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Easy (Trojans MC Book 7)

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “She wants to live her life. I can’t blame her. I’m heading out. Catch you later.”


  “What does it mean?” Eliza asked, then took a sip of her wine. She had made pasta for when Brass had returned home.

  Club meetings were really important, almost sacred. They had been in the middle of having sex when the club had called, telling him there was a church meeting. He’d had no choice but to go, leaving her soaking wet, and desperate for his cock all day long.

  “It means we’ve got to stay on our guard. We’re not having any more trips to the beach for a long time.”

  “That’s fine. I can wait.” She smiled, sipping at her wine. “I’m sorry about all this mess you’re dealing with.”

  “It’s club business. Until you’re taken as my old lady, I can’t take you into those meetings.”

  “It’s fine, Brass.” She twirled her fork in the spaghetti and started to chew, watching him. He was clearly worried, and she hated that. She wished there was something she could say or do that would help him. “Mary called. She invited me to the first barbeque of the season. I don’t know when it is, but she said it is a huge deal at the clubhouse and as your plus one she was going to invite me.”

  “That’s great.” He sipped at his beer.

  Putting down her fork, she got up, and moved toward him. There was enough space, so she straddled his legs and wrapped her arms around his neck. Teasing the fine hairs at the base, she stared into his eyes, knowing that she would do anything that would make him feel so good.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, both of his hands grabbing her ass.

  “This morning, we were interrupted. I think it’s only fair that we make up for what we didn’t get to finish.” She bit on his earlobe, sucking it into her mouth, giggling as he growled. “And I’ve been thinking about you all day long. I need you, Brass.” She began to move over his rock hard dick, moaning as he seemed to touch the right spot.

  His hands held onto her ass tightly. She kissed from his neck, up, taking his lips, and biting down onto his lip. “You’ve got a lot of fire inside you,” he said.

  “And it is all for you.” Sliding her tongue across his bottom lip, she took charge, deepening the kiss as he worked her shirt off. This time he didn’t go to destroy it, which she was thankful for.

  “You’re going to drive me crazy.”

  “That’s the idea.” She wanted him crazy for her. Pulling away, she finished removing the shirt from her body, and stood up. As he took care of his jeans, she removed the few items of clothing so that she was completely naked.

  He held his cock up, and she straddled his legs, sinking onto his large cock. The moment he was inside her, she felt complete, whole. “I missed you today,” she said.

  “I missed you, too.”

  He held onto the cheeks of her ass and started to lift her up and down his cock. Her tits bounced with each downward thrust, and she took his lips. Brass cried out and held her with him thrust up to the hilt inside her.

  Pulling away from his lips, she leaned back to stare at him.

  “Damn, I want this every single fucking day. I want to be balls deep inside your pussy.”

  “Or my ass,” she said.

  “You liked that, babe?” he asked. “You liked me being inside your juicy ass.”

  “Yes, I did. I want it so much.”

  He grabbed her ass and started to fuck inside her. This was where their relationship started, but it was so much more now. The feelings she felt for Brass were real, true, and pure. She wouldn’t let him go, nor would she allow her father to destroy what she had come to love.

  Love Brass, she did, and she would fight every single person who tried to hurt him, or the club.


  Matthew stared at Luna, and damn it, even in the rain she looked so beautiful. “Did you walk here?” he asked.

  “I had nothing better to do. What is this?” she asked, holding up a single letter. His father had arranged for Luna’s college to be paid in full.

  “What is what?” he asked.

  “Don’t give me that. I’ve done some research, and the company that apparently is investing in my career happens to reside in Vale Valley. It’s you, isn’t it?” she asked. “Don’t lie to me, Matthew. Just tell me the truth.”

  The rain was coming down thick and fast. “Yeah, it’s true. I got my dad to agree to help you.”

  “Why?” she asked. “Is this charity? Do you pity me?”

