Book Read Free

After Midnight

Page 4

by Brandy Greeley

  “And you don’t have to worry about me, uncle, because I’ll find my own path. The world may not need two of mother, but it’s going to get it, because that’s all I know what to do.”

  “I’ve already found the perfect woman, but she’s being…difficult. And deeply in denial about the situation. Any tips on how I might win her affections?”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat as I tried to form my next words carefully, knowing that he played with me like a cat does to a mouse it plans to eat later. “Have you tried honey? All women love the stuff. Or, you know, you could just give up, because it doesn’t sound like she wants to be kept.”

  He smiled, reaching out to twist a lock of my hair around his finger. “She’s known for…a while…that my courtship of her was a possibility, but I don’t think that she wanted to see it. She still doesn’t, so it might take some convincing. Luckily for her, I can be very persuasive.”

  “Cunning and manipulative, you mean. There’s always an ulterior motive with you, just admit it.”

  “I wonder why you would deny me the chance to be happy, little niece,” he said, resting his hand on my hip, “when my kingdom begs to be united under one ruling house – with one ruling family. It needs balance, structure, and the security that only a consort would bring.”

  “You need someone who will play housewife, while you go off and wrestle angry spirits, is that it? Maybe pop out a few offspring when the time is right?”

  He held me closer, snaking a hand up under my hair to hold me in place. “Don’t be so flip about something that would bring peace to our entire family, sweetheart. Do you honestly believe that I wanted the Underworld? I was given the short straw by your dear father in exchange for my obedience,” he spat, face angrier than I’d ever seen it. “I was meant for so much more than to act as judge, jury and executioner to the mortal world, and he knew it. A wife would make this undesirable situation more…bearable.”

  “And, naturally, you thought of me – the only woman around who isn’t demonstratively consumed by husband hunting,” I said, dropping the pretense.

  “You can give me something no one else can; rule over the sky.”

  I felt my stomach bottom out as his words sunk in. “No, I can’t, because he won’t do that. Not even for his favorite daughter. You’re asking too much, Hades.”

  “It was mine by right, and it will be again, once we’re married.”

  “I won’t help you do this, uncle. Olympus isn’t ready for someone like you.”

  “Well, then, it’ll have to be, because I am. Come, sweet; we have things to do.”

  I tried uselessly to pull away.

  “You aren’t listening to a word I’ve said. I’m not. Going. To. Help. You.”

  He smiled a low, secretive smile, releasing me as I stumbled away, eyeing him warily. Was he so power hungry that would hurt me? He’s your kin – why would he?

  His expression turned thoughtful, the air prickly with magic and I sneezed, then gasped as Hades’ arms encircled my waist again, hauling me up to his chest. “Then this is my only option.”

  I opened my mouth to yell for help – anything – as the ground beneath my feet trembled apart, and I fell, straight through an inky blackness that swallowed me whole.

  “Breathe, Persephone.”

  I leaned against the wall for support, emptying the contents of my lunch all over his tiled entryway, and he cringed, handing me a handkerchief.

  “Where are we?”

  “The Underworld, of course. My home.” He threw out his arms as though showcasing the room, striding over to a sideboard and pouring himself a drink as I ran a shaky hand across my mouth.

  Three massive bloodhounds lay in front of an ornate stone fireplace, studded collars shining wickedly in the partial gloom.

  “Take me back to Olympus, Hades…please.”

  He shook his head, pulling a long silken cord, and as a maid rushed into view, he gestured to my mess. “It’s not in my best interest to do so.”

  “And, what about my ‘best interests’? Or, do you not care about them? Mother will return, and when she does, and finds me gone…”

  “I expect she’ll run straight to your father, who is precisely the person I wish to speak to regarding our little…housing arrangement.”

  “If you think he’s just going to hand you the keys to his kingdom, you’ve misjudged him.”

