The Reformation

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The Reformation Page 148

by Will Durant

  Enlightenment, 939

  Ennquez, Beatriz (1488), 260

  Enríquez, Don Pedro (1500), 221

  Enríquez, Doña Mencia, Duchess of Albuquerque, 222

  Ensisheim, Alsace, 397

  entities, 247–248

  Ephemerides, almanac, 239, 268

  Ephesus, Council of, 924

  epicureanism, 272

  Epicurus (342?–270 B.C.), 175, 272, 328

  epicycle, 856*

  epidemics, 231, 245, 874

  Epirus, 179

  epistemology, 247

  Epistle to the Genevese (Sadoleto), 470

  Epitome (Luther), 351

  Erasmians, 435, 505, 640

  Erasmus, Desiderius (1466?-1536), 18, 19, 20, 25, 75, 123, 124, 125, 129, 139, 160, 232, 250, 211–292, 315, 318, 324, 351, 358, 405, 410, 426, 427–431, 485, 550–551, 558

  quoted, 113, 272–275, 277–281, 284, 287, 315, 411, 428–433, 524, 629, 780

  Adagiorum, Collectanea, 273–274, 275, 805

  Axiomata Erasmi, 430

  Colloquies, 272, 275, 289, 805

  Contemptu mundi, De, 271

  Defender, The, 435

  Education of a Christian Prince, 286

  Erasmus’ Sponge on Hutten’s Aspersions, 427

  Familiarium colloquiorum formulae, 282

  lulius exclusus, 278–281

  Libero arbitrio, De, 434, 841

  New Testament revision, 273, 283–285

  Paraphrases, 285

  Peace, the Complaint of, 287

  Praise of Folly, The, 277–278

  337, 429, 805, 840

  Erastian principle, 456–457

  Erastus, Thomas (1524–83), 457*

  Erfurt, Germany, 302, 303, 325, 364, 356, 397

  university, 153, 238, 342, 786

  Eric IV, King of Denmark (1241–50), 145

  Eric XIV, King of Denmark (1560–8), 626

  Eric, King of Norway, Denmark and Sweden (1412–39), 146

  Ericsson, Leif (c. 1000), 258, 269

  Erigena, Johannes Scotus (815?-?877), 153

  Ermak Timofeevitch (d. 1584), 659

  Ernest, Duke of Lüneburg (1521–46), 380, 439

  Ernest, Elector of Saxony (1464–85), 152, 294. 339*

  Ernst, Archbishop (1391), 163

  erotic pictures, 760

  Erzerum, 700

  Espinay, Charles d’ 824

  Estates, Assembly of, Scotland, 601–618

  Este, Ercole d’ (1534–59), 891–892

  Estella, Navarre, 200

  Esthonia, 179

  Estissac, Geoffroy d’ (1524), 795

  Esztergom, Hungary, 188, 189

  Étampes, Duchesse d’, see Anne de Pisselieu

  etching, 309

  ethnography, 864

  Étienne, Henri II (1528–98), Apologie pour Herodote, 785

  Étienne family, 159, 785

  Eton, England, school, 119, 235

  Eucharist, 5, 35, 36, 163, 168, 171, 200, 288, 354, 367, 376, 408, 412, 464, 465, 478, 579, 631, 727, 920, 927, 931

