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Bound For The Tour 2: Inside The Ropes

Page 7

by Commander James Bondage

  “You aren’t a masochist, are you?” Traynor asked, as he manipulated her vigorously. “You’re not normally aroused by pain, are you? So why are you so hot now?”

  Dana shook her head. He was right; she did not understand why she was already so aroused, even before he had touched her.

  Traynor took his fingers away from her for a moment, and then moved them to between her buttocks. As his forefinger circled and probed, he said, “Let me explain something to you: almost all of the important parts of sex happen in your head. Despite what you might think, pleasure and pain are not opposites. Once you understand them, you will realize they are largely interchangeable. Are you following me so far?”

  “Ahhhh,” Dana answered, nodding, and then shrieked “Eeeee!” when without he pressed two fingers knuckle-deep into her rear.

  “You have come to anticipate pleasure when you are bound and naked in front of me…” he continued, plunging his fingers in and out, and rotating them vigorously from side to side as he spoke. Dana’s hips twisted madly under this treatment, and she cried out incoherently in protest.

  Traynor still held the paddle, as he demonstrated by taking his fingers out and delivering two more heavy blows to the backs of her thighs. “Keep still,” he said. He re-inserted his fingers and continued to manipulate her, while Dana struggled to control her body, tears leaking from beneath the blindfold.

  “You have learned to expect pleasure in this situation, and to associate it with being tied up and spanked,” he continued. Suddenly, the fingers were withdrawn, and returned to her pussy. “In the same way, you will also learn to enjoy being taken that way.”

  It seemed that she already had begun to learn it. The moment his fingers pressed into her, Dana climaxed, bouncing, twisting and grinding her hips on his hand, while making a deep, throaty sound not unlike that of a cat.

  Traynor watched approvingly until the orgasm ran it course, and then he said, “Resume the position.” Dana was by now little more than his mindless pleasure-toy. She instantly straightened her legs and went back up on her toes. She was quivering from sexual excitement mixed with a little fear, in anticipation of what he was going to do to her next.

  Traynor’s fingers were busy again, and very soon, after he had flicked and teased for a little while, Dana was as aroused as she had been before the orgasm. She sighed when she felt his manhood push against her and then begin to enter her, and she arched her back to try to meet his thrust. She groaned in disappointment when, after he had moved forward only an inch or two, he pulled back out again.

  A moment later, Dana felt him pressing lightly between her buttocks. Her heart beat faster as both her excitement and her fear increased dramatically. “Do you me to take you there?” he demanded.

  Dana’s head was whirling. She knew what answer she was supposed to make, what any decent girl would say to such a disgusting question, but somehow, at this moment, it was not so clear. She shook her head uncertainly, and said, “Nahh.”

  Traynor hand reached to her sex and his fingers pinched. “Don’t lie to me, cunt,” he said. “Do you want to be fucked in your tight little ass right now?”

  Dana had no choice but to play his game. She was completely under his control. “Ehhh! Ehhhh!” she screamed, bobbing her head up and down, and circling her hips insistently. She was no longer capable of rational thought. In place of a coherent mind there was now only raging animal lust. “Fuck me!” she tried to say. “I don’t care how, but fuck me!” This was, of course, distorted by the ring in her mouth into a string of gibberish, but there was no mistaking the urgency in her tone.

  “If you insist,” Traynor said. With powerful thumbs, he spread her buttocks apart and leaned forward. In spite of her overwhelming state of excitement, Dana’s body was not prepared to accept the intruder trying to force its way in. Her muscles clenched tight, doing their best to keep Traynor out.

  Their best was nowhere near good enough. Traynor had been in this position many times before, and no female’s rear had ever gotten the better of him. He enjoyed the process of overcoming the girl’s resistance almost as much as he did the intercourse that followed.

  He had already gained a small lodgment in Dana, so he released one of her rear globes, adjusting himself with his hand to a more favorable angle, and at the same time increased the pressure from his hips. Instinctively, her muscles resisted valiantly, but in the end only one outcome was possible. She gave way suddenly, and she gasped in sudden pain and shock as, in a single thrust, Traynor pushed four inches into her.

  The sensation was not at all what she had expected or wanted. It provided no stimulation whatever to her now neglected sex, but instead it stretched her rear terribly and made her feel that he must have damaged something. In addition, she felt most uncomfortably cramped and over-stuffed inside, as if she had not moved her bowels for a week. She began to lean forward to escape the pressure as he thrust himself into her, until he growled, “Stay in position, cunt!” and she hastily straightened her legs again. She groaned in distress. Why had she imagined that this unnatural act would be exciting?

  But then she felt his hand between her legs again, stroking and caressing. In what seemed no time at all, the pain and cramping magically faded into the background as his fingers twirled and flicked even as he pressed further into her rear. Her midsection was soon swaying from side to side under the influence of Traynor’s manipulations, and in some strange way even the rear intrusion contributed to the immense orgasm that was building up.