  He held out a wine glass to me, deep burgundy liquid sloshing around the cup, and I took it, needing something to do with my hands to keep from strangling him. His lips twitched upwards as he resumed his position.

  “Your father loves a good bargain, and what I have to offer in return may be sufficient.”

  “What price do you think he places on the sky? It’s invaluable to him.”

  “More so than his precious daughter?” A little skitter of fear ran up and down my spine, and he laughed. “Relax, sweetheart; you know I’m not going to hurt you. I’m going to make you my queen, which I believe satisfies his desire to…oh, how did he put it? ‘Pair you well and cut you free’? Who’s better suited to the task than his own brother?”

  “He won’t do it.”

  “You say that so often, I wonder what your basis for comparison is. It will happen, Persephone, and when it does, you’d better be ready for it, because I can make your life a living, well, hell.”

  I bristled at the threat, rubbing a hand up and down my arm for warmth as I moved towards him.

  “So, I’m to be stuck here, yes? For the time being until I can find a way to escape?”

  He laughed again, stroking a path along my jawline with a fingertip. “This castle is not a cage to imprison you, but I would prefer it if you became…accustomed…to life here. And, as for your escape plans, well, there’s only one way you’re leaving this place, and that’s with a ring on your finger and a crown on your head.”

  “In that case, I would like to retire for the night. I’m sure father will answer your summons as fast as he can, and when that happens, I’d rather not be tired and grumpy.”

  “If that’s what you want; Magda will show you to your rooms.” He waved her forward, and she took me by the elbow gently, steering us down an adjacent corridor. I could feel his dark gaze on my back long after we faded from view.

  The Underworld, 6 months later

  “This is absolutely intolerable,” I said, ripping the crown of daisies from my head as Magda retrieved it, setting it back in place.

  “Milady, please don’t make this more difficult than it has to be.”

  I glared at her until her hair smoked, which was, it pained me to see, further proof of my changing lifestyle, and I hated it…every second.

  “He gave me away like a cow! The fact that father didn’t bow to Hades’ demands for his kingdom is honorable, but did I really have to remain part of this whole charade? What’s the point of marrying me, when he failed to get what he wanted? And don’t say it’s because he cares about me, because we both know that’s just stupid.”

  Magda watched me with those unfathomable eyes of hers as I plucked at the golden knot, knowing what it signified, and how I would later un-tie it…

  “Very well, I won’t. What I will say is that a ruler without a lady lives a very lonely life, and your husband-to-be is by far the loneliest man in the Universe. Please give him a chance. I realize this isn’t what you wanted for yourself and forcing you to be here was very poorly done, but in time, I’m sure you’ll learn to love him, as we all do.”

  “He won’t even let me wander the grounds.”

  “I’ll ask him to give you a little more freedom.”

  “He kills the plants I try to grow in his fried and shriveled-up garden.”

  “Living things cannot flourish here, milady…ever.”

  “He kidnapped me.” I sank to the floor in a heap of cotton, mind whirling as she joined me, reaching out to grasp my hands in hers. “He brought me to this…infernal place, because he wanted to use me as a pawn to ensnare
father, and when that didn’t work, I still wasn’t free to leave. I don’t know how to rule, Mags. I’ve been here for six months now, and I’m no closer to understanding how everything works than I was when I first arrived.”

  “Is she ready?”

  I wiped at my cheeks, rising fluidly to assess him as Hades stood in the doorway, resplendent in gold and black.

  “Almost, milord.”

  No, I’m not…go away…

  “Good. You will, no doubt, be glad to hear that our entire family is in attendance. Even the Titans, which of course your father is not at all pleased about. We should proceed with events before your grandfather starts another war. You look lovely, by the way.”

  “Go to Hell,” I muttered and heard Magda’s sharp intake of breath as Hades strolled forward, eyes lit with humor. I leaned away from him and saw something akin to anger burst to life.

  “I’m already there, sweetheart. I’m curious to see how long it’ll take before I break through your resistance; I relish the challenge, of course, but it’s getting…tiresome.”

