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Page 2

by Tara Oakes

  He growled lightly pulling me closer to him, as he pressed deeper onto me. The hardness of his manhood throbbing against my thigh through our jeans. I suddenly panicked.. never venturing this far into passion with a boy before, I was certain my inexperience would start to show and Jay would realize what a child I was compared to the slutty club mama's that knew how to satisfy him without pause. I started to inch my face away and tense myself.

  Jay pulled himself away from my lips and pressed his forehead to mine, seeming to strain against himself. "Baby... you have no idea how much I love how innocent you are." He kissed my closed lips softly once more, "You're mine. My girl. No one else's. Say it baby."

  "I'm your girl".


  The door to the clubhouse of the Slayers MC finally opened as if answering my silent prayers. Thank god. I need this to be over with already. The waiting and the suspense was killing me. The last thing I needed at this point was more time to think back and remember the details of my very own shattered biker fairytale. I lived it, hell I've relived it a thousand times. The last thing I wanted was to remember....

  Clink, Chaps and Dewey marched out first soon followed by my dad and my brother. They came right to me, offering me a bottle of cold water and a large Kingsmen t-shirt to cover my trashy midriff top. My pop grabbed hold of me and squeezed tightly. "Baby girl what the hell were you thinking?!" He scowled at me. Before I could answer, he pulled me in tight rocking slightly back and forth, offering whatever little bit of fatherly comfort he could.

  "I don't know pop. It all happened so fast. Everything just got out of hand. How did you know I was here?" I had never been so thankful to see my Dad, but unless his fatherly radar was working overtime he shouldn't have had any reason to think that I was anywhere other than in my apartment three hours away in River Rapids.

  Tiny stroked my hair back from my face as I cradled into my dad's shoulder and answered for him. "Your friend Christina came to the clubhouse and told Jay. We geared up and set a meeting with Shade to squash this shit. Jay and Vince are working out the details now."

  My pop finally let me out of his bear hug and inspected me. "You hurt girl? These sons of bitches do anything to you?" There was an unspoken meaning to his questioning. The Slayers had a nasty reputation when it came to women from what I've been able to pick up over the years. Shade, their president had even served time for it. All the girls in town knew to stay away from them. I understood what my dad was asking.

  "No pop. I'm fine. I just need to get out of here and go home." I lied. If I even so much as hinted that the big burly bald guy in the back of us had backhanded me last night I knew it would be an all out shit storm.

  Butch nodded to me and cupped my chin. The entire group turned our attention once more to the clubhouse door as Shade, Vince and Jay stepped out into the sunlight. Jay already had his sunglasses on, making it more than difficult to read anything from him. Vince shook hands awkwardly and stiffly with Shade, mouthing something I couldn't make out. Shade smirked at the comment and called out to his goons. "Boys, it appears our hospitality has been appreciated. Our guests will be leaving now. All of them." I exhaled. That last bit was an obvious reference about me. "Jay," Shade called out as Jasper followed Vince towards us. "72 hours".

  I looked around from Butch to Clink, to Dewey, Chaps and finally Tiny to reassure myself that it was really over. "Thank god. Thank you all so much. Can I really go home now?"

  Vince made his way next to me and kissed my cheek. The others allowed him to answer. "Lil's... We're going home." I closed my eyes tight, the stress of the last night finally getting the best of me. I bit my lip to hold back my tears. Vince squeezed my shoulder reassuringly before he added "You're riding with your ol' man" before he and all of the other Kingsmen sought out their bikes.

  My body suddenly felt as if it weighed a thousand pounds. Shock set in as I registered Vince's words. "Wait... MY WHAT?!" I called out behind them as I searched each of them for a visible answer. My heart stopped when I finally set eyes on Jay as he straddled over his bike staring forward, away from me and held out his own helmet as if it were poison and he wanted nothing more than to drop it.

  "Get on" he growled. My mouth dried. No way.. this can't be happening. Jay stood stone still, not letting the helmet waiver a bit as I stood in shock. "I said... GET ON. NOW. " I frantically looked to my brother and my pop to step in and end this.. whatever this was. They looked down, away, anywhere they could but at me. They started their engines and fell in line with Vince waiting to leave. I could see Jay getting pissed off. Fearing he would take off without me I walked over to his outstretched arm taking the helmet from him.