  Traynor took his time, taking Dana with agonizing leisureliness, but eventually he managed to jam his entire length into her. As always, he found this achievement immensely satisfying. He paused for a moment to savor the feeling of power it gave him, as well as the delightful physical sensation of the girl’s alligator-tight grip on him. “Nice fuck,” he told the squirming Dana. His fingers moved more quickly between her legs as he started the up-stroke. “Like it, do you?”

  This would have been a difficult question for Dana to answer, even if she had been able to speak comprehensibly. The pain in her overstretched rear had not lessened; if anything it was worse than it had been when he originally pressed into her. To this was now added a new, even more unpleasant sensation as he drew back.

  On the other hand, the sensation of what he was doing in her rear was somehow extraordinarily arousing, and this, combined with his skillful caressing of her sex, had brought her to the verge of a volcanic climax.

  “Uhhh! Ohhh ahh-ahh!” she shouted, the closest approximation of, “Yes, give me more!” Dana could manage. In the event Traynor did not understand what she wanted, she made emphatic, supple motions with her hips and abdomen, motions whose meaning could not easily be misunderstood.

  Traynor responded by grunting “Huh, bitch!” taking a powerful grip on Dana by sinking his fingers into the flesh of her hips, and driving his full length up and down with maniacal intensity. Dana shrieked and bucked under him like a wild horse, commencing a huge orgasm just seconds before Traynor exploded inside her. For an unknown time, she did not know where she was or what she was doing. She was aware only of the incredible tsunami of sensation that swept away all else in her consciousness before it.

  When she came back to herself, the first thing Dana saw was Traynor’s semi-deflated organ right before her eyes. His hand was in her hair, holding her head in place.

  After the strenuous session of sex, Dana was so drained she could not support her head on her neck, and she had no strength to resist him at all, or even to raise the mildest protest.

  At that point, helpless as she felt, Dana reviewed the things she had done and felt over the previous hour, and she blushed in shame. She now had a better understanding of how, as Traynor had said, pain could easily become pleasure. But now, as she considered the humiliating ease with which he had persuaded her to perform the most perverted acts for his amusement, she clearly saw for the first time how easily pleasure could be transformed into the pain.

p; Chapter Eight: Competition

  That night, after she had returned to her room and was sitting on her bed beside her roommate, Dana tried to sort out her feelings about the nighttime sessions with Traynor.

  “The things he does to us are so horrible, degrading, cruel, but…” she said, and then hesitated.

  “But they’re so exciting,” Kit finished for her. “Yes, I know, Dana. I feel the same way.”

  “After he’s finished with me, I feel so dirty, so ashamed,” Dana continued, covering her face in her hands. “But the next day, all I want is to do it all over again.”

  Kit patted her head comfortingly. “I understand, Dana sweetie. I go through the same thing. But think how I felt tonight, lying here alone in this room while he was doing all those terrible and wonderful things to you. It was supposed to be my turn, remember?”

  Dana looked up at her friend. “I’m sorry about that, Kit. Please don’t be angry with me. It wasn’t my…”

  “Don’t worry, Dana,” Kit interrupted. “I’m not angry with you. I know it was all Traynor’s idea. He’s trying to use sex to make us to compete with each other. And what the hell: it’s working. When I whip your cute little ass tomorrow on the simulator, it won’t mean I don’t love you any more, so don’t take it personally, Ok?”

  Kit’s words had an unanticipated effect on the other girl. She sat up and looked Kit straight in the eye. There was no sign of the defeated, self-pitying young woman Kit had been talking to just a moment before.

  “Absolutely,” Dana said, meeting her gaze unblinkingly. “And I know you won’t hold it against me when I kick your butt again tomorrow. Right, lover?”

  They matched steely gazes for a few seconds, like boxers at a weigh-in trying to intimidate each other, until Kit burst into giggles and Dana immediately followed.

  “There’s something else I would much rather hold against you,” Kit said, still laughing, “Me. Come here, girlfriend.” She opened her arms, and Dana, smiling more broadly than ever, went gladly to her.

  The next day, the morning session was devoted to the short game and to putting. Traynor made the girls attach Stimulaides to themselves before they started, and then used a manual control to punish and reward them. He shared some of the seemingly infinite number of chipping and putting techniques he had learned or developed over the years with the girls, and then had them practice on a huge indoor green. When they demonstrated that they had absorbed the lesson, they received pleasure jolts, but when they failed to execute something he had taught them, he was merciless.

  Kit out-performed Dana in the morning drills, and was rewarded with Traynor’s caresses at lunch, while the unfortunate Dana was bent over a chair and paddled until her bottom was scarlet and she wept. The afternoon session went no better for Dana, and after dinner she was spanked until she begged for mercy, then made to kneel on the floor and watch Traynor bring Kit to the edge of an orgasm twice, kissing and fondling her breasts and sex, then take her, moaning with pleasure, over the edge with his hand.

  “I have big plans for you tonight,” he told Kit as she writhed on his lap. “How would you like to be introduced to the art of ass-fucking?”

  Kit’s brain was operating on only the most primitive level at that moment, and she hardly knew what she was saying. She heard herself say in strange, deep voice, “Oh Christ, yes!”

