Book Read Free

After Midnight

Page 5

by Brandy Greeley

  “Thank you, Hades.”

  He nodded, eyes never leaving mine, as he stood. “Regardless, you’re not likely to want to sleep in your wedding dress; I’ll help you out of it, if you’d like.”

  I looked down at the floor-length fabric. “I suppose it couldn’t hurt; I might rip something otherwise, and Magda spent a lot of time on this masterpiece.”

  “Where should I start? Here?” He tugged gently on the golden knot, and I felt the blood rush to my face.

  “You won’t be able to get the rest of it off if you don’t so, yes.”

  He smiled and stepped closer, picking at the thread. “I’ve never understood this tradition; if it’s a game we’re meant to play, I’d much rather find those cards you desperately wanted.”

  “I think it’s designed to incite...affections.”

  “Well, it’s damned frustrating, I’ll give it that. Whoever tied this had the strength of an ox. There.” He let it slip from my waist as he bent to one knee, hand skimming over my ankle. “If I pushed this up, would I find something underneath?”


  He swallowed hard, pupils dilating. “Magda is a very clever woman. I’m afraid, sweetheart, that if I see you standing there completely naked, things may not go as intended.”

  “Are you trying to say that you desire me, Hades?”

  “Yes.” The answer was fast and rough, and I felt my lips turn up ever so slightly in response.

  “The last thing I want to do is torture you, so if undressing me is going to be a challenge, I can do it myself.”

  His nostrils flared in the dim light as I saw a sort of war play itself out across his face. “Don’t be ridiculous; I just hadn’t expected your answer to be ‘no’. Ladies usually wear more than one layer, so I thought that would be the same -”

  “On our wedding night?”

  He smiled. “I will never underestimate Magda, or your mother, again. Still, what do we do now?”

  I tugged on his sleeve until he stood, positioning myself behind him. “Stay here, and don’t turn around until I tell you to.”

  “This is entirely unnecessary,” he said as I bent over, pooling the fabric at my feet with a soft whisper of satin against skin.

  “Says the man who is unable to look at me for fear of losing his nerve. If I had known what an effect I had on you, Hades, I would have used this as a bargaining chip a long time ago.”

  “If I had known that would work, I would have suggested it a long time ago. Are you through yet?”

  “No; be patient.” I removed the gold bangle and circlet, tip-toeing across to the wardrobe.

  “Where I appreciate what you’re doing for me, Persephone, this can’t be the usual way we go to sleep.”

  I rolled my eyes at his back. “Patience is a virtue, Hades. But, just so you know, tonight will happen on my terms - mine. And, if you so much as move a muscle before I tell you to, I’ll have one of my brothers filet you alive and – oomph!”

  He slammed into my back, flipping me over as we fell to the floor in a tangle of limbs, his calloused fingers tracing a burning path up my thigh. I squirmed, but he pinned me easily, wild eyes boring into mine. “Have I ever told you how arousing it is when you threaten me?” He leaned down and captured my mouth with his, tongue teasing the seam until I parted my lips on a sigh, and he took advantage, tangling a hand through my hair as he deepened the kiss, pulling me up to his chest. “You’re beautiful.”

  “You have to say that because we’re married,” I said, shivering as his teeth nibbled my earlobe.

  “A fact that I’m not likely to forget anytime soon.”

  He pushed the edge of my shift up over my thighs, tucking a curl behind my ear as I stared back at him, brown eyes to green, and for a moment in time, forgot how to breathe.

  We lay together afterwards, his fingertips tracing circles over my stomach and chest lazily, and I smiled, kissing the back of his hand. The firelight threw wicked-looking shadows over the walls and floor as I reached for my clothes, but he stopped me, laughter in his eyes.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I have to move sometime this century. Besides, I’m hungry.”

  “Stay here; I’ll get something for us.”

  I frowned, sliding the shift over my head as he held my hair aside for me. “As much as I admire the chivalry, I was hoping to grab some more mead, and say hello to mother.”

