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Christmas Secrets in Snowflake Cove (Michaelmas Bay Book 1)

Page 16

by Emily Harvale

  ‘It was fun. It’s been a long time since I did anything like that. As for the Merry Mistletoe Kisses, I can’t contemplate having even one without you,’ he said. He grinned and grabbed her hand. ‘Come with me.’

  ‘I’m busy,’ she said.

  ‘It’ll only take one minute. Maybe two.’

  He led her into reception and there, just inside the front door, was a huge bunch of mistletoe. Evie tried to back away, but he held her hand a little tighter and stopped beneath the hanging bunch.

  ‘May I please manhandle the staff?’

  His eyes twinkled and the sexiest grin Evie had ever seen, spread across his lips.

  ‘I told you I would ask the next time. But even if the answer is no, I’m afraid I may have to veto it. This is tradition, after all.’

  Evie raised herself on to her tiptoes and gave him the briefest peck on the lips that she possibly could, but instead of letting her go, he held her tighter.

  ‘I take it that’s a yes,’ he said.

  ‘That was a kiss.’

  ‘No it wasn’t. At least not the sort of kiss I had in mind. That was merely a taste of things to come.’

  He pulled her into his arms before she knew what was happening but the second his mouth covered hers, she didn’t want to pull away. When they finally eased away from one another, their breathing was deep and fast, their chests were rising and falling and their faces were as red and hot as the fire burning in the hearth.

  ‘Wow!’ Evie said, trying to catch her breath. ‘That wasn’t a minute or two. That was more like five.’

  ‘That was pretty wonderful. May I manhandle you again, please?’

  ‘You can manhandle me as often as you like.’ She leant into him and looked up into his eyes. ‘I’m working on my customer service.’

  ‘Evangeline!’ It was Roland and he sounded as if he was being strangled. ‘So that’s the way it is, is it?’

  She shot a look in his direction. ‘It is, Roland. I’m sorry.’

  Roland shrugged. ‘That’s OK. The man did save my life. But if it doesn’t work out, you know where I live.’

  ‘What’s that?’ Roland’s mum, Sylvie asked, coming into view a moment later.

  ‘Nothing, Mum. We’re going home, Evangeline. But I’ll be back later to work.’

  ‘Are you sure you’re feeling up to that? You don’t have to. We’ll be able to cope, as the number of guests has halved.’

  ‘No. I’m up to it. See you later.’

  Zachary waited until they had left. He then pulled Evie back into his arms. ‘Now where were we? Ah yes. We were working on your customer service.’ And he kissed her again. For a lot, lot longer.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Snow had been falling heavily all afternoon and the winds were whipping up as carollers gathered around the tree on the mainland of Snowflake Cove. There was no moon, but even if there had been, it would have been hidden by the mass of thick cloud. Aside from the villagers’ homes, the only other illumination was from the street lights and the fairy lights strung between the lamp posts. Zachary had his arms wrapped around Evie, and Darren and Juniper were beside them. Raven and Robin stood smiling at one another just in front of Evie and Zachary and Evie couldn’t help but wonder if Raven had switched her affections, which was probably just as well. Severine had eventually phoned back, having seen on the news what happened to her daughter. It had been shown worldwide due to the popularity of Zachary’s TV show.

  The first thing she asked, after checking Raven was OK was why her daughter had been running after Roland Green? When Molly told Severine that Raven had a bit of a crush on the lad, Severine threw the worst tantrum they had ever heard. That couldn’t happen, she had shrieked. They must make sure Raven stayed away from that boy. And so it went on until for once, Molly had been the one to hang up on Severine.

  ‘Perhaps if you were here with your daughter instead of getting married to someone you hardly know, and in Las Vegas of all places, you could tell Raven yourself. Merry Christmas, Severine.’

  The rest of the family had been stunned. But it was the right thing to do.

  Evie was surprised by Zachary’s singing voice as they joined in with the carollers, and even more surprised when she saw Jessie walking slowly across the bridge, side by side with Joshua. Every so often he reached out to try to take her arm in his but she pushed it away and Evie giggled as she could imagine what her gran was saying to him. Still, at least she was now talking to the man.