  That night, Kit found herself standing naked and blindfolded in Traynor’s room, wearing a yoke. The yoke consisted of three joined steel rings, the central one locked around her neck and the two smaller ones restraining her wrists on either side. She was sweating under hot spotlights, and trembling with a mixture of fear and eagerness. She gasped when she felt something smooth and cool slide up the inside of her thigh and casually insert itself into her sex.

  “Are you excited, bitch?” Traynor asked, his voice coming from so close by that she felt the heat of his breath on her cheeks.

  “Ah, er, yes, yes, Master,” Kit answered.

  “And would you be more excited if I whipped your tits with this antenna?” he asked, as he moved the whippy, metal rod up to lightly flick Kit’s stiff nipples.

  “Oh, please don’t do that, Master!” she blurted. “It would hurt so much.”

  “It might be a little painful for you,” Traynor conceded, as he continued to tease her stiff brown nubbins with the aerial, “but that doesn’t answer my question. Would it get you aroused if I did this?”

  There was a soft, almost inaudible whisk, and she felt something sting her breast, burning a line of pain just under her left nipple. She screamed, and twisted away from the blow.

  “Get back in position,” Traynor ordered, “or you’ll feel it on your cunt.” Kit instantly resumed her pose, facing Traynor, chest out, legs apart. “Now answer the question.”

  Kit was already crying, not because of the pain (although the antenna had delivered a nasty sting), but because of the answer she had to make to his question. “Yes, Master, it would excite me if… if you whipped me there.”

  “I wouldn’t want to cheat you out of your fun,” Traynor said. “So, get down on your knees and ask me to whip your tits. Tell me how it will arouse you.”

  By now, Kit was so accustomed to being dominated by Traynor during these sexual sessions that she usually did not even attempt to resist even the most outrageous commands. But this command pushed her obedience to the limit. She could not pretend that being dominated and ordered around by Traynor did not turn her on, nor that being whipped or spanked by him, even in very painful and humiliating ways, was not a powerful aphrodisiac. But making her beg for him to whip her breasts! How could he expect her to do that?

  She sank to her knees, and said, “Master, you know I will do whatever you tell me, but… eeee!” She was unable to finish, as Traynor brought the thin, flexible metal rod sharply down across the tops of her outthrust mammaries, leaving another pink line on the white flesh and making her globes judder.

  “Ahhh!... I… please whip… ahhh, that hurt… whip my tits, M… Master…” Kit stammered. “It gets… me so excited.”

  “Hold ’em up, nice and high,” Traynor said. Kit obediently arched her back even more to present a better target. She shrieked, bounced up and down on her knees and contorted her torso wildly as he delivered five strokes to the firm flesh of her breasts, but she remained in position throughout.

  “I could watch your knockers bounce around all night,” Traynor said. “It’s a hell of a sexy sight. But we have other items on the agenda, so we don’t have enough time to indulge ourselves tonight. We can do it again another time.” Kit considered telling him that she would not hold him to that promise, but decided to leave the thought unspoken.

  “Get up and come forward,” he commanded. He moved back a pace and sat in a chair.

  A weeping, shaken Kit rose to her feet and felt her way carefully in the direction of his voice, stopping when her foot encountered his. She felt his hand between her legs and on her sex, and then probing into her.

  “Let’s see if that got your motor started,” Traynor said. Kit herself had no doubts on the matter. The instant she felt his hand on her mound, she felt as if she was about to go off like a rocket. “Oh, oh God!” she moaned.

  “So, you weren’t just pulling my chain there, were you, Thayer?” he asked. He withdrew his fingers and stroked them lightly across her cheek before presenting them to her lips.

  “Lick me,” he ordered. “Lick my fingers.” Kit’s tongue obediently shot out and she did as he ordered.

  She felt his hands reach around to take the backs of her thighs in a powerful grip. He drew her forward and lifted her up, while spreading her legs, and deposited her on his lap, facing him. She felt his erection against her sex, and she automatically thrust her abdomen forward, desperately trying to somehow get it inside her. She had never wanted anything more than she wanted him at that moment.

  “You want to be fucked?” he asked.

  “What do you think?” Kit screamed, now so
maddened with desire that she had forgotten the rules about the proper way to address him. “For God’s sake, yes! Why are you playing with me? Can’t you just fuck me?”

  “All in good time, my girl,” Traynor replied, overlooking her lapse. “Get on the chair, on your knees, and I’ll see what can do for you.” With his assistance, Kit was soon in the new position, kneeling over his lap, with the end of his male organ below and just barely touching her sex.

  Traynor took his rod in his hand and guided it into her. “Slowly, slowly,” he cautioned, as Kit started to jam herself down on him all at once in her frenzy. “We do this my way, or not at all.”

  With the greatest reluctance, she lowered herself only halfway down him, and then stopped on his command. “Please, Master,” she groaned, “please let me take it deeper. I can’t stand this much longer.”

  “You’ll just have to stand it until I’m ready,” he said. Kit straightened up suddenly when she felt one of his fingers poke into her rear, and then she remembered what he planned to do with her.


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