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Bound For The Tour 2: Inside The Ropes

Page 8

by Commander James Bondage

  “Get back down,” he said. “I’m going to make this easier for you to take before we do it. You should thank me.” Kit yelped as her thrust two more fingers inside, and then he began twisting and spreading them. “Ride on my fingers, bitch” he said. “Up and down, up and down.”

  Kit forced herself to follow this order. Obedience was made much easier by the fact that she was also riding his erection with her pussy at the same time. This went on until she thought the top of her head might come off.

  “OK, I think you’re ready,” Traynor finally said. He pulled out of her, and then he held his erection up against her tight rear. “Sit on it,” he ordered.

  Kit was so excited that she hardly cared where he wanted it, as long as it was inside her, so she eagerly tried to impale herself on him. Her eagerness lasted only as long as it took for her to feel the effect of the substantial sized erection trying to press through that still very tight entry.

  “Ow! Oh fuck, it hurts!” she complained, pulling away.

  Traynor seized her already sore nipples in his strong fingers. “It’s what you came for tonight, and it’s what you are going to get,” he told her. He squeezed the painful flesh of Kit’s nubs until she squealed and pleaded for him to stop.

  “I’ll stop when I’m up your slutty ass and not before,” he answered, giving the nipples a fierce twist.

  The agonized Kit lowered herself onto him again, and this time, by making the entire weight her body press on him, she forced her stubborn rear open. She squealed again as he entered her and her muscles expanded enough to encompass him, but she did not attempt to escape.

  “Better,” Traynor said. He released her nipples and took hold of her hips, which he used as handles to further impale her on his shaft. “You have a nice tight ass,” he told her. “I’m not sure if it’s better than Watson’s, but it’s not bad at all.”

  Kit did not respond to this compliment. As Dana had the previous night, she was finding her first experience with this type of sex to be anything but pleasurable. The sharp pain in her over-stretched rear was particularly unbearable.

  “Please, Master, could we just stop for a few minutes?” she begged. “It hurts.”

  Traynor’s response was to continue to pull her hips down until she had taken his entire length. “Lean forward and lick my face,” he ordered. After Kit’s tongue was running over his cheeks and jaw, he said, “Let’s just check downstairs, shall we?”

  He reached down between her legs and began to play with her sex again. “Ohhh! Ohh! Ohhhhh!” Kit moaned as he twirled and caressed her. She swiveled her hips in a frenzy, creating delightful friction on him.

  Kit had at first only been aware the painful effects his entry into her rear, and she had not realized how excited it had made her, until this moment. As soon as his fingertips touched her sex, however, she realized that she had never been so excited. “Doan’ sop! Doan sop!” she cried, her tongue still pressed against Traynor’s face.

  He needed no urging. His stimulation of her sex had started Kit hopping madly up and down on him, and the tight grip her muscles had on him provided an irresistible sensation. She came before he did, but only by a few seconds.

  Kit threw her head back and screamed like a madwoman as an overwhelming climax possessed her. It was almost as Traynor had suggested the first time he took her: she hardly knew whether his cock was in her rear or in her pussy or, rather, it made no difference. The orgasm went on and on, and when it finally ended, she flopped forward to drape herself over him, too exhausted to sit up on her own.

  “If I’m not mistaken, you seemed to like that pretty well,” he said.

  She looked at him, panting hard, unable for the moment to speak, and nodded.

  “Good,” he said. “We’ll rest a bit, and then if you feel up to it, we can try it again.”

  Kit, still puffing like a locomotive, nodded her head again, twice and very sharply.

  They did do