  Juniper hadn’t mentioned if she’d spoken to Darren or not yet. So much happened yesterday that Juniper probably felt it wasn’t the right time to find out if her boyfriend was cheating. It was Christmas Day tomorrow and Darren had promised Evie it would be sorted out by then. She hoped it would be. And she hoped it would have a happy ending. She smiled at her friend and her friend smiled back. Then, suddenly, Juniper’s face turned pale, her eyes grew wide and her mouth fell open.

  ‘Dad?’ She croaked. ‘Oh my God. It is you!’

  Evie glanced around, wondering why Juniper would behave in such a way towards her dad but the man walking towards Juniper and the crowd was not Peter Green. He was tall and broad with olive skin and hair as black as a Raven’s wing.

  A Raven’s wing!

  Evie’s shocked gaze shot to Raven and back to the man. The man she now realised she had seen photos of many years ago. The man who had disappeared without a word almost sixteen years before. It was Roggero Tazzeone – Juniper and Roland’s biological birth father.

  And now Severine’s secret was out. He wasn’t just Juniper and Roland’s father – he was also Raven’s. The likeness was undeniable and he was looking at Raven as if he knew exactly who she was.

  So Severine had had an affair with the father of Evie’s best friend. Somehow, Evie wasn’t as surprised as she should have been. No wonder Severine had thrown a fit about Raven having a crush on Roland. Now it all made sense.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Christmas Eve hadn’t gone quite the way anyone expected, not least Evie. Once the news was out that Roggero Tazzeone was back and that he was Raven’s dad, all hell broke loose. Sylvie was understandably not pleased. Juniper was in a state of shock but she did say the tarot woman had got another thing right. The woman had said Juniper was one of three – and she was … Raven was her half-sister. So now she was even more concerned about Darren, although she was thrilled to have a sister – especially a sister who was also Evie’s niece.

  Molly and John were mortified. Sylvie and Molly were good friends. How could Severine have done such an awful, deceitful thing? Now no one was looking forward to Severine coming home for New Year.

  By the end of the evening, when everyone stood outside on the terrace, watching the fireworks in Michaelmas Bay, it wasn’t the peaceful and tranquil Christmas Eve, roasting chestnuts on the fire, playing board games and charades and drinking hot chocolate with Baileys and eating mince pies, that the Starrs had planned.

  The astonishing thing was though, when Roggero Tazzeone said that he had seen two of his children almost drowned and the third sobbing at the edge of the isle, on the news and had rushed to the airport and caught the first available flight to England and then spent hours getting to Michaelmas Bay by train, to come and see them, Juniper and Roland – and even Sylvie, to a certain extent – forgave him for abandoning them.

  And Raven, who had no idea he was her dad until now, was so excited to finally meet him that she didn’t care he had abandoned her mother after Severine told him she was pregnant. He may not be the best of fathers – but at least she had a father she could name. Somehow, that made a difference.

  Molly and John let him stay at the inn and he spent most of the night talking to Raven. Evie hadn’t heard him ask once about Severine though so how this would all turn out was anyone’s guess.

  ‘Well,’ Evie said to Zachary as he kissed her good night around one in the morning. ‘I bet you didn’t expect your Christmas to be this exciting, did you?�

  ‘No,’ he said. ‘And I’m looking forward to next Christmas already. What do the Starrs – and the stars – have in store for the Thorns, I wonder? Did you see Pops and your gran are speaking?’

  ‘Only just. Let’s see what tomorrow brings on that score.’

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Christmas Day brought more snow. There had been blizzards overnight but now there were light flurries and every now and then, the clouds parted and the early morning sun shone through as if it too, wanted to wish everyone in Snowflake Cove a Merry Christmas.

  Evie was in the kitchen helping her mum and every time the kitchen door swung open, she looked up hoping to see Zachary. After the incredible kisses they had shared, her dreams last night had been filled with thoughts of him. And not merely thoughts. She had never experienced such excitement and longing for any other man. Several times she woke up and had to suppress the urge to go to his room in the middle of the night. This morning, in the shower, all she could think of was being in his arms. Did Zachary feel the same? Or was she hoping for a miracle where he was concerned?

