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Intoxicate Page 26

by Tessa Teevan

  Once dinner’s done and she’s still not home, the worry sets in. It’s not like her to not be here, and my heart constricts at just how used to having her around I’ve become. Realizing I haven’t checked my phone, I run out to the truck, grab it out of the middle console, and see that I have a text. My heart sinks when I read her words, which tell me that I’m on my own for the night.

  I’m torn between responding by asking her to come home and simply letting it go. Begrudgingly, I decide to act with a little bit of the patience she’s granted me for so long.

  X: I was looking forward to dinner together, but have fun.

  So maybe not quite as patient as she is, but I’ve never been a patient man. At least, not when I finally get my head out of my ass to see what’s right in front of me. I know she’ll read between the lines, and I hope she comes home—sooner rather than later.

  After plating up dinner, I cover it with foil and place it in the fridge before blowing out the candles on the dining room table. I figure I’ll wait her out on the couch and get in a quick nap, because if I have my way, we won’t be sleeping much tonight.

  When I finally wake, I have no idea how long I’ve been asleep. It’s dark outside, so I grab my phone and turn the power on, surprised when I see that it’s nearly ten p.m. The mail symbol indicates that I have one text, and I hurry to open it.

  K: Sorry. I didn’t know you wanted to do dinner. Tell a girl next time! ;) Anyway, I’ll see you later. Enjoy your peace and quiet.

  Since when do dinner and drinks turn into being out late on a Friday night?

  Get a grip, man. It’s not exactly late.

  After pressing her number on speed dial, I hold the phone up to my ear and wait for her to answer. Keep it cool, I tell myself as it rings until her voicemail picks up.

  “Fuck!” I mutter as I try again—and get voicemail for the second time. My heart is pounding as I wonder where is she, who she’s with, what she’s doing.

  It shouldn’t be a big deal. Kalli’s an adult, and I probably deserve this after how distant I’ve been this week. But even still, all I can think is that my wife of one week is out with who knows what assholes drinking and probably dancing. I remember the time I last pissed her off and how she went to the bar with Lucy.

  The idea of her allowing other men to press up against her—or, hell, even buy her drinks—has a rush of anger coursing through me, and before I know it, I’m grabbing my keys and heading out to my truck. Once I pull out of my driveway, I have no idea where I’m going. Kalli didn’t give me an indication as to where she was, and there’s no way I’m going to search every bar in Clarksville. Not knowing what else to do, I head to Kale’s.

  I pound on his door, and he’s quick to answer, giving me a scowl.

  “Excuse me. Sleeping baby here. Do you mind?” he asks.

  I at least have the decency to apologize. Pushing past him, I look around and see that Lucy’s not here. “Where is she? Where is my wife?” I growl, giving him an accusing look.

  Kale has the audacity to grin at me. “Already pissing her off? What is that? Twice in one week? Man, Cruz, this marriage thing may not be for you.”

  “Not funny, Montgomery,” I say through clenched teeth.

  He folds his arms over his chest and studies me. “What’s the big deal, Z? Everyone heard your whole ‘platonic’ speech on the plane. Now, I’m not one to get into my sister’s business because I know she can handle myself, but you showing up here at my door changes that. So tell me. Why the hell do you care if she’s out drinking with male colleagues who Lucy has said have the hots for her? Isn’t that what platonic means? You see other people?”

  A surge of unbridled anger rushes through me as he goads me. The idea of Kalli thinking that this could possibly be what I want sends a shooting pain to my stomach, making me feel ill.

  “Because she’s my wife!” I seethe, not sure why this is such a hard thing for him to wrap his brain around.

  He doesn’t look convinced as he raises an eyebrow in my direction, his jaw ticking. “So? Why does that matter? Again, you said the word ‘platonic.’ What’s changed now? Who cares if she’s at the bar with some guy who’s probably getting her all liquored up to try to take her home? After all, Lucy swears wedding rings are magnets for douchey assholes, and now, Kalli’s out there.”