  “Maybe you should’ve thought of that before you decided to force me to marry you. Did you really think I’d go quietly? That’s not in my nature, uncle.”

  “Yes, I’m aware of what isn’t ‘in your nature’, including civility, humility, patience, and above all else, the willingness to do as you’re told. I won’t apologize for anything, so perhaps it’s time that you gave up hoping.”

  “I don’t like you.”

  He laughed – a sarcastic, bitter sound that rubbed me the wrong way. “Right now, I’m not particular fond of you, either, little niece, but we must put that aside, because duty calls.”

  I watched him walk out, balling my hands into fists as Magda fluttered around me, adjusting folds of fabric and hair pieces, before stepping back to eye her handiwork.

  “Well, that’s as good as it’s going to get, milady. I hope that you’re pleased with the result.”

  “I am, thank you.”

  “Milady, you haven’t moved yet.”

  “Yes, I know; I’m getting to it, just give me a minute.”

  “If you make him wait, he’ll come get you himself, which I don’t think would have the effect you want it to.”

  Deep breath…you can do this…

  “Let’s go, then.”

  The throne room had been magnificently transformed – a vision of white lilies, pink apple blossoms, and lush green ferns – and I sensed mother’s magic at work, smiling at the thought.

  When I reached the end of the aisle, he held out a hand for me, helping me up. My legs felt like jelly, and I locked them in place, hoping I wouldn’t pass out as our eyes met again. I saw flecks of fire burning bright in his gaze, and swallowed hard, determined not to lose it in front of him. I needed to believe that everything would be alright in the end, even if I didn’t feel it yet.


  No. “Yes.”

  “Then take this,” he said, handing me a small paring knife. I turned it over in my hands, eyes wide as I looked up at him. “It’s to cut your hair, Persephone.”

  “But, I don’t want to do that. I like it the way it is.”

  His answering smile was brilliant – like looking directly into the sun. “A single lock will do, to signify virginity. Unless, of course, there’s something I should know.”

  I felt my cheeks blush strawberry red as I reached under the canopy, grabbed a curl and slashed, handing it and the knife back to Hades, who smirked.

  “I thought so.”

  “Oh, don’t act so surprised,” I whispered, refusing to meet anyone’s eye…especially mother’s...

  “Not surprised – glad. Now, repeat after me.”

  I lounged in my throne after the ceremony, watching as guests danced and drank, the din becoming increasingly freer as the night wore on. I hadn’t ever been one to dream about what my wedding night might be like, and now, faced with the prospect that this was the only one I was ever going to get, I was trying to enjoy it, for mother, who kept glancing up at me worriedly. How could I tell her that I was fine, without lying to myself in the process?

  “You should have something to drink,” Hades said, handing me a wrought-iron goblet as he slid into his own seat. “Look at them, Persephone,” he said after a moment, gesturing out across the room. “They’re here to bless our union, while their queen sulks in the corner.”

  “I can’t help it; you know this isn’t something I wanted.”

  “I believe in your ability to act happy for a single night, if only to placate our family. Is it really so bad, being married to me?”

  “I can think of worse people to be tied to for eternity, but you should have tried to win my love rather than stealing it.”

  “Something which I’m sure you’ll never let me forget.”

  “Probably not, just like I’m trying to forget about the fact that you won’t let me help you with the souls, for some crazy reason.”

  “Ignoring, for a minute, the fact that you’re an earth goddess and therefore should never touch death,” he said, rising from his chair, “you don’t have the capacity to do it. Follow me.” He helped me to my feet, handing our cups to a servant, before leading me from the room.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I need to show you something.”

  We passed the dining hall and living quarters, taking a flight of steps down to the lower levels of the castle, barrels of wine tucked into nearly every crevice, finally stopping at a set of mahogany doors.

  “After you.”

