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Of Princes and Dragons: Book 2 (Lords and Commoners)

Page 26

by Lynne Hill-Clark

  Val could not believe what she was seeing. Her heart pounded against her ribs.

  “Well, My Lord. I came here for two reasons,” Teller said, as he approached the long row of thrones.

  Teller was flanked by Cosmin and Costel, who wore defiant expressions. They were ready to fight the entire room of vampires if their leader deemed it so.

  “It appears that I am too late for one of those reasons.” Teller gazed at Val for a moment too long.

  Teller’s eyes sparked like emeralds, not the dark cruel eyes of Prince Vlad. Yet his expression remained emotionless. He was not the monster whom Val had seen the last time they’d met; yet he remained ... hardened or maybe saddened. He was clean-shaven. The thick dark mustache that had hung fashionably around his mouth was gone. This made him appear younger. He looked exactly like Teller from her childhood, kind and protective. Only his sad eyes gave away his true age. Val could see the knowledge they held.

  Elijah took another step forward. Others, including Samuel and his own father came to his side. Even John moved from his place behind the lord’s throne to stand by Elijah. Riddick appeared at Val’s side.

  Val wrapped her arm around her stomach. She felt as if she was going to throw up. Her mind raced with confusion.

  Teller put his hands up in a non-threatening gesture. “Do not fear, I came here in peace. The other reason I am here,” he gave Val one last glance, “is because I want to offer my allegiance to the High Court of Elders. My armies in the South are many and well trained. We will fight with you against Ramdasha and his allies.” Teller ended with a bow to Lord Chastellain.

  The lord’s face lightened. He placed his arm across Elijah’s chest to stay him. The lord stepped forward and clasped Teller’s forearm as a gesture that sealed their new alliance. “This is a wise decision, Prince Dracula.” He turned to the audience. “Let it be known that from this day forth the great armies of Wallachia under the rule of Prince Dracula are allies of the Court!” He held Teller’s arm up in the air to further symbolize their new partnership. More cheers and applause came from the audience.

  Lord Chastellain put his arm around Teller’s shoulders and walked him closer to the Elders' thrones.

  Teller gazed at Elijah with a blank expression. “Sorry to steal your big moment.”

  Lord Chastellain swiftly stepped between them as Elijah drew his sword. Val was grateful for the lord; he was the only thing standing between these two. The only two men she had ever loved. She was grounded to her chair — unable to blink, let alone stand.

  “You must stay for the festivities tonight,” the lord said to Teller.

  Elijah’s spoke through gritted teeth. “Father, please!”

  Father and son glared at each other for a moment. Elijah spun, grabbed Val’s hand and they were outside the Great Hall in a blink.

  Val was immensely grateful to be out of there. She hunched over, still holding her stomach. She could hardly breathe. Why now? Now that I finally let Teller go! How could he? Her thoughts raced. Elijah led her to his room. They stood on his balcony looking over the city in the distance. The sun was only a minor irritation, as long as Val looked away from its bright rays. The two lovers said nothing for a long time, both lost in their own thoughts.

  Elijah broke the silence. “It appears that I am destined to never have you for myself.”

  “No! You do have me. Nothing will change my mind.” She put her arms around him and pressed her body to his. “I love you. I choose you.” She kissed him.

  “You say that now but I know the power he has over you. He will be at our engagement party tonight.”

  “Then we will not be there.” The storm was back in Elijah’s eyes. “Let’s go to your cave. No one will be able to find us.” She ran her hand through his thick dark hair. Wrapping a long leg around him, she pressed her lips to his.

  Before she knew it, they were on his bed. His mouth moved up her neck to her lips. He slid his hand under her brocade when a knock came at the door. They stood in an instant and Val smoothed out her silk gown.

  “What is it?” Elijah said with more than a hint of irritation.

  Their closest friends poured into the room. First Mari and Samuel followed by Sonia and Aaron.

