Book Read Free

As Tears Go By

Page 17

by Lydia Michaels


  “Dinner slash lunch. The guys have a long ride home. My treat.”

  She nodded. “Okay, but I’m buying.” Pizza was the least she could offer. At dinner the men talked to Hunter about trucks and trees and she saw a new interest come to life in her son’s eyes.

  “You guys should hear Hunter play the piano. You think Kate’s got talent? She’s got nothing on Hunter.”

  Finn smiled. “Really? You like the piano, my man?”

  Hunter nodded. “Rolling Stones.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Finn stood and carried his plate to the sink. “I’ve been told I got the moves like Jagger.”

  Hunter laughed. “I can play now?”

  She nodded, enjoying this social moment. “Go ahead.”

  Typically her son didn’t acknowledge outsiders, but he was really taken by these men. He wasn’t the only one.

  They traveled to the piano and Hunter settled onto the bench. The moment he touched the keys, his talent impressed the men. Hunter played a beautiful rendition of Angie.

  He performed several songs, and when it was time for the guys to head home it was nearly eight o’clock. She’d offered them money, but they refused. They also invited her to come to what they all seemed to call McCullough Mountain and meet the others.

  It was tempting, but intimidating. Again she worried if leaving the area while Kevin had Hunter was wise.

  After putting Hunter to bed, she and Braydon finally delved into that bottle of wine. “What are you thinking about?”

  Braydon turned. “I want you to come to Center County with me. I know you’re worried about Hunter, but he’ll be fine. We can bring him or if you’d rather come when he’s with Kevin, we’ll come home immediately if anything goes wrong. I don’t want to drive separately.”

  Curiosity overruled caution, her answer slipping out with little thought. “Okay.”

  He seemed surprised at her agreement. Truth be told, so was she, but meeting his brothers intrigued her. She wanted to see if they were all that nice. “Really? Just like that?”

  “Your brothers are really sweet. I’d like to meet the rest of them.”

  His shoulders lifted as he drew in a deep breath. “Just…”

  She tipped her head in question as a glimpse of insecurity showed in his eyes. “Just what?”

  “Promise you won’t go falling in love with any of them.”

  She laughed. “What?” They were all nice looking, but no one would ever top Braydon.

  “Last time I brought a girl home to meet my family, my brother ended up marrying her.”

  Her expression sobered. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah. He was the last brother I was worried about poaching from me. If he’d never met Sammy he’d be a priest right now.”

  “He was going to be a priest?” Talk about scandal.

  Braydon laughed at her shock, but there was a telling concern in his eyes he couldn’t hide. He’d been hurt on some level by what had happened, no matter how much he accepted it now.

  “Do you talk to them?”

  “Of course. I could never ignore my family. I love them and, believe it or not, they make a lot of sense together. I just get nervous bringing anyone home. She was the last girl I introduced to the family.”

  That was huge. “When did this happen?”

  “When I was still in college.”

  “Did you love her?”

  His head twisted and he thought for a long moment. “No. Not the way a couple should love each other I think, but I didn’t know that when I brought her home.”

  “Now I’m nervous,” she confessed.

  He grinned. “They’re savages, really, and there’s no way of predicting how they’ll behave. But so long as I have your word…”

  Pressing her lips to his cheek, she promised, “I swear I won’t fall in love with anyone at the mountain. I’ve already got the best McCullough anyway.”

  “Or the pub. Kelly’s another one I have to watch.”

  “Wait, aren’t all your siblings married?”

  “Yes, but flirting’s an incurable affliction every McCullough suffers.”

  He was so cute. “When did you want to go?”

  “It’s up to you. I’d like to go sometime in the next few weeks.”

  She contemplated her schedule. It would be nice to go when Kevin had Hunter. She hadn’t had any sort of vacation in years. “How about over Thanksgiving? Kevin will have Hunter and I was dreading spending the holiday alone, but this’ll distract me.”

  “Perfect. I’ll tell my mum to add an extra place setting.”

  “Oh.” Her hopes crashed. “I promised Nikki and Carla I’d spend Thanksgiving with them since Nikki’s husband’s going to be away on business. Well, maybe they’ll understand.”

