Children during the Holocaust
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Reich Commissariat for the Strengthening of German Ethnicity (Reichskommissariat für die Festigung deutschen Volkstums), 205, 206
Reich Committee for the Scientific Registration of Severe Hereditary and Congenital Disorders (Reichsausschuss zur wissenschaftlichen Erfassung von erb- und anlagebedingten schweren Leiden), 211, 213–14, 217
Reichdienststelle (Reich Office) KLV, 275
Reich Interior Ministry, 32, 210, 211
Reich Labor Service (Reicharbeitsdienst), 277
Reichleitner, Franz, 171
Reich Office of the Criminal Police (Reichskriminalpolizeiamt), 222, 222n61
Reich Representation of Jews in Germany (Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland), 20, 21, 28, 265n33, 357n40
Reichsausschuss zur wissenschaftlichen Erfassung von erb- und anlagebedingten schweren Leiden (Reich Committee for the Scientific Registration of Severe Hereditary and Congenital Disorders), 211, 213–14, 217
Reichsbürgergesetz (Reich Citizenship Law), 13. See also Nuremberg Laws
Reich Security Main Office (Reichssicherheitshauptamt), 62, 63, 94, 144
Reichskommissariat für die Festigung deutschen Volkstums (Reich Commissariat for the Strengthening of German Ethnicity), 205, 206
Reichskriminalpolizeiamt (Reich Office of the Criminal Police), 222
Reichskristallnacht (Night of the Broken Glass), 2, 24, 26; concentration camps after, 149; deaths on, 25; emigration after, 7, 8n21, 10, 68, 69, 73, 74
Reichsmark, 118n15, 213, 259, 333
Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Reich Security Main Office), 62, 63, 94, 144
Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland (Reich Association of Jews in Germany), 357
Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland (Reich Representation of Jews in Germany), 20, 21, 28, 265n33, 357n40
Reifman, Leon, 370
Rel, Zugwachmann, 331
religion, xxxiii–xxxiv, 10, 25, 27, 268–71, 394
reparation payments, 257
repatriation, 62, 395, 402, 403
resistance: at Buchenwald, xxxviii–xxxix, 187–88; of children, 323, 340–41, 342, 343–44; executions of, 344, 345–46, 346; females in, 327–28, 344, 345; forms of, 323–24; to Hitler Youth, 252–57; partisans in, 323, 332–34, 334, 335–36; Polish, xiii; protest rallies as, 6, 267; publications as, 336–37; rioting as, 25. See also specific resistance actions
Retzow (Germany), 398
Reuss, Joseph Maria, 87, 89–90
Reuss, Robert, 33
Rhakotis, MS, 80
Rheinberger, Franz, 253
“Rhineland Bastards” (“Rheinland-Bastarde”), 193, 197–98
Rhine River, 58
Riga ghetto, 108n2, 127
“Righteous Among the Nations”, 152n8, 368nn48–49, 369
Ring Bund Jüdische Jugend, 21
Ringelblum, Emmanuel, 183n50, 327, 336, 341, 348–51
Ritter, Robert, 222, 223, 224n66
RKFDV. See Reich Commissariat for the Strengthening of German Ethnicity
RKPA. See Reich Office of the Criminal Police
Rogers, Edith, 361
roll calls (Appells), xiii, 167, 168
Roma, 221–29, 227; in Independent State of Croatia, 228; policies for, 193, 195n8, 227–28. See also Gypsies
Romania, 42, 160; deaths in, 98–99; Oradea, 160; population of, 98; Roma in, 227–28
romanticism (Wandervögel), 252n15
Roosevelt, Franklin, 78
Roosevelt, Teddy, 263n31
Rosenfeld, Oskar, 134–35, 138, 293, 294–95
Rosh Hashanah, 117n13
roundups (razzias), 95–96, 121, 303
Royal Air Force, 46. See also British Royal Air Force
Rozenstrauch, Gucia, 288n13
Rudashevski, Yitskhok, 110–12, 289–90
Ruhrgebiet (Germany), 254
Rum, David, 383
rumki (Łódź currency), 118n16