  “We came to see how you were faring?” Mari’s voice was full of concern. She was the only one — besides Elijah — who knew the whole story and the magnitude of Teller’s appearance in the Great Hall. Mari knew full-well how Val felt about him.

  Val refrained from saying what she was thinking; We were faring very well until you barged in. After all they were genuinely concerned.

  Mari placed her arms around Val.

  Val had to swallow the knot that formed in her throat.

  “Come,” Mari said, “you need some time with the ladies.”

  Something told Val that she did not need any “time with the ladies”. She wrapped her arms around Elijah in a brief hug and whispered in his ear, “I will see you tonight. Before the engagement party we will leave.”

  Elijah nodded. His expression was grave.

  Val was dragged away by Mari and Sonia, leaving the men to themselves. Val did not want to go. Elijah looked equally reluctant. The women retired to Val’s room across the hall. At least they did not take me far, Val thought.

  Chapter 65 Copenhagen 1462 A.D

  “What are you going to do?” Mari whispered.

  “Do about what?” Val’s voice was distant and cold. She knew exactly what Mari meant.

  Mari gave Val a disapproving glare.

  “Very well, I will do nothing. There is nothing to be done. My decision is made, that is final,” Val said.

  Mari shook her head. “What timing Teller has. I can’t believe it. After all those years you waited for him and now he shows up a day too late. He most likely only pledged his armies to the Elders to gain your approval. To show you he has changed.”

  “He has changed.” Val’s voice cracked. “He is no longer the evil Prince Vlad, he's Teller — our childhood friend.”

  Sonia seemed to gain a full understanding of the problem. She looked at Val with wide eyes. “You would not leave Elijah for that foreign prince, would you? It would destroy Elijah, probably forever.” Sonia was fiercely loyal to the Chastellains.

  “No. Of course not. I told you, my mind is made up. That is that. Let us discuss it no more.” Val’s voice was flat.

  “Poor Teller!” Mari knew the human Teller. She knew his good side. Her allegiance was divided between Elijah and Teller.

  Mari’s ambivalence made Val’s confusion worse. The thought of hurting Teller sent a pain through Val’s chest. She tried to rub the ache away. “Look, I can only have one of them and I choose Elijah. Besides Mari, you once said that you and me married to Samuel and Elijah was the perfect arrangement. What happened to the dearest of friends being married to two dear friends?”

  “That was when I thought Teller would never come for you. For all I knew he was dead, like everyone else from our childhood. Besides this is not about Samuel and me, it is about what is best for you,” Mari said.

  “Could we please talk about something else!” Val said through gritted teeth.

  “Right, this is not helping,” Sonia said. She went to Val’s wine rack and chose an old dusty bottle of the best. “Let’s play your favorite game.”

  “First I must send for Mary and Elizabeth. I would like them to be here for the wedding preparations. I also want to send a formal wedding invite to Lord Alexandru.” The more people who knew of the engagement the more real it would feel. It made it more probable that their wedding would take place. The more people who expected a royal wedding the harder it would be to back out.

  “Wonderful idea!” Sonia said.

  Mari’s frown deepened. “Please listen to me! As your life-long friend I know you better than anyone. I must ask you to do one thing for me, then I promise I will leave it alone — forever.”

  Val gave her a wary look and said nothing.

“Please take some time to think about which man is the best choice ... for you. I know you care about Elijah. He is wonderful. But Teller ... he is your true love.”

  Val grabbed her stomach and ran to the privy to throw up for the first time since she had had food poisoning when she was a human. Her head spun. All she felt was anger toward Teller. How could he possibly show up now? Even two days ago, things may have turned out differently. Now it is too late.

  Sonia ran to Val’s side and rubbed her back. “Will you let it go? You are not helping.” Sonia glared at Mari.

  “You see? I knew it was not that simple for her,” Mari said.

  Sonia said what Val would have if she had been able to speak, “Shut up!”

  “Very well. My point is made.” Mari slid down the wall and sat helplessly on the floor ... in silence.

