carnal, a delicious discovery. She pushed against him and received a tap on her thigh for her trouble.

  “You need to keep absolutely still and let us do all the work,” Fergal said. “I need to be careful back here. Don’t want to hurt you.”


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