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Smooth Operators [Clandestine Affairs 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 15

by Zara Chase

  She couldn’t speak with Harley’s cock halfway down her throat and nodded instead. She heard Fergal chuckle and had to suppress a groan when he withdrew almost all the way. Then she got it. He’d only done so in order that Gus might plunder her pussy. That was okay then. She returned to the important matter of giving Harley the best head she knew how, leaving Fergal and Gus to do what they did so damned well. Her nerve endings sang, she felt completely and absolutely consumed by them and was unsure where their bodies ended and hers began.

  “That’s it, babe,” Fergal said, his voice throbbing with earthy vibrancy. “You’ve got us both now, you greedy little witch.”

  “She’s got me and all,” Harley said, his voice raw and edgy. “She’s so fucking good at this.”

  “Yeah, and she’s loving having her ass fucked,” Fergal replied, taking his turn to drive into her.

  Briana couldn’t have made a verbal response, even if her mouth wasn’t otherwise engaged. Her entire body was on fire with such desperate need that the spikes of lust shooting through her swamped all reason. They seemed so controlled, like they could keep this up all day, whereas she was coursing with readiness, with inexorable need, with an overwhelming determination not to be found wanting. Still, if they could hold out, so, too, could see.

  She couldn’t, of course. Fergal seemed determined that she’d crack before any of them. When he and Gus increased the rate and strength of their orchestrated thrusts, she felt herself on the cusp of something truly earth-shattering, and was sure she heard him chuckle with satisfaction, damn him. She sucked harder at Harley’s cock. It jerked inside her mouth and he cursed.

  “That’s it, honey. Now you’ve got me. Shit, keep doing that thing with your tongue, angel. Don’t worry about what those two goons are doing to you. Let’s you and me party here.” Briana sucked harder, running her tongue down the underside of his cock in the way that appeared to get to him, hitting his balls and tugging at the hairs on them with her teeth before reversing the process. “Fuck it, baby, here it comes.”

  Harley’s cock pulsated in her mouth as she sucked it dry of his seed. Only then did she realize that Gus and Fergal had gone into overdrive and that her body was on fire. Really on fire. Harley slipped out of her mouth and she groaned aloud. It was too much. She absolutely had to come.

  “I…I need…” She couldn’t articulate the words, nor could she wait for permission, which she suspected would be withheld anyway. If they wanted a totally obedient partner they shouldn’t have chosen a redhead. “Ohmygod!”

  Her orgasm hit her broadside before she was ready to absorb it—so hot, so intense that her entire body quaked and turbulent heat coursed through her, spreading to her outermost places and then congealing in the pit of her stomach. She forgot all about remaining passive and pushed her hips between them, taking all she could get from one throbbing cock and then backing up to greedily extract as much as the other could offer her. It wasn’t enough. Briana was flying without wings, transported to a place of carnal pleasure that she never wanted to leave. Nor would she until they had nothing left to offer her.

  Only as the tremors finally started to fade did she realize that Fergal and Gus were still inside her, still rock hard.

  “I think the lady just took advantage of our good natures,” Gus said, chuckling.

  “Fiendish punishments are whirling through my head,” Fergal replied.

  “Sorry, Masters,” she said, trying not to laugh. The whole world should laugh with her. The world was a truly wonderful place. These were wonderful men. The new, sexually aware Briana was a wonderful person. What was there not to laugh about?

  Fergal grunted and picked up the pace again. This time Briana remained passive as she felt them both expanding inside of her. She could smell their arousal, feel the perspiration on their skin, and willed them to have even half as good a time as she’d just experienced.

  “You feel my cock fucking your ass?” Fergal asked in a tight voice. “You like that, darlin’?”

  “Yes, Master Fergal, I love it. I love what Master Gus is doing to my pussy as well.”

  “Oh, I know you do, sweet thing,” Gus replied. “You’re a greedy little madam who can’t get enough of our cocks. Am I right?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Come on then, honey. Let’s see if we can make you sprout wings again.”

