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Christmas Secrets in Snowflake Cove (Michaelmas Bay Book 1)

Page 15

by Emily Harvale

  ‘Someone bring a torch,’ she yelled. She had not even got the torch on her phone as she had left it indoors so as not to lose it in the snowball fight.

  Brandon was by her side in seconds.

  ‘What happened?’

  She pointed madly at the water. ‘They’re in there somewhere. Raven and Roland and Zachary. I can’t see them. Where are they? We need light. Someone bring some light.’

  She was yelling and screaming and more people were running towards her. She spotted one of the team with his camera still rolling and wanted to shout at him to stop filming and to help instead. A few lights appeared from phones and other torches and Evie cursed the fact that the lighting used for filming had all been packed away.

  ‘There!’ Someone yelled.

  Evie was about to dive in but Brandon squeezed her arm, told her to keep everyone back because the current was dangerous and then dived in himself. Just as Molly and John reached Evie’s side, a yell went out and Evie saw Zachary in the water, lifting Raven onto the rocks. Raven looked limp and lifeless but as Brandon helped push her out of the water, she coughed. Raven was safe and so was Zachary. But where the hell was Roland?

  People started running towards the path leading down to the inlet. Evie saw her dad racing down the makeshift steps, carved into the rocks, but suddenly she couldn’t move. She stood and watched as if frozen to the spot. It was a circuitous route and it would take several minutes for John to get to Raven. Evie stared below. There was no sign of Zachary. Panic seized her. He must have gone to find Roland. The water would be freezing or not much above. Would he make it? Would he find Roland? The tide had been coming in so the channel was fast-flowing, as it always was when the tide turned. At least it wasn’t like the rapid-filled river it often was, with waves thumping and crashing against the rocks, sending huge spumes of white into the air.

  ‘The water isn’t rough tonight,’ Molly said, as if reading her mind. She hugged Evie tightly and pulled her back just a fraction from the edge. They’ll be fine. I know they will. And we don’t want anyone else going in there, do we?’

  ‘How can you be so calm?’ Evie croaked. ‘They could die, Mum. They could be swept into the bay and drown. Or freeze to death.’

  ‘They won’t. Let’s wait and see before we start panicking. Panic doesn’t help anyone.’

  Zachary’s parents arrived, breathless and his mum was shaking, visibly. Joshua wasn’t far behind.

  ‘Is he safe? Is anyone hurt?’ Joshua asked, his voice cracking with emotion and fear.

  ‘We can’t see Zachary,’ Evie mumbled.

  ‘There! I see them. They’re safe.’

  Another shout went out and Evie felt a thud in her chest as if her heart had stopped moments before and had just started beating again.

  ‘Oh thank God!’ Juliette said, and squeezed Evie’s hand.

  ‘We’ll need blankets, hot drinks and hot water bottles.’

  Evie glanced around to see Felicia who seemed to be in complete control.

  ‘Yes,’ Molly said. ‘Are you all right, sweetheart?’ she asked Evie. Evie nodded. ‘Then I’ll go and get the blankets.’

  ‘I’ll help,’ Felicia said, and then to Evie’s surprise, Felicia patted her on the arm. ‘It’ll take a lot more than a bit of cold water to do Zachary any harm. He’ll be fine. I can assure you of that.’

  Juliette nodded. ‘He will. Felicia’s right. My son has dealt with far worse and lived to tell the tale.’

  ‘Where’s Raven?’ Jessie called out, making her way slowly and carefully through the crowd. ‘Is she safe?’

  ‘She’s safe.’ It was Joshua who spoke. ‘John and Logan are bringing her up now. Look.’ He walked towards Jessie, a hesitant smile on his face and pointed towards the path. ‘Everyone’s safe, thank heavens. So how are you, Jessie? It’s lovely to see you again after all these years, but I would have preferred to see you under different circumstances.’

  She looked him up and down. ‘How am I? I feel as if I almost had a heart attack. That’s how I am. And I was hoping never to see you again, Joshua Thorn. Under any circumstances.’

  ‘Ah, Jessie, my love. You haven’t changed a bit.’

