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Of Princes and Dragons: Book 2 (Lords and Commoners)

Page 25

by Lynne Hill-Clark

  “Master, you have returned!”

  “We were worried.”

  Vlad studied them for a moment. Honestly ... he could not remember some of their names. Soon it appeared that all eighteen of them and a handful of maids had come from their side rooms to see why he was in their quarters.

  “We are sorry about Ilona. She was a dear friend. I told her that she should have faith in you. I knew that you would defeat the infidels.”

  The concubine’s words seemed sincere. She must have been a true friend of Ilona’s. Vlad nodded to acknowledge her kind words. “I have come here to inform you all that I am relieving you of your service to me.” He studied their reaction.

  Some gasped and one girl cried into her hands. Yet a couple of others seemed to brighten at the news.

  “What will become of us?”

  “No one wants to wed older women who have been concubines. They want to marry young virgins. We will be thrown into another harem or we will have to fend for ourselves,” another concubine added.

  “No. I would never do that to any of you. I will arrange for you to travel to Moldova. You will be safe there. Voivode Stefan will see to it that you are found suitable husbands. You will not become Stefan’s concubines and you will each be given the chance to have a proper family and children of your own.”

  A couple of women smiled at one another with hope and excitement.

  The woman who had been crying said, “Why? Don’t you want us anymore? Are we no longer good enough for you?”

  One whispered to another, “It is because he wishes to replace us with younger girls.”

  This was not meant for Vlad’s ears.

  “You are all lovely women. I will not be replacing any of you. The truth is I do not want to hurt any of you like I did Ilona. You deserve better. You are young enough to have many children of your own and to have a husband who loves you. Not to mention I don’t want my enemies coming after you again.” This was true but his unspoken list went on; such as the fact that he was planning to leave the throne, he did not age while they did and the most important — it would not impress Vallachia if he had a harem waiting for him back home. “You must be set free.” Vlad was finally taking Sergiu’s advice, It was time to end this charade. “Pack your belongings. Carriages will be here in the morning to carry you to Moldova. Your maids, eunuchs and a handful of my best warriors will see to it that you remain safe and comfortable. I wish you all the very best.”

  Many of the women blinked at him with a stunned expression.

  Vlad paused outside the room to listen as the women burst into an entire range of emotions once they thought he was gone. Some cried as they most likely had hoped to become Vlad’s next Kadin or — even better — his wife. Others were elated, perhaps because they would have the chance to have children and a normal life.

  Vlad shook his head. Women are indeed complicated creatures.

  The final order of business was to name Abdullah as Vlad’s new Grand Vizier. He was given complete rein while Vlad was away. Some of the Wallachian court muttered their disapproval to one another. They thought Abdullah was too young or too Turkish. Not that any would dare say this to Vlad. This was side talk only vampire ears could hear. It was apparent that some had hoped to be granted Sergiu’s job but there was no one Vlad trusted more than Abdullah.

  The following morning, before Vlad headed north, Abdullah was beside himself. “You are going to face the largest known vampire army on your own?”

  “I will not be alone. I’m taking the imbeciles,” Vlad said.

  “That does not make me feel any better. I should be by your side.”

  “You are the only one old enough and intelligent enough to maintain control while I am away. The Janissaries know and respect you. There is no longer anyone else who can take my place. Would you rather I leave the twins in charge?”

  Abdullah laughed. “That would be a disaster.”

  “Precisely. I am not going there to start a war. I’m going there to offer my allegiance and get her back.”

  “Yes, her. That sounds like war to me.”

  “I need you here. You are all I have left.”

  Abdullah nodded. His down-turned mouth mimicked his large black mustache.

  They both felt the full impact of Sergiu’s absence.

  Chapter 62 Copenhagen 1462 A.D

  Things slowly returned to normal for Vallachia after finding Teller and the subsequent sickness that overtook her. However, her relationship with Elijah had never been more strained. He kept his distance and she no longer knew how to approach him. She feared that he would reject her again. Not to mention, it was difficult to shake the thought that he deserved better. Elijah deserved someone who loved only him — someone who had never loved anyone else.

  “Perhaps we should join Teller in his quest to reclaim Constantinople,” Vallachia said.

  Samuel and Mari looked at each other in a way that said, “Here we go again.”

  Elijah appeared out of nowhere. Val smiled at him but he scarcely looked her way.

  “You know that it is against the Court’s laws to interfere with human affairs. What does it matter if the Romans or the Ottomans control any given city or region at any one time? Someday the Ottomans will fall and a new kingdom will rise. We cannot afford to become distracted from our main goal. We must remain focused on protecting humans from our kind at all times. If we were to send an army or even some of our best fighters to help Wallachia then this would leave us vulnerable to an attack.”

  “But surely we could afford to —” Val started.

  “I know that you are fond of the empire under which you were raised but in such cases the Court must lead by example. We simply do not intervene with human trifles and conflicts,” Elijah said.

  “But surely some human struggles are worth fighting for?” Val would not give up so easily.

