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Off the Ice (The Penalty Kill Trilogy) (Volume 2)

Page 2

by Lindsay Paige

  “Do you want me to be a jealous jackass?” I ask, repeating her words.

  “No, but a little jealousy is nice.” Her lips barely form a pout, but it’s definitely there.

  “Smarty,” I start gently, “I admit that I don’t like how I didn’t even seem to intimidate him and that he seemed a little too confident with me glaring daggers at him. I will even admit that I don’t like the fact that his lips touched you at all, but I wouldn’t call that jealousy.”

  “Oh, no? What would you call that, Mr. Green Monster?” She smiles playfully at me, and I’m so happy I can amuse her.

  “I would call that a slight bruise to my ego.” Presley laughs and I continue, “I mean, look at how tall and built I am compared to that guy. He could pass as a little teenager, for God’s sake.”

  To drive the point home, I sit up just enough to take my shirt off and then take her hands to run them up my chest.

  “I bet he doesn’t even have an ab, much less six of them,” I whisper. Her fingers splay over my stomach, running over each one, seeming to be completely mesmerized. Smirking, I know I’ve hooked her when her hands leave mine and travel up my chest on their own accord.

  “You’re sneaky,” she says as her eyes come back to my face, catching my cocky grin. Presley leans down and kisses the spot above my chest. “You better be glad I love you and that I really love your body because my milkshake isn’t any good now.”

  “You should definitely show me just how much you love me.”

  Chapter Three


  “I can’t believe you are here.” I hug Zack before we sit down for lunch.

  “Yeah, me either. You look amazing.”

  “Aww, you’re so sweet.” Zack has been my friend for so long. I was so upset when Trevor left with Dad, but thanks to Zack, I still was able to have someone to look out for me. We dated for a little while, but then we realized that we were just friends. He has become like a best guy friend to me. “So, tell me all about it.”

  “It was beyond the craziest and most exciting thing I’ve ever done.” A huge smile spreads across his face. He goes into the stories about England, the people he met, and the classes he took.

  “So,” I coo. “Did you meet someone?”

  Zack slightly blushes. “Nah, no one special.”

  “Oh, I bet.” I laugh. Zack was popular in school and the girls were always on him, even when we dated for that short time. As long as I can remember, he never had a serious girlfriend.

  “Zack!” my twin shouts behind me. Zack grins, stands up, and hugs Trevor. “Man, it’s been a long time.”

  “Not that long.” With that, the three of us go into a conversation of school and life, in general.

  “So, Presley, what’s up with the boyfriend?” Zack asks as Trevor groans.

  “Levi? Nothing, why?”

  “Well, when I stopped by last night, I was sure he was going to punch me.”

  I laugh. “No, no he isn’t like that. We were just hanging out.”

  Trevor groans again. “I know what that means.”

  Then Zack chuckles. “Yeah, me too.”

  “Stop it, you two.” I can feel myself blushing. I really don’t want to talk about my sex life with these two.

  “Why does his name sound so familiar to me? I know I’ve heard it before.”

  “Remember when I moved with Dad, Levi is the one I went to high school with. We played hockey together,” Trevor explains.

  “Hold up.” Zack’s expression goes from confusion to anger. “Are you talking about the asshole?” Zack is staring me down.

  “Yep, Levi Carr. The one and only,” Trevor confirms.

  “Hey, now, enough. You and Levi have been getting along since we got back together.” I am not going to sit here and let them bash Levi in front of me.

  “I guess.” Trevor shrugs.

  “Back together? Something else happen?” Zack’s confused expression comes back.

  “Oh yeah. Levi started dating Pres to get back at me. Which actually worked. Then there was a huge falling out. But, for some reason, they are seeing each other again.” Trevor rolls his eyes.

  “Okay, let me get this straight.” Zack looks at me. “You’re dating a jerk?”

  “I said, enough. Levi has seen the error of his ways and we’re in love. Plus, I don’t need to explain myself to either of you. I’m old enough to date whom I choose.”

  “I’m just a little shocked that you’re dating him.” If I didn’t know better, I would have thought that Zack was angry.

