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Easy (Trojans MC Book 7)

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “Oh, Brass, that feels so good.”

  It was about to get a whole lot better. With his hand, he pushed her down so that she was lying completely flat on the counter. He pulled her toward the edge using her hips, and forced her to spread her thighs even wider.

  The lips of her sex parted, and he took a second to admire her juicy pussy. Sliding a finger inside her cunt, he watched her suck him up. Adding a second finger, he didn’t look away, not once, knowing his cock was going to be inside her, balls deep.

  “Who do you belong to?” he asked.

  “You, Brass. Only you.”

  “That’s right. This pussy is mine. Every part of you belongs to me, and I’m never going to give you up. You’re going to belong to me. Every single part of you.” Leaning down, he continued to fuck her with his fingers, only this time, he sucked her clit into his mouth.

  Her pussy tightened around him, and her fingers sank into his hair. She was writhing on his tongue and fucking herself on his fingers. He felt her pussy start to pulse and contract. Within seconds she screamed his name, riding her orgasm on his fingers. He didn’t give her a chance to come down from the peak. Sliding his jeans off, he picked her up, and carried her through to the sitting room. Bending her over the chair, he found her entrance, and slammed every single inch of his dick inside her.

  They both cried out, and Brass didn’t give a shit that he wasn’t wearing a condom. This thing between them was happening. He wasn’t about to walk away, and no matter what Pie or any of his other club brothers said, this was the real fucking deal, and as such, he was going to make Eliza his woman. She was perfect for him, and had a place within the club.

  He’d make it so.

  Wrapping her hair around his hand, he started to pound inside her, watching his cock slide in and out of her, covered in her cum.

  “You belong to me. You’re mine.”

  Each word, he drove home with the thrust of his cock. From the moment she broke down in Vale Valley, she had belonged to him, and he wasn’t giving her up.


  Eliza stared up at the ceiling mirror. They had fucked three times already, and her body was sore, spent, sated. Brass was lying beside her with their feet where the pillows should be.

  “Do you really like watching yourself?” she asked.

  “Yeah. It’s not always me I’m watching, babe. It’s you as well.”

  “You’re a watcher.”

  He took hold of her hand, locking their fingers together. She should be covering up her body. Next to him, all of her imperfections were blaringly obvious. Her stomach was too rounded. There was no gap between her thighs. There were some dots of cellulite, and there was lumps and bumps all over the place.

  Brass, he was perfection. Hard abs, solid muscles, ink all over the place. She looked like an advert for diet pills. He looked like an advert for the gym.

  “I don’t want you eating at Mac’s,” he said.

  “I know what happened between him and Mary. I don’t exactly know the full details but I do get it, and I do understand. I’d never step out on you. If you don’t want me to eat at Mac’s, I won’t.” She turned to look at him rather than at his reflection. “I know I was engaged to be married to another man when I met you, but I never wanted that. I never felt attracted or even wanted to marry him. I still don’t, Brass. I meant what I said when I told you I would be in this for real.” She squeezed his hand.

  “It’s not just that. We’re all with Pike on this one.”

  “I like Luna,” she said. “We got talking today.”

  “Matthew’s Luna.”

  “Is that what she is?”

  “Duke’s kid. His eldest is called Matthew.”

  “Pregnancy scare?” she asked.

  “The very one.”

  “I like her. We got talking today.”



  “I want you to be my old lady. For real, in front of the club.” He cupped her cheek. “I want us to be together like that, completely.”

  Her heart was pounding. “I want to be with you as well. I don’t know if I’m ready to do what you need me to do.”

  “Not right away. There are no parties at the club right now, and with everything going on, I don’t want to add us to the mix. One day, I want you to be my old lady in more than words. I want the club to know that you’re mine.”

  She couldn’t help it. Tears sprang to her eyes, and she smiled at him. “I’m so sorry. I promised myself that I wouldn’t cry, and here I go, crying.”

  “Your tears are beautiful.” He moved her hand out of the way, and kissed her lips.

  Placing a hand on his chest, she halted him.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “I, erm …” Her cheeks were heating and she hadn’t even gotten to the best part yet. “I may not be ready for the old lady club thing yet, but there’s something else I’m ready for.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  She nodded, pressing a kiss to his lips. “I want you to be my first.”

  “First what?”

  “You’re just teasing me right now so that I will say it, right?”

  He laughed. “I’m such an innocent guy, Eliza. I need you to say the words for exactly what it is that you want.”

  She sighed. “Fine. Fine. Brass, I want you to fuck my ass.” She kissed him so that he wouldn’t say another word.

  “I always knew you would come around to my way of thinking.” He ran his hand down her side, moving behind to grab her ass.

  “Do you think you can do it tonight?” she asked.

  “I have all the stuff,” he said. “I wanted to own every single part of you, Eliza. Ever part. Every hole. Including this one.”

  She was nervous, but it was so damn sexy, and hot. “Then I’m putting myself in your capable hands, Brass.” She rolled so that she was on her stomach. “How do you want me?”

  Brass pressed a kiss to the back of her neck, making her shiver. “Stay exactly as you are. That is perfect.”