  I strapped up and swung my leg over the bike having to stand on my tip toes to do it. I tried to settle into the leather seat so my short skirt wouldn't hike up any further than it needed too. "Fuck" I exhaled out, mainly to myself.

  Jay revved his engine and called back to me "Not yet babe. Save something for later" in the most smart ass way he could. I tried to balance myself so that I could keep my hands on the seat, away from Jay. He fell into his rightful place slightly offset behind Vince, as his vice-president and jerked on the breaks briefly causing me to crash my chest into his back. So much for trying to balance myself. "You know better... hold on" he gritted through the bandana tied to cover over his mouth as he rode.

  I latched as tightly as I could around his waist and he chuckled triumphantly. "Asshole" I whispered into his ear.

  He reached his hand down and adjusted my grip lower so it just grazed the growing bulge in his jeans. "Baby... I love when you talk dirty." The engines roared and throttles opened as we took off in a uniformed pattern out of the gates of the Slayer's compound and away from my new admirer 'Crotch'. I'm gonna kind of miss the bastard.


  We rode down the highway and through down town Chisholm. It was nearing noon and folks were setting out to lunch. Children watched in awe as the bikers sped through, some women looked on in lust and men followed the bikes in envy. Mostly though, everyone looked on in respect at the MC that kept their town safe and if nothing else, at least an interesting place to live. We stopped at the intersection at the four corners in the heart of town and Jay nodded over to Vince. Vince raised his chin in recognition and drove on with the rest of the brother's in pursuit. Jay turned us onto North street and headed away from the rest of the guys, into the residential part of town.

  After a few quick turns we finally pulled up into the drive of Jay's little cape style yellow house. He cut the engine and sat, waiting for me to dismount first so that he could follow. "Well?...." he gave out in frustration.

  I swung my leg over nearly toppling down to the ground trying to get my footing with my platform wedges. Jay reached out instantly and grabbed hold of my arm to steady me as he swung off his bike gracefully. He looked down at my shoes and then slowly up my bare legs and then the oversized Kingsmen tee. I handed him back his helmet, awkwardly aware of my state of half dress. "What?.... I was at a Bachelorette party... what was I supposed to wear? A fucking burka?"

  Jay grunted and grabbed his helmet placing the strap over the bike's handlebar. "I'm very aware of where you were last night Lil's. Now get in the damn house." He spat out with mild disgust.

  "I didn't ask you for your help, Jay..."

  He reached out and gently touched my chin moving it slightly so he could get a better look at the bruise forming on my cheek. "Yeah... looks like you were handling everything just fine sweetheart. In the house, now."

  Amid my mild protests, Jay placed his hand on my lower back and guided, well, more like gently pushed me up the walk to the front door. He slid his keys out into the lock and pushed through the door with me just behind.

  Jay dropped his keys into the bowl on the side table next to the door and kicked off his boots, setting them next to the bottom landing of the staircase. He took off his leather cut and draped it over the staircase railing before disappearing further into the hous
e toward the kitchen. I looked around, taking stock of my surroundings. Not much has changed in the last two years. The living room was set up the same with a newer, larger TV on the wall opposite the couch that we spent countless hours on watching movies, fooling around and falling asleep.

  I stepped forward searching down the hallway at the open doors. The master bedroom door was ajar and I could just make out the corner of the bed where Jay and I made love for the first time. The bed where I lost my virginity to my man. And it was also the bed where Jay has fucked countless women since, no doubt.

  "LIL'S!!! What the fuck are you doin'? Waiting for the mailman? Get in here already" Jay called out from the kitchen. I slipped out of my wedges, instantly loosing the four extra inches of height they provided. I scooted them over next to Jay's boots and glided further into the house. I used to love the feeling of my bare feet on these worn wooden floors. Once upon a time it felt like home. I would always wake up earlier than Jay and make my way to the kitchen to start the coffeepot, tiptoeing down that hall quiet as could be not to disturb him. The smell of brewing caffeine would always wake him and lure him out of bed where he would find me in only his club t-shirt making us breakfast. Here I was barefoot, wearing his t-shirt and walking my way into the kitchen. De Ja Vu is a bitch.

