Children during the Holocaust
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Kindertransport (children’s transports), 71n5, 73–74, 323–24, 357–59, 361
King Matt the First (Korczak), 129
Kittelbach Pirates (KP), 252, 255–56
Klemperer, Viktor, 63
Klooga concentration camp, xxxv
KLV. See Kinderlandverschickung
Knesset, 128n27
Königsberg, Battle of, 277
Konzentrationslager. See concentration camps
Koplowicz, Abram (Avraham), 317–18
Koplowicz, Mendel, 317, 318
Koplowicz, Yochet, 317
Korczak, Janusz, 129, 130, 131, 133–34
Kornmann (Chaplain), 89
Kostewicz, Anna, 36, 37, 38
Kostewicz, Kazimiera, 36, 37, 38
Kovno (Lithuania), 127–28, 142–44
Kozłowski, Abram, 43
Kozłowski, Chasia, 43
Kozłowski, Ėlia, 43
Kozłowski, Idel, 42, 43
Kozłowski, Isaak, 43
Kozłowski, Masha, 43
Kraków (Poland), xxxvii, xxxviii, 177, 178
Krasnodar Trial, 159
Krasny Bor, 53
Kraus, Eleanor, 32–34, 361, 364–65
Kraus, Gilbert, 32–33, 361–65
Kraus, Karl, 164, 401
Kraus, Lotte, 164, 401
Kraus, Michal, 164–66, 401–3
Kristallnacht. See Reichskristallnacht
Krupp, Alfried, 64
Krysia, Hania, 397, 398
Krysia, Rozalia, 397, 398–99
Kubiš, Jan, 55
Kugelmann, Bertel, 4, 5
Kugelmann, Betty, 5n12
Kugelmann, Brunhilde, 5n12
Kugelmann, Josef, 5
Kugelmann, Max, 5n13
Kugler, Viktor, 353
Laak, Aleksander, 228–29, 230
labor: of children, 118, 119–20, 121, 137–40, 141, 176, 177, 309; compensation for, 309n42; for food, 137; foreign, 61–62, 63; prison, 150; selection for, 151, 152, 154–55, 158, 159, 164, 172, 173–74, 178, 383, 410. See also concentration camps; specific labor camps
Labor Zionism, 228
Lagerleiter, SS, 167–68
Lake Lagoda, 52
Laks, Isaac, 397, 398
Laks, Pola, 397, 398
Laks, Regina, 397–99, 399, 400
Landau, Janek, 319
Landau, Nelly, 319–20
Landau, Rose, 319, 320
Landau, Sonia, xiii
Landau, Sygmunt, 319–20
Lange, Herbert, 182
Langenhorn, 217
language, 11n27; German, 63, 168, 408; Hebrew, 31; Yiddish, 348
Lanzmann, Claude, 184
Läufer (runners), 165, 166, 401
Law against the Overcrowding of German Schools and Universities, 9, 28
Law Concerning Hitler Youth (Gesetz über die Hitlerjugend), 244–45
Law for Prevention of Progeny with Hereditary Diseases (Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses), 194–97, 198, 201–2, 213, 246, 259
Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor (Blood Protection Law), 13
Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service, 39, 258
Lawrence, Sidney, 356
Lazarett, 175
Łazowertówna, Henryka, 342–43
League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel), 243, 248–49, 272
League of German Jewish Youth (Bund Deutsch-Jüdischer Jugend), 21
League of Nations, 5n14
Lebensborn (Fount of Life), xvn5, 56, 193; Germanization involvement of, 206–9; homes, 203–5; start of, 202
Lehmann, Gotthold, 197
Leib, Haim, 100
Leipziger Meuten (Leipzig Gangs), 253
Lemberg atrocities, 91. See also Lvov (Poland)
lending library, 397–98
Leningrad (USSR), 52
Lenz, Fritz, 200n20
Lerman, Shmuel Milek (Miles), 398
LeVernet internment camp, 368
Levi, Primo, 411
Levine, Louis, 361, 362
Levy, Leo, 2, 308–9
Ležáky (Czechoslovakia), 55n37
liberation: of Auschwitz, 169, 371n53; of Buchenwald, 270, 377, 378, 404, 410; of Dachau, 382, 382–85; of Mauthausen, 306; of Prague, 385–87; of Theresienstadt, 385–87
Lichtenegger, 18
Lichterfelde, 282n54
Lidice (Czechoslovakia), 55, 56, 57, 206
Lilienthal, Georg, 204
Linden, Herbert, 210
Lithuania: Ponary, 109, 110; Vilna, xxxv, 109–12, 127, 289–91
“The Little Smuggler” (Łazowertówna), 342–43
“Little Stalingrad Defends Itself” (Ringelblum), 327