  Eugenius IV, Pope (1431–47), 11, 12, 721, 722, 729

  Europe: anticlericalism, 24

  interchristian wars, 14

  interdependence of states, 643

  modernity, 220

  peace, destruction, 252

  pestilence, 64

  religious revolution, 25

  religious unity, 6

  resurrection of civilization, 5

  upheaval, 332–333

  Europe, Central, universities, 237

  Europe, Christian Republic of, 6

  European states, federation of, 171

  Evangelical Brotherhood, 384, 389

  evangelical preachers, 380

  Evangelicals (Lutherans), 443, 446–447, 449, 505

  Everyman (c. 1480), 46, 120

  evil eye, 234

  Evreux, 96

  excommunication, 24, 354, 356, 424

  execution, 758

  Exercitatorio de la vida espiritual (Cisneros), 909

  Exeter, Lady, 574, 575

  Exeter, Marquis of, 574

  Exeter, England, first English theater, (1348), 46

  Exeter Cathedral, 118, 119

  Exhortation, A Brief (Knox), 615

  exorcism, 851

  expectancies, 331*

  exploration, no, 192–194, 743, 863–867

  exports, frauds, 112

  Exsurge Domine, papal bull, 352, 420, 426

  Eyck, Hubert van (1366?-1426), 80, 131–133, 195

  Adoration of the Lamb, The, 131–132*

  Eyck, Jan van (1370?-?1440), 80, 131–133, 141, 195, 223, 774

  Adoration of the Lamb, The, 131–132

  paintings, 133

  Faber, Johann (1478–1541), 407, 430

  Faber (Favre), Peter (1506–46), 908, 909, 910, 911

  Fabri, Felix (1484), 306

  factory system, 38, 707

  faïence, 688, 715, 829

  fairs, 320

  faith, act of. 212

  Faith, Age of, 935

  Faith, Confession of, 618, 619, 628, 630

  Faith, Edict of, 209

  faith healing, 231

  faiths, non-Christian, 16

  Fallopio, Gabriele (1522–62), 871, 892

  Familiarium colloquiorum formulae (Erasmus), 282

  families, size, 303, 768

  family names, 303

  farces, 76, 100, 326, 813

  Farel, William (1489–1565), 468, 469, 470, 471, 481, 484, 488, 489, 500, 502, 806

  Confession of Faith and Discipline, 469, 470

  farm foreclosures, 293

  Farnese, Alessandro, 921

  Farnese, Giulia, 416

  Farnese, Ottavio (1520–86), 920, 921, 922

  Farnese, Pierluigi, (1503–47), 455, 920, 921

  fatalism, 708

  Faust, Georg (1507), 852

  Faust legend, 852

  federalism, 147

  Federigo, Duke of Urbino, 137, 223

  Felix V, anti-pope (1439–49), 11

  feminist movement, 762

  Ferdausi (940?-?1020), Book of Kings, 687

  Ferdinand the Catholic, King of Aragon (1479–1516); of Castile (1474–1504), 15, 92, 94, 197, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204–208, 213, 214, 215, 217, 221, 226–228, 255, 260, 263–266, 268, 525, 639

  Ferdinand I, King of Germany (1531–64)

  Holy Roman Emperor (1556–64), 226, 301, 931

  Ferdinand I, King of Hungary and Bohemia (1526–04), 440, 441, 442, 444, 445, 454, 455, 456, 631, 637, 705, 706, 707

  Ferdinand I (Ferrante), King of Naples (1458–94), 187, 734

  Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, 410, 438, 450, 920

  Fernando I, King of Portugal (1367–83), 191

  Ferrara, Italy, 12, 188, 189, 467

  festivals, 127, 195, 305

  seasonal, 769

  feudal barons, restrictions, 90, 145

  feudalism, 109, 631, 642

  Feuerbacher, Metern (1525), 387

  Fez, Morocco, 695

  Karouine Mosque, 695

  Fichet, Guillaume (1433?-?1480), 159

  fiction, 75, 818

  Field, John (1525?-87), 862

  Field of the Cloth of Gold (1520), 516, 537, 771

  Fieravante, Ridolfo (d. 1486), 650

  Filelfo, Francesco (1398–1481), 426

  Filmer, Henry, 576

  financiers, major political power, 295

  finger prints, 679

  Finland 652

  Finno-Ugri tribe, 678

  Firuzkuh, Persia, 698

  Fish, Simon, “Supplication of the Beggars, The,” 543

  Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester (1459–1535), 123, 277, 324, 429, 524*, 529, 540, 547, 548, 549–550, 558, 578

