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Love Me, I Dare You! (Hell Yeah!)

Page 18

by Sable Hunter

  “What?” Emma didn’t have time to brace before she felt the cool splash on her chest. “Josh?”

  “God, you’re pretty. I wish you could see what I see.” All she could do was hold onto the bar as he licked the liquid from her skin. His thirst seemed unquenchable as he anointed her breasts over and over again, licking and sipping until every drop was gone.

  “You’re making me ache,” she whimpered.

  “Oh, that’s next, baby,” he murmured as she felt her panties being tugged down. “I know I told you blue was my favorite color, but I think red’s a close second.”

  Emma jumped as she felt the liquid being poured over her mound. She couldn’t help but wonder what liquor he was using. “What’s your pleasure?”

  “You. Only you.”

  Using his hands, he opened her up and began drinking his fill from the valley between her legs. Emma bucked beneath his lips and tongue, bowing her back and clasping the edges of the counter with all her might. “I can’t…”

  “Yes, you can. Do you believe in religious experiences?” She nodded, her breath coming in such fast pants that she couldn’t speak. “Good. I’m about to make you speak in tongues.” Taking the bud of her clit between his lips, Joshua sucked, sending her spiraling off into space with nothing to grasp onto, but him. Her cries and words of praise weren’t indecipherable; they both knew in their heart, she was speaking the language of love.

  When she quieted, Josh helped her up, tended to her tenderly, and left the bar as clean as he found it. “Let’s go home, Miss Emma.”


  For the first time, Emma woke up in someone’s arms. She lay there for a moment, marveling at how it felt. Josh was still asleep, his breathing even, his chest rising and falling in a peaceful rhythm beneath her head.

  She didn’t know what time it was, but she knew he had to go to work. Not being able to sense daylight in the room, she eased away from him, intending to find her purse and check the time.

  “Hey, where are you going?” Josh made a grab for her.

  “I didn’t know if you set the alarm. I was just going to check to see what time it’s getting to be.”

  “I have a few more minutes, I wish I didn’t have to get up. Today’s my birthday and I’d rather stay in the bed with you.”

  “Today? Really?” Emma sat up, a smile on her face. “How old are you?”

  He smiled, folding his hands behind his head. “Thirty-two and I have to say, waking up to you is one helluva gift.”

  Emma’s heart swelled with affection. She touched his thigh. “I have something I want to do for you, something I want to give you.” She had full intention of retrieving her purse. There was an item she carried with her all the time, something of her father’s. “Nothing would please me more than to give it to you.”

  Before she could move, he groaned. “Thank god. I’ve been hoping you would want to do this. I wanted to suggest it, make it part of your,” he chuckled, “education.”

  Emma knew then, he was talking about something else entirely. He knew nothing about her father’s pocket-watch. “Oh, really? Could I give it to you now? Are you, uh, up for it?”

  “You judge.”

  The mere thought of taking him in her mouth made her wet. She tugged at the covers. “Point me in the right direction.”

  Josh laughed. She was adorable, sitting there nude as the day she was born, that deep red hair hanging in ringlets down her back, breasts jiggling with every move. “Baby, if you can’t find that big ole thing with both hands, we’re in trouble.”

  “Well, let me see,” Emma proceeded to tease him, playing hide and seek with his business. She started at his chest, trailing kisses down the arrow of fur leading from his chest to the main attraction. By the time she got there, Josh was bucking his hips in anticipation of her lips. Taking him between her palms, she soothed his rod up and down, applying exquisite pressure and using her thumb to massage the tip. “I love how you feel. How do you taste?”

  “See for yourself.” he said, then drew in a sharp breath at the un-intentioned slight.

  “See?” Emma teased. “Okay. Let me go in for a closer look.” She bent her head and used her tongue to swirl round and round the head. With a little moan, she opened her lips and slid them tightly over the tip, sucking, pulling, and licking. “Oh, this is fun. I think I need to examine this more closely.”