Litzmann, Karl, 115n11
Litzmannstadt (Poland), 115n11, 295. See also Łódź
Łódź (Poland), xiii, xxv, 5n12, 56–57, 108; birthrates in, 141–42; children in, 112–16, 117, 118, 302–3; The Chronicle of the Łodź Ghetto, 138, 293, 294–95; currency in, 118n16; deportation from, 112–13, 123–24, 181, 182–83, 184, 302–3; education in, 285, 287; Gehsperre at, 109, 123–24, 127, 302–4, 305, 383; Gypsy camp in, 123n22; liquidation of, 183, 383; longevity of, 121–22; Marysin, 115–16, 123, 140n46, 293, 303; renaming of, 115n11; social services in, 115, 122; starvation in, 135–36
Loeb, Hans, 78n19
Loewenbach, Vera, 165, 401, 403
London (England), 45–46, 47
looting, 25
Löwensberg, Ernst Moritz, 21, 22–23
Łozoswki, Rachmiel, 334–36
LTI–Lingua Tertian Imperii (Klemperer), 63
Lubien, Marion, 272
Lublin (Poland), xxvi–xxxii, xli, xxxviin12; ghetto, 291–93; Jewish people in, xli; liberation of, 329
Lueger, Karl, 15n36
Luftwaffe (German air force), 45–46, 47
Luxembourg, 41–42
Lvov (Poland), xl, 315, 316, 319, 320
Ma’ariv, 39n8
Maccabi Hazair, 138
Mädchenschaften (Girls’ Organizations), 248
Madison Square Garden, 6
Mahlow, Tutti, 13, 14
Main Office of the Personal Staff of the Reichsführer-SS, 203
La Maison d’Izieu (France), 369–70, 370, 371, 372, 373
Majdanek concentration camp, 417
Majdan Tatarski suburb, xxvii–xxxii, 291
Majzlic, Henia, 288n13
Marcus, Robert, 406, 408–9
marginalization, 9, 31–32
Marital Hygiene Law (Ehegesundheitsgesetz), 246
marriage: intermarriage, 3, 13, 14, 74n9, 202; Marital Hygiene Law against, 246; Schutzsaffel (SS) Marriage Ordinance, 203
marriage loans (Ehestandsdarlehen), 193, 208
Marx, Ingrid, 7–8
Marysin (Poland), 115–16, 123, 140n46, 293, 303
Mauriac, François, 411
Mauthausen concentration camp, 4n11, 149, 158, 178n43, 306, 354
McNeil, Olive, 47
Mechelen (Malines) transit camp, 14
medical experiments: at Auschwitz, 237, 238, 238–41, 242; at Dachau, 235–36; freezing, 236; under Himmler, 231, 236; by Mengele, 237, 238; for military, 235–36; at Ravensbrück, 230, 236; sterilization, 236; on tuberculosis, 230–35
Meir, Lazar, 335
Meissner, Honza, 387
memory, xxiv, 415, 416–17
Mendes-France, Pierre, 410–11
Mengele, Josef, 160, 163, 164–65, 239, 401; medical experiments, 237, 238; mentor of, 237, 241–42
meningitis, 218
Mere, Ain-Ervin, 228, 229
Mere trial, 229n72
Messerschmidt, George, 362
Mickey Mouse, 314
Miesbeck, Peter, 308
migration (Beriha), 395–96
Mika, Kazimiera Kostewicz, 36, 37, 38
military, 35; leaders of, 276–77; medical experiments for, 235–36; youth training, 245, 272, 273, 277. See also specific military
Minco, Marga, 59
miscegenation, 3, 3n8, 13, 14, 74n9, 202
Mischlinge (mixed-breeds), 74n8, 198, 199–200; Czech, 385; in France, 201, 202; Gypsy, 223–26, 227; sterilization of, 201–2
Mission and Conscience (Unger), 210n44
mixed-breeds. See Mischlinge
mobile killing units (Einsatzgruppen), 67–68, 81–87, 88n29, 108, 228
The Moment (Chwila), 151
Monowitz, 154, 377. See also Auschwitz III-
Montevideo (Uruguay), 72
Moroccans, 200–201, 202
mother-and-child transfers (Mutter-und-Kind-Verschickungen), 275n46
mothers, xxxiv; child’s connection with, xxxvi; unwed, 203–4. See also pregnancy
Movement for the Care of Children, 73, 323–24, 357
Mozes, Eva, 238
Mozes, Miriam, 238
Müller, Johann, 253
Munich (Germany), 25, 26–27
Munich Crisis, 144
Munich-Milbertshofen, 2
music, xxix, 379
Musselmann, 313
Mussfeld, Erich, 161–62, 239, 241
Mutter-und-Kind-Verschickungen (mother-and-child transfers), 275n46
“My Life Started from the End” (Birenbaum), 418, 419
Nachod (Czechoslovakia), 401