  I entered the cozy kitchen to find Jay had set out some sandwich fixin's and chips. He was talking into his cell phone, barely looking up at me as I pulled up a stool to the breakfast bar and sat down, either avoiding me or engrossed in his conversation. "Yeah... she's right here. Bring over the things she'll need later." Pause. No clues as to whom he's talking to. "Ma.... give me a break, ok... I said later. I'll text you." Bingo! He was talking to Jean. His mom. My second mom growing up. Was she coming here to see me? "Yeah. I'll tell her. Love you too. Bye."

  Jay slid his phone into his pocket and handed me a turkey sandwich, barely looking up at me as I took it from him. "Ma says hi. She'll be here later to check in on you. Bring you some things." He stared at my legs. "Some decent clothes at least. Text her the things you'll need, any girlie stuff, you know."

  I started to add on some tomato and mayo to my sandwich, completely starved. I hadn't eaten since yesterday. "Thanks... but I have a change of clothes in my car to head home in. I just need a lift to the bar to pick it up and I'll be on my way."

  Jay opened the fridge and pulled out a beer and a bottled water. He kept the beer for himself and sat down across from me, nursing it slowly. "Yeah... about that. Change of plans Lil's. You are home."

  I nearly choked on my sandwich and reached for the bottle of water to clear my throat. "What the hell are you talking about Jay? Chisholm hasn't been my home for a very long time...."

  "What the fuck do think I'm talking about Lil's!? You think there are no consequences for last night? You think you can just sneak into town, dressed as a whore I might add, beat the ever loving shit out of Shade's ol' lady, and then take off? What the fuck goes through that pretty little head of your's sometimes?!" He was standing now, pissed off and roaring down at me.

  Not one to be intimidated, I pushed up out of my chair and stood as tall as I could. All five feet three inches of me. Not much, I know, but it's what I have to work with. "First of all, I didn't sneak into town. Just because I don't alert the fucking media as to my social calendar doesn't mean I'm sneaking in. Second of all, it was a FUCKING BACHELORETTE PARTY!!! This is how you dress for that. Thirdly, I didn't know she was Shade's or anybody else's ol' lady for the record. She wasn't wearing a rag. She started shit with me first, I just finished it. We both know the bitch had it coming to her. It was long overdue." I swear I think I see his nostrils flaring.

  He slammed his beer down on the counter, with a loud echo. I'm surprised the bottle didn't break. "Well she is his ol' lady. And now she's in the E.R., Lil's. She needs emergency surgery. They're flying in a goddamned plastic surgeon, for Christ's sake!!!"

  "The bitch needed a nose job anyway...." I tried to joke, settle the tone down a little bit.

  Jay reached over to me and grabbed hold of my arms. "I SWEAR!!! Do you not get it?! If you had been anybody else, you'd be on your knees right now in their clubhouse being passed around for all of them to take a turn. You'd be paying this debt off on your back, princess."

  I swallowed hard. I knew what could have happened. But the fact the this man was going to try to get off as my knight in shining armor right now was starting to piss me off. I shook loose of his grip, and shot back "What's really got you worked up Jay? The fact that I came back here and didn't have the decency to schedule a reunion with you, or the fact that I messed up your pretty little whore?"

  He looked blindsided, stunned almost. Didn't last long though. He's got the reflexes of a fucking cat. He walked towards me causing me to step backwards trying to maintain some space. "What the fuck did you say to me?"

  I crashed into the empty wall behind me, but Jay kept on coming my way "You heard me. Your whore. Tell me, how long did you wait, hmmm? A day? A full week before you plowed your way through any available pussy you could find?"

  Jay was right on top of me now. A full ten inches taller and a hell of a lot bigger than me. "You left me, remember baby? Who and when I fuck is none of your god damned business after that!"

  "Oh really?! Well what about before, then? Is that any of my business? I saw her you asshole! I saw her leaving your room at the clubhouse. And you paid her you son of a bitch! A god damned whore! I guess free pussy at home wasn't enough for you, hmm?" I spat out trying to hold my ground against his towering form.

  He furrowed his brow and shook his head. "What the fuck are you talking about Lil's? Baby I've never had to pay for pussy. Never will either. You saw nothing... you're full of shit. You ran baby for your own fucking reasons. Don't try to pin it on me."

  Furious, I pushed my weight against him trying to gain some space. "I'm full of shit? The day before I left I saw Shannon, the chick from the tattoo parlor leaving your room at the clubhouse. You were pulling your pants back up you jackass and you had no shirt on. You paid her a wad of cash and kissed her while saying ‘Thank you Darlin'.... Don't you dare say I'm full of shit. It's etched in my fucking memory like a fucking scar!"