  Elijah glared at her, making it clear that the debate was over. He turned to Samuel and asked if he wanted to join the men for an afternoon foxhunt.

  As the two men headed out Mari said, “This is unbelievable! They are running off for a leisurely hunt while our people suffer under Ottoman rule.”

  “Actually, conditions are not that terrible under the sultan’s reign.”

  “In that case, why are we having this conversation?” Mari said.

  Val decided it was time to consult with Mari about her feelings for Elijah and their relationship, or lack of a relationship. She could not stand his coldness any longer. When Val told Mari that Elijah deserved a woman who had never loved another, Mari’s jaw fell open in exasperation. “Such a woman does not exist, Vallachia. After all, I fancied boys in the village before I met Samuel.”

  Val shot her a disapproving look. “I had more than a childish fancy for Teller.”

  “I should say so; I do not remember those boy’s names and you waited for Teller for — what has it been — two hundred years?”

  Val nodded. “And now I have lost Elijah. I am such a fool!”

  “You and Elijah are perfect for each other. You love each other.”

  “We do?”

  “Yes, everyone knows this except the two of you.”

  “I’m not sure about that.”

  “Maybe you are a fool.”

  Val gave Mari a playful shove. “He appears to have given up on me — he barely speaks to me. Who could blame him for moving on? How do I get him back?” Vallachia knew nothing of romance or how to have an intimate relationship. She had spent her long existence avoiding such matters. “Where do I start?”

  “You are thinking entirely too much. This is not a stranger we are talking about — this is Elijah. Simply go to him. Tell him what you told me. He will be yours in an instant.”

  “You make it sound simple.”

  “It is simple! He loves you.”

  Mari gave Val confidence and hope, two things she currently lacked. “I pray you are right,” Val said. Another rejection from Elijah would probably destroy her. V
al gave Mari a hug. “Thank you. I should have talked to you a long time ago.”

  “Yes, you should have. That is what friends are for.”

  In a flash Val ran to her balcony and took flight. There was one more thing she had to do. She had to formally let Teller go. She landed on the riverbank not far from the castle.

  It had been over five years since Vallachia had found Teller. It was time she moved on — in fact it was long overdue. He knew full well where she was and he did not care, perhaps he never had. Teller was dead and the evil Prince Vlad was all who remained — a cruel and heartless monster.

  Besides, I love Elijah. I want to be with him. He is good to his very core. Maybe it is as easy as Mari said over two hundred years ago, all I need to do is choose him. That is it — I choose Elijah! He is much more than I deserve, more than I could ever hope for in a companion.

  With this decision relief washed over her. It is unfortunate that I did not choose Elijah a long time ago. Elijah is worth the risk. I must try to get him back. No more waiting for someone who will not come. She felt as if a chain that had been tightly wound her chest had suddenly given way and she could finally breathe. Waiting for Teller had been suffocating — holding her back. Now she could live!

  On the other hand, there was a part of Val that felt guilty for giving up on Teller. If she truly loved him then she should never abandon him. She should go to him and try to help — try to find him buried deep inside Vlad.

  She had already tried that and failed miserably. Besides, if he truly loved me he would have found me a long time ago. She could argue with herself forever. In fact, she had been having this same conversation with herself for far too long. It has to end!

  Vallachia reached for a star-shaped white flower with six pointed petals, growing on the riverbank where she sat. Mari loved flowers. She had once informed Val that this particular flower was the Danish Orchid. A tear rolled down her cheek. She threw the flower into the river and watched it float away. As it vanished out of sight she whispered, “Goodbye, Teller.” That was it. The decision was made. Vallachia would move on.

  Back at the Chastellains’ castle Val had to find out if Elijah would have her. She dressed in a long white silk tunic. Since she had spent her life avoiding intimacy, she was nervous. Not to mention he had already turned her down once.

  I am a fighter, not a lover. Yet, how hard can it be? Here goes nothing. What a stupid saying that is. It should be, here goes everything. Taking a deep breath, she walked across to Elijah’s room and entered quietly without knocking. He was fast asleep. She lay down beside him.

  Chapter 63 Copenhagen 1462 A.D

  Elijah stirred. “Val? What are you doing?” His voice was full of sleep.

  Vallachia did not answer. She put an arm across his chest and kissed his cheek.

  “Why are you wearing —”

  Val pressed her lips to his. He was reluctant, so she kissed him harder.

  He placed his hands on her shoulders to push her away.

  “Please don’t.” Val threw herself on top of him. She continued to kiss his neck and lips.

  Elijah’s body remained unresponsive and tense. Her heart raced as panic consumed her. She could not handle another rejection from him. She prayed that he would give in and that he still wanted her — that he still loved her.

  It seemed like ages before his shoulders relaxed. With a resigned sigh, he let himself lose control. She could feel him letting go of his reason, as strong as it was. In a flash he rolled her over and his lips were on hers. Each kiss more eager than the last. Her lips parted and his tongue brushed across her lower lip. He moved to kiss her neck.

  Relief flowed through Val. I did it! He is mine. An overwhelming sense of freedom came with this realization. I should have done this years ago — as in a couple hundred years ago. No more resisting. No more waiting.

