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Willing Redemption (Willing Surrender Book 3)

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by Carrie Hogle

  Willing Redemption

  Carrie Hogle



  Willing Redemption

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20



  Willing Redemption

  (Willing Surrender Series: Book 3)

  Carrie Hogle


  Chapter 1

  Reina awoke suddenly before dawn, disoriented. She wasn’t sure what had jolted her awake, but she was alone in the bed. She sat up and waited for a few minutes, debating whether she was actually going to get out of bed, before curiosity got the better of her. Still groggy she concentrated on not falling down the stairs but stopped halfway down when she heard James speaking in the other room. She couldn’t hear what he was saying, his tone hushed and clearly angry. She froze, unsure whether she should see what was going on or go back the way she’d come. Before her brain could come to a decision James came striding through the foyer, tense and irritated. He paused when he noticed her.

  “Sorry...I heard you talking...and...I wasn’t sure…”

  He came to the bottom of the stairs, hesitating as if contemplating what to say.

  “I have to pay a visit to my father.”


  “Now, I have to leave now.”

  Those words set her heart and mind to racing as a hint of foreboding tingled down her spine.

  “Should I be worried?”

  James hesitated again which spoke louder than whatever he was about to say.

  “Whatever happens we’ll work through it.”

  “So there may be something to work through,” she asked worried.

  James brushed his knuckles gently across her face.

  “I have to pack, come sit with me?”

  Clearly the topic had been dismissed. Reina nodded, uncertain of what else to say. She sat on the end of the bed watching him pull things out of the closet and tuck them into a suitcase. He didn’t seem to pack much, but she noticed he did take a couple of neatly bagged, three piece suits. Her eyes followed him as he grabbed toiletries and a few random items like cufflinks, which she’d never seen him wear. Her mind wondered about his father, between James and Eric she couldn’t imagine what he must be like. Remembering their brief conversation about him she knew James obviously didn’t think very highly of him. Reina couldn’t fathom what the situation James was walking into or the implications of current events, but she’d learned enough to be fearful.

  When he had finished packing he lay down and pulled her into him.

  “Come on, no reason for you to be up this early.”

  Early isn’t a good time for anyone to be up, she thought with a yawn.

  “I should be home within a couple of days. Mark and Charles will be here.”

  “Ok,” she whispered sleepily.

  The rise and fall of his chest against her back was soothing, his warmth comforting, and his whispered love filtered through her conscious as she drifted off to disjointed dreams.

  She dreamed off the chaotic bustle of Nashville before drifting on the ocean to Key West. Her dreams lingered there with images of blue skies and white sands, lazy days with cocktails by the pool, and vibrant colors of vendors and bars. She could hear Amy’s laughter and the soft strumming of guitars on the breeze. The illusion of salt water spraying her skin carried her to sizzling sunsets and sultry nights.

  She could feel James’ hands on her and smell the delicious scent of his skin. Visions of being on her knees looking up at him, watching him lose control as she pleasured him with her mouth, sizzled through her subconscious and ignited her body even in her sleep.

  Reina rolled over; waking up just enough to feel the ache in her body and remember that she was alone. She slipped her hand between her legs to soothe the hunger her dream had caused. She brought herself to orgasm with the fantasy of her dream still whispering through her mind and his name on her lips, before laying on his pillow and going back to sleep.

  Chapter 2

  Not knowing if his father would see him right away or make him wait, James changed into a suit before exiting the plane. He slid into the backseat of the awaiting chauffeur driven Bentley and contemplated how this meeting might go. Every moment with his father was like a game of chess, one did not back down or show weakness, but there was an invisible line to circumvent. If that line was crossed the consequences were swift and ruthless.

  James’ father, William Kastel, lived on a massive estate in Alpine, New Jersey. He had connections to both the government and the underground. Although his empire had been built on dirty money for generations, he still somehow maintained the perfect public image. As they drove up the winding driveway, through the immaculately kept grounds, James’ tried to steel himself for the oncoming confrontation.

  The inside of the French inspired mansion was massive, clean to the point of sanitary, and overly opulent. With vaulted ceilings, sweeping staircases, imported stone, various shades of marble, Brazilian cherry and endless gold in-lays, it was obvious that no expense had been spared. It was also endlessly quiet, almost eerily so. Even the staff moved on silent feet; it was like stepping into a museum of obedience.

  Two armed men greeted him and led him to his father’s study. This was James’ first sign of how things would go. His father’s study was the heart of the house, a place of power, a room you didn’t enter unless invited. Generally an invitation wasn’t ideal. His father waited for him on the far side of the room, by a bank of windows overlooking the pristine garden. James crossed the room stopping in front of the large antique desk. Wooden framed leather chairs sat in various spots of the room, but James remained standing. Smoothing a cigar between his fingers, his father spoke first.