  fishing industry, 752, 759

  Fitzgerald, Gerald, Earl of Kildare (d. 1513), 570

  Fitzgerald, Gerald, Earl of Kildare (1487–1534), 570

  Fitzgerald, Thomas, Earl of Kildare (1513–1537), 570r />
  Flagellants, 65

  Flamboyant architecture, 79, 96, 97, 118, 196

  Flaminio, Marcantonio (1498–1550), 893, 896, 926

  Flanders, 8, 38, 58, 59, 62, 63, 92, 126, 142, 510, 631, 724, 774–777

  Flanders, Count of (1336), 62

  Fleet prison, London, 43, 580*

  Fleming, Mary, 519

  Flemings, slaughter, 43

  Flodden Field, battle (1513), 605

  Flore et Blanchefleur, 75

  Florence, Italy, 8, 12, 38, 69, 127, 176, 187, 518, 540

  Baptistery, 688

  Council, 649

  Orcagna’s Tabernacle, 307

  Santa Maria Nuova hospital, 137

  Florid style, architecture, 838

  Florida, discovery, 269, 865

  Flötner, Peter (c. 1490–1546), 836

  folklore, Teutonic, 373

  Fontainebleau, chateau, 80, 516, 825, 826, 827

  Fontainebleau, School of, 825, 826, 829

  Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de (1657–1757), 807

  food, 39, 113, 641, 648, 692

  adulteration, 763

  prices, 573

  Foolish War (1485), 93

  Fools, Muster of (Murner), 812

  foreign trade, 109

  forests, Germany, 143

  Forment, Damian (d. 1533), 845, 846–847

  Formigny, battle (1450), 88

  fornication, 211, 474, 760

  Fornovo, battle (1495), 94

  Fortescue, Sir John (1394?-1479), 113, 255

  fortifications, medieval, 183

  Fossilium, De natura (Agricola), 864

  Fouquet, Jean (1416?-80), 80–81, 99

  Fox, Edward (1496?-1538), 532, 536

  Foxe, John (1516–87), 598

  Book of Martyrs, 596*

  Foxe, Richard (1448?-1528), 529

  France: alliance with England, 526

  constitutional government, 66

  Declaration of the Rights of Man, 255

  education, 236–237

  extent (1300), 58, (1369), 69, (1481–83), 92

  government (1300), 60

  industrialization, 59–60

  Jewish expulsion, 724

  merchant rule, 67

  monarchy, 207, 255

  national unification, 90, 92

  papal tribute, 337

  population (1515), 493

  Protestants, 501–506

  renaissance, 792–795

  Revolution (1789), 88

  sanitary ordinances, 245

  serfs, 37

  throne, English king on, 61, 68, 70–71, 106, 525

  trade routes, 754

  universities, 237, 787–788

  war lavages (1422), 70–71

  war with England, 8, 27, 28, 29, 41, 45, 62, 63, 81, 535, 596, 599

  France, Anatole (1844–1924), 805

  Francesca, Piero della (1420?-92), 223, 313

  Franche-Comté, 58, 93, 126

  Francis I, King of France (1515–47), 87, 95, 97, 99, 286, 287, 338, 357, 363, 413, 429, 438, 444, 453, 455, 460, 461, 491–571, 520, 526, 527, 697, 704, 718, 771, 785, 788, 793, 822, 921

  quoted, 509

  Francis II, King of France (1559–60), 518

  Francis, son of Francis I of France, 8, 511, 518

  Francis, Duke of Brittany, 91

  tomb, 98

  Francis, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, 439

  Francis, Duke of Guise (1519–63), 517, 520, 521, 522, 923

  Franciscans, 19, 209, 236, 246, 329, 597, 900;

  Observantine, 207, 571

  Spiritual, 148

  Franck, Sebastian (1499?-1543), 397, 423, 813

  Franco, Niccolo, 932

  Franconia, duchy, 387–388

  francs-tireurs, free bowmen, 88

  Frankenhausen, Germany, 391

  Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, 151, 156, 387, 412, 424

  Rathaus, 155

  fratricide, 679, 711

  Frederick I, Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor (1152–90), 6, 161, 444

  Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor (1440–93), 152, 188, 294, 300, 322, 383, 732

  Frederick I, King of Denmark (1523–33), 623, 627, 628

  Frederick III, Duke of Austria (1306–30);

  King of Germany (1314–22), 148, 295

  Frederick III, Elector of Saxony (1486–1525), 237, 314, 339–340, 344, 347, 348, 351, 358, 362, 378, 381, 384, 391, 421, 429, 430, 439, 627

  free cities, 297

  free love, 633

  free thought, 250, 708, 784, 785, 924

  free will, 434–435

  free workers, 39

  freedom of debate, 28

  freedom of speech, 579

  freedom of worship, 219, 455, 456, 606, 616, 628, 629, 630, 632, 664, 678, 708, 716

  freethinkers, 584

  Fregose, Federigo (1536), 897

  Freiburg, Saxony, 306

  Cathedral (1283), 154

  Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Austria, 389, 436

  French Academy, 76

  French Disease, Three Chapters on the (Paracelsus), 880

  French Renaissance architecture, 822–828

  frescoes, 176, 177, 223, 715

  Fribourg, Switzerland, 403, 467

  Friesland, East, Germany, 440

  Friesland, West, 633

  Fritz, Joss (1512), 294

  Froben, Jerome (1535), 436

  Froben, Johann (1460?-1527), 159, 283, 285, 427, 429, 432, 503, 877

  Froissart, Jean (1333?-?1400), 28, 29, 56, 75–76, 99, 243, 244

  quoted, 41

  Chronicles, 75

  Froment, Antoine (1509-?81), 468

  Froment, Nicolas (c. 1435–84), 98

  Froschauer, Christian, 159, 409

  Froude, James A. (1818–94), quoted, 581, 765–766

  Fuchs, Leonard (1501–66), 868

  Fuenllana, Miguel de (fl. 1554), 776

  Fugger, Anton (1493–1560), 442, 522

  Fugger, Georg (1453–1506), 295

  Fugger, Jakob I (d. 1469), 295

  Fugger, Jakob II (1459–1525), 295, 296, 357;