  Elijah ran his hand up her leg pushing her tunic up to her thighs. His touch was gentle. She pulled his tunic over his head and ran her hands over the smooth muscles in his chest. He was simply beautiful. When she felt like she would explode from his hungry touch, he paused.

  Please, don’t stop! Val thought.

  Elijah studied her. “Are you sure you want this?”


  “And it is me you want?”

  “Yes,” Val breathed.

  Elijah looked into her eyes for a moment longer. Deciding she was sincere, he pressed his lips to hers, cradling her back with his hands. She arched her hips toward his and he was inside her.

  Val let out a painful moan.

  He pulled away.

  “Don’t,” Val placed her hand on his lower back to stay him. “I will be fine.”

  Elijah lost control, allowing a long-awaited pleasure to consume him. She was overjoyed in his satisfaction.

  Afterwards they lay wrapped around each other, content and still.

  “There were times when I thought this day might never come,” he said.

  “I’m sorry I waited so long,” she whispered.

  Elijah kissed her forehead. He pulled away enough to gaze at her. “What changed?”

  His eyes were a bright blue, the grey sadness was gone. “Since you rejected me, I thought I had lost you. That is why I grew sick. I do not deserve you.” She hesitated. “And I finally let go of ... the past.” She could not bring herself to say Teller’s name, not while in Elijah’s bed.

  Elijah nodded in understanding. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I should have but I thought you deserved better.”

  “I did not reject you. It was simply that that was not the right time because you were upset over Teller. I did not mean to hurt you.”

  “While I was sick it dawned on me that you were the one I wanted. Though I have loved you for a long time. I can’t be without you.” Val’s eyes filled with tears.

  Elijah gently brushed his lips across hers.

  Val rested her head on his chest.

  He held her tight. “Does this mean you will marry me?”

  “Yes.” Tears of joy fell onto his chest. I will marry! She still did not think she deserved this wonderful man. It is a blessing that he was patient with me for so long — too long.

  They stayed like that for hours as if they had become a great spina; two separate entities, yet when intertwined they became an unbreakable column.

  Chapter 64 Copenhagen 1462 A.D

  At first light Elijah rose and dressed. “I must tell the Elders the good news and I do not want to give you time to change your mind.”

  “I’m not going to change my mind,” Val said. “That is why I took so long in deciding. I’m sure that you are who I want.”

  With his fingers in her hair, he pulled her in for a deep kiss. Then he was gone.

  Vallachia was not fully dressed when Mari and Sonia barged into Elijah’s chambers unannounced.

  “Is it true? Are you finally to wed?” Mari’s large brown eyes danced with excitement.

  Vallachia covered her bare chest with her tunic. “Don’t you knock? And how did you hear already?”

  Sonia squealed. “It is true!”

  “We saw Elijah as he entered the Great Hall,” Mari said. “I told you that all you had to do was go to him. Finally you two will be married! By the looks of things, it is not a moment too soon. He must make a virtuous woman out of you.”

  Mari and Sonia laughed and Val tried to glare at them but could not.

  The ladies moved across the hall to Val’s room.

  Sonia braided Val’s hair and Mari set out a fancy gown. Val had to get ready for the big announcement. It took almost an hour before she finally looked like a proper lady of the Court. Dressing as a woman was uncomfortable and time-consuming. Val already longed for her breeches.

  When the three companions entered the Great Hall the room fell silent. The place was crowded, it appeared that everyone had turned out. Val did not like all the eyes on her so she focused on finding Elijah. The usual storm in his eyes had ca
lmed. He was truly happy. This filled Val with confidence; she had made the right decision. She would give anything to see him like this. Her only regret was that she had not done this sooner. She had wasted so much time on a childish dream that would not come true.

  Val took her new place to the right of Elijah amongst the thrones for the Court of Elders. Lord Chastellain rose to address the crowd.

  There was one more regret; the pleasure this would bring Lord Chastellain. Val imagined him telling his son that he had been right; that all the horrible things he had done to Val were justified. Chastellain’s plan was finally working out the way he had intended and Val would be his son’s prize bride. It took them two hundred years but they finally won her over.

  How has this happened? Val mused. I once vowed that I would never serve the lord or marry his son. She could see her father’s warm expression as he said, “Never say never, my spring flower.” After all, never was a very long time for a vampire. She pushed these thoughts away. This is not about the lord — it is about Elijah. He is all that matters.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen of the Court!” Chastellain announced. “It is my pleasure to announce a long-awaited marriage. My son and Lady Vallachia are to wed. The ceremonies will take place as soon as they can be prepared.”

  The Great Hall came alive with applause and chatter. Val noticed some of the ladies looked disappointed, as their young lord was spoken for. She smiled at Elijah and he took her hand. When the noise died down a loud exaggerated clap from the back remained. The audience slowly made way for the clapping figure. Elijah was on his feet before Val recognized who it was.

  “What are you doing here?” Elijah’s voice boomed. He took a step forward with his hand on his sword.


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