  Val drew her legs to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Sonia unbraided Val’s hair and ran her fingers through it. They stayed like that for quite some time, silent statues. Finally, Val took Sonia’s tiny hand. “Please send for Mary and Elizabeth and take a wedding invitation to Alexandru while you are at it.”

  Sonia smiled with relief. “Of course.” She swiftly jumped to her feet.

  Mari and Val exchanged a knowing look. Mari nodded.

  Val knew the nod was not an agreement with her choice but an acceptance of it. Mari understood.

  Val took flight as soon as she could. When she was far out over the water she sped up into the clouds. Wrapping her wings around her body like a cocoon, she dived downward spinning through the air. She barely made a splash as she disappeared into the water, where she transformed from an oversized bat to an oversized fish. She would hide from the world in Elijah’s cave and wait for him. This would also ensure that she would not see Teller. One shocking touch from him and she was afraid her resolve would crumble.

  It seemed like an eternity before Elijah’s head broke the surface of the water in his cave. He sighed with relief when he saw Val. He appeared in front of her in a flash. “You’re here?” he whispered.

  “There is nowhere else I want to be.”

  His wet lips were on hers. Her clothes were soaked as he pressed his body to hers. There was a desperation in his touch. Their wet clothes came off. Soon Val was lost in his caress. She could feel his need to claim her. She gladly let him. She was his. It was over quickly.

  “Sorry,” he whispered. Elijah moved to lay beside her on the blanket. Val put her hand over his racing heart. It was enough to simply feel his excitement. She wrapped a leg and arm around him and placed her head in her favorite place — his chest. For hundreds of years she had found comfort when she buried her head in his chest.

  Time was lost, as they lay together.

  “Let me make it up to you,” Elijah whispered. “I can show you how good this can be.”

  He did.

  This must be what Heaven is like, Val thought. For hours she was consumed by him. All else was forgotten, even Teller. Now it was her heart that raced.

  “I can’t believe I have been missing out on this all these years.” Val had the urge to try to make up for a lifetime — or several lifetimes — of chastity and never leave this cave.

  “The sun should be on the rise,” Elijah said. “We had better get back and answer to Father. He will be wondering where we were last night.”

  Val did not want to go anywhere. Elijah had to peel himself out of her arms.

  “I suppose it is time to face everyone,” Val said. “We cannot hide forever.” She was not looking forward to her friends’ disapproval, as she had not attended her own engagement party.

  In no time, the two vampires landed on Elijah’s balcony. They knew when they entered his chambers that they were not alone. The scent of another vampire was strong. They knew who it was before they saw him. Elijah and Val exchanged a knowing look.

  “Here we go,” Elijah’s voice was barely audible.

  Lord Chastellain sat in a chair in a dark corner. “It is considerate of you to make an appearance. I sent Riddick to search for you,” Lord Chastellain slowly stood. “Imagine my embarrassment — holding an engagement party for absent lovers.”

  Vallachia lowered her head. She felt as if they were adolescents who had been caught doing something wrong. Elijah was almost a thousand years old and Val was no spring chicken. Yet, in this world, time stood still. They looked as if they were eighteen and the lord was Elijah’s father, after all. Such roles were never lost, especially when one didn’t age. Val was abashed.

  “At least you are together. I did not know what had happened. Is this wedding to take place or not?” the lord demanded.

  It was Val who spoke, “Yes, My Lord. I have already sent for my friends in London and an invitation has been delivered to Lord Alexandru telling him the wedding date is in one month’s time.”

  Elijah took Val’s hand. His eye’s shone blue. They stared at each other for a moment. Val could feel Chastellain’s hard stare.

  “Very well. One month, that is not much time. We must send the invitations to the rest of our allies today. There is much work to be done. It will take all my best people to ensure that the wedding can take place in one month.”

  Vallachia could almost see the lord’s mind turning with all that needed to be done. He was ready for the challenge. This was his best side.