Nackt unter Wölfen (Apitz), 187
Näf, Rosa (Rösli), 368, 369
Naliboki Forest, 333, 334
names, 32, 33–34, 115n11, 350–51, 360n41
National Socialist (Nazi) Party, 4, 5, 6, 188n59, 244, 383n8; Austrian, 15; conflicting policies of, 62; emigration policy of, 67, 68; in Munich, 25; during Reichskristallnacht, 24; sterilization policies of, 193
National Socialist People’s Welfare Organization (Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt), 274, 275
National Socialist Teachers’ League, 258
National Socialist Winter Relief (Winterhilfe) association, 272
National Socialist Women’s League (NS-Frauenschaft), 248
Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt, 274, 275
Nations, Battle of, 276n49
Natzweiler concentration camp, 236
Nazi Party. See National Socialist (Nazi) Party
Netherlands, 41–42; Amsterdam, 356; blackout in, 59n49; deaths in, 59; famine, 58–60, 61; Haarlem, 354–55; Haarlemmermeer, 60n50; invasion of, 353; Jewish star in, 44; Wieringerneer, 60n50
Neuengamme concentration camp, 231, 232, 354n36
Die Neue Welt (The New World), 293n21
Neustadt-Glewe (Germany), 417
Niedernburg (Bavaria), 1, 2, 29
Niedrzwica Duża (Poland), xxxviin12
Night (Wiesel, E.), 411
Night of the Broken Glass. See Reichskristallnacht
Ninth Armored Infantry Battalion, U.S., 377, 404
Nkrumah, Kwame, 236
Noma, 237
Normandy (France), 58, 276
Norway, 41–42
Novaky labor camp, 314
NSF. See National Socialist Women’s League
NS-Frauenschaft (National Socialist Women’s League), 248
NSV. See National Socialist People’s Welfare Organization
La Nuit (Wiesel, E.), 411
numerus clausus (closed number), 9
Nuremberg Laws, 12–14, 41–42, 144, 214n49; Aryan definition in, 74
Nuremberg Medical Trial, 210n41
Nuremberg Ministries Trial, 214n49
Nuremberg Trial, Subsequent, 64n63, 206
“nursery care facilities” (Ausländerkinderpflegestätten), 62–65, 66
Nyiszli, Miklós, 160–62, 238–41
Oberrealschule (high school), 9n25
Obshestvo Remeslenofo zemledelcheskofo Truda (The Society for Trades and Agricultural Labor), 101n45
occupational training centers, 20, 21
Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants (Children’s Aid Society), 324, 369, 404, 405, 407
Office V of the Reich Security Main Office (Reichssicherheitshauptamt), 62, 63, 94, 144
Ohrdruf concentration camp, 377n3
Oisdoier (Endurance), 338
Olympic Games, 247n7
Oneg Shabbat, 173, 183n50, 286, 330
On the Present Problems of the Movement (Z Problematyki ruchu w chwili obecnej), 338
Openheim, Ala, xxii–xxiii
Operation Market Garden, 58
Operation 1005 (Aktion 1005), 87n26
Operation R (Aktion R), 171n30
Operation Reinhard (Aktion Reinhard), 150, 152, 170. See also specific concentration camps
Operation T4 (“Euthanasia” program), 170, 171n29, 210n42, 216, 217; leaders of, 231n75
Opetka, 353
Opfer der Vergangenheit (Victims of the Past), 259
Oradea (Romania), 160
Organisation Todt, 66n64
orphans. See children
OSE. See Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants
Ostmark (Austria), 15, 41
OŚwięcim (Poland). See Auschwitz
Palestine, 20, 69, 69n2, 99n43, 406n34; British Mandate of Palestine, 396n26, 406; Jewish Agency for Palestine, 396
Pallarés, Renée, 392
Paris (France), 368n50
partisans, 323, 332–34, 334, 335–36
Passage: A War Diary (Voeten), 59
passports, 32
Pawiak Prison, 287n9, 327
Pechersky, Aleksandr “Sasha,” 329
People’s Liberation Army, 48–49
Peretz, Aharon, 142, 143–44, 298–99
Persian Empire, 10–11
Petrova Gora (Yugoslavia), 51
Peukert, Detlev, 251
Pfadfinder (Scout Movement), 247
Pfeffer, Fritz, 353
Philadelphia (United States), 32