  ‘Don’t you use the word ‘love’ to me. Where’s Raven? What’s taking so long? We need to get her inside in the warm before she dies of pneumonia. Come along, John,’ she shouted, as he and Logan appeared with Raven. ‘Can’t you and that boy Logan move any faster?’

  ‘We’re doing our best,’ John said, gasping for breath.

  Evie scanned the inlet and finally saw Zachary. He appeared to be giving Roland the kiss of life.

  ‘Oh dear God!’ Juniper shrieked, wrapped in Darren’s arms a few feet away from Evie. ‘Roly’s going to be all right, isn’t he? He has to be, Darren. He has to be.’

  Evie suddenly remembered what the tarot card woman had said to Juniper. She’d been right. Roland had fallen into dangerous waters and it was partly because Evie had shouted at him to take care.

  Chapter Thirty

  ‘Please stop fussing, Mum,’ Zachary said, smiling over his mum’s head at Evie. ‘That’s what I want.’ He winked at Evie from his chair beside the fire in the lounge. ‘And the pint.’

  Evie smiled back. ‘We were all worried sick. Your mum isn’t fussing. She simply wants to be sure you’re all right.’

  He shook his head. ‘I’m fine. I’ve been fine for the past half hour and I’ll be even better once I’ve had a pint of beer and everyone stops hanging around, giving me those worried looks. How’re Raven and Roland?’

  ‘They’re OK. Roland’s in one of the guest bedrooms and his parents are with him. We’ve called a doctor just in case he’s got hypothermia or something, but he seems fine. Raven is being hugged to death by Mum and Dad, and lectured by Gran. Lovingly, of course. Raven and Roland are both eager to thank you for saving their lives, but we’ve told them it can wait.’

  ‘No need for thanks. I did what anyone else would have.’

  ‘I didn’t dive in to save them and neither did anyone else. Only you and Brandon.’

  ‘That’s because most people are incapacitated by shock. Brandon and I are trained to react.’ A cloud seemed to form over his eyes. ‘Although sometimes I don’t get it right.’

  ‘Are you hungry, Zach?’ Juliette asked.


  ‘I’ll get you some food.’

  Evie put a hand on Juliette’s shoulder. ‘I’ll get it. You stay here.’

  Juliette shook her head. ‘Thank you, Evie, but I want to check on Jeffrey and Joshua. They’ve had a nasty shock too. Jeffrey has accompanied his father to Joshua’s room. This boy of mine will be the death of us all with his constant heroism.’

  Zachary tutted. ‘Mum.’ He shook his head and Juliette shrugged. It was as if they had had this conversation many times before and Zachary didn’t like it.

  Juliette smiled and left the room.

  ‘Hey, Zach,’ Brandon said, returning to the chair opposite Zachary, having called his wife from the privacy of his bedroom, to tell her what happened. ‘You’ll never guess what. We’re on the news. Eddie filmed the whole thing and it’s been picked up by every channel, so it seems. Even abroad.’

  ‘Damn,’ Zachary said. ‘Oh well. I suppose it’s more publicity for the show.’

  Evie laughed. ‘You’re both heroes and all you can think about is the show!’

  Brandon smiled. ‘We ex-SAS boys take this stuff with a pinch of salt.’

  Zachary threw him a look but didn’t say a word.

  Robin came in with a plate of food and handed it to Zachary. ‘Your mum sent this. Have you seen we’re all on the news? Well, mainly you and Brandon and Raven and Roland but there’re shots of all of us. And the snowball fight. And Raven and Roland disappearing over the edge. It’s all very dramatic. And not all grainy like these things are when filmed by someone on a phone. Because it was filmed by one of your team. You’ll be given a medal at this rate.’

e’s got medals,’ Brandon replied.

  Again Zachary threw him that look before tucking into the food Robin had brought, as if he hadn’t eaten for a year.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  ‘Merry Christmas Eve,’ Evie said, dashing into the kitchen at breakfast the following morning already dressed. ‘How is everyone after all the excitement of yesterday? Raven’s still fast asleep but she’s fine because I checked. Twice. Before coming down.’

  ‘Roland’s fine too,’ Molly said. ‘I took Sylvie a cup of tea and she was still in her son’s room but she said he slept like a log. And of course the doctor gave him the all clear when he was here last night.’

