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Love Me, I Dare You! (Hell Yeah!)

Page 17

by Sable Hunter

  “I want you to be careful, Emma. Kane tells Isaac that he thinks it was just teens acting out, but I don’t want you taking any chances. Where did you sleep last night?”

  Rats. “I didn’t really.” She left it at that, hoping Avery wouldn’t press. She didn’t relish the fact that she’d spent the night on Joshua’s front porch becoming public knowledge.

  “Well, tonight you’ll stay at Tebow. Aron will be picking you up and Libby will be expecting you. Until we know for sure what happened, I don’t want you to take any chances.”

  “Okay.” Actually, Avery’s suggestion was welcome. She felt better. “When are you and Isaac coming home?”

  Avery chuckled. “Well, in a couple more days probably. You know I’m researching a book, a spin-off of The Sons of Dusty Walker series. It’s called Chastity. The hero is a preacher and the heroine is a stripper. Isaac is helping me plot.” She giggled, making Emma smile. “We’ve been mapping out some of the love scenes and he’s been reading dialogue with me. This is sort of a role reversal for us.”

  “You two have so much fun together.” A sad feeling of envy wrapped its cold fingers around Emma’s heart.

  “We do.” Avery’s voice dropped. “I love him so much it hurts, Emma.”

  “I know, I can tell.”

  “Well, you be safe. Don’t take any chances and go with Aron to Tebow tonight. I’ll call you tomorrow, hopefully we’ll have more info on whatever nut-job decided to go crazy at Hardbodies.”

  “Okay, take care.”

  Emma hung up the phone, entered her trailer, and curled up on the bed. “Up, Fergus.” He obeyed and she laid a hand on him, glad to know she wasn’t alone.

  * * *

  “We’re on our way back, Joseph,” Joshua said. “I’m bringing Pow-Wow with us. I think you all will be pleased. He’s a big boy, but I think I got a good price.”

  “Excellent. We’ve had some trouble here. Have you heard?”

  Joshua glanced over at Denver. “What kind of trouble?”

  “Hardbodies was broken into last night. No real damage done, probably just some kids. I think they scared little Emma pretty good. Kane wants to talk to everyone who was at the bar the night before and I figured you were there. He just wants to pick everyone’s brain to see if they remember seeing anyone suspicious.”

  “What about Emma?” Joshua couldn’t keep from asking.

  “Oh, she’s good. Cady called her today and Jessie is up at Hardbodies now. Whoever pulled this stunt knew she was there, though. I’m sure Emma’s situation magnified her fear, made her feel vulnerable.”

  Joshua didn’t like what he was hearing at all. “We’ll be driving into Tebow in a couple of hours. I’ll stop by the bar after I’ve cleaned up and check on her.”

  “Oh, that’s right. She bought you at the auction, I’d forgotten.”

  “Has Isaac returned?” He chose to ignore Joseph’s comment about Emma and the auction. The topic was fast becoming a sore spot for him.

  “No, they’ll start back tomorrow. Avery had a book-signing in Telluride that she hated to cancel.”

  “Really…her career as an author took me by surprise.”

  Joseph laughed. “Avery loves to take people by surprise. Her poor, preacher father hasn’t recovered from his angel’s choice of a husband yet.”

  “I don’t judge anyone.” He’d been on the receiving end of that kind of behavior too often to dish it out.

  “All right. Keep it between the ditches and we’ll be waiting to see that prize bull you’re bringing home.”

  “Will do.” Joshua increased his speed, reset the cruise and headed toward the Hill Country. He had some business to attend to.

  …Back at Hardbodies, Emma served Jessie a frozen margarita. “I hate to have my picture made. I never know what to do with my eyes.”

  Jessie laughed. “You’re so funny, Emma. Thanks for wearing that dress, though. You look so sweet in it; I think your innocent demeanor will be a good contrast to the background of the bar. All those bottles reflected in that mirror – sexy. We’ll sit you on the counter and you can vamp for the camera.”

  “Could Fergus be in the photo? I’d love to get some publicity for the Seeing Eye Dog foundation while we’re at it. Someday we need to hold a bachelorette auction and let them benefit.”