  Every last one of my buttons has just been pushed, and I see red at his insinuation that my wife would be unfaithful. And then it hits me like a ton of freaking bricks. Like a semi without warning. A runaway train with no chance of slowing down.

  “I’m fucking in love with her! That’s what!” I explode, my eyes widening when I realize what I’ve just admitted. For the first time. Ever. To both myself and to him.

  Holy shit. I sink down on the couch.

  I’m in love with her.

  The words loop in my head almost as if my heart’s trying to beat it into my brain. For so long, I’ve been fighting my feelings for her. All of a sudden, it’s like a punch in the gut as the realization washes over me. That brief moment when all the wind’s knocked out of you, leaving you breathless and aching? That’s how I feel right now. Breathless, achy, and head-over-fucking-heels in love with my wife. My heart pounds, my hands are clammy, and the blood is roaring in my ears as I look up with renewed clarity and whisper the words again.

  “I love her.”

  A slow grin spreads over Kale’s face, and he bring his hands up in the form of a slow clap that’s soft enough not to wake Jacob but still enough to get his point across. “It’s about fucking time, Z. Everyone in the world knows you’re in love with Kalli except you—and except Kalli. Hell, your ten-year-old probably even gets it. Why was that so hard to admit?”

  I rub a hand over my face as it dawns on me that he’s right. For years, Ma, Ginger, and Kaylie have been dropping hints about the two of us, ones I tried to never entertain. But as soon as she was a part of my daily life, I did whatever I could to keep her there. There’s a reason I was so quick to agree to her engagement idea. A reason why I wanted to propose for real, with a ring that meant something to her. A reason why I wanted to get married on the first night so we’d have the rest of the weekend to celebrate. It wasn’t for Lily’s sake. It was because I was in love with her and wanted to make her mine no matter how many times I told myself that it was for purely selfless reasons. How the hell could I have been so blind? Even still, I revert back to my old reasons, not needing to admit to Kale that I’ve been a blind idiot.

  “It’s complicated, Kale. First there’s Lily, and then Angela—”

  He cuts me off. “Those are excuses, Xavier, and I’m tired of listening to them as you waste your life away. Ten years. It’s been ten years that I’ve watched you do this to yourself. Lily loves Kalli and vice versa. As far as Angela? She’s so far removed from your life that it’s not even funny. I hate to break it to you, but you’re in your thirties, dude. It’s time to grow up and let someone into your life. Isn’t that what you told me about Lucy when I was acting like a dumbass?” He hits me with a stare, and I know he’s right. “I thought I was still so damaged from Tara and I couldn’t let anyone in again until you helped talk some sense into me. Think of how different my life would be if I hadn’t. You have to get over the past. Trust me. I know how scary it can be. But when it’s with the right person, it’s worth it. So I have to ask. Is Kalli that person?”

  “Yes.” That one word sounds so simple coming from my lips, but it changes everything. And at that moment, the idea of change is no longer terrifying. It’s . . . freeing. Liberating. It’s invigorating, and I can’t believe I’ve lied to myself for so long about how I’ve felt.

  “Then why are you sitting here, telling me, when you should be telling her?” he asks, making a good point.

  I stride towards the door but turn back to him before I reach it. “I still need to know where she is.”

  “Same place as last time,” he says with a grin.

  Stifling a groan, I shake my head.
“Thanks, Kale. For pulling my head out of my ass.”

  “Hey, she’s my sister and you’re my best friend. All I want is for both of you to be happy.”

  I nod and rush out to my truck, more than ready to go get my wife and take her home where she belongs.

  And to make sure she knows it.

  That is . . . if she still wants it.

  “WHAT’S THAT look for?” Lucy asks, noticing my frown.

  I hold my phone out and allow her to read Xavier’s text that tells me to have fun. “It’s not working.” My heart sinks, and I wonder if it’s time to pack it in. Give it up. Start building that inevitable fortress. At this point, I don’t know if I’ll be trying to keep him out or keep my feelings locked up in the form of a pseudo Rapunzel. The only problem is that I don’t think he’ll ever be standing at the bottom, begging me to let down my hair so he can get in.