  Despite the late night, Raven was up at the crack of dawn, had made coffee and tea for everyone, had wished them a Merry Christmas, with a beaming smile and had gone for a walk with her dad. Evie wasn’t sure what surprised her the most. That Raven was up and out before the sun had barely risen. Or that she was happy to go for a walk in the snow, with the temperature not much above freezing. Or that she had done all of these things with joyful enthusiasm. What a difference a dad makes. Evie just hoped Roggero would stick around this time. Although with Severine coming home for New Year, things might get even more interesting, to say the least.

  Breakfast today was smoked salmon and champagne, so there wasn’t any cooking, as such – which was just as well because they’d given Logan the morning off. He, together with his mum and his gran would be joining the Starrs and their guests for Christmas dinner, and he’d be helping later with that.

  ‘Well, you were right, Dad,’ Evie said, pouring the rest of her family a glass of champagne. ‘You said everything would sort itself out by Christmas and I think we can safely say it has.’

  ‘Let’s have a toast to that,’ John said.

  They raised their glasses but before the toast was made, Juniper burst into the kitchen, crying.

  ‘Evie!’ Juniper sobbed. ‘I had to come and tell you right away. Oh. Merry Christmas.’

  ‘Forget Merry Christmas, Juniper. What’s wrong?’ Evie set her glass down on the table and ran to her friend. ‘Is this about Darren? Has something happened?’

  Juniper nodded frantically. ‘I don’t know what to say. I’m … I’m so happy I could cry.’

  Jessie tutted. ‘You are,’ she said. ‘Will someone give the girl a drink. And a tissue. She clearly needs both. Then tell me what on earth is going on? I’m not sure this old heart of mine can take much more drama. Out with it, Juniper. Is your boyfriend having an affair or not?’

  ‘He’s not! He’s … he’s had a kitchen designer come around and he’s having an extension built to make room for a new kitchen … and he’s been working all hours to pay for it!’

  ‘No wonder you’re crying,’ Jessie said. ‘No one wants a new kitchen for Christmas. That’s almost as bad as getting a new vacuum or something. Only bigger.’

  ‘But I want a new kitchen! I’ve wanted a new kitchen since the day I moved in. I spend hours scanning magazines and dreaming. This is the most wonderful gift I’ve ever had. The plans were wrapped in a Christmas Cracker and they’re perfect. It’s the kitchen of my dreams. But I can change any of it if I want. I love him so much. I must get back and tell him. I only popped over whilst he was in the shower. Merry Christmas ... again!’

  She was still sobbing when she ran out, almost knocking Zachary over in her haste. She stopped. Kissed him on the cheek, wished him a Merry Christmas and was gone.

  ‘That girl has a strange idea of what a Christmas present should be,’ Jessie remarked.

  Zachary handed her an envelope. ‘Pops asked me to give you this. He says he would love to talk to you and he’s in the lounge if you’re willing to.’

  Jessie frowned. ‘I talked to him yesterday. And the day before.’

  ‘Not about what he wants to talk about, apparently.’

  Jessie scowled. ‘What’s this?’

  ‘An envelope,’ Zachary said.

  ‘Don’t get smart with me you young whippersnapper. What’s in the envelope?’

  ‘I honestly have no idea.’

  Evie laughed. ‘Open it and see, Gran.’

  ‘You open it.’ She handed it to Evie.

  Evie smiled and ripped it open. Her heart almost stopped and her eyes shot to Zachary and then to her gran. ‘It’s an I.O.U., Gran, made out to you. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many zeros in my life. Look!’

  ‘So,’ Jessie said, her eyes narrowing as she read the note. ‘He’s paying his dues, at last. I’ll talk to the man. But I need more champagne first. A magnum of the stuff, at the very least.’

  ‘What dues?’ John asked, taking the piece of expensive-looking notepaper from Evie and almost choking when he saw the amount. ‘Why would Joshua Thorn owe you this much money, Mum? Why would he owe you any money for that matter?’