  “Good idea. I’ll check into that.” Jessie sipped her drink, glancing around the bar. “Jacob’s babysitting tonight. I told him he needed to spend some time with little BT before he takes off on the cattle drive they’re planning. Have you heard about it?”

  “No, I haven’t,” she answered, filling an order for Doris even as she listened to Jessie’s musings.

  “It’s all part of a historical celebration of the Chisholm Trail, they’re going to retrace part of it, camping out and driving a herd of cattle. They’ve even hired this sexy cowboy cook named Ryan. He’s going to be staying with us for a while. We’re going to be hosting several cook-outs beforehand, maybe you could come out and join us.”

  “Sounds fun,” she said, noncommittally. Visiting Tebow as long as Joshua worked there was probably out of the question.

  “Well, think about it and I’ll let you know when and where. You can make up your mind later. Oh, look! There comes the photographer. Great!”

  For the next little while, Levi had to cover for her while she posed for the photos. At first, Emma thought it was just for Jessie’s blog, but now she’d found it there was more to it than that. Apparently, Texas Monthly and the Austin-Statesman had gotten in on the action. Emma didn’t enjoy it, but she knew it was for a good cause. Fergus behaved well. “I hope you got some good shots.”

  “I think we did, thank you, miss.”

  Jessie came to give her a hug when it was over and Doris took Fergus back to his post.

  During the hours to follow, Emma served drinks, made jokes, and worked at keeping Hardbodies patrons happy and satisfied.

  …At Tebow, Joshua was fit to be tied. “No, I didn’t see Emma. I was at home all night, but I went to bed early. I left around five this morning to come here. Denver and I were in Abilene for a cattle sale by nine.”

  “I don’t understand,” Kane Saucier scratched his neck. “The last I heard, my deputy was supposed to drop Emma Zachary off at your house around one this morning. I’ve seen her today, we arrived at the bar early to finish our investigation. I suppose she could’ve changed her mind and had him take her somewhere else.”

  Joshua didn’t know what happened either, but he intended to find out. “Was she hurt?”

  “No, she wasn’t hurt. Just scared. Are you two involved?” Aron asked. “Because Avery asked me to go pick her up this evening and bring her to Tebow to spend the night. She doesn’t want Emma sleeping in that little sardine can with some creep running loose.”

  “Involved might be a strong word.” Joshua folded his arms over his chest. “We’ve been seeing one another. The sheriff says Emma ran to me for protection last night, Aron. I’m not sure what happened, I don’t know if she knocked and I didn’t wake up or what, but I need to see her and find out what’s going on. I’d appreciate it if you let me go to her. After we talk, if she still wants to come spend the night at Tebow, I’ll bring her myself.”

  Aron looked at Kane, then back at Josh. “Well, since you’re stating your intentions in front of me and the Sheriff, I guess we can trust you with Isaac’s little bartender.”

  “Is that all you need?” he asked the sheriff, who’d questioned him about who he’d seen in the bar. Joshua had noticed nothing suspicious. Of course with Isaac’s normal clientele, everyone was a character of one sort or the other. There was nothing strange for Hell’s Angels to be bellied up to the bar next to cowpokes.

  “If you think of anything else, let me know.” Kane tipped his hat at Joshua and Lance before following Aron outside.

  “Pow-Wow is settled in. If you don’t need me, I need to go,” he told the foreman.

  “Take off.” Lance gave him th
e go ahead. “I hope everything is okay with Emma.”

  “Yea, me too.” Needing to clean up after being on the road and dealing with livestock, he headed for home. Could Saucier be right? Had Emma come to him for sanctuary? If so, what had happened after the deputy dropped her off? Thoughts of her alone in the dark worried him. Yes, he knew she lived her life cloaked in darkness, but that fact was no comfort whatsoever.

  Parking his truck in his usual spot in the rear of the old bungalow, Joshua walked around to the front and headed up the steps onto the porch. Every step he took toward the door brought back images of what he’d shared with Emma the night before. How it felt to be inside of her. The sweet noises she’d made as she’d come for him. How her hands clung to his shoulders as their bodies collided in rapture – all of this haunted him, making his dick flex in his jeans, wanting more.