  When the lord reached the door he paused. “You are both aware that we need Prince Dracula as an ally if we are going to stand against the South and their growing forces.” He directed his all-too-common serious stare toward Elijah. “You, my son, will have to learn to control your temper.” He turned his intense gaze to Vallachia. “And you will have to learn to be faithful.” He looked between the two lovers for understanding.

  Again, it was Val who pacified him. “Of course, My Lord.”

  The lord stared at her for a moment until he decided she was indeed sincere.

  Elijah watched the door long after his father was gone. He gave Vallachia a questioning look.

  “He is right, Elijah. We need Teller on our side. That means we both have to control ourselves if we are to be together and be his ally. A fight is coming and we need his army. This is bigger than you or me. We must find a way to move forward with Teller in our lives at times.”

  Elijah crossed his arms. “You never cease to amaze me. Still, you agree with Father?”

  “Stranger things have happened, I suppose.”

  “And to think, all these years I only needed you to help appease my father.”

  “Well, that only works when I agree with him and that is not usually the case.”

  “One month, are you sure?”

  “We have waited long enough. It is as if we had the longest engagement in the history of this world. I am ready to be married. No more waiting.”

  Elijah pulled Val to him. His lips found hers. This time it was Elijah who had trouble letting go.

  “I need to change,” Val whispered. He reluctantly let her slip out of his arms.

  Chapter 66 Copenhagen 1462 A.D

  As soon as Vallachia stepped into her chambers she regretted it. The scent of a different vampire greeted her. It was a scent she would never forget. The door slammed shut behind her. She turned to find herself only inches from Teller. Panic caused her heart to quicken. With every step she backed away, Teller moved forward. Val put her hand up to stop him — it trembled. “Don’t. Don’t come any closer.”

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” Teller whispered.

  “I am aware of that.”

  “Then what are you afraid of?”

  “What are you doing here?” Val tried to avoid his question.

  “You are afraid I will be able to change your mind. You’re afraid of how you feel about me.”

  Perceptive observation. Val clenched her jaw. “No, of course not,” but this did not come out as convincing as she had hoped. “Shouldn’t you be gone by now?”

  “Not without you. Hopefully I have made it clear that
I came here for you.”

  “You are too late.” Being reminded of how he never came for her caused her cheeks to redden with anger.

  “I know, Mari told me — I am a couple of days too late.”

  “No, you are two hundred years too late.” Her emotions seemed to change with each new heartbeat. She forced the tears back and tried to ignore the knot that threatened to choke her. “Why did you not come for me before — all those years I waited for you?” She didn’t know how she managed to get these words out but a tear betrayed her as it rolled down her cheek. What she saw in his face made her feel even worse. His eyes were dark green, as she remembered them and full of sorrow and ... love.

  “I was lost. You saw me. I had become a monster. When I killed your father, I knew you would never forgive me. I spun out of control with the new power you gave me. When I first heard word of you, it was only to learn that you were here, with Elijah. This crushed me, which made it all the more easy to continue to spiral out of control.” He stepped forward to wipe the tear from her face.

  Val slapped his hand away. It would not be wise to touch him. She remembered, all too well, how it felt when their skin came in contact. It would be difficult to remain in control. She backed away and this time he let her.

  “If it is royalty you want, then I will make you my empress.”

  Vallachia welcomed the flash of anger that this foolish comment invoked. “You see, you do not know me in the least. If it were not for the threat from Ramdasha, I would have nothing to do with the Court. There was a time, most of my life actually, when all I wanted was the poor smithy’s son.”

  A flicker of pain shone in Teller’s eyes. He lowered his head. “I’m beginning to understand. There was a dear friend who tried to tell me this but I did not listen.” His voice was that of utter dismay.

  Val had to know. “Why come for me now?”

  “It was seeing you again, years ago — to learn you were not married and ... the way it felt when we touched. Yet, I could not compete with the Prince of Vampires. I wanted to become a powerful ruler in order to be worthy of you. Now it is clear that that was not needed to gain your favor. I finally listened to some sound advice that led me here.”


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