photojournalism, 36, 37–38. See also specific photos
Piaski ravine, 152
Pick, Mařka, 387
Pieszyce, xxiii
pilots, 253n18
Pimpfe, 265, 266–67
Piski ravine, 152
Płaszów concentration camp, 177, 178–80
play, 283–86, 291–92, 293, 293–94; in concentration camps, 312–13, 314; by females, 301; realistic, 298–302, 302. See also children
Płomienie (The Flame), 338
Podchlebnik, Mordechai, 183n50
pogroms, 1–2, 400n29; Iasi, 99; Kristallnacht, 2, 21, 24, 26
The Poisonous Mushroom (Der Giftpilz), 261, 261
Poland, xxi, 63; Bad Polzin, 2; Chiemsee, 1; ghettos in, 107; invasion of, 35, 36, 61, 88n29, 107, 109, 332n15; Jewish people in, xxvi, 319n55; Kielce, xxiii, 400n29; Kraków, xxxvii, xxxviii, 177, 178; Lublin, xxvi–xxxii, xxxviii, xli, xxxviin12, 291–93, 329; Lvov, xl, 315, 316, 319, 320; Niedrzwica Duża, xxxviin12; orphanages in, 351; Połczyn-Zydrój, 2n2; postwar violence in, 400; regulations in, 41; Warsaw, xiii, xxxii, 107, 108, 109, 121, 128, 129–30, 284, 285, 286–87, 323, 324–28, 336–38; Wartheland, 112, 181; Wrocław, 3n9
Połczyn-Zydrój (Poland). See Bad Polzin (Poland)
Police Decree Concerning the Designation of Jews (Polizeiverordnung über die Kennzeichnung der Juden), 44
Polish Home Army (Armia Krajowa), 324, 325, 394
Polish Orphan’s Society, 129
political prisoners, 103
Polizeiverordnung über die K
ennzeichnung der Juden (Police Decree Concerning the Designation of Jews), 44
Polowiec, Tadeusz, 389–90
Pomerania (Germany), 2
Ponary (Lithuania), 109, 110
Popowski, Diana, 392
Potucnik, Mathias, 208, 209
Prague (Czechoslovakia), 289, 385–87
Pŕani k narozeninám I (Weissová), 307, 308
pregnancy, 59–60, 62n57, 109; adoption after, xl, 206–9; amenorrhea and, 141; encouragement of, 203–4; of foreign laborers, 62, 63; in ghettos, 141, 142–44; of Jewish people, xxxv–xxxvi, 141, 142–44; in Kovno, 142–44; Rehoboth Bastards and, 200n20; “Rhineland Bastards” and, 193, 197–98; of unwed mothers, 203–4. See also abortion; sterilization
President Harding, SS, 365, 365
President’s Commission on the Holocaust, 398n28, 409
Prezylam Ošwiaęcim (Żywulska), xiiin1
prison: Fort Montluc, 370; labor in, 150; Pawiak, 287n9, 327
propaganda, 246–47, 257–63
The Prophet (Katzenelson), 286n6
protective custody (Schutzhaft), 267
Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, 144
protest rallies, 6, 267
Prussian Interior Ministry, 198, 199
Psalm 83, 338, 339, 340
publications: for children, 337–40; in ghettos, 138, 293, 294–95, 336–38. See also specific publications
puppet governments, 41–42
Quenouille, René, 231, 232, 235n81
Race and Settlement Main Office (RuSHA), 203, 205, 206
race defilement (Rassenschande), 13, 14
racial community (Volksgemeinschaft), 10n26, 193–94, 268
racial theories. See eugenics
Radio Oranje, 353
RAF. See British Royal Air Force
Raiter, Raymond, 64
rape, 198, 279–80, 281
Rassenschande (race defilement), 13, 14
ration cards, 39, 40, 41, 134, 137
Ravensbrück concentration camp, 5n12, 56, 57n46, 149; medical experiments at, 230, 236
razzias (roundups), 95–96, 121, 303
Realschule, 9n25, 272n41
Rechtman, Zwia, xxxvi–xxxvii
Red Army, xli, 43, 52, 279–80
Red Cross, 366. See also International Committee of the Red Cross; International Tracing Service of the Red Cross
refugee organizations, 323–24. See also specific organizations
Rehoboth Bastards, 200n20
Reicharbeitsdienst (Reich Labor Service), 277
Reich Association of Jews in Germany (Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland), 357
Reich Citizenship Law (Reichsbürgergesetz), 13. See also Nuremberg Laws