  “You could always invite them.”

  She snorted. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Carla’s just as bad as her sister. They might break your mountain.”

  He laughed. “Trust me. We can handle them.”

  Chapter Nine

  “Giddy up!” Carla yelled as Braydon tucked the last of Becca’s belongings into his trunk. “Now, how many brothers did you say you have?”

  “They’re all married, Carla. Calm yourself,” Becca said, rolling her eyes.

  “Yeah, but you have cousins, too, right, Braydon?”

  “I have some single cousins.”

  Nikki beeped the horn and yelled out the window of her car, parked behind Braydon’s Jetta. “Get in the car or I’m leaving without you.”

  Becca turned and gave Carla a hug. “Try not to distract Nikki while she’s driving. Call me if you get lost. We’ll be right ahead of you.”

  Braydon advised them to stay close, because once they made it to the mountain GPS was useless. Hunter had gone to Kevin’s that morning and Becca had five whole days to relax and have fun. She was actually excited, even if she was incredibly nervous.

  “They’ll be fine,” Braydon said tapping her knee.

  She snorted. “Let’s just hope they don’t back into a tree. Carla’s not the best co-pilot.”

  “What about Nikki?”

  “She’s consistently a maniac, so her typical blanket warning applies.”

  Once Becca was buckled up she turned into a ball of energy. “How far is it?”

  “A little under three hours.”

  “Wanna play a game?”

  He laughed. “You’re hyper.”

  “I’m a free woman for the next five days. I haven’t done this since…ever.”

  “What about before you were a mother?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I was a kid.”

  “How about when you were first married?”

  She snorted. “Kevin’s no fun.”

  That really made him laugh. As they drove they chatted about the deal their companies were working on together. Now that the construction was underway, her part was nearly finished.

  “Your boss makes me nervous,” she admitted.

  “Miranda? Why?”

  “She’s very pretty, and you two have a history.”

  “That’s in the past.”

  “Yeah, but dating her was probably a lot different from dating me.”

  “It was, that’s why we broke up. I prefer us.”

  Reaching into the console, he picked up his phone and powered it off, which was strange since it wasn’t ringing. Maybe he didn’t want to be disturbed while on the highway. His hand curled over hers and squeezed.

  When they arrived in Center County it was mid-afternoon. Braydon turned onto a desolate street and her heart raced as they followed the incline of dusty road. “Is this the mountain?”

  “Yup. In about two miles you’ll see my parents’ house on the right. Look for a cleared patch in the trees and a log cabin on a hill.”

  The fresh air was exhilarating. Deep patches of evergreens made up an impressive horizon. Deer nibbled at shrubs as they crept up the scenic path. They were deep in the wo
ods, but every so often a house would come into view. “That’s Sammy and Colin’s house over there.”

  “Your ex?”

  “Yeah, but I hardly think of her like that anymore. Over there’s Finn and Mallory’s home. You can’t really see it through the trees, but if you take that bit of road you’ll hit it.”

  “You guys all really live on the mountain?”

  “Everyone but Sheilagh and Kelly. Kelly lives on the farm with Ashlynn.”

  “And Sheilagh?”

  “She’s in Princeton, but she’ll be home for Thanksgiving with her husband Alec.”

  “The professor?” It was a lot to keep track of.


  When she spotted the log cabin she gasped. It was striking, perched at the top of a grassy knoll. Immediately she thought of things like stacked pancakes and Abraham Lincoln, plaid tablecloths and other Americana representations. “It looks like a centerfold in Better Homes and Gardens.”

  “One day I’m going to build something equally as breathtaking.”

  His dream was sweet, but with the admission came a sharp bite of anxiety. “You really aren’t staying in Pittsburgh?”

  He glanced at her. “If I had to I would, but I miss home. I always imagined building my wife her dream house right over there.”

  Her eyes blinked as her stomach rolled with disappointment. It was a beautiful patch of land behind a divide of tall pines. She could imagine Braydon building the perfect home there—when he found the perfect wife. Somehow, that vision didn’t seem to include her, but then, she’d known that when they embarked on whatever this was.