Rumkowski, Mordechai Chaim, 109, 115, 116, 117, 302; compliance policy of, 122, 123, 124; criticism of, 122; “Give me your children!” speech by, 109, 123, 124–26
runners (Läufer), 165, 166, 401
RuSHA. See Race and Settlement Main Office
Russell, Charles Taze, 268
Rysinska, Josefa “Ziutka,” 152, 153
SA. See Sturmabteilung
Sachsenhausen concentration camp, 149, 236
St. Germaine-en-Laye Treaty, 15n37
Sankt Josefspflege, 224, 227
Sauckel, Fritz, 62
Säuglingslager (infant camps), 62–65, 66
Sauna, 166
Savichev, Nicolai Rodionovich, 53
Savicheva, Nina, 53
Savicheva, Tanya, 52–53, 54, 54
Schacter, Herschel, 406
Scheine (work certifications), 137
Scheurenberg, Klaus, 94, 95, 95
Scheurenberg, Lucie, 94
Scheurenberg, Paul, 94, 95
Schiff, Charlene, xxiv–xxv
Schiff, Edward, xxvn5
Schindler’s List, 177, 178n43
Schink, Bartholomäus, 253
Schivelbein (Germany), 265, 266–67
Schlachtensee Displaced Persons Camp, 397, 399
Schlotz-Klink, Gertrud, 231n74
Schumann, Horst, 215n50, 236
Schütz, Adolf, 253
Schutzhaft (protective custody), 267
Schutzstaffel (SS), Marriage Ordinance of, 203
Schutzstaffel (SS), 6, 55, 81, 108, 150, 377
Schwarz, Günther, 253
Schweitzer, Albert, 368n48
Schwesternschaften (Sisterhood Organizations), 248
Scout Movement (Pfadfinder), 247, 252
SD. See Security Service
Second Decree for the Implementation of the Law for the Changing of Family Names and First Names, 32
Secours Suisse aux Enfants (Swiss Children’s Aid), 366, 368
Security Police (Sipo), 56, 81
Security Service (SD), 81
segregation: in Berlin, 39n9; in education, xvi, 9, 28, 29, 30, 40, 264, 284; in public places, 7, 8, 31–32
Seitz, Franz Josef, 269–71
Seitz, Willi, 269, 270–71
selection process (selektsyes): at concentration camps, 154–58, 159, 173–74, 176, 177, 178, 383, 410; for labor, 151, 152, 154–55, 158, 159, 164, 172, 173–74, 178, 410
Sendung und Gewissen (Unger), 210n44
Shcherbatsevich, Volodya, 344, 345, 346, 346
Shcherbatsevicha, Olga, 345
Shek, Alisa, 385, 386–87
Shek, Ze’ev, 385
Shereshevski, Avreyml, 336
Sh’erit ha Pletah (Surviving Remnant), 396
Shmulewitz, Icek, 177
Shmulovitch, Malke, 335
Shoah, 184
Sholomville, 365
Sicherheitsdienst (SD). See Security Service
Siege, 36n3
Siege of Orleans, 327n8
Siegfried Line, 276
Siewart, Robert, 188
Silberbart, Gert, 377–81, 382
Singer, Oskar, 137–38, 139–40
Sinti, 227. See also Gypsies; Roma
Sipo. See Security Police
Sisterhood Organizations (Schwesternschaften), 248
SK 4a. See Sonderkommando 4a
Skarzysko Kamienna munitions factory, xxxviii
slojska (Sluice), 147, 307
Slovakia, 274n45
Slovak State, 144
Słowo Młodych (Young People’s Voice), 338, 339, 340
Sluice (slojska), 147, 307
smuggling, 323, 340–41, 342, 342–43
Snow White, 312
bór extermination camp, 150, 170, 172, 173–74
Sobibór Uprising, 173, 323, 329, 330–32
Socialist Unity Party (Sozialistische Einheitspartei), 188n59
social services, 115, 122
The Society for Trades and Agricultural Labor (Obshestvo Remeslenofo zemledelcheskofo Truda), 101n45
soldiers: children as, 276–78; conscription of, 268, 276–78; deaths of, 277, 279
Sonderbehandlung (special treatment), 164
Sonderkommando, 161, 172, 182; at Auschwitz, 241n87; liquidation of, 183
Sonderkommando 4a (SK 4a), 86–87, 92
Sonderkommando Lange, 182
The Song of the Slaughtered Jewish People (Katzenelson), 286n6
Sonnenstein, 216, 236n83
Soviet Union: children from, 63; deaths in, 68, 332; invasion of, 42, 43n17, 47, 61, 82, 88n29, 109; Prague’s liberation by, 385–87; Roma in, 228
Sozialistische Einheitspartei (Socialist Unity Party), 188n59