  As he reached for the handle on the worn screen door, he happened to glance to his right toward the swing. Just last evening, he’d sat her there to wait in the moonlight while he carried in the food she’d prepared. As he remembered – something caught his eye. What the hell? Stepping over to the swing, he picked up a soft pink sweater. Raising it to his nose, he inhaled a familiar scent. Emma. She hadn’t worn a sweater when he brought her over for dinner.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

  Damn! Saucier had been right. He cursed the pill he’d taken to make going to sleep easier. Had she knocked and wondered why he hadn’t answered? Had she stood there in the night and called his name?

  …Over at Hardbodies, Emma was through for the evening. She was lingering around reorganizing things that didn’t need to be reorganized, waiting on Aron McCoy to show up and give her a ride. Hopefully he hadn’t changed his mind. Emma worried that Libby might not like dogs in the house.

  “I’m heading out, Emma. What are you waiting for?” Doris asked.

  “My ride. Isaac’s brother is stopping by to take me to Tebow. Avery didn’t want me to spend the night here by myself.”

  “Good idea. Well, I’ll wait with you. I can watch for car lights for you from the vestibule.”

  “Thanks, Doris. I was worried about just leaving the front unlocked.” As Doris settled herself down at a chair by the front window, Emma went to the back to fetch Fergus.

  “I see him coming, Emma. I’ll let him in and then I’m taking off.”

  “All right, thanks!” Emma called from the back.

  Doris opened the door and waited until the truck stopped and a man climbed out. When the figure stepped into the light, she saw it wasn’t Aron McCoy. “Well, Josh Long. Fancy meeting you here.”

  “Is Emma still inside?”

  “Yea, she’s waiting on Isaac’s brother.”

  “He’s not coming. I’m here in his stead.” Joshua put his hands on his hips and waited for the older woman to step out of the way. “With his permission, of course.”

  Doris smiled. “Ah, I see. Is Emma going to be happy about this?”

  It was Joshua’s turn to smile. “Well, that I’m not so sure about.”

  Holding up her hands, she moved around Joshua. “Who am I to stand in the way of romance? Have a good evening and if Emma gets mad at me, I’m going to hold you responsible.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Inside, Emma gathered her things. “Come on, Fergus. A nice man has come to help us.”

  Fergus let out a welcoming whine.

  “Hey, boy.”

  The voice greeting her dog was not the voice she was expecting. “Joshua?” She stopped in her tracks. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see you. We need to talk.”

  Emma let out a long breath and dropped her shoulders. “You’re beginning to sound like a broken record. We don’t need to talk. I’m waiting on Aron. We had a little trouble here last night and I don’t feel comfortable sleeping in the trailer. Libby said I could stay at Tebow.”

  “He’s not coming, Emma. Could we sit down?” Just being this close to her was playing havoc with his control. She was wearing that little lace dress that made her look like a member of a bridal party. All he wanted to do was pick her up and carry her back to his bed. He’d been a fool the night before. “I heard about the break-in and someone scaring you.”

  Emma was determined to make light of it. “Avery thinks it was teenagers. I’m sure Sheriff Saucier will get to the bottom of it tomorrow and have a good talk with them. There’s really no reason for me not to stay in the trailer. I’ll be fine.” She started toward the front. “Let me lock up and we’ll go out the back. I appreciate you stopping by, but I’m fine.”

  Emma made no more than two steps, before Joshua stopped her, a hand on her arm. “Wait, Emma. Did you come to me last night when you were afraid?”

  Dipping her head low, Emma spoke softly. “I wasn’t thinking. I didn’t feel like I had anywhere else to go. I should’ve called Isaac’s family or gone to the shelter.”

  Coming in front of her, Joshua held Emma in place, his hands on her upper arms. “No, running to me was right. Why didn’t I know you were there? I know we haven’t exchanged phone numbers, but did you knock? Did you call for me? Did I sleep through all of this?”

  He was so close; she could feel his breath. Turning her face to the side, Emma chewed on her lip in frustration. “I couldn’t. I tried, I lifted my hand to knock, but I couldn’t. The way we left things, you changed from hot to cold toward me in just a matter of seconds. I didn’t feel like I could. We don’t have that type of a relationship.”

  “What?” Joshua couldn’t believe his ears.