  ‘Any sign of Zachary?’ Evie pulled out a chair and sat at the table.

  ‘Not yet,’ John said. ‘But I heard movement in several of the rooms, including his, about half an hour ago, so I’m sure he’s fine. His team are leaving shortly and they’ll be having breakfast early so they’ll probably be down any minute.’

  ‘Oh. I’d better sort out the tables then.’ Evie jumped up.

  ‘No need,’ Molly said. ‘Logan did them last night before he left.’

  Evie plopped back down. ‘Excellent. What’s the weather like?’ She stretched her neck to glance outside through the window. ‘Too dark to see. I forgot to look when I was in my room.’

  ‘It’s not snowing,’ John said, ‘and it feels a little warmer but the forecast says fine weather this morning, followed by a sudden drop in temperature later and heavy snow with blizzard-like conditions on the way by evening.’

  ‘So it might actually snow on Christmas Day?’

  ‘There’s a very strong likelihood it will.’

  ‘The turkeys are arriving this morning,’ Molly said.

  Evie laughed. ‘Sorry. I had an image then of a parade of turkeys strutting across the bridge.’

  Molly smiled. ‘You’re in a jolly mood.’

  ‘I’m always jolly.’

  ‘But more so today.’

  ‘That’s because three people I care about nearly died last night. It makes one realise how wonderful it is to be alive, don’t you think?’

  ‘Three people? Oh, you mean Zachary, too. Well, from what I hear, I don’t think there was any question of him dying. The things that young man has been through beggar belief.’

  ‘How do you know what he’s been through, Mum?’

  ‘I spent several hours chatting with Juliette. She’s had a lot to deal with, not that you’d know it from the way she talks of it. She did say she thought her worrying days were over when Zachary left the army, but he keeps finding himself in life-threatening situations. Mind you, he seems to handle them without a problem except …’

  ‘Except?’ Evie queried. ‘Except what?’

  ‘Except for the time he lost a man. Juliette says he blamed himself.’

  ‘Did she say what happened?’

  Molly shook her head. ‘Only that last night must have brought back memories, so it must have involved water, I suppose.’

  ‘I don’t think they’re allowed to talk about it, are they?’ John said. ‘Wasn’t it classified?’

  ‘Merry Christmas Eve,’ Logan burst in, smiling from ear to ear.

  ‘Another one who’s extra jolly,’ Molly said. ‘Morning, Logan. Merry Christmas Eve to you too.’

  ‘Have you seen the papers? They must have changed the front pages at the last minute. Look at this.’

  He spread two different tabloid papers on the table. Both had photos of Zachary and Brandon on the front. One had ‘Ex-SAS to the rescue’ as a heading. The other had ‘Second time lucky’ with an additional photo of Zachary in military uniform. He looked different but not by much.

  Logan poured himself some coffee from the fresh pot Molly had put on the table. ‘It says that last night could have ended with a different result. That the last time Zachary dived into freezing waters to save a man, he came up empty. The man died. It’s all over social media, too. Hashtag Zachary Thorn, is trending.’

  ‘What?’ Evie shrieked, and grabbed the paper.

  ‘So much for classified information,’ John said, shaking his head. ‘I don’t think you should read that, sweetheart. Better to leave such things alone. If Zach wants anyone to know, I’m sure he’ll tell them himself.’

  Evie looked at the headline. Her dad was right. This was a bit like reading someone’s diary. She wouldn’t do that without their permission. It didn’t feel right. Zachary had hesitated at the edge for a fraction of a second last night. Had this previous occasion flashed through his mind? No matter how much she would love to know the truth, did it really matter? And was she likely to get it from a newspaper story, no doubt put together in a rush and possibly dramatized to sell more copies? It was Zachary’s secret and she had no right to pry. She pushed the paper away.

  Zachary was a hero. She had witnessed it with her own eyes.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  ‘I suppose you’ve seen the papers and social media,’ Zachary said when Evie went into the dining room to serve him breakfast.

  The tables had been sprinkled with snowflake confetti to give them a festive touch and for a centrepiece, each table had a fruit sculpture of sorts. Varieties of fresh fruit had been peeled, sliced, shaped and stacked, layer upon layer until – Lego-like – they resembled a Christmas tree.