  quoted, 357

  Fugger, Johannes (1348–1409), 295

  Fugger, Ulrich (1441–1510), 295, 296

  Fugger family, 295, 296, 299, 338, 357, 358, 379, 397, 436, 453, 572, 632, 752

  Fulda, Germany

  Fundamentum organisandi (Paumann), 773

  funerary monuments, 119

  furniture, 113, 155, 768

  Fust, Johann (1400?-?1466), 158

  Gad, Hemming (fl. 1517), 622

  Gaetano da Thiene, Sr. (1480–1547), 895–896

  Gaillon, France, castle-château, 97, 98

  Galen (2nd Century A.D.), 123, 243, 244, 869, 870, 871, 873

  Galicia, 172

  Galilei, Galileo (1564–1642), 238, 241, 862

  Galle, Peter (1524), 625

  Gallegos, Fernando (1466–1507), 223

  galleries, Protestant churches, 447

  Gallican Church, 11, 502

  Gallipoli, Greece, 177, 179

  Gama, Vasco da (1409?-1524), 157, 194, 195, 269, 299, 676, 689, 707, 743

  gambling, 10, 114, 471, 759, 769

  games, 114, 477, 769–770

  Garamond, Claude (d. 1561), 784, 785

  Garcilaso de la Vega (1503–36), 816–817

  quoted, 816

  gardens, 713, 769

  botanical, 868

  Gardiner, Stephen (1483?–1555), 571, 576, 577, 580, 585, 589, 590, 592, 593, 595, 596–597

  Gargantua (Rabelais), 501, 760, 787, 797, 799–801, 808

  Garter, Order of the, 28

  Gascoigne, Thomas (1450), quoted, 23

  Gascony, 58, 61, 68, 510

  Gasmaier, Michael (1525), 389, 392

  Gasquet, Francis Aidan, Cardinal (1846–1929), 418

  Gast, Johannes, 852

  Gaston III, Phoebus, Count of Foix (1331–91), 71, 243

  Gaston de Foix (1489–1512), 497

  Gautier, Théophil
e (1811–72), 221, 847

  Gaveston, Piers (d. 1312), 26

  Gawhar Shad (1377–1457), 685, 686

  Gay Saber, troubadour fraternity, 224

  Gay Science, Academy of the, 76

  Gedymin, Prince of Lithuania (1345–77). 173

  Geertgen tot Sint Jans (c. 1467–c. 1495), 136

  Geiger counters, 753*

  Geiler von Kaiserberg, Johann (1445–1510), 297

  Gelderland, Netherlands, 91, 135, 515

  gem cutting, 688

  Gemistus Pletho, Georgius (1355?-1450), 176

  Gemma Frisius (1508–55), 870

  Geneva, Switzerland, 404, 457–458, 467–468, 470, 471, 472–476, 487, 489, 608, 609

  Consistory, 472–473, 474, 479, 489

  Council of Sixty, 467, 470, 471, 474, 476

  Great Council of Two Hundred, 468, 469, 472, 479, 484

  Protestant Council, 483

  Reformation Monument, 489

  Small Council of Twenty-five, 468, 472, 482, 484

  Genghis Khan (1206–27), 664, 671

  Genoa, Italy, 48, 195, 258, 259, 734, 754

  Gentile, Valentino (d. 1557), 488

  geography, 240, 689, 690, 864

  geology, 241, 863–864

  Geometrical Gothic design, 79, 118

  geometry, 238, 676

  Geonim, 739

  George, Count of Hohenlohe (1525), 388

  George, Duke of Saxony (1500–39), 345, 348, 350, 378, 384, 435, 440, 445, 756

  George Brankovic, King of Serbia (1427–56), 182

  George of Poděbrad, King of Bohemia (1459.–71), 171

  Georgia, 673

  Gerhart, Nicolaus (1464), 306

  Germaine de Foix, Queen of Aragon and Naples (1505–38), 227, 905

  “German Nation, The Needs of the,” 383

  Germany: capitalist era, 296

  Church, 320, 328–333, 382

  crusades, financing, 340, 347

  electors, 151–152

  emperor, English king, 106

  federation, 147

  government (1453–1517), 299–302

  Holy Roman Empire, 148

  humanists, 320–325

  Jews, 726–727

  king, 147-148

  mining, 143–144

  papal tribute, 7, 337–338

  prosperity, 293

  Protestant churches, 445–446

  public baths, 244

  publishing, 784

  Reformation, 37

  religion subject to the state, 209

  schools, 235

  trade decline, 457

  unity, 457

  Germany, northern, 299

  Germany, South, 299

  Germany, Western, convents, 20

  Gerona, Spain, Cathedral, 221

  Gerson, Jean de (1363–1429), 71, 72, 75–7 4, 129, 232

  Gersonides, see Levi ben Gerson

  Gesner, Conrad (1516–65), 868–869, 871

  Gespräche (Hutten), 351

  Geyer, Florian (1525), 387, 388, 391

  Ghazan Khan (1295–1304), 664

  Ghent, 58, 59, 62, 63, 69, 127, 515, 631, 632, 635


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