  Her playfulness entranced him. She knelt at his hips and came over him, taking his cock deep in her mouth, loving him with lips and tongue. Up and down she moved on him, bobbing her head – caressing, laving, taking luxurious licks and deep draws that stiffened his muscles, his feet pushing, toes pointed. “Stop, Em. I’m going to…”

  She didn’t want to stop, Emma had dreamed of this, of having someone to love on, to give to, to lavish her attention and affection on. Holding her hair back, she went down on him, showing him just how much all they’d done together meant to her. When he lifted his hips, thrusting up, his fingers tangling in her hair, Emma took what he gave, his essence filling her mouth as she swallowed. “Emma, my Emma,” he whispered. “Thank you.”

  Raising up, she wiped her lips, then lay down beside him, pressing kisses to his belly. “Happy Birthday.” Recalling her previous intentions, she jumped back up. “There’s something I want you to have. I always wanted to give it to someone who would use it. And don’t say no, this isn’t an engagement ring or anything. It will just make me happy for you to have it.”

  Joshua frowned, curious, but a bit disturbed by her reasoning. “What are you talking about?”

  Emma found her purse and took out her treasure. “Here, I want you to have this. It was my father’s pocket-watch.”

  “Oh, Emma, I can’t take this…”

  “Yes, you can.” She found his hand and pressed the watch into it. “You’ve given me a tremendous gift, something a bunch of casseroles will never repay. Dad would have liked you. He got this when he was in the army, a friend of his who was killed on a training mission left it for him. On the back there’s an engraving, Dare to Be Brave. He used those words to encourage me all the time. Half of what I’ve achieved in my life has been because I dared to take a chance.” Like with you, she thought silently.

  “Emma, I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything.”

  “I don’t have a watch chain or anything.”

  “Keep it until you do. I bet you’ll look so sexy, that chain looping around the belt loop of your jeans.”

  He could see that his accepting her gift made her happy. As she pulled on her clothes, he placed the watch on the dresser. “I’ll keep it right here until I get a chain. Right here on top, where I can see it all the time.”

  “Good. I’m glad. Happy birthday.” She gravitated to him, lifting her face for a kiss. “And many, many more.”

  At that moment, he knew there was something he wanted to give Emma. She loved things she could feel a pattern on, something she could run her finger over and visualize how it looked. Glancing over at his leather worktable, he knew exactly what he’d do.

  * * *

  Sunlight sparkled on the river as it wound its lazy way next to the highway. Visitors and residents alike traveled this stretch of road just to admire its beauty. One of the more scenic routes in the Hill Country, it connected the town of Kerrville to the more rural and rugged areas like Lost Maples State Park and the Cowboy Capital of the World, Bandera.

  Motorcycles and bikers were a common sight on this highway, so common that no one really gave them a second glance.

  Van Dyke pulled his Harley Road King up next to the Ajax’s Wide Glide. “This is a mistake, Ajax. You’ll end up back in prison.”

  Crossing his massive tattooed arms on his chest, the Hulk-Hogan lookalike snarled. “Only if my plan doesn’t work.”

  Parked on the right-of-way, they gazed across the street watching people go in and out of Hardbodies. “Those McCoys sure are rich sons-of-bitches.” Van Dyke
mused. “I wonder what the easiest way to get money out of them would be?”

  “I’m not interested in their money. I just want to cause Isaac McCoy pain and the surest way to do that is to hurt his woman. I tried it once, had her in my grasp and failed.” He jerked the bandana off his head and wiped his face. The prison tattoo he’d acquired in Huntsville wound around his thick bicep, a two headed snake coiled over his muscle. “I won’t fail this time and if I have to die to make him bleed, so be it. I won’t rest until that bitch of his is dead, even if I have to burn this place down around them.”