  “The prodigal son finally decides to make an appearance.”

  “Prodigal would imply that I came by choice,” James replied coolly.

  “And as insolent as ever.”

  “Did you expect anything less?”

  His father paused to look at him with mirthless eyes.

  “I expect you to explain to me why your brother is dead.”

  “Half-brother,” James corrected.

  His father’s tone became frigid, “I suggest you stop testing my patience.”

  James was short on patience himself and was trying to keep himself in check, but he refused to be scolded like a child.

  “Yes, well we both know how I feel about your expectations.”

  Taking a deep breath his father walked to his desk and clipped the end of his cigar.

  “My understanding is that the entire fiasco was over a woman.”

  James clenched his jaw trying to bite back the anger burning the back of his throat. He didn’t know how much his father knew about Reina, and that was dangerous territory.

  “Eric developed an unhealthy fascination with someone uninterested in his advances, and also someone...unavailable.”

  His father’s gaze became calculating, and James could sense the wheels turning.

  “Don’t play games with me, come out and say it. He wanted your pet and tried to break her when he didn’t get his way.”

s remained silent as fire began licking its way through him. Arguing Reina’s status, or his father’s choice of words, would not aid his cause. His father sat down behind his desk, which was an ominous sign. Some would think that because James was standing that he had the upper hand, but his father’s desk was his throne. Sitting down meant he was about to lay down the law.

  “Now my heir is dead and I’m left with you to run my estate.”

  “I have no interest in your estate or assets.”

  “The fact remains that you are now my only living son, you don’t get a choice.”

  It was becoming more difficult to hold back the venom in his words.

  “You’re right. Having you as a father was never a choice.”

  His father slammed his fist down on the desk.

  “Damn it James, I will have retribution.”

  There it was, they were finally getting to the core of the situation.

  “What is it exactly you’re expecting from me?”

  His father lit his cigar, took a draw, and let it out slowly before speaking again.

  “I want you to give her to me.”

  The fire quickly raged straight through James’ bloodstream.

  “Excuse me,” he answered, unable to keep the menace out of his tone.

  “The girl. I want you to give her to me.”

  “She’s not a possession to be given.”

  “Is she not? They all are you know; bought and sold in one fashion or another.”

  “Not this one,” he replied through clenched teeth.

  “I see,” his father answered.

  He took another slow draw of cigar, twisting it between his fingers as he exhaled smoke.

  “You’re in love with her.”

  His father didn’t wait for a response before continuing.

  “Do you intend to marry her?”

  James felt a sting of apprehension, as if no matter how he answered he was walking into a trap.


  “And what will you do when she becomes docile?”

  James gave an honest scoff, “Docile isn’t in her nature.”

  His father nodded while examining his cigar, as if calculating his next response.

  “Give her up.”

  He couldn’t have possibly heard him correctly, “What did you say?”

  “I lost something important to me and now you will give up what is important to you.”

  James seemed to be having difficulty remembering how to breathe, as he felt the barbed wire snaking around his lungs.

  “And if I don’t…”

  His father looked him straight in the eyes with an undeniable threat.

  “There is no place you can go that I can’t find you.”

  James stayed silent trying to see through the rage blurring his senses.

  “You’ll either send her to me, or you will end it. No explanations. Break her heart and send her on her way.”

  James was trying to recall why it was a bad idea to strangle his father right then and there. Some part of his brain was still functional enough to realize that he would never make it off the property.

  His father gave him a knowing, gloating look.

  “You’re dismissed,” he said with a wave of his hand.

  James stood there for a moment clenching his fists and grinding his teeth, before turning and walking angrily towards the door where two of his father’s men waited to escort him. Just as he was crossing the threshold his father called out to him.

  “...and have 24 hours. You decide, or I will decide for you.”

  Chapter 3

  Reina sat cross-legged on the bed in nothing but one of James’ T-shirts staring at her book without seeing the pages. He’d texted her saying he’d be home shortly and she wasn’t sure what to make of it. While having him home was always a good thing, she hadn’t expected him home in one day and he’d sounded strained.

  She heard the front door open and the alarm being reset, heard him coming up the stairs, and knew she was in trouble as soon as she saw him. He immediately dropped his bag and began undressing. She sensed something bubbling under the surface that she didn’t recognize but it kicked in her fight or flight response and her heart started racing. As he stalked to the bed she knew the feral look in his eyes but for the first time she couldn’t read him, which fired her senses to high alert.