  They parked next to a large barn and Carla and Nikki pulled up beside them. As they climbed out and stretched their legs, the screen door on the porch snapped open and a striking redhead emerged.

  “Mum! He’s here!” The girl shrieked as she barreled down the porch steps, her pace not slowing until she propelled herself into Braydon’s arms.

  “Hey, Devil! Welcome home.”

  Becca realized this must be his youngest sister, Sheilagh. Sheilagh brushed her hands over Braydon’s face and smiled. “Welcome home, Bray.”

  The screen door opened again and a woman in an aproned dress with work boots came out followed by a tall man dressed in flannel and denim. “Stop hogging him, Sheilagh, and let us all get a piece of him.”

  Braydon’s head turned and a childlike smile lit his face. “Mum,” he whispered, taking Becca’s hand and pulling her to the front of the house. “Come let me introduce you.”

  Nerves jangled inside her as he towed her along to meet his family. Carla and Nikki introduced themselves to Sheilagh, who Becca had yet to garner an introduction to.

  “Well, now, will you look at our boy, Frank? That’s the look of a man in love.”

  “Hi, Mum,” he hummed, as she pulled him into a tight hug. It was probably the most darling thing Becca had ever seen, the way Braydon’s eyes closed in a moment of bliss as he rested his head on his mother’s shoulder and simply breathed in her familiar form. Envy at such a precious moment had Becca smiling.

  “I’m Frank.”

  She turned and shook the man’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Becca. Your home is beautiful.”

  He nodded his appreciation and Braydon’s mother finally released her son. “Now, who do we have here, love?”

  “Mum, this is Becca, my girlfriend.”

  Becca held out her hand and nearly groped the woman as she ignored her outstretched palm and yanked her into a bear hug. “Welcome to our home, love.” She gripped Becca’s shoulders and pressed her back a step. “And what a lovely little lass you are! She’s cute, isn’t she, Frank? Well, introduce me to your other friends, Braydon.” Turning to Becca, she announced, “Now, all my boys are married. I’m afraid you got the last one on the market, but I have strapping nephews. Are your friends married, dearie?”

  Good grief the woman spoke fast. “Um, Carla’s single. Nikki’s married. Her husband’s away on business until Saturday.”

  Braydon’s mother clapped. “Perfect. Braydon, you’ll have to call Ryan and introduce the two. Which one’s Carla? Oh, they’re both pretty.”

  “Maureen, give them a second to settle before you go trying to marry everyone off,” Braydon’s father said.

  “Hush, Frank.”

  They met the others at the cars where Carla and Nikki were laughing with Sheilagh. “Bray, these girls are a hoot! We’re gonna have so much fun this weekend.”

  “Take it easy, Devil.”

  “Hey, GQ, how come you never mentioned having a cool sister? She doesn’t have a bit of that conservativeness you have going on,” Nikki teased.

  Maureen, Braydon’s mother, frowned. “You better not have gone and turned conservative on us, Braydon. You’re a McCullough. We don’t do moderation well.”

  Braydon tugged Becca close. “Sheilagh, this is my girlfriend Becca and I see you already met Nikki and Carla. Becca, this is my baby sister, Shei-Devil.”

  Like her mother, Sheilagh pulled her into a tight hug. “Welcome to our mountain.”

  Overwhelmed by such an enthusiastic welcome, Becca simply smiled. There were only three of them at the moment, but they each seemed packed to the gills with vitality. Well, everyone but Frank, that is. Braydon’s father appeared the most refined.

  Suddenly, Braydon’s sister tensed. It was very subtle, but Becca picked up on it. Turning to see what caused the slight change in her demeanor, Becca recognized Luke coming out of the barn followed by another man. A second later, yet another man, this one wearing a tweed blazer, emerged from the big house and Sheilagh noticeably relaxed.

  “Hey Becca,” Luke greeted, giving her a gentle hug. “This is Tristan, my partner.”

  “It’s nice to finally meet you, Becca,” Tristan said, with a slight southern lilt to his speech.