  * * *

  Joshua pulled into his regular parking spot near the portable building that served as Tebow’s office. Noah McCoy usually held court here, he seemed to have the best head for business of all the brothers, although Jacob was the one who had become independently wealthy, apart from the ranch. He owned gas wells and rock quarries that brought in scads of money. In school, Jacob had been the quiet one. He wasn’t as cocky as Aron, as brash as Joseph, or as annoying as Noah - Joshua smirked at the thought about Noah - Jacob was steadfast. He’d been the one that noticed when someone was hurting and cared enough to do something about it. Isaac had been Josh’s best friend, but Jacob had been there too, making sure Josh was invited over for supper after his mother had left. Jacob was always ready to give a word of encouragement or lend a helping hand. In light of all that, it didn’t surprise Joshua a bit to see Jacob walking next to Canyon Brady, bearing half the weight of a monstrous anvil. Apparently, it was horse-shoeing time.

  “Can I give you two a hand?”

  Joshua Long knew he was a substantial guy, but Jacob and Canyon were massive. The blacksmith reminded him of a sculpture he’d seen in the Western Art museum in Kerrville of a big man carrying his pack horse on his shoulders after it had been injured. Canyon was such a man.

  “We’ve got it,” Jacob answered, huffing out a breath. “We’re going to set up shop over here under this lean-to by the barn. “What’s on your agenda for the day?”

  “Whatever Lance tells me to do. I didn’t like much on the stock inventory before taking off yesterday to go to the cattle sale in Abilene.”

  “I saw that bull you brought back, fine looking animal,” Canyon remarked as he arranged his tools.

  “He’s going to introduce a good bloodline into our stock for sure,” Joseph said as he joined them.

  Seeing Joseph, Joshua was reminded of the leather repair he’d made. “Excuse me.” He moved to his truck, opened the door and pulled out the bridle.

  “Hey, you aren’t using your crutch today.” Jacob called out. “That’s great.”

  “I know.” Josh agreed with a smile. “I have it with me in case I need it later in the day, but I’m feeling good now. Cady thinks one more session will do me. When he’d stopped by on the way in to give her a loaf of banana bread from Emma, she’d put him to the test.

  “Flex your leg.” Cady told Joshua as she watched closely. “Now, for the big test. Stand on that leg and lift your other one.”

  Joshua frowned at his new-found friend. “Are you sure, Miss Cady? I don’t want to take a header to the floor.”

  “I don’t think you will. Your leg has healed, the only one who doesn’t know that yet – is you.”

  “Here, see if this will do.” He handed Joseph the bridle. “I replaced the strap.”

  Joseph examined the repair. “Good job, thanks. I appreciate it. Would you have time to do some more? We’d be glad to pay you.”

  “Sure thing.”

  “And speaking of your leg, I’m glad Cady could help.”

  “Not nearly as glad as me.” Joshua shut his truck door about the time Lance came riding up on a horse and leading another one.

  “Long, do you think you can mount up?”

  Joshua thought about it a moment. This would be a test. A lot of pressure would be applied to his knee to pull himself into the saddle. “Yea, I think I can.” Taking the reins, he patted the big roan’s neck. “Easy, girl.” Despite having made his living riding animals fifteen times his weight, he felt a moment of trepidation. What if he couldn’t? What if he failed? If he was going to work at Tebow, riding horses was essential. He couldn’t very well be a cowboy who only rode a four-wheeler. Gritting his teeth, he lifted his leg and put it in the stirrup. With determined hands, he held the horn and the back of the saddle, placed all of his weight on his bum leg and pushed.

  Up, up, and over.

  The twinge he felt was nothing like the agony he anticipated.

  Joshua let out a big sigh. “Well, thank God.”

  “I knew you could do it.” Joseph nodded. “I’ll have to ride down and give Cady the good news. But she’s still going to want to see you for your session.”

  “I’ll do whatever that woman tells me to do,” Joshua assured him with a grin.

  “I think you’ve hit on the answer to everything, bud,” Jacob interjected with a snort. “Making my woman happy keeps my world on kilter.”

  “I think you all are a little bit pussy-whipped.” Canyon made a popping noise with his mouth and a gesture as if he was flicking a whip.

  Jacob and Joseph grinned. “Just wait, Canyon. One day, you’ll meet a woman who’ll wrap you around her little finger.

  “I doubt it.” The big blacksmith slung his hammer onto his shoulder. “I’m always going to be in charge.”