  They grunted as they worked her harder, and Briana gasped and welcomed the invasion of her body. She knew the precise moment when they were ready to explode. She noticed a fresh urgency in their inarticulate moans, felt their cocks thicken and twitch, felt her own body going into meltdown again.

  “Shit, honey, let’s do this,” Fergal said from behind.

  A gentler orgasm claimed her as both men’s bodies shuddered, and she was acutely aware of their hot sperm shooting into condoms. She cried out as her body tingled with the pulsating warmth created by their sexual magnetism. Her last conscious thought before surrendering herself to the pleasure they’d given her—again—was to store every precious moment to memory.

  Briana urgently needed to remember everything she’d experienced because she knew very well that this was a defining moment in her life. Nothing would ever top the deep, complete oneness she felt with these three wonderful men. She would never feel more desirable and feminine than she did at that moment. She also knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that she was in love with all three of them. What a joke! It was just plain greedy to love three men at once. Three men who’d be gone from here, probably within a matter of days.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Briana was carried to the shower, washed, kissed repeatedly, fussed over, complimented, and eventually dressed in a cozy robe.

  “You okay?” Fergal asked for at least the fourth time as he carried her back to the great room and set her down on the couch. Harley handed her a restorative glass of wine. “We weren’t too rough with you?”

  “Hell no!” She sent each of them a reassuring smile. “That was totally unbelievable. You guys rock.”

  “Well, thank you, ma’am, we aim to please.” Harley checked his computer screen. “No action,” he said. “It’s still pouring outside.”

  “I’ll let Max out,” Gus said.

  The wind appeared to snatch the door out of his hands when he opened it. Briana shivered and pulled her robe more tightly about her. Harley noticed and threw another couple of logs on the fire.

  “Can’t have you catching cold, darlin’,” he said, winking at her.

  Gus came rushing back inside, tugging Max by the collar. “We’ve got a visitor,” he said urgently. “Max spotted him. I just stopped him from going after him. I want that pleasure for myself.”

  Fergal and Harley reacted instantly, not wasting time with unnecessary questions. She was astonished when she saw handguns appear, seemingly from nowhere, as the three of them headed for the door.

  “Stay here,” Fergal said to her. “Lock the door behind us and don’t open it unless you’re sure it’s us.”

  They were gone before she could respond. She did as they asked and shot the bolts across and then went to swap her robe for jeans and a sweatshirt. Who knew what she might be required to do? The guys had left Max with her, presumably for protection, but her dog pawed at the door, obviously wanting to have his turn at the intruder. Why hadn’t they seen the person on Harley’s screen if there actually was someone there? Max had probably caught onto the scent of a raccoon, or something. No strange cars had pulled up, but then if you were intent upon sabotage, Briana figured, you probably wouldn’t advertise the fact by driving up to the door.

  Where were they? She anxiously paced the length of the room, resisting the urge to grab a kitchen knife for protection. This was taking too long. She couldn’t hear anything above the sound of the rain and the howling wind. What if one of them got hurt, or worse, trying to protect her? Briana shivered at the mere prospect, knowing she’d never forgive herself in that happened.

  “Come on,” she mu
ttered, cuddling one of the kittens so tightly that he howled in protest and sprang from her arms.

  After what seemed like forever but could only have been a few minutes, there was a sharp rap at the door.

  “It’s us,” Fergal said. “Let us in.”

  Feeling totally relieved, Briana opened the door. All three of her men were bedraggled, but not nearly as much as the hapless guy they almost had to drag into the room with them.

  “Meet Kyle Bruce,” Fergal said glacially. “We just caught him trying to burn down the store with the roof timbers in it.”

  The guy looked ready to die of fright. “I didn’t mean no harm,” he said, sounding as pathetic as he looked.

  “How could he burn anything down in this weather?” Briana asked.

  “Honey, with the type of accelerant he had with him, anything would burn.”

  “Why?” Briana asked him. “Why are you doing this to me? I don’t even know you.”