  He pushed them open for me, and I stepped through, breathing in salty ocean air. The sand beneath my feet was pitch black, dotted occasionally by flecks of opal that caught the light from nearby torches, and gleamed. Beyond it, further down the shore, sat two docks creaking ominously under the weight of hundreds of people who stood, looking out across the deep blue ocean.

  “I come out here every day, to oversee the progression of souls. This scroll,” he reached over to pluck a bit of parchment from a shelf, “tells me where each person deserves to be post-death and is updated hourly by my staff. You cannot be here,” he said as he rolled it back up, “because they would completely drain you of your light, and your life. Death seeks both the same way a bee finds a flower – instinct. I shouldn’t even be letting you down here now, but you deserved an explanation.”

  Long, black boats approached the docks as the souls shifted restlessly, and I stepped away from Hades, walking along the beach.


  I heard the warning in his voice, but didn’t listen, even as a male soul lifted his head and scented the air, the way a bloodhound does, and caught my eye. Time seemed to stand still then, as a pain unlike anything I’d ever known lanced through my stomach, and I doubled over, dry-heaving into the sand as I tried to catch my breath. His lips curled back over his teeth, and as he lunged towards me, I felt Hades’ arms wrap around my waist, dragging me back to the door. He slammed it shut, and I sank to the cobblestones, a single tear working its way down my cheek.

  “I felt -”

  “No, don’t speak.” He ran an agitated hand through his hair, grabbing my shoulders. “What you just did was incredibly stupid. If I hadn’t been there…”

  “But, you were. Hades, I felt his anger…”

  He sighed heavily, pressing a kiss to the top of my head as I clung to him, needing the comfort, if only for a second.

  “Please promise me you won’t do that again.”

  “But, they’re in pain…I can do something to ease it…”

  “Promise me,” he growled, teeth clenched and eyes wild.

  I reached up and touched his face. “I won’t come back.”

  “We should return to the party,” he said after a moment, and I cringed. “Unless you’d rather not.”

  “I’m not sure I’m ready just yet. Isn’t there somewhere else we could go?”

  His face twisted up into a sardonic half-smile, and I

  “No one will bother us in our suite.”

  “Our…suite,” I said, heart beginning to pound out a frantic tempo through my veins. “Why not your office, or living room, or…”

  “What did you think we were going to do tonight, sweetheart? Play cards?”

  “Now that you mention it, I could probably find some, and I’ve been told that I have an excellent poker face.”

  “We’re not going to play cards.”

  “Are you sure? Because that sounds like a lot of fun.”

  “I understand that you’re nervous, but I guarantee you’ll enjoy it.”

  I played with the copper band on my finger, conflicting emotions chasing through me. “Let’s go relax.”

  I huddled on the sheepskin rug in our suite as Hades lit a fire, handing me a glass of spiced mead.

  “Did this come from Merle’s stock?” I asked as I took a sip, letting it spread to my fingers and toes.

  “Your mother brought us a barrel as a wedding gift. I had to hide it from your intoxicated cousins, but that’s inevitable in a family like ours.”

  “I feel a little guilty about abandoning everything; are you sure this is okay?”

  “Oh, yes,” he said, trying not to laugh. “I highly doubt our absence is frowned upon in fact, I’m surprised no one has come in here yet, to check.” I placed the cup on the floor next to me, covering my face with my hands so he wouldn’t see the way my cheeks burned. I felt so stupid for showing this kind of weakness in front of him, but dang it, I never thought I’d be here now.

  “Persephone,” he said, taking my hands in his. “I know you didn’t ask to be here, and in your shoes, I’d probably feel betrayed, too, but I want you to know that I only did it because I care. You can hate me for as long as you want to. In fact, I fully expect that to be a very long time, and if we need to wait to consummate our marriage until you feel comfortable around me, then that’s what we’ll do.”

  “Certain people are going to ask about it in the morning.”

  He shrugged. “And if they do, we’ll deal with it then.”


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