  “No one is expecting to see you until morning – trust me.”

  “But they came to celebrate with us, and we’ve been gone for a while now…”

  “Persephone,” he said, tugging me back down as I tried to stand. “They’ve all gone, love. The only people you’ll see out there are servants, cleaning the room, and perhaps a couple of very drunk family members, who will probably squat in our hall for the night. Now, as your lord, I command you to stay put until I return with food and drinks.”

  I glowered at him a second as his eyes challenged me, sparkling in the dim light. “Fine. Don’t forget about the grapes and cheese. And some of those puff pastries with meat.”

  “I’ll manage somehow. Stay.” He kissed me swiftly, wrapping a sheet around his waist as he faded from view, and I sighed, plopping down in front of the fireplace, rubbing my hands over my arms. A fat tabby wandered in through the partially open door, and I waved it over, patting the spot next to me as he flopped onto his back, presenting his belly for attention.

  “Shouldn’t you be chasing mice out of the kitchen? If cook found you in here, he’d tan your hide.” He meowed in response, playing with the end of his tail. “You’re probably all flea-infested, anyways.”

  He paused and scratched behind an ear, as if to prove my point, blinking up at me blurrily.

  “And, your fur looks like you went backwards through a Hawthorn bush, or you let Samuel-sticky-fingers pet you and then ran through mother’s garden.”

  I picked a leaf from his coat, grimacing delicately as I flicked it into the fire. “Though, your fur is pretty – all gold and brown, kind of like a lion’s mane, and your eyes…”

  I gasped and scuttled away from the cat, hand pressed over my mouth as it looked directly at me and…smiled…

  “You’re such an ass!” I hissed, as laughter rolled around me from nowhere and everywhere. As I stood, the feline’s form wavered, bright light enveloping its body, and I grabbed a blanket from the bed, handing it to a now very-naked man.

  “You’re pretty when you’re angry,” Thaos said, shaking his shaggy blonde hair away from his forehead. “I’m a little disappointed; I thought for sure you’d be wearing nothing at all, which would make this more fun.”

  “Get out.” I shoved him towards the door, and he dug his heels in, smile as wide as the River Styx.

  “Wait! Don’t you want your wedding gift? I spent a lot of time thinking about what to get you.”

  I stood back, arms crossed over my chest. “Let me guess, it’s about five inches long and thoroughly cursed.”

  “It’s seven inches, dear cousin. Seven. And it’s not my fault that things got out of hand with Ophelia. Ungrateful wench.”

  “You forced yourself on her in a drunken stupor, and you, what? Expected her to forget about it? Forgive you, even? You’re lucky you still have a dick.”

  He sauntered over to me, trailing a hand down my bare arm. “Let’s not fight on your wedding night, love. Not when we could be doing other things.”

  “Oh, no,” I said, slapping his hands away. “Don’t go there. Not now.”

  He smiled again, slow and sensual. “That’s not what you said last month.”

  “I wasn’t married to the Lord of the Dead then, and if you think he’s going to share me with you, you’re delusional.”

  “Why don’t you ask him yourself?”

  I turned, breath hitching in my throat as I saw Hades standing just inside the room, pitcher in one hand and tray of food in the other. He set both down on a side table, fierce eyes set on Thaos.
  “How much did you hear?”

  “Enough,” Hades said, stalking towards us, and I stepped in his path, hand outstretched.

  “Please don’t do…whatever it is you were about to do to him; he was just leaving.”

  “Was I? I guess I didn’t get that memo.” Thaos inspected his fingernails, lips turning upwards. He enjoyed watching me squirm, that rat-fink.

  “You’re in enough trouble as it is, so don’t push it. Not with him.”

  “Persephone, let me handle this,” Hades said, steering me out of the way as I grabbed a hold of his arm, yanking him back.

  “If I do that, you’ll kill him, and you don’t want to start a war with my brother.”

  “What is he going to do – pour wine on me? Lyric me to death? When I tell you that I’ll do something, I expect you to listen.”