  “Because you deserve it, Luna. You don’t deserve to be waiting tables at Mac’s fucking diner, or working to all hours of the freaking night. You deserve the chance at something better to get out of town if that is what you want.”

  She stared at him with her mouth open. “I’m not your responsibility.”

  “This is not about that. It has never been about that. I want you to have everything, Luna.”

  He had messed things up between them, but that didn’t for a second mean he couldn’t look after her.

  “I don’t need this.”

  “No, you don’t, but tell me, were you not a little happy when you saw it?”

  She didn’t say a word at first. “I don’t know if I can take this.”

  “Take it. It’s yours anyway.” He stepped out into the rain, not caring about how cold it was. “Let me do this for you.”

  “Is this because of what happened our senior year? What we did?” she asked.

  “No. It’s because of what I didn’t do. You’re perfect, Luna, and I was an asshole. Being with you, it was the best feeling in the world, and rather than trust it, I went and fucked another girl. I’m not proud of it, and it was the worst moment of my life. I know I lost you. Let me do this for you. Let me take care of you any way I can.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and she sighed. “I can’t, Matthew. It’s not right.”

  “Fuck what is right or not. I owe this to you for breaking your heart.” He reached out, cupping her cheek. Just that one touch made him feel so alive. “Please.”

  She closed her eyes, and leaned a little heavily against him. It wasn’t much, but to Matthew it was everything.

  “Okay, I’ll take this.”


  Duke and Holly watched as Matthew pulled Luna in for a hug.

  “I’ve got a feeling that girl is going to become our daughter-in-law,” Duke said.

  “You’re only just figuring that out.”

  “You had an idea?”

  “Please, you don’t forget a condom with a girl unless you’re wanting something more,” Holly said.

  “Or you just want to fuck so badly you don’t really care what you catch.” Duke moved away from the window. He had seen enough of his son’s love life. He didn’t need to see anymore.

  “That’s not what happened with Luna, and you know it. We weren’t there, and Matthew has been having sex for a lot longer than even I want to think about,” Holly said.

  Duke sat on the end of his bed, and held his arms open. “Come here.”

  She stepped into his arms, smiling. “What are you thinking about?” she asked.

  “You and me. Our family. The club. Do you think I’m making the right decision about all this?”

  Holly stroked the back of his neck. “Yeah, I do. If Maya had asked for you to take this further then I would have agreed with her. She wants this to end, and you can see that all she really wants out of life is to be safe. We can offer her that.”

  “Landon looked so pissed. So did Russ.”

  “I know. We can only do what we have to. What about Clinton? Will he cause a few problems?” she asked.

  He sighed. “Probably. I figure we can arrange a barbeque. I’ve already called Francis and told him we’ll take the deal. He’ll handle Anton. In a few weeks’ time we’ll do a barbeque, and then we can talk with Clinton. Francis said he would call with time for us to prepare when he needs us.”

  “That’s what I’m worried about. I don’t want anything to happen to
you and the club.”

  “Nothing will, babe. I won’t let it. Everything I’ve done, I’ve done for the club, and for all of us.”

  “I know there was nothing to be done. I just wish you didn’t have to strike a deal for the club. Does Abelli really have that much reach?” she asked.

  “Yeah, he does. Anton, he’s a problem. Francis has told me that Russ and Sheila will be safe. Nothing will happen to them. He has given me his word. I wouldn’t take any deal unless I could guarantee the outcome, you know that, babe.”

  “I do.” She sighed. “I’ve heard that Brass wants to claim Eliza as his old lady.”

  “Yeah, Pie told me that he’s asked for the brother to wait to know more.”

  “You don’t think she’s good enough for Brass?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. It hasn’t been all that long. She came to Knuckles and Beth’s wedding, that’s all I know. Oh, and her dad is supposed to be this asshole that pretty much can make our lives a misery.”

  “Anyone with money can make our lives a misery. Brass is different around Eliza. You can’t deny it. He also isn’t sleeping with any of the other women, and this is Brass.”