  ‘I saw them. But I didn’t read them and I haven’t checked anything else this morning.’

  ‘Oh?’ He seemed surprised.

  ‘It didn’t feel right, somehow, to read about you like that.’ She shrugged. ‘I can’t really explain.’

  ‘Nor can I. Explain, I mean. It’s supposed to be classified. But I want you to know, I did everything I could to find him. Everything. He was gone and there was nothing I could do.’

  ‘The man who died, you mean? I don’t doubt it for a moment. I saw you last night.’

  ‘I hesitated last night.’ He shook his head and dragged one hand through his hair. ‘It could have gone bad very quickly.’

  ‘It didn’t. Raven is singing carols in the kitchen. Roland is scoffing down breakfast in bed. It’s Christmas Eve and all is right with the world. OK. Maybe not all. But in Snowflake Cove it is. Or it will be. What time is your team leaving? Blizzards are forecast.’

  ‘In about an hour. As soon as we’ve had breakfast.’

  ‘Then I’d better hurry up and serve them. Merry Christmas Eve.’

  He smiled. ‘Merry Christmas Eve to you, too.’

  Evie dashed to and fro and within fifteen minutes everyone was tucking into bacon, eggs, mushrooms, beans, tomatoes, and toast, all washed down with fruit juice, coffee and tea. Raven helped serve, after running over to Zachary, hugging him and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

  ‘Thank you so, so much for saving my life! I’ve seen it on the news and I wouldn’t have dived into that water for anyone.’

  Evie laughed. ‘So don’t fall in because she won’t be coming after you. And neither will I.’

  Zachary grinned. ‘That’s good to know. I’ll take extra care the next time we have a snowball fight. You were losing, by the way.’

  ‘Rubbish!’ Evie said. ‘You just don’t know when you’re beaten. What are your plans for today? Once your team have left. Just lazing about doing nothing as usual, I suppose.’

  His grin broadened. ‘Doing some Christmas shopping. I haven’t done any. I forgot today was Sunday. The shops will be open, won’t they?’

  ‘Typical man. Leave it all until the last minute. I should think they’ll be open. If they are, they’ll be packed with men. We women will all be home, wrapping presents and sipping sherry with Michael Bublé. Sadly, he’ll only be on the radio, not actually here. If he were here, the presents could go to hell.’

  ‘So you like Michael Bublé?’

  ‘Doesn’t everyone?’

  ‘Yes. I’m his biggest fan.’

  ‘Excellent! Because I’ve got you his entire collection for Christmas.’

  Zachary laughed
. ‘I’d rather have one of those Merry Mistletoe Kisses with you … in the cocktail bar in Michaelmas Bay.’

  ‘I’ll get in line with the rest of your adoring fans.’

  ‘Does that mean you’re an adoring fan?’

  She eyed him up and down. ‘Of course. You saved my niece’s life. I’ll love you forever. The Merry Mistletoe Kisses are on me.’

  ‘Now that conjures up an image I rather like. In more ways than one. I must remember to get that mistletoe. But right now, I’d better say goodbye to my team. I’ll see you later, Evie.’

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  After she had also said her goodbyes to Zachary’s team and given them all their beautifully wrapped snow globes, Evie and Raven stripped the beds of the now vacant rooms and cleaned and vacuumed throughout. Zachary and his family, including Joshua, together with Felicia and Pete, went into Michaelmas Bay for Christmas shopping. Evie and her family stopped for lunch and then she helped in the kitchen, took delivery of the turkeys, iced the Christmas cakes and washed the chestnuts ready for roasting over the fires, later.

  She wrapped the presents, tossing the one for Severine to one side and took them downstairs to go beneath the tree.

  Zachary and his family returned around two and Zachary went with John to get more logs. If the weather was going to be really bad, the last thing they wanted was to run out. When Zachary learned that they actually had to cut down the trees from Michaelmas Great Wood, he seemed even more keen, not less. Evie teased him about it later.

  ‘You’ve clearly been having a few of those Merry Mistletoe Kisses without me,’ she said. ‘There is nothing exciting about chopping down trees in the cold and snow. You must be mad – or drunk.’


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