  James was lost; he kept losing what he wanted most and he was past his boiling point. Somewhere on the edge of his thoughts danced the knowledge that the actions he was about to take were wrong, but it was drowned out by white noise. His mind was clouded with shadows and smoke from the emotions burning through him. Instinct had taken over and he was too far gone. If he was giving her up he was going to make sure his name was branded on her soul forever.

  Reina waited as he prowled up the bed, still as spotted prey. Whatever he needed from her she was willing to give. Whatever he was giving was hers to take.

  “Take it off,” he demanded when he was almost to her.

  She kept her eyes on him as she pulled the shirt over her head. Her breathing pattern changed, matching the primal heartbeat throbbing between them. James knelt in front of her so that she had to look up at him, hand twisting in her hair roughly tilting her head back.

  “Say that you’re mine,” he commanded, voice ragged.

  “I’m yours,” Reina answered.

  His hand tightened in her hair, pulling. He looked like it wasn’t enough, as if he needed something more. His other hand trailed down the front of her throat, his gaze following the movement.

  “You’ll always be mine.”

  He said it quietly, not really a question, but more as if he was talking to himself.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  As she said it his haunted eyes looked into hers and her body trembled with the notion that somehow her acquiesce had meant more than she’d intended. James kissed her brutally, possessing her, owning her as he pushed her down into the bed. He bit her lip, his hands trailing down her arms and back up as he pulled them over her head. He gave her a warning look not to move as he reached to pull a scarf out of the bedside drawers. He tied her wrists together tightly then secured her to the headboard. Reina could feel the satin with her fingers, but she had no slack.

  Her heart beat in her throat as his hand cupped the side of her neck, thumb raising her chin.

  “Keep your eyes on me. Do you understand?”

  His eyes were gleaming, wolfish, and she was mesmerized. Pulled in like waves to the sand, controlled by the moon. She gave a small nod.

  “Say it,” he demanded.


  His hands trailed to her breasts squeezing and pulling her nipples, followed by his hot mouth sucking and biting. His touch strong, sure, and deliberate. Her body pushed into his instinctively as he pulled a nipple between his teeth; looking up to make sure she was watching. She was already panting, his raw animalistic actions pushing her body to respond. He savagely teased her breasts until she was squirming, arching into him, quietly pleading, all while he looked into her eyes knowingly.

  James’ hands gripped down hers sides as his whiskers scraped across her stomach. Reina opened her legs wider in silent invitation as he rubbed his face over the inside of her thighs, moaning as his fingers tested her wetness without giving her the friction she needed. She whimpered as he caressed back and forth softly, a complete contrast to the bites he placed across her skin.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  He gave her a savage look as he sucked her clit into his mouth. Eye contact was forgotten, as a cry escaped her, head thrown back and body bowing. All pressure ceased until she met his eyes again. Even then he looked at her mercilessly as he resumed gentle almost non-existent touches until she was wild, mindless, losing control...losing herself. She couldn’t stop from struggling to get closer, soft continuous whimpers on her lips, body craving more contact, pleading for release.

  James stalked back up her body
eyes turbulent but Reina was beyond any sense of caution. His hands wrapped around the top of her throat, fingers gripping her jaw.

  “Beg me,” he ordered.

  “Please,” she responded without question.

  He rocked his body against hers.

  “James please,” she begged, feeling desperate.

  He rocked against her again, his throbbing heat so closes to where she needed it.

  “James please let me come...say it,” he demanded.

  “James please let me come,” she breathed.

  He pressed his body against her, but still didn’t give her what she wanted until she was repeating it continuously, brokenly, like a prayer. His hand shifted to her hair as he finally entered her, making certain she couldn’t look away. He showed no mercy as he entered her fast and deep. Her world narrowed down to only James and sensation. He mastered her. With intense eyes he ensured that there was no question who was in control of her pleasure. As his restraint slipped and the rhythm became frenzied, he dominated her with his kiss. He was just as lost as she was, consumed by her. As he branded her soul he gave his up to her.

  Reina gave him a questioning look as he loosened the scarf enough that she could lower her elbows to her chest but didn’t untie her.

  “I like seeing you this way,” he said, eyes possessive. Clearly a challenge.

  She debated it, her mind lethargic. He’d release her if she asked, but deep down she liked his dangerous mood. Whatever this wicked game was, she’d play. She relaxed her arms, nodded, and relished his satisfied look, knowing he was just as tied up as she was. James tucked into her back as always. At first she wondered if she’d sleep with her hands tied but her body had been well used, her mind cleared, and his heat lulled her.

  Hours later she drowsily tried to swipe something tickling her leg and her brain wouldn’t process why she couldn’t move her hands. Her body on the other hand didn’t have any problems processing. Her breasts felt heavy, her nipples were tingling, and her sex was wet and throbbing. She pushed back into James as his hand travelled back up her thigh and over her hip.


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