  The man wearing the blazer wrapped an arm around Sheilagh’s shoulders. “Hello. I’m Alec, Sheilagh’s husband.”

  Taken off guard by his British accent, Becca drew in a breath, hoping she could keep everyone’s names straight. “Nice to meet you, Alec. I’m Becca and this is Carla and Nikki.”


  “Well, why don’t you kids settle in and then we’ll have dinner. I’m sure your brothers’ll be wantin’ you to join them at O’Malley’s tonight, so I’m just making soup and dumplings. Tomorrow I’ll be cooking up a feast, and I’m saving my strength.”

  Sheilagh leaned close. “You may want to take a room far away from Mum and Dad’s. They’re perverted and loud now that Dad’s hearing’s going.”

  Braydon stilled, his face contorting with a frown. “Ew.” Shaking his head he glared at his sister. “Why would you put that image in my head, brat?”

  She shrugged and took Alec by the hand. “Just trying to warn you. We’re in Kate’s old room at the far end of the hall.”

  Braydon carried their luggage to his childhood bedroom and Becca enjoyed the glimpses of his personality displayed there. It was very similar to his apartment in that it was decorated in cool gray colors and straight edged furniture. However, in this room there was a touch of earthiness she didn’t find at his home in the city.

  A large antlered skull was mounted to the wall and a fur blanket covered the bed. “Did you catch that?”

  “Nah, it’s hard to catch a deer. Shot it with an arrow though.”

  “What was he armed with?” she joked.

  He grinned and placed their belongings at the foot of the bed. “That was my first kill.”

  She wasn’t a fan of hunting, but something about imagining fancy Braydon out of his suit and geared up for the hunt did things to her. It was difficult picturing him in such a rough and wild setting, but she was slowly piecing it together.

  The sound of the girls making their way up the stairs had them turning. “Where did they go? This place is huge.” She heard Nikki wonder aloud.

  “We’re in here.”

  The girls dropped their lugga
ge in the hall. “Where are we sleeping?”

  “Carla, you can take my brother Kelly’s room down the hall and Nikki, you can take Sheilagh’s since she’s in Kate’s old room.”

  “Which one’s Sheilagh’s room?”

  “It’s the hideous pink one at the end. You can’t miss it.”

  The girls disappeared and Braydon shut the door. When he gave Becca “the look” she giggled. “What do you want?”

  “You know what I want.” Stalking her with slow strides, he backed her to the bed.

  “Your mother’s making dinner.”

  “We have a few minutes. Let me do bad things to you.”

  Her mouth tightened in a smirk. “Maybe I want to do bad things to you.”

  That brought him up short. “Really? Like what?”

  Her lips pressed to his and she hummed, loving the taste of his kiss. “Mmmm, I don’t know. How much time do we have?”

  “I’d say at least twenty minutes until the natives get restless.”

  “Oh, I can do a lot in twenty minutes,” she purred.

  “I have no doubt. Show me.”

  “Did you lock the door?”

  “Of course.”

  Her fingers went to his belt and she quickly unclasped the latch and slid the leather free. Slipping down his zipper, she fed her hand into his pants and wrapped her fingers around hot, hard flesh. He groaned in pleasure as she slid to her knees. Since Braydon awakened this new sexual side of her, she’d acquired quite a taste for his body.

  “Wow, what did I do to deserve this?”

  “I’ve actually been fantasizing about doing this since last night when I was packing. It just so happens seeing you here tipped the cuteness scales in your favor, and I can’t wait any longer.”

  His fingers brushed down her cheek, but something held his words back. There was something in his gaze that had her heart beating rapidly.

  She loved him. She loved him and wanted to tell him, but this wasn’t the right time.

  Rather, she leaned forward and focused on the task at hand. Her lips closed over warm flesh and he went up on his toes, his fingers tunneling through her hair and pulling her close.

  She never enjoyed doing this before Braydon came along. He made it pleasurable for both of them. Perhaps it was the gentle yet possessive way he handled her. Or perhaps it had more to do with how attractive she found his endless kindness and patience. Either way, she loved touching him like this.


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