  “Well, I’m late for class.” I stand up and leave them both sitting there. They can pay for my lunch since they are acting like jerks.

  Walking in the brisk, winter air, I’m growing angrier. How dare they both think that I shouldn’t be dating Levi. Levi might have been a jerk in high school, but he has changed a lot. I’m happy and that’s all that should matter. I take a deep breath and try to compose my thoughts before heading into class.

  As I sit through another class that is more boring than watching paint dry, I realize that I need some distraction. I call the one person that I know I can count on for it.

  “What’s up, chica?” Marley is always in a happy mood as she answers the phone.

  “Need girl time stat!” I exclaim.

  “Mall. Thirty minutes. I will get the hot pretzels. You bring the credit card.” Then she hangs up. I can’t help but laugh. She’s the distraction that I need.

  In almost thirty minutes, I pull up to the mall and head inside. I know that Marley will be in the food court, and I head there. Just like I figured, she is sitting at a table with two pretzels and two large soft drinks.

  “Men suck,” I say as I sit down.

  “Okay, that isn’t a new thing, sweetie. But, what did Levi do?”

  “It’s not Levi. He’s great. It’s Trevor and Zack.” I rip off a piece of the pretzel and eat it.

  “Trevor and Zack? Okay, I’m confused. Explain it to me.” I start by telling her what happened last night and today at lunch. I even tell her how upset I am that they’re treating me like a teenager.

  “Come on, Pres, this isn’t a new thing. Trevor’s so protective of you and Zack has been too. They’re going to hate every guy you date no matter what or who it is. Period.”

  “Levi has really proved himself these last few weeks.” I huff and run my hands through my red hair. “I wish they could see what I see.”

  “I don’t think they want to see his penis, sweetie.”

  “Ew, no. That’s not what I was saying, you nympho.”

  Marley laughs as I can’t help but crack a smile.

  “Come on, let’s shop.” We throw away our trash and head to the shops.

  After hours of shopping and an arm load of new stuff, I finally feel better and head back to my apartment. I lug everything up the stairs and curse the fact that I don’t live somewhere with an elevator. I finally get inside and throw it all on the couch and try to catch my breath when my phone dings.

  Levi: Dinner?

  Me: Already ate with Mar =(

  Levi: No biggie, want dessert?

  Me: Strawberry milkshake. Mine was ruined last night.

  Levi: Not what I was talking about, but okay

  Me: Door unlocked … come on in

  Just then there is a knock. There is no way that is Levi. I open to see Zack staring back at me.

  “Zack, what are you doing here?”

  “May I come in? Or are you busy?” He has his hands in his pockets and looks a little upset.

  “I’m not busy. Come on in.” I step to the side as he walks in.

  “Been shopping, huh? I must have really upset you today.” He points to all the bags on the couch.

  I shrug and gather the bags to take in the bedroom. Zack grabs a couple and follows me. We throw them all onto the bed. Zack sits at the top of the bed, and I begin to go through the bags. We don’t say anything for a moment.

  “Look, Pres,” he sighs
. “I’m sorry if you thought I was being rude today. I’m just a little upset that Levi was the one that Trevor has issues with.”

  “Trevor had issues with him. They’re not like that now. Well, they’re not best friends, but they’re trying to be more than civil.”

  Zack nods. “I know. Trevor explained it all to me after you stormed out.” Zack starts taking stuff out of the bags to help me.

  “I didn’t storm out. I left. There is a difference.” I open my closet and begin trying to figure out where the hell I’m going to put these clothes.

  “Holy shit, Pres. Still a Pens fan?” I turn to see Zack pointing at the side of my closet that is completely filled with jerseys and shirts, all black.

  “Are you jealous that I’m a fan of the greatest team ever?” I snatch a few hangers and head back to the new clothes.

  Zack scoffs. “Greatest team ever? Really, Pres? I think you’re wrong about that.”

  “Whatever.” I know that isn’t the greatest comeback line, but I’m so exhausted from classes and shopping I really just want to curl in bed with Levi when he gets here.