  “Answer the lady,” Fergal said, giving him a hard jab in the back that almost sent him sprawling to the ground.

  “Someone paid me. I have debts.”

  “Who paid you?” Harley asked.

  Briana thought she knew the answer, even before Harley and Gus persuaded their captive to tell them.

  “Greg Stone,” he said in a grudging whisper.

  Briana blinked. “Excuse me, don’t you mean his father?”

  Kyle looked confused. “Don’t know nothing about his father.”

  “Why did Greg ask you to burn down the storage shed?” Gus asked.

  “No idea. He said he had a score to settle and that no one would get hurt.”

  The guys exchanged a look that confirmed Briana’s own thoughts. This was getting weirder by the minute.

  “Take him into town,” Fergal said to Gus and Harley. “Hand him over to the sheriff.”

  “Sure that’s wise?” Gus asked. “We know the sheriff can’t be trusted.”

  “He can’t ignore attempted arson.”

  “No, look, please, I have a record.” Kyle was almost begging. “If I get sent down for this—”

  “Take him,” Fergal said.

  Gus and Harley left with the hapless Kyle in tow.

  “What happens now?” Briana asked, hugging her arms around her torso, unable to get warm in spite of the blazing fire.

  “We’ll have a little chat with your friend Greg in the morning, see what he has to say for himself.” Fergal looked pensive. “We still don’t know why he’s so keen to get his hands on this property. No offence, darlin’, but it must involve more than wanting to get on your good side. He wouldn’t be so destructive if that’s what it was.”

  “Yes, I agree.”

  “I’ll just be a minute, then we’ll talk some more. There must be something we’ve overlooked.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “We left the shed unsecured. I need to close it up and make sure our visitor didn’t leave any other unwanted surprises for us.” He touched her face. “You’ll be okay for a couple of minutes?”

  “Sure.” She shook off his hand, not wanting to appear too needy. Not wanting him to go. “Go do what you have to do. Take Max with you. He probably didn’t get to lift his leg when Gus took him out.”

  “Always thinking of everyone else’s pleasure.” He sent her an accusatory smile. “We’re gonna have to teach you to think more about yourself.”

  “What makes you so sure I don’t?”

  “You don’t, and won’t, until you stop having negative thoughts about yourself. That’s something else we’re gonna have to work on.” He ran a hand across her ass. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.”

  Briana wandered around, too agitated to sit still as she waited for Fergal to return. Greg’s betrayal cut her to the quick, even though it didn’t especially surprise her. He always had been selfish and self-centered. Gus’s description of his sister fitted Briana’s view of Greg, although it had taken a lot of years for her to realize it. Greg was sweetness and light, just so long as people did things his way. She could still recall his incredulity, and then absolute fury, when she declined to marry him. It clearly hadn’t occurred to him that she would reject him, and when she did, it took him a long time to accept that she was serious.

  She went into the kitchen and grabbed an open bottle of wine from the fridge. If ever a situation called for Dutch courage, this was it. She heard the outside door open and breathed a sigh of relief. She’d always been self-sufficient, but tonight she didn’t want to be on her own.

  “That was quick,” she said, turning around.

  The glass slid from between her slack fingers, shattering on the flagstones of the kitchen floor when she looked up and saw a very wet, very angry-seeming Greg standing in front of her.

  * * * *

  Fergal and Max had to fight against the vicious wind to make their way to the shed. The door was still swinging open, and the timber nearest the opening was soaked. Fergal knew it would need to be moved farther undercover so it could dry out. With a frustrated sigh he set about lugging it, piece by piece, straining beneath the heavy loads. He laughed at Max. The dog had quickly lifted his leg and then run into the shed, clearly not enjoying getting wet.

  “You’re supposed to be a tough guy,” he said to the mutt, glad to have saved Briana’s timber, wishing he could resolve the rest of her problems with nothing more than a little sweat and muscle power. All his senses told him the danger wasn’t past yet.