  ‘Because he does. That’s why,’ Jessie said. ‘He cheated William out of it many, many years ago. I’ll tell you all about that another time.’ She looked up at a photo hanging on the wall, of her and her long-deceased husband, William and smiled as if he was looking down at her. She raised her glass and blew him a kiss.

  They all knew there was no point in pressing the subject. Jessie Starr was as stubborn as a mule and if she didn’t want to talk about something, that was that. They would simply have to wait until she was ready to share this secret with them.

  Zachary walked over to Evie and kissed her on the lips. ‘Merry Christmas, Evie,’ he said.

  ‘Merry Christmas,’ she replied, still a little stunned. ‘Why has your grandad given my gran an I.O.U. for one million pounds, Zachary? One. Million. Pounds!’

  ‘Well, it’s better than a new kitchen,’ Molly said.

  Zachary smiled. ‘I have no idea what that means, and I have no idea why Pops has done that. But it’s his money and he can do whatever he likes with it. Where’s my Michael Bublé collection, that’s what I want to know?’

  ‘It’s under the tree. But you can have this present now.’ She grinned at him. ‘It would serve you right if I really had bought you Michael Bublé’s greatest hits. But I haven’t.’

  She handed him a beautifully presented gift and he carefully unwrapped it.

  ‘A snow globe,’ he said, seemingly genuinely pleased. ‘A snow globe of Snowflake Cove. It’s beautiful, Evie. Thank you.’

  ‘I bought one for everyone, as a memento of their stay, so that every time you look at it, you’ll remember Snowflake Inn.’

  ‘I don’t need to remember it,’ he said. ‘I’m planning to visit frequently. In fact, I’d like to book a room from the day after Boxing Day until at least the 6th of January when I have to return to work.’

  ‘Hmm,’ Evie said, excitement bubbling inside her – and not from the champagne. ‘I’ll have to see if we have any vacancies. Now that we’ve been on TV everyone wants to come and stay.’

  ‘In that case,’ he said. ‘We should make it an ongoing booking. That way, I can pop back whenever I like.’

  ‘Wonderful,’ Evie said. ‘We’ll even give you a discount in that case. Merry Christmas, Zachary. I hope you get everything you wished for.’

  ‘Merry Christmas, Evie.’ He took his wallet out and showed her a photo. It was the one he’d taken of her. ‘I think I already have. Now would you like to see your present?’

  Evie beamed at him. ‘If that photo in your wallet means what I think it does, then you’re my Christmas present, Zachary Thorn. I have just remembered what you told me about your grandad and my Gran’s photo.’

e smiled and his eyes lit up as he looked down at her. ‘I’ll be the gift that keeps on giving, Evie – if you’ll let me. And I won’t just be your Christmas present. I hope I’ll be your Christmas future, too. But I do have another Christmas present for you. It’s under the tree. Shall we go and get it?’

  ‘We need to go via the mistletoe. This member of staff needs manhandling again. And she also needs to show you that she’s improved her customer care skills no end. Customer satisfaction is now guaranteed.’

  He glanced around the room and grinned before whispering in her ear, ‘I like the sound of that. But we don’t need to stand in the hall, do we?’

  She raised herself up to whisper into his. ‘Who said anything about the hall? It just so happens there’s a bunch of mistletoe in the attic.’

  ‘The attic?’

  ‘Yes. Which also happens to be my room. I’d quite like to manhandle one of the customers, if that’s all right with you?’

  ‘All right with me? That sounds absolutely perfect.’

  Evie took his hand in hers and they sneaked out of the kitchen, seemingly without any of the others noticing. Or perhaps they were all too polite to comment. Or still in shock over the amount of Joshua’s I.O.U.

  Evie didn’t really care. She wasn’t sure what the future would bring but she knew two things for certain.

  Christmas really was a time for miracles and magic.

  And the future was looking very bright for the Starrs.

  The End


  Coming soon

  Book Two in the Michaelmas Bay series. See my website for details.

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