  “Remember this day, Jacob.” Joseph slapped Canyon on the back. “When the big man falls hard, I want to say ‘I told you so’.”

  “Let’s get out of here, Joshua.” Lance urged his horse forward. “These three are gonna yack all day. We’re burning daylight.”

  Joshua turned his mount and followed the Tebow foreman out into the open pasture. “There’s nothing like being on the back of a horse. All of your troubles seem smaller up here.” Joshua closed his eyes and let the breeze play on his face.

  “True.” Lance nodded. “I’d stay out here all the time, if I could.”

  “What are we going to do?” Joshua didn’t really care, but he thought it might be prudent to ask.

  “Skye called me early this morning. She went for an early morning ride to check on those dang baby birds she’s been worrying about and noticed a plume of smoke on the horizon. There’s no reason for anyone to be burning anything, we’re going to check out what she said and see if we can see anything.”

  They rode in companionable silence for a while, Joshua taking in the sights and sounds of life on the ranch. “All of it is like a painting, isn’t it? The cattle of a thousand hills. Broad, stately oaks that have withstood time, who’ve witnessed the passing of pioneers and shaded buffalo hunters. People come and go, but the land goes on forever.”

  Lance didn’t say anything for a long while. “I love working here, but sometimes it makes me sad that the land I work on isn’t really mine.”

  “Do you want a place of our own?”

  “Who doesn’t?”

  “Would Miss Tricia have anything to do with this longing to put down roots of your own?”

  Lance chuckled. “Possibly, I don’t know. There are times when I think she’s interested and times when I think she’s just flirting to keep her skills up.”

  “Ask her out, you’ll never know until you try.”

  “You’re right. For a brave man, I sure do seem to have problems laying it on the line with a woman.”

  “Who doesn’t?” Joshua muttered, thinking about his confused feelings for Emma.

  “You probably should write a book about how to deal with the fairer sex. According to everything I’ve heard, you know what buttons to push to make them purr.”

  Josh shook his head, nudging his horse up an incline. “If you’re talking about that damn website and Facebook page, you can’t believe most of that malarkey. Keira just started a racket to annoy me. is just a place where unhappy women post their fan fiction, their fantasies. Chances are I’ve never even met those women, much less slept with them. Did you know
that I lost a big contract with Ford over that damn crap? She set out to ruin me because I wasn’t ready to step into her trap. Women can be vicious creatures.”

  “Yea, I’ve seen it happen. Aron’s first wife was a piece of work. She set out to tear the family asunder and she almost did it. You’ve didn’t let Keira stop you, though, did you?”

  Joshua sighed. “No, Army Tank did that. You know, honestly, as much as I loved rodeo, it was the opportunities it gave me to help kids that meant the most to me.” He smiled. “When I think about those little fellas who go to that Make-A-Wish foundation and open their hearts to pour out the one thing they want to do more than anything, it just tears me up. So many of them won’t live to grow up and if I can do something to make them happy while they’re here, well that’s worth everything.”

  “You’re a lucky man, Joshua Long.” Lance’s voice was sincere. “I can’t imagine being in a position to grant a kids wish. They respect you, they look up to you, they admire what you do. Not every man in the world has a chance like that.”

  “Yea, well, that’s over.” In more ways than one.

  “Shit. Look.” They’d topped a rise and what they saw took them completely by surprise.

  “What the hell is that?”

  Joshua and Lance rode closer. “Is that a cross that’s been burned?” For a minute he was thinking civil rights or witch hunts. “No, that’s the Tebow sign, the one from down by the highway.”

  “Hell and damnation. Somebody camped out here last night. Look there are motorcycle tracks. The sign was set on fire, but it didn’t burn all the way, look there’s writing on it in red paint. God help us.” It read. A McCoy Will Die.

  * * *

  In his office at Hardbodies, Isaac was getting frustrated. As he pushed papers across his desk, moving files, chunking motorcycle magazines to one side, he fumed. “Now where in the hell did I put my phone?”

  From out of the blue, a low mesmerizing voice spoke to him. “Look in your jacket pocket. I think you’ll find it there.”


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