  “Come here. Let’s sit.” He led her to the bar and lifted her on a stool. “Don’t you know anything could’ve happened to you?” A thought crossed his mind and he groaned. “Did you walk back to the bar?”

  Emma didn’t say anything, but her expression told him volumes.

  “You know I ought to take you into Isaac’s dungeon and spank your ass like I threatened before.” At her slight smile, he relented a little. “The only problem is that I don’t think you’d look at it as punishment, would you?”

  “Probably not. I think I’d like to try it with you sometimes.”

  “Stop it, Emma. I’m trying to be angry with you.”

  Emma shrugged. “You’ve got no reason to be angry. I didn’t feel comfortable asking you for anything.”

  Josh cursed a blue streak under his breath. “We’ve been intimate, Emma. We’re friends. You can come to me for anything.”

  Intimate. Friends. The broad spectrum painted by his words confused her. “I didn’t think you wanted me anymore…or you didn’t want to want me.”

  Joshua didn’t feel like arguing semantics. He stripped off his shirt and slung it to the side. Standing in front of Emma, he looked at their reflection in the mirror. She sat there, her beautiful body veiled in cream lace. “Oh, I want you. I want you more than I want the sun to rise tomorrow. I want you more than I want my next breath.” He stepped a few inches closer, his eyes moving to look at her gorgeous face, then up to gaze at the image of them two together. Such a contrast. Light to dark. Hard to soft. Male to female. “If I were to walk into heaven in the next few moments and look around at all that perfection, I’d think about being with you and I’d say…I’ve had better.”

  Emma lifted her hand and he captured it. “I was scared and I called your name. When I wanted to flee, there seemed to be no right place to run but into your arms. But when I got there, I kept hearing your voice when you told me it was time to go and I didn’t know if I was…welcome.”

  Placing his hands on either side of her face, Joshua pressed his lips to her forehead. “You’re welcome in my arms and you’re welcome in my bed.”

  Emma turned her head just enough to plant a kiss in his palm, letting her lips move back and forth over his skin. A tide was rising within her, a swelling of emotion that made her want to ask for more – she wanted to be welcome in his heart and in his life as well. “Do we have to wait for a bed? Let’s be adventurou
s.” She nipped the sensitive flesh of his palm. “I dare you.”

  “I respond well to dares, Miss Emma.” With erotic intent, he helped her out of the lacy dress and swept her up in his arms. Finding her mouth with his, he captured her kiss, carrying her to the bar. He gently laid her out on the sleek surface, his eyes drawn back to the mirror to see how primal they looked – her at his mercy, him intent on satisfying her every need.

  “What are we going to do?” Her voice was husky with arousal, her curiosity piqued.

  “I need a drink. How about you?”

  “I’m more hungry than thirsty, I think.” She reached out to find his chest, then let her hand slip low toward his belt.

  “All right, I promise we’ll both get what we need tonight. Me first,” he announced without hesitation. “I wouldn’t want to soil these pretty undergarments. Why don’t we take them off?” Leaning over, Josh placed his mouth over the front clasp of her bra. Using teeth and tongue, he worked it until it responded, popping open and freeing her breasts.

  Emma lay there shivering, not from cold, but from sheer excitement. “Josh?”

  “I’m here, baby. I’m just enjoying the view. You have me tied up in knots. Did you know that? I’ve never met another woman like you.”

  The next thing she knew, she felt a slight soft touch, a wetness. It was his tongue – tiny flicks, tracing a pattern, making her nipples swell and her breasts ache. “What are you doing?”

  “Kissing your freckles. I haven’t played connect the dots since I was a kid. With you, I think it would be my favorite game.”

  She lay still while he played – licking, palming her breasts, kneading them at the same time, his fingers teasing her nipples. Emma couldn’t be still, she twisted on the bar, her hips moving in lazy eights.

  “You’d better be still, girl, I don’t want you taking a tumble.”

  She tried, but he seemed bent on driving her crazy. For a brief moment, he moved, and she felt the breeze from the air conditioning blow cold on skin, damp from his breath. “Where are you going?”

  “Nowhere, I wouldn’t leave you for the world. Easy now, I’m about to fulfill one of my all-time fantasies. Ready?”


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