Spanish Civil War, 49
special pediatric units (Kinderfachabteilungen), 211, 217
special treatment (Sonderbehandlung), 164
Srebrnik, Szymon “Spinnefix”, 183, 184–86
Šroubkov, Josef, 57
Šroubkov, Josef, Sr., 57n45
Šroubková, Marie, 57–58
SS. See Schutzstaffel
SS Race and Settlement Main Office (SS Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt), 56
St. Louis, MS, 77, 78, 79, 79–81, 81
Staatsbürgerschaft (state citizenship), 13
Stach (agronomist), xxvix–xxx, xxxi
Stadtroda, 217
Stangl, Franz, 170–71, 175n36
starvation: deaths from, xxvi, 52, 54, 59, 99, 227–28, 313, 354n36; during Dutch Hunger Winter, 58–60, 61; in ghettos, 134–41, 148; of infants, 65, 66
state citizenship (Staatsbürgerschaft), 13
State Department, U.S., 78
sterilization, 2, 192, 193; conditions for, 194–95, 196, 246; extralegal, 195n8; of Gypsies, 223, 226; of Jewish people, 197, 309; medical experiments, 236; of mixed-breeds, 201–2; public response to, 259; of “Rhineland Bastards,” 198
Stern, Heinemann, 20
Storm Division (Sturmabteilung), 2, 244, 308–9
A Story of a Life (Appelfeld), 415
Strasser, Marguerite, 25–26
Straucher, Maria, 389–91
Streicher, Julius, 6, 261
Strippel, Arnold, 232, 234
Stroop, Jürgen, 326
Stuckart, Wilhelm, 213–14
Sturmabteilung (SA), 2, 244, 308–9
Der Stürmer, 6, 8, 27, 261
Stutthof concentration camp, 164
Sudetenland, 24, 144
Suedfeld, Peter, 388
suicide: of Jewish people, 55n34, 77n15, 152, 173, 182n49, 279, 324n2, 326; postwar, 171n29, 175n36, 182n49, 210n39, 210n43, 229n72, 231n75, 241n88, 274n44, 279
survival. See concentration camps
Survival in Auschwitz (Levi), 411n40
Surviving Remnant (Sh’erit ha Pletah), 396
Suttrop (Germany), 282
swimming pools, 7, 8
Swing Kids (Swingjugend), 251
Swiss Aid Cartel for Child War Victims, 368n49
Swiss Children’s Aid (Secours Suisse aux Enfants), 366, 368
Swiss Red Cross, 366
synagogues, 25, 27
Szabo, Magda, 155, 156–58
Szalasi, Ferenc, 104
Sztójay, Döme, 103
Szulberg, Gizela, 393–95
Szulberg, Michał, 393
Szulberg, Necha, 393
Tage und Nächte (Rosenfeld), 293n21
tattoos, 181, 420
teachers, 258
Teacher with Children Wearing Black Uniforms (Toll, N.), 320
Tec, Nechama, 291–92
Teddy Bear, 262, 263n31
Teheran Conference, 48n27
Terezin. See Theresienstadt
Tewes, Ernst, 87, 89
textbooks, 259–61
Thalhimer, William, Sr., 21, 23
“There Is My Soul” (Birenbaum), 418–19
Theresienstadt (Terezin), 158, 305; ghetto in, 94, 144, 145–48, 158; liberation of, 385–87; Red Cross at, 145, 307; Small Fortress, 385
Theresienstadt family camp, 163–64, 167–68; liquidation of, 401; play at, 299–300; Red Cross at, 164. See also Auschwitz II-Birkenau
Thomas, Werner, 245, 245n3, 246–47
“The Threatening Calamity” (“Das drohende Unheil”), 88n28
Through the Eyes of a Twelve-Year-Old Girl (Hescheles, J.), 153
Time of Struggle, 257
Tito, Josip Broz, 49
“Todesfuge” (Celan), 416n50
Todt, Fritz, 66n64
Toll, Ervin, 320
Toll, Nelly, 319–20
Tortszyld, Pola, 288–89
Total War, 35
toys, 261–62, 294–95; butterfly, 296, 297, 298
transit camps, 5n12, 14n33, 96, 152. See also specific transit camps
Transnistrian Reservation, 99, 101, 227, 415
Transylvania, 410
Trau keinem Fuchs auf grüner Heid und keinem Jud bei seinem Eid (Don’t Trust a Fox in a Green Meadow or the Jew by His Oath), 261
Treaty of St. Germaine-en-Laye, 15n37
Treaty of Trianon, 102n46, 160n15
Treaty of Versailles, 15, 257
Treblinka extermination camp, 70, 128, 130, 133; commandant of, 170–71; Great Deportation Action to, 324, 325; revolt at, 328
Trianon Treaty, 102n46, 160n15