  Placing my chin on my hand, I sigh as I watch Lucy read his text. I should’ve known better than to think Xavier would come running after me if he knew I was out having a good time without him.

  “What do you mean it’s not working? He said he wanted to have dinner with you. He’s obviously only saying to have fun because he doesn’t want you to feel obligated to go home. Don’t go jumping to conclusions just yet, Kalli. I saw the way he looked at you in Las Vegas. He wants you. Just . . . think of him as a cow. He simply needs a little prodding.” She laughs as she wriggles her eyebrows up at me, which elicits my own giggle.

  “A cow? Trust me. If he were anything animal like, it wouldn’t be a cow. Maybe a steed. Or is it a stud? Either way, he’s big and virile, and God, he made me feel like a virgin again,” I gush, my eyes glazing over as I remember all the ways he took me last weekend.

  When I come down from my momentary mental high, Lucy is staring at me. My cheeks flush pink, and I’m quick to think about the rest of what she said. It makes sense, especially with how Xavier is, but I’m not so sure she’s right.

  “Umm, anyway, I hear what you’re saying, but he sent this three hours ago. If he cared or was bothered by the fact that I was still out, don’t you think he would’ve messaged me again?”

  “What I think is that you need shots so you’ll stop your worrying. And so you’ll refrain from describing his penis to me in any further detail.” She snickers as she signals the bartender, and before I know it, I’m downing two shots of tequila.

  “Maybe you’re right. Perhaps I’m overthinking things. When in doubt, shoot tequila,” I tell her as we clink glasses.

  Still, my mind wanders to him and that text. As the tequila causes my brain to swirl, I dissect those two short sentences. He was looking forward to having dinner? Does that mean he was excited about us being alone? Or just that it would be nice to eat without the world’s pickiest ten-year-old complaining about him making her eat her green beans.

  And then the “have fun”? Did he actually mean it? Does he really want me to have fun doing who knows what with who knows who? I wasn’t lying when I told Xavier that I was going out with colleagues from work. I may have purposely omitted the fact that it was just Lucy. That was probably wrong, but it seems as if he doesn’t mind who I spend my time with.

  Another round of margaritas and two more shots of tequila later, I’m done feeling sorry for myself. Leaning forward, I catch Lucy texting on her phone and take it from her, knowing she’s probably checking on Jacob for the hundredth time.

  “Let’s dance, bitch!”

  She bites her lip and looks beyond me. “Umm, Kalli, I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.”

  I frown, hoping she’s not about to bail on me to go home to my brother. “Why the hell not? You poured tequila down my throat. The least you could do is give me the courtesy of shaking my ass for a little while.”

  “The fuck you will.”

  The low growl coming from behind me shoots thrills down my spine, and I close my eyes, knowing he’s come for me. Sweet, sweet inner Rapunzel, let down that hair, watch him climb up, and let him claim you once and for all. Trying to maintain my composure so I don’t go flinging myself into his arms, I twist in my chair and give him an indifferent smile. I need to see this thing through so he’ll finally make up his damn mind.

  “Oh look, Lucy. My platonic husband! Hey, honey. Want to join us for a drink?” I ask, bringing my straw in between my lips as I suck down the rest of my margarita.

  The scowl on his face, I think, is supposed to be scary, but in reality, all it does is turn me on. Angry Xavier is sexy.

  He looks past me at Lucy. “I’m outta cash. You got this covered?”

  Narrowing my eyes, I jump up from my seat. “No, Cruz, I’ve got this covered. If you’re not here for a drink, you can just go on home. I’ll be there later,” I inform him, folding my arms over my chest and glaring at him.

  “The. Fuck. You. Will,” he repeats slowly, emphasizing each word like it’ll make me comply more readily or something. Then he’s in front of me in two swift strides. With a nod to Lucy, he grasps my elbow and pulls me out of the bar.

  I could protest, but I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea, so I go right along with him.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I ask when we get outside.