  “Wow, you’re going to make a great lawyer with lines like that.” Zack falls to the side laughing.

  “Shut up.” I pick up the clothes bag and throw it at him.

  “Ouch, what the hell was that for?”

  “You’re being a jerk.” I point my finger at him. He just shrugs.

  “My, my Presley.” He picks up the bag and the lingerie that I purchased has fallen out all over the bed.

  “Zack.” I leap onto the bed, trying to grab the bag and night-wear that are all over the bed. Zack jumps back off the bed grabbing a black baby doll nightie.

  “Didn’t know you were so provocative in the bedroom,” he says, holding up the sheer fabric.

  “Zack, I swear to the stars I’ll kill you if you don’t give that to me right now.”

  “Or I will.” We both stop and turn to see Levi standing in my bedroom doorway. My heart beats out of my chest seeing Levi’s expression. I’ve never seen such anger roll off of Levi before. Not even on the ice or that time with Trevor. His face is lethal. His arms are crossed and his arm muscles are almost bulging out of his shirt.

  “Easy, Killer. I’m just messing with Pres.” Zack doesn’t even look nervous as he’s tossing the garment onto the bed. On the other hand, I’m scared that Levi will toss him out the window. Zack isn’t very big, and Levi is massive.

  Levi doesn’t say a word. He’s staring at Zack.

  “Levi, Zack and I were messing around.” I climb off the bed.

  “I’m going to go ahead and leave. I’ll see you soon, Pres.” Zack walks over to me, giving a hug and peck on the cheek.

  I hold my breath as Levi, never breaking eye contact, very slowly steps to the side to let Zack past him. Levi says nothing as we hear the front door close. He doesn’t even look at me.

  “Levi?” I know that my voice sounds small, but I don’t want to startle him.

  “Your milkshake is on the coffee table.” He turns to leave.

  “Hey.” I rush to his side and grab his arm, which is hard as a rock. “We were just messing around. He’s just a friend, remember.”

  “Really?” Levi’s expression seems like he doesn’t believe me.

  “I swear you’ve got nothing to worry about. I promise.” I search his eyes for some kind of reassurance that he knows that I’m telling the truth. Which I am.

  Levi takes a deep breath and looks at me. “Fine. I’m just a little shocked to walk into your bedroom and see another guy.”

  “Hey, he might have been in my bedroom, but you’re the only one in my bed.” I wrap my arms around him as he does the same to me. “Now where is my milkshake, Mister?”

  Chapter Four


  I pull Pres to the couch and hand her the milkshake. She immediately cuddles up beside me, sipping from the straw. My mind can’t get away from Zack and his apparent inability to be intimidated. What the hell? I was pissed, and he wasn’t scared that I may beat his ass or anything.

  “Are we okay?” she asks, looking up at me.

  “Of course, Smarty. It’s not you. I just really don’t like him.”

  “You don’t even know him, Levi.”

  I shrug because I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I’ve wasted enough time on him anyway. After placing a sweet kiss on her forehead, I ask, “When do you plan on introducing me to those clothes?”

  Presley laughs and mocks my shrug. “Are you going to your dad’s this weekend?”

  I lean my head on the back of the couch and look up at her ceiling fan, going round and round in circles. “I talked to him today and he said that he was tired of me.” I chuckle. “But that I can only come if I bring you since you didn’t go with me last time. Apparently, I’m not as annoying and worrisome with you around.”

  “You do worry about him a lot, but I get it. I’d even say that he likes that you worry.”

  “I’m sure, Smarty. What do you want to do tonight?” I turn my head to look at her and her almost empty cup.

  “Nothing. Let’s just watch a movie and you can cuddle with me. Don’t you want to spend the night?”

  I fake a sigh like it would be the worst thing in the world. “I guess I can.”

  Presley gives me a glare, but doesn’t say anything. She finishes off her milkshake, turns on the TV, and then cuddles into me. It still baffles me how close to she is to me when she lies with me. I’m surprised she doesn’t somehow become glued to me. I love it, though. Having her like this is one of my favorite things, not that I would tell her. I can just imagine the reaction if people found out that Captain Levi Carr loves to cuddle.