Troper, Morris C., 78, 79, 79–80
trotyl, xxxviiin15
Trunk, Isaiah, 383n8, 384
Trus, Kiril, 344, 345
Trzebinkski, Alfred, 232
tuberculosis, 230–35
twins, 237, 238
typhus, 354, 401
“U-boat,” 38, 38n5, 39
Ukraine, xxii, 87–91; Lviv. See Lvov (Poland)
Umschlagplatz, 129, 130, 342
Un di Velt Hot Geshvign (Wiesel, E.), 410, 412–14
Unger, Hellmuth, 210
Union of Persecutees of the Nazi Regime, 188n59
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency (UNRRA), 209, 381n7, 396
United States (U.S.): Burkeville, 21, 22–23; emigration to, 4n11, 5, 7, 8n21, 32, 70, 76, 77–81, 81, 96, 287n9, 290n16, 320, 356, 361–65, 365; eugenics in, 191–92; jitterbugging in, 251n13; Philadelphia, 32; State Department, 78
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), xvii, xxvn5, 315, 356, 398n28, 409n38
University of Berlin, 224
University of Tel Aviv, 16n40
UNRRA. See United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency
Untermensch (inferior being), 27n57
Upwards (El Al), 337–38
Uruguay, 72
U.S. See United States
USHMM. See United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Ustaše regime, 49, 50
V-1 flying bombs, 47
van Pels, Hermann, 353, 354n36
van Pels, Peter, 354n36
Vélodrome d’Hiver, 368n50
Verešová, Charlotta, 306
Versailles Treaty, 15, 257
Veselá, Dagmar, 56n41
Vichy regime, 44, 96, 368n50
Victims of the Past (Opfer der Vergangenheit), 259
vide (prayer confessing sins), 174, 413
Vienna (Austria), 15n36, 279
Viik, Jaan, 228–29, 230
Vilna (Lithuania), xxxv, 109–12, 127, 289–91
Vilner Tog, 110, 289–90
Viniki forced labor cam
p, 398n28
Virginia Plan, 21, 22
visas, 20, 32, 77, 78; dead-number, 364; quota system of, 363–64; work, 96
Vistula River, xivn2
Vittel internment camp, 286n6, 287n9
Voerde (Germany), 64, 65–66
Voeten, Bert, 59–60
The Voice of Youth (Di Yugent Stimme), 338
Volk comrade (Volksgenosse), 10
Völkerschlacht (Battle of Nations), 276n49
Völkischer Beobachter, 278
Volksdeutsche (ethnic Germans), 258
Volksgenosse (Volk comrade), 10
Volksgemeinschaft (racial community), 10n26, 193–94, 268
Volksschule, 17, 260, 269
Volkssturm, 276, 277
vom Rath, Ernst, 24
von Bülow, Gabriele, 30n61
“Von der alten Heimat zu der neuen Heimat” (“From Our Old Home to Our New Home”), 72
von Etzdorf, Hasso, 88n28
von Humboldt, Wilhelm, 30n61
von Neurath, Konstantin, 144n51
von Reichenau, Walther, 88
von Sammern-Frankenegg, Ferdinand, 326
von Schirach, Baldur, 244, 275
von Sydow, Anna, 30n61
von Tschammer und Osten, Hans, 171, 247
von Verschuer, Otmar, 237, 241, 242
Waffen-SS platoon, 87
Wagner, Gustav, 175n36, 231n75
Wagner, Robert, 361
Wagners-Rogers Bill, 361
Waldkommando, 183n50, 184, 185
Wandervögel (romanticism), 252n15
Wannsee Conference, 95, 145
warehouse for personal effects (Effektenkammer), 398
war-guilt clause, 257
Warsaw (Poland), xxxii; ghetto of, 108, 109, 121, 128, 129–30, 284, 285, 286–87, 338n25; sewer system of, 338n25
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 108, 286, 323, 324–28, 338n25
Wartheland (Poland), 112, 181
Wasser, Bluma, 173, 330
Wasser, Hersh, 330
The Watchtower, 268
Watch Tower Society, 268
Wattenberg, Lena, 287
Wattenberg, Miriam (Mary Berg), 286–87
Wehrmacht troops, 41, 68, 87
Weimar Republic, 3
Weiss, Irena, 305, 306
Weiss, Otto, 158, 305, 306
Weissová, Helga, 158, 159, 305, 306–7, 308
Wentzler, Ernst, 210, 211
“We Remain True to the Polar Bears,” 255
Wessel, Horst, 271n40
Westerbork transit camp, 354–55
Western Wall (Westwall), 276
West German Chełmno Trial, 183
Westwall (Western Wall), 276