  She watched him climb off the bed and disappear toward his bathroom. This wasn’t just a quick decision for her. She had been thinking about it for a very long time. A lot longer than he’d even been asking. Anal sex had always intrigued her, and she wanted it so badly now with Brass.

  He came back with a tube of lube and a large dildo. “I’m going to start stretching you with this.” He moved not he bed behind her, straddling her legs.

  She pressed her head to her hands, and waited.

  Brass pressed a pillow beneath her, lifting her up, and then his hands spread open the cheeks of her sex. His fingers slid into her pussy, drawing them back, and coating her anus. She released a little squeal as the lubrication gel was so cold on her body.

  “Sorry, babe.” He coated her asshole with the gel, and she tensed up as he started to press a finger inside her. It was almost too much, and then it wasn’t enough, and she couldn’t stop her body from tensing up.

  It was as if he sensed that, and with his other hand, he slid it between her thighs, stroking her clit.

  She found herself relaxing, opening her thighs wider for his cock, desperate for him to go deeper inside her.

  The finger at her ass slowly slid inside her to the knuckle. It was almost too full, and at the same time not enough. The pleasure and bite of pain drew together, confusing every single one of her senses. She didn’t know where he started, or where she did. Nothing made sense in her world.

  He added a second finger and started to stretch her ass. She released a whimper but not for him to stop. She wanted more. She wanted his cock inside her pussy and ass.

  “You want this, don’t you, babe?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Yes, yes, I do.” She hadn’t realized exactly how much until he started teasing her body, drawing pleasure from it that she hadn’t expected.

  When he added a third finger, and she was able to take that without any complaints, he removed his fingers, and replaced them with t
he dildo. That was bigger and thicker than his fingers. He used plenty of lube as it slid inside her with such ease.

  “You’re so wet,” he said, and she was.

  Eliza had never been so aroused in her life. The pleasure, the pain, the sensations were all consuming, driving her to press against the cock inside her ass.

  He wasn’t done. When she began to fuck the cock inside her, he removed that, and then his cock was pressing to her anus.

  His cock was far bigger than his fingers and the dildo he used.

  Inch by inch, he slid inside her, giving her the chance to accommodate his cock. He filled her up, blowing her world, and making her awaken to needs that she had thought were long dead.

  “Your ass is so tight, baby. So tight, and so fucking hot.”

  She cried out as he slid the last inch inside her, finally full to the brim. “You’ve got it all, baby. It’s all inside you.”

  He pressed kisses to the back of her neck, moving from each side, giving her time to get used to his cock in her ass. She loved his touch, and when she couldn’t stand to wait any longer, she started to push back against him, making him ride her ass. He gripped her hips, and began to withdraw from her ass. With only the tip of him inside her, she cried out, wanting more of him. Slowly, Brass began to fuck her ass, taking his time, and drawing out every single cry, beg, and whimper that she had to possess.

  She was a complete and total goner for this man. There was no holding back now. Only moving forward.

  Chapter Nine

  The instant Duke got back to the clubhouse he demanded an all church meeting. This was a little different though. This had several of the club ladies involved, Maya, along with Russ and Sheila. What was also a big surprise was Clinton Briar’s presence. He was the lawyer that had brought the shit-storm of Abelli to their front door.

  Brass sat in his usual chair, feeling like the room was a little overcrowded.

  “You all know that I went to see Francis Abelli the day before last. He’s Holly’s grandfather, and still remaining head of the Abelli mafia. They are deadly, and they are dangerous. He promises to keep Anton in line with three promises from us. The first, he wants us to be his muscle, to help him when he needs. It won’t be every single weekend, but he wants an alliance with us. The Trojans MC at his back, and he’ll pay us as well. This is an extension of a business relationship. Second, he wants to get to know Holly and our kids. He also wants to know you, Maya. He says that he hasn’t seen enough of you, and that he is deeply sorry over what happened to you.”

  Brass glanced over at Maya to see her cheeks were red.

  “What’s the third promise?” Russ asked.

  “That Maya is not testify against the Abelli name. If she agrees to do that, then he will extend his protection to the club and the town. Nothing will come of it, and he will personally see to the punishment of Anton.”

  “No, you just wait one fucking minute,” Clinton said. “This man is a criminal. She’s not doing it.”

  “I agree to those terms,” Maya said.

  Brass looked at Landon. His jaw was tense, showing he was pretty pissed off at the deal.

  “Maya, you do that and they will arrest you, and have you locked up,” Clinton said.

  “No, they won’t,” Landon said, looking toward Duke. “He’s got his hands everywhere. Maya will simply disappear, right?”

  “That’s right. She can stay here, or wherever you decide you want to go. Maya, there will be protection for you.”

  “I like Vale Valley. I like being here, and I would love to help you guys with everything. It’s the least I can do for what I’ve done to you.”

  “You’ve not done anything wrong,” Clinton said. “This, what you’re doing, backing away, that is wrong.”

  “I know you want me to testify, but if I even make it to court, they are going to tear me apart, Clinton.”

  “I can protect you,” Clinton said.

  “Really? You can promise me that they won’t put in a few jibes, or have some kind of evidence that makes it look like I wanted it?” she asked. “All they need is to give doubt. That’s all. Doubt, and everyone walks.”

  Clinton sighed and dropped his arms down.

  “You didn’t just bring in one girl to take down an army, Clinton,” Duke said. “We’re an entire club, and against the Abellis some of us would die, but not all. You’re talking an all out war that quite frankly you’re not even ready for. You will not guilt this girl into doing what you want.” Duke looked toward Maya. “I will not guilt you into doing anything. This decision is on you, and I told Francis you will need time. I will give that to you. Think it over, and come back to me.”

  “I don’t need time to think it over. If Granddad has said that, then I know we’re all protected. It’s my father that’s a complete nut job. If Granddad can keep him in line, we’re all safe.” She locked her hands together, and stayed in her seat. Her gaze was on her lap.

  Brass saw everyone was a little shaken.

  “Are you just going to take orders from this man?” Clinton asked, looking at Duke.

  “I don’t take orders from anyone.” Duke glared right back at the lawyer. Every single man had tensed in the room.

  “You are. This man tells you to do shit, you’re doing it. He’s a fucking criminal—”

  Duke stood up, his chair scraping along the floor before falling with a clatter. “Then what the fuck am I? I make deals that mean this club is looked after. I do the shit that keeps this town fucking clean. I don’t sit around on my ass all day spewing out rules and order from some fucking book that pussies have created. You want to take me on, fine, take me on, Clinton. You wanted to bring Abelli to his fucking knees, fine. Did you even give a shit about what he did to Maya, or is this just one big case?” His questions filled the air, and they all knew the answers. “Everyone always looks to us as the wrongdoers here. We don’t follow the rules, we do shit our way. We have our own code. The real crooks are you fuckers. The law, the ones that can be bent with the right price.”

  “That’s not fucking true.”

  “You went after Abelli with a teenage girl as fucking evidence. The same girl you couldn’t protect and who was gang raped, and beaten near to fucking death. Then you come into my home, and ask for my help. I’m giving you my help right now because Holly belongs to me, and that is my only connection to this shit! They are my men, and Maya is under my protection. I did what was right by my club, my woman, and my fucking family. Don’t you fucking dare disrespect me again—otherwise you’ll be following everyone else who thought they could challenge me.”

  Silence hung in the air.

  “It’s time for you to go,” Holly said, grabbing Clinton, and urging him out of the room.

  Duke sat down. His shoulders on the desk, and he was staring at Maya. “You’re family as well. I will do whatever it takes to protect you, and to protect this club.”

  “Thank you. I’ll take the deal. I don’t need to think about it.”

  “You will always have a home here.”

  Maya nodded and then left the room. The women all turned to leave until there were only the men left.

  “Was it bad?” Pike asked, taking a seat now that his woman was gone.

  “It wasn’t bad. Francis Abelli is in charge, and he knows what he is doing for the most part. The biggest problem is Anton Abelli. Francis believes that he can punish his son, keep him under control,” Duke said.

  “You don’t think that’s true?” Brass asked.

  “He didn’t even know the extent of Maya’s injuries. I’m not convinced that anyone can keep Anton in check unless Anton is killed.”

  “Then kill him,” Russ said.

  Duke slammed his palm down on the table, and glared at Russ. “Your chance to tell me what to do passed a long time ago, old man. This is your shit-storm, and I’m cleaning it up. You want to die, go and kill him. I’ll make sure to throw your ashes down the toilet with a nice big pile of shit.”

nbsp; Brass looked at Duke and then at Russ. This was the first time that the two men had ever spoken out against each other. Russ was once the President, and now Duke ruled. This could turn ugly.

  The standoff ended with Russ leaving, and Duke snarled. “There will be no parties, no wild behavior, and no alcohol taken until further notice. I need you all to be on your best, and your guard. I will not lose a man for this fucking shit. I know some of you will be pissed about this decision. I really don’t give a shit. You want to stay alive, do as I say. You don’t, put your cut down on the table, and walk out of the fucking door.”

  No one handed over their cut.


  Leaving the clubhouse room, he saw Holly was waiting outside.

  Brass made his way outside to have a smoke. His time at the Trojans had been filled with threats, partying, and sex. This was one of those times it was filled with threats.

  “Some hardcore shit. Don’t ever recall Duke going that crazy,” Pie said, moving to stand in front of him.

  “Shit is about to get real fucking mean.” Brass took a deep suck on his cigarette. “We all need to be ready.”

  “He’s pissed off. Duke’s never like that, and especially not with Russ. He’s feeling betrayed.”

  “You think you understand feelings now?” Brass asked.

  “Think about it. The club was part of Russ. It’s part of all of us, and the same goes with Duke. When you hand it over, you hand it over with all of its secrets. This secret is twenty years old, and it finally coming to bite someone on the ass. Wouldn’t you feel a little betrayed?”

  “Yeah, I fucking would.” Brass took another drag on his cigarette and watched as Russ and Sheila were talking.

  They were all paying for the mistakes of those two, and it was getting old real fucking fast.

  “Maya’s strong though,” Brass said. “I didn’t expect her to take that kind of a deal.”


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