  Thaos snorted. “Do I sense a crack in your marriage already? That can’t be a good thing,” Thaos said, leaning against the fireplace.

  I ignored him, staring Hades down. “He means nothing to me – you know this. Let him leave, and we’ll go to bed.”

  “Hey, Hades, would you like to hear how spectacular your queen is between the sheets? I mean, I thought I was good, but the things she can do with her vines…I would have her again in a heartbeat.”

  I dove out of the way as Hades surged forward, wrapping a hand around Thaos’ throat as he thrust him up against the wall.

  “Say it again, I dare you.”

  Never dare a god.

  Thaos’ eyes were bright jade specks in the firelight, and after a minute, he smiled, shrugging Hades off. “I won’t give you that satisfaction. Persephone, pleasure, as always.”

  He strode from the room, and I sank to the floor as Hades crossed to the sideboard, loading a plate with food.

  “They didn’t have any puff pastry left, but I believe a baguette with meat and cheese will suffice,” he said, settling down beside me. “Also, Poseidon owes us a new dining table. Not that it matters, because by morning, no one will remember what they did, but he has yet to grace us with a wedding present. Destruction and replacement of property is acceptable.”

  “Hades…” I grabbed my goblet to have something to do with my hands, as guilt chased its way through me. “I’m sorry about…Thaos.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” He paused, eyes assessing me. “You think that I’m angry you weren’t a virgin? I had my suspicions.”

  He opened his arms for me, and I snuggled close as he draped an arm around my shoulders. “Though, I will admit it’s a little alarming that I’m gone for all of ten minutes, and someone already made a move on my wife. I wonder if it’s time that you had your own full-time guard.”

  “Oh, please don’t. Mother has Gigi, and she’s never left alone for one minute, even to use the bathhouse. That’s not the kind of life I want here.”

  “Now that you’re queen, people will use you to get to me, and I won’t have you in harms’ way.”

  “Thaos wouldn’t -”

  Hades laughed, cupping my chin. “One drunken idiot with an infatuation for you isn’t what I had in mind, sweetheart. Even someone as infallible as myself has enemies, and that makes them your enemies, too. As long as you’re going to continue befriending random shapeshifters -” he cocked an eyebrow at me, and I dropped my eyes to the ground, cheeks flushing. Stupid…so stupid…I should have known. “I need to know you’re safe. If you won’t consent to security, my only other option is taking you with me.”

  “Taking me with you…on assignment? You’re talking about the souls, aren’t you? I thought that was dangerous to me because of, you know…” I held my palm up, as daisies wound themselves through my fingers, wrapping their fragile stems around my wrist.

  “It still is, which is why I need you to promise me that you’ll listen and obey.”

  “I hate being told what to do.”

  He stood, pacing back and forth in front of the fireplace. “Too bad. You’ll agree to this, or I’ll start to interview potential guards tomorrow.”

  “I have another idea, but I don’t think you’re going to like it.”

  He waited as I slowly approached, placing my hand on his chest.

  “Let me go home.”

  “You are home,” he said, eyes tense.

  “Let me return to Olympus, and when I’m not helping you with the souls, I’ll be around my family. What safer place can there be for me?”

  “You want to…leave?”

  “Do I need to remind you that coming here wasn’t of my choosing? You forced me into it, and now, I want to strike a bargain with you.”

  “I don’t do that.”

  “But you will – for your wife.”


  I could tell his patience was wearing thin and rushed ahead of the violence. “The only thing I want is to be happy, and you want that for me, too, right?”

  “What do you propose?”

  I licked my lips nervously, not liking how carefully he watched me, like a predator to prey. “Eight months on Olympus, and four here with you.”

  “Absolutely not.”


  “How about never? You’re queen of the Underworld; you need to be here to rule.”

  “But, I also need my family, and they need me. Anyways, you know they’ll just continue to find me, so if you want unexpected visitors dropping by at unexpected times…like Thaos…”

  His eyes narrowed to tiny slits. “Eight months here, and four months on Olympus.”