  Jay started to laugh at me while backing away. "Holy shit. That's why you left? That's why you ripped my heart out? You left in the middle of the fucking night! Like a fucking coward! You left me, you left your pops and Tiny... Your ma!!! Everyone who loves you! All because of what you THINK you saw?! Did it ever occur to you to ask me? To trust me? To have a little faith in me? I promised I would never fuck around on you. I swore it. You didn't even have the fucking decency to give me the benefit of the doubt!"

  The buckling sound broke my trance and I shot my eyes down to where he was taking his belt off and unbuttoning his jeans. I stepped behind the counter looking for some bit of protection. What the hell was he doing? "I'll show you what you think you saw baby girl..."

  "Jay, don't..." I pled to him. His eyes were stone cold. My Jay was gone, I had no idea who this was. His jeans slid down followed by his boxers. I backed into the corner preparing myself to fight him off with everything I had. I looked down at his growing erection. He lifted his shirt to expose the flesh right above his pubic bone. There were black letters showing with a swirling design around them.

  "LOOK!!" he bellowed. "Look at what you think you saw! She gave me a tattoo. A fucking tat! I had her make a house call to the clubhouse so I wouldn't have to have my dick flyin' around for everyone to see in the middle of fucking tattoo parlor! I paid her for the TATTOO! Not for a piece of her ass!"

  I looked at the beautiful words emblazoned on Jays inner hip, Just below where his underwear band would be. The words My Lil' One were written out in cursive with a vine of thorns and roses around it. I gasped at the Tat, looking up at Jay. His eyes were still full of rage. What the fuck had I done? I looked back down at the artwork and swallowed hard as my eyes shifted over a few inches to his beautiful dick. It was huge, growing
firmer by the minute. He was mad as I've ever seen him but the fury was also doing other things to his body. He pulled his pants up around his hips and left them there, not bothering to button them closed.

  Moving towards me, he started again, this time his voice had an eerie calm to it. "Let me tell you how this is gonna work... You went after an ol' lady. Not just any ol' lady but the bitch of the leader of the one club that wants to take us out. The only thing that saved your ass was the fact that one ol' lady can't be touched for going after another ol' lady in self defense."

  I tried to register what Jay was saying to me, grateful that he wasn't yelling this at me. "But.... I'm not an ol' lady...."

  His face contorted into a grin. "The hell you aren't. You're mine. You said the words yourself.. I claimed you then and there. You may have never gone through with getting the tat or wearing my rag because your pops made me promise to wait until you were older but that don't change shit. You were my ol' lady. And you left. So this is how it's going down baby girl. I fucking stepped up and threw down to get you out of the shit you got yourself into. I saved your ass from becoming a human dumpster for those assholes and saved the club from having to go to war to retaliate for your ass. It cost me a pretty penny, too. Don't think you come cheap, baby 'cause you sure don't. Cost me a hundred grand to Shade to pay off the Docs and meds for his ol' lady plus a bit for pain and suffering. You owe me. And I intend to collect every last penny."

  Jay's words hit like cannon balls. One after another. "I... I.. I don't have that kind of money..." I felt the need to state the obvious. I was finishing my third year of college. No way my tips from the measly bartending job I had was going to cover a like this.

  He looked down over me once and then again tightening is lips. "I'm not looking for your money, baby. You'll pay it off in trade. You swore to be my girl, my ol' lady. You tried to bail on that. Well, that don't fuckin' work for me anymore. As long as you have my protection they can't touch you. As long as I'm kept happy and content I may feel obliged to offer you that protection. Remember, I'm your patch holder princess. You're my property. Always have been, always will be. You're gonna be my ol' lady in every way. And do it with a smile on your face and a thank you after I'm done. I was everything you needed me to be and it wasn't enough for you. So I'm not going to treat you with kid gloves this time. You're a grown woman, enough to walk out on your man and break your word. Then you're old enough to deal with the consequences of your actions. You did this. That hot little temper of your's got the best of you and you thought you could just storm through and nothing would ever happen to you. Maybe next time you'll think before you fly off the handle without knowing the facts. Could save you a hell of a lot of trouble in life, babe."


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