  He doesn’t stop moving. He just pushes me towards the truck, opens the door, then picks me up by my waist and sets me inside. “I’m taking my wife home.” Without letting me respond, he slams the door and swiftly joins me, but I’m ready for him.

  Crossing my arms, I glare over at him. “Oh, funny. I was afraid maybe you thought you’d dreamt up that entire weekend in Las Vegas. Nice to see you actually do remember that we tied the knot.”

  His jaw ticks as his hands tighten on the steering wheel, the veins in his forearms bulging almost as if they’re on the brink of eruption, much like his temper.

  “Shut the hell up, Kalli.”

  “What? I’m only giving you what you want,” I goad, wanting to get more of a reaction out of him than what he’s giving me now.

  “Right now, what I want is to get us home in one piece. If you keep talking, I can’t promise that will happen.”

  That shuts me up right away.

  THE MINUTE we pull into the driveway, I hop out of the truck and storm into the house, not stopping until I’m in our bedroom and slipping off my dress, hoping that this conversation will be more enjoyable if I’m nearly naked. When he stalks in, I’m wearing nothing but a bra and tiny panties, but it does nothing to remove scowl from his face. My tequila-infused mind doesn’t exactly care at the moment. He’s the one who said we should be platonic. And at the thought, I get pissed all over again.

  “What the hell is going on, Kalliope?” His voice is low and deep, his eyes swirling with fury, desire, and I can tell he’s fighting his lust.

  God, that growl is so sexy. I want to drop this whole thing, tear off his clothes, and beg him to say my name over and over again as he makes me come. But I hold back. I have to do this.

  “What do you mean, Xavier? Isn’t this what you wanted? A platonic relationship. So who cares if I’m out drinking and dancing on a Friday night with my girlfriends? In fact, you know what? We should probably go one step further. How do you feel about an open marriage? After all, a woman has needs, and clearly, platonic isn’t going to meet them.”

  Potent rage flashes in his eyes as he sucks in a deep breath at the audacity of my suggestion. I have to bite the inside of my cheek to not smile. Come on, Xavier. Let it out, I mentally plead. And thank freaking Christ, he doesn’t make me wait long.

  “Absolutely not,” he fumes, unbuckling his jeans and stalking towards me. Before I can react, he rips my panties off and scoops me up, pressing my back against the wall, as he guides his now free cock to my drenched entrance, teasing me with the anticipation of what’s to come.

  A thousand resounding yeses cry out in my brain. This is happening. We’re so close. He’s so close to giving in. I need to push . . . Just a little harder until he’s falling ove
r the edge.

  “I thought you wanted platonic.”

  “Fuck platonic,” he responds, his voice low and gruff.

  God, yes! Have two sweeter words ever been spoken? All right, Kalli. Time to go in for the kill.

  As I suck in my bottom lip, my hands slide up to grasp his face, forcing him to look into my eyes. “Then what do you want, Xavier? And be careful with your answer. This is one you won’t be able to take back.”

  His hands tighten on my hips as his dark eyes bore into mine. He sucks in a deep breath before letting it out in slow succession, driving me insane as he makes me wait.

  “You, Kalliope. I want you,” he admits, his eyes not leaving mine.

  Finally! My heart soars as my belly does a somersault, the words repeating in my head. Letting go of his face, I place my hands on his shoulders to brace myself.

  “I’m yours, Xavier. I always have been.” The words release on a proverbial breath I feel like I’ve been holding in for so long.

  Apparently, that’s all he needs to hear. I barely get the words out before he slams up into me, harder than expected, causing me to cry out his name as I grip his shoulders.

  “Fuck. Platonic,” he growls, punctuating each word with a deep, penetrating thrust, his eyes never leaving mine. “You are my wife. You belong to me, Kalliope. Only ever me. And I will only ever want you.”

  “Yes,” I pant, leaning my head back against the wall as his words of ownership wash over me. My eyes drift shut as I enjoy how he fills me over and over again. Yeah, I was definitely spot-on with my stud assessment.

  All too soon, he slides out of me, pausing as just the tip remains, eliciting a whimper from me.


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