  “Half a year here, and half on Olympus? Done. But I get to choose which months.”

  “This is intolerable,” he grumbled, crossing to the dresser. I got a full view of his backside as the sheet puddled to the floor, and followed him, running my hands up and down his thighs, and he stiffened, turning around. “I thought you were hungry.”

  “The food will still be there when we’re done.”

  “You’re insatiable,” he said, carrying me to the bed, “and I know just how to fix that.”

  Chapter Four

  Portland, Oregon, 2017

  Someone was poking me in the back with strawberry shortcake-laden fingers, as Smaug the Destroyer sat at my feet like an oversized puppy, setting fire to a stack of ancient maps and books, which crackled and popped in sparks of orange and red.

  “Amy.” Smaug looked up at me with bright, hunter-green eyes, nudging a cup of coffee my direction with his spiked tail, as the world around me spun, splintered and shook…

  I sat straight up in bed, nearly whacking into Max, who held a ceramic mug, steam curling from the top in the pre-morning light.

  “Morning, sleepyhead.” He sank down next to me, laughing as I tried to steal the coffee from him, holding it aloft. “You talked again in your sleep,” he said.

  I winced, rubbing my shoulder.

  “It must have been good for you to bring me coffee in bed. Gimme, gimme!” I reached for it again, but he resisted.

  “You said something about a dock and ‘so handsome’, though I sincerely hope those two things are connected, however strange.”

  I froze, carefully arranging my face into a mask of calm as I took the cup. I knew exactly what part of my dream sequence he was talking about. “I don’t always remember individual dreams, but I’m sorry if I woke you up. What does your day look like?” I took a sip, loving the way the liquid trickled down the back of my throat, as I squashed the guilt trying to swamp me; it wasn’t full truth, but not quite half lie, either. Omission of details sounded better.

  “Plating and pinning a dog’s leg, removing some cat reproductive organs, and then a few dental surgeries. Super exciting stuff.”

  I smiled and plunked the cup on the nightstand, crossing to the bathroom and stepping under the warm shower spray. He followed me in, leaning casually against the doorframe.

  “I don’t know how you do it every day.”

  “Well, you are da
ting a vet tech god, so, there’s that. Hey, watch it – this is cashmere,” he said, as I giggled and splashed him again. “By the way, I’m sorry you had to see what you did in the park, but I’m proud of you for being so tough about it.”

  I had help, but you’ll never know about that…hopefully…

  “You’re just happy that I left you, Brad and Chris alone for longer than an hour.”

  It was his turn to smile, running a hand across his chin stubble. “That, too. Do you want me to make you breakfast, or are you back on that weird diet you tried last week?”

  “Carb me up – I need it.”

  He left, shaking his head as I reached for the loofa.

  I won’t let you go…

  The bar of soap slipped between my fingers as I jumped, quickly shutting off the water. The voice was right there with me, but I hadn’t heard anyone come in.

  “Max?” I peeked through the shower curtain, goosebumps rising along my arms as I expected to see someone standing there, in the steamy bathroom, but I was alone.

  The door opened a crack. “Yeah?” He stuck his head in.

  “Did you just say something to me?”

  He shook his head again, and a thread of fear worked its way through me. Calm down, Amy. You’re not thinking straight right now. It was probably nothing; the water playing tricks on you.

  Then why did I know that horribly familiar voice?

  “I think you’re going crazy, Amy,” Max teased, his voice light and humorous.

  “What do you mean going? I’m already there. Extra blueberries on those pancakes, please.”

  He retreated, and I breathed in the humid air of the bathroom, wrapping my arms around myself, suddenly very aware of an unseen presence in the room, and of my own rapid heartbeat.

  Same day…

  2175 Ankeny Street was a historic-looking brick building near the city center so, naturally, parking was hell. I twisted stray bits of hair into place as I stood on the porch, hand poised above the doorbell, sweat trickling down my back. Was I really going to do this? I probably could have ripped his card up, reported him to the police, and been done with it all.


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