  Damn it, he was furious with himself for underestimating Kyle and Greg. He was so keen for them all to play with Briana tonight that he’d convinced himself that her property wasn’t in any danger during such a violent storm. A basic mistake he never should have made. And he wouldn’t have, if he’d been thinking with his brain instead of his cock. If Kyle had arrived just half an hour earlier, they would still have been in the middle of their sex fest and he would have destroyed all this expensive timber—on Fergal’s watch, too.

  Well, at least they did manage to catch Kyle, more by luck than judgment, in the act. So what happened once they’d straightened Greg out and made him tell them why he wanted the place so badly? Well, they’d leave, obviously. Except the unthinkable had happened and Fergal didn’t want to leave—not without Briana. And Briana’s home was here. Fergal, Gus, and Harley didn’t have emotional attachments to any piece of real estate. The same couldn’t be said for a certain redheaded siren who’d made it her business to mess with his mind and sent his thoughts in a direction he’d never anticipated them taking again.

  Fergal was a once-bitten-twice-shy type of guy and had vowed never to get serious about a woman. Briana had changed all that, and he was pretty sure Gus and Harley felt the same way about her. Perhaps a three-way commitment would be less likely to implode and would prove to be the catalyst that tempted Fergal to take a risk on a woman again. Whatever, he absolutely couldn’t imagine a future without Briana in it. Fergal was in love again, and bolts of lightning hadn’t struck him down for daring to make the admission.

  Max stirred from the corner of the shed, cocked his head to one side, and started to bark frantically. He ran to the door, then back again, looking up at Fergal like he wanted to tell him something.

  “I know it’s still raining, bud,” he said. “Not a lot I can do about that.”

  Max carried on barking like crazy. A rumbling growl echoed from his throat, and he pawed frantically at the ground.

  “What the fuck?”

  Cold fingers of fear wrapped themselves around Fergal’s heart. Something wasn’t right. Briana was in danger, and he’d been so absorbed thinking about her charms that he hadn’t even sensed it. He abandoned the penultimate roof timber, allowing it to fall right where it was.

  “Come on!”

  He slammed the door to the shed behind him and Max and made for the house at a run.

  * * * *

  Briana felt her eyes bug out of her head. “What the hell—”

  “Hey, Br
iana,” Greg said, sauntering into the room. “How you doing?”

  “Get out!” Briana yelled, wondering how he’d reached the house without any of them being aware. Wishing now that she had picked up that knife. She hadn’t seen headlights, but he was soaking wet, so presumably he’d parked back down the track, out of sight, and hiked the rest of the way.

  “Now that’s not very friendly.”

  He strolled farther into the room, exuding confidence. His eyes were wild, his casual stance a poor disguise for his menacing intent. This obviously wasn’t a social visit, and Briana admitted to herself that she was afraid of him. Why hadn’t she kept Max with her? He’d never liked Greg, and Briana was starting to understand why.

  “What do you want?”

  “To see the love of my life, of course,” he said with a cynical twist of his lips.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Where’s your car?”

  “You always did underestimate me,” he said, sounding slightly manic.

  “What’s to underestimate?” Briana knew it was stupid to antagonize him when he was obviously so unstable, but her famous temper wouldn’t be quelled by an indulged bully who seemed to think she was afraid of him. She was, but she’d die before admitting it. She just needed to keep him talking until Fergus came back. “Far as I’m concerned, in your case, what you get is what you see.”

  His eyes darkened, and he took a step toward her. She was furious when she instinctively backed up a corresponding step. Fortunately he didn’t attempt to touch her, mainly because he’d just glanced into the great room and his gaze fell on the rumpled comforter in front of the fire.

  “Well,” he said with a mocking glare. “I don’t need to ask how you and your houseguests have been passing the time. Hope they got more out of the experience than I ever did. Personally, I found having sex with you akin to fucking a cold, unresponsive slab of meat.”

  Briana would once have been crushed by the insult and accepted the blame as a matter of course. She was no longer that person and sent him a quelling smile, imbuing it with a wealth of secret knowledge.


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