  No, thank you.

  Zoning out the noise from the TV, I think about this weekend. I’ve been visiting Momma’s grave more often, but I’ve never taken Presley with me. Maybe I should this weekend. Couldn’t hurt, right? Part of me rather go alone instead of taking Presley with me just because I almost feel like I’ll lose the comfort of going by myself. It’s almost as if I can feel my mom there with me and what if that’s not there when Presley is with me? I don’t want to risk that.

  A hand waves in front of my face.

  “What?” I ask, looking at Presley.

  “I asked you a question.” Her lips do that perfect little pout. “What were you thinking about?”

  “Nothing.” She so doesn’t believe me. “Ready for bed?”

  I watch as she debates mentally whether to make me tell her or just go to bed.


  “I’m sure, Smarty.”

  She nods and then we’re off to get ready for bed. Once we’re all settled, Presley is asleep in minutes. Her day was as long as mine, and I’m out like a light right with her.


  Warm lips kiss the corner of my mouth effectively waking me up.

  “Mmm, Smarty.” Through hooded eyes, I see her smirk.

  “Morning, Captain Carr,” she mumbles, her lips traveling down my jaw.

  I can’t help but chuckle because hearing those two words coming from her turns me on and cracks me up at the same time. All the laughter stops when Presley crawls to lay on me.

  “Rise and shine,” she grins, trailing her nails teasingly across my skin, promising what’s to come. Smarty sits up, pulling off her shirt. Immediately, I sit up, so I can run my hands up her back against that so soft skin. There’s a slight chill in the room making little goosebumps pop up all over her. “God, I love your hands,” Presley breathes, but it turns into a moan when I take one of her breasts into my mouth.

  My tongue swirls around her nipple for a few seconds before I pull it between my teeth. My girl loves my little bites as much as I love her digging her nails into me. Presley’s hands come to rest on my shoulder, her nails sticking in me as she grips them. Grazing my teeth along her skin, I move to her other breast, sucking hard. I hold on to her hips and roll us over.

  Nibbling my way down her stomach,
I tug off her shorts.

  “Love my hands, huh?” I mumble against her hip with a little bite.

  Glancing up at her, I watch her as I slide my open hand down her side, over her other hip, and down to where she’s waiting for me.

  “So much,” she inhales as I rub my thumb over her clit. There is nothing sexier than her moan when I slip one of my fingers inside her. “Levi,” she breathes.

  “Yeah, Smarty?”

  “I want you.”

  I grin as I kiss the inside of her thigh, moving my finger a little faster after adding another. “That’s exactly what you’re going to get too.” Just not yet. Tucking my thumb away, I bring my mouth down on her, licking, sucking, and biting. “God, you’re so ready for me, aren’t you, Presley?”

  She’s soaked, and I’m done with my teasing for now. When I pull my fingers out of her, she practically yanks me up to her. Pres invades my mouth with her tongue, begging for me to take her.

  “Why are you still wearing these?” she asks almost frustrated, shoving my shorts down, and I help her finish the job. A smile finds its way on my lips as Presley leads me to her aching core. She’s dying for me to be inside her.

  “Just a second, Smarty,” I whisper, leaning over to get a condom from her nightstand. While I roll it over myself, Presley lifts her hips slightly, silently telling me to hurry the hell up.

  “Oh, God,” she groans as I push into her forcefully. Her hands grasp my arms while I hold myself up. Thrusting into her powerfully, she yells out my name, bringing me down to claim my mouth. I tug her lower lip into my mouth, suck on it hard, and then bite it, dragging my teeth until her lip pops back.

  Smarty drags her fingers down my back, cutting into me as I keep my steady rhythm. Stopping completely, she groans, and I smirk, pulling out, teasing her with just the tip before slamming back into her. I do this a few more times before the build of release becomes too much, and I plunge into her repeatedly until she screams out my name, going limp underneath me as I bite down on her shoulder feeling my release explode around her.

  I press my lips to her collarbone gently. “I should stay over more often,” I say quietly, placing another sweet kiss on the bite mark I left on her shoulder.


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