  “I know.” Duke rubbed at his eyes. “A lot to deal with, I know. We’ll get through it.”

  “My big strong biker. You’re a good man, and a good leader.”

  Right then he didn’t feel like it.

  Chapter Ten

  One week later

  Brass was finishing up his write up on the car he had just finished working on. Next week he would finally take Eliza as his old lady, and he already had the evening planned out. First, he was going to make love to her at home, and then they would head out to the barbeque that Holly and Mary had been organizing. They’d mingle, have some food, ready for him to take her. Maybe a few drinks to help her a little bit.

  “You’re off in dream land,” Bertie said, coming to stand beside him.

  “I’ve got the love of a good woman.” He smiled. Eliza had told him last night that she loved him. It had been faint, and she had looked really embarrassed about it. Of course when he told her that he felt the same, she hadn’t believed him. Weird woman.

  All women want was for their men to tell them how much they love them. The first time he does, and what happens, she doesn’t believe him.

  “It’s love now?” Bertie asked.

  “Yeah, it is. I love her, and she loves me. Do you need me to draw you a diagram? Will that make you feel better?” he asked.

  “Defensive much?” Chip asked.

  Brass held his hand up. “Sorry.”

  “It’s Pie’s fault,” Bertie said. “Pie told him to give it time. To wait and see if she is the right one.”

  “I know, and when you find a woman of your own, you will know, too.”

  “There is no chance of that ever happening,” Pie said. “I love pussy too much, and the thought of being with one woman all the time, freaks me the fuck out. Monogamy was made up by a bunch of old women designed to keep man under wraps.”

  “Just remember, you say that about men, and the same rules apply to women,” Bertie said. “You find a woman you like banging, and she loves to fuck as well? Guess you will be one in a long line.”

  Pie shook his head. “I’ve got a king size cock, my friend. I’ve got women panting after me.”

  “And that’s why you’re going to be the one to get burned,” Brass said, laughing.

  Pie stuck his fingers up at them, telling them all to go and fuck it.

  Brass continued to chuckle as he finished up the forms, and took them into the main office where Landon was working. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.”

  “You look tired.”

  “I told you I’m more than fine. It has just been a rough couple of nights with her. Ever since Duke came back from seeing her grandfather. It’s like everything has come back into focus in her mind, and she can’t seem to get over it. You know?”

  “It’s a lot to get over. I doubt she will ever really be over it, Landon.”

  “I know. I just want to help her. She’s like the sister I never had.”

  Brass patted Landon’s shoulder, trying to offer the brother comfort. It was really hard to do. “Here, this car is finished and ready to be picked up.” He handed over the keys, and headed toward the lot to see whichever car was on his list. Their mechanic shop was always busy, and with winter nearly behind them, everyone was planning for their vacation.

  Vacation. He needed to plan somewhere for him and Eliza to go. Somewhere warm that was not overly crowded, but an awesome place to be together, explore. That was something he needed to think about.

  “Excuse me,” a gentleman said.

  Brass turned along with everyone else in the main garage. The man was wearing a really expensive business suit, gray haired, without a speck of imperfection.

  “What can we do for you?” Bertie asked. “You got a flat that needs repairing?”

  Brass had a feeling he knew who the guy was.

  “I’m here to talk to the man shacking up with my daughter.”

  Bingo. He was right.

  “Sorry, man, that could be anyone around here. You’re going to have to be more specific,” Chip said.

  “Eliza Bishop. I want to speak to the man who thinks he’s good enough for the Bishop name.”

  Wow, this asshole was a piece of work. Good for Brass, he was as well.

  “I’m him, and I take it you’re Daddy!” He walked with a swagger, moving his hands really far out, and looking a little cocky. He knew how to play the asshole, and this was exactly what the guy was going to get. Daddy Bishop didn’t care about his daughter, just the name that she possessed. Staring at the man who had raised Eliza, Brass was starting to understand some of Eliza’s quirks.

  He’d noticed in the mornings how she always second guessed what she was wearing. There would be a formal black skirt and white blouse that would then change to something different. Even when she wore baggy clothes, she always made sure her hair was made up, and he rarely got to see her ruffled.

  Her father looked him up and down. “Let’s settle this properly.” He pulled out a small rectangular checkbook. “Who should I make this out to?”

  “You’re not going to buy me.”

  “Everyone has a price. It’s simple. You’re not keeping my daughter, and all you have to do is name the price, and I’ll be out of your hair, along with my daughter. I’m sure she’s done nothing but be a nuisance anyway.”

  Brass felt his brothers behind his back. They were there for him, and now they saw what Eliza had been dealing with.

  “I’m not for sale, and neither is Eliza. She’s mine.”

  “Please, Darcy is over there right now to deal with her. You want a million, I’ll pay it. Ten, twenty, just name your price. You’ll be a very rich man, and you won’t even have to think about this shit.”

  “You really think I’m a man that can be bought.”

  Bishop looked around at the mechanic shop, and there was a curl to his lip, disgust clear on his face. “Frankly, yes. Everyone can be purchased, and this is just … pitiful. Even Eliza can do better, and that is saying a lot.”

  Darcy is over there right now…

  Hell no.

  Without another word, Brass pushed past Bishop and climbed on his bike. There was no time to wait around. He was going toward his girl, and he was going to make sure that no one hurt her again. She belonged to him, no one else.


  Eliza laughed at Holly’s story of Matthew when he was growing. She never thought a teenage boy could be so much fun, but it seems Matthew was full of tricks.

  Mary, Zoe, Leanna, and Holly had all descended on her home. Brass’s home that was now her home, and they were making up some cookies for the kids school fair that afternoon. She had never had so much fun with a bunch of women. Not only were they all baking together, and chatting, there was just a feeling of family and togetherness that she had a
lways envied but never gotten the chance to be part of.

  “So we heard that Brass is going to make you his old lady,” Mary said.

  She paused in the measuring of the chocolate chips. Her cheeks heated knowing what each woman had to go through.

  “We clearly don’t need to worry about giving her a warning. She knows,” Holly said. “About how we all became old ladies.”

  Again her cheeks were burning. “I know. I just, I don’t know if that is going to be something I can do. It’s so … personal. Being with a guy and then having someone else watch.”

  “I found it hot, especially as I know that I now belong to Raoul. He’s mine, and I’m his. The other stuff is just club details. I get it in a really weird way, I understand it. I just don’t always agree to it.” Zoe took another cookie off the tray. “What is wrong with me? I throw up in the morning … like all the time, and now I can’t drink coffee. I’m so hungry, and these are so good.”

  Leanna, Mary, and Holly shared a look.

  “Sweetie, you’re pregnant,” Leanna said.

  Zoe’s eyes went wide. “No, I’m not. We’ve been trying for ages, and we had a false positive a few months ago, and we got really excited.” She placed a hand to her stomach. “No. I would know, wouldn’t I?”

  “Some women don’t know until they are giving birth,” Eliza said. “I read it in the paper I think. Or they lied and they knew the whole time.”

  “I’m telling you, you’re pregnant. Raoul’s going to have a little boy or girl walking around,” Holly said.

  “Or both,” Mary said. “Twins.”

  “Hell no. I’m not having twins. Not today, and not ever. No way. There’s no way that twins can even be birthed naturally. My vagina couldn’t handle something like that,” Zoe said.

  Eliza winced. Babies were all well and good to think about, but not many thought about the fact that a baby, a real life, large baby was going to come out of something that was quite small in comparison.

  Her own vagina tensed up at the thought.

  “You’ll forget all about the pain,” Holly said. “It’s—”

  “Really painful to start but when they place that little bundle of joy in your arms, you forget, and you want another one like a baby or sister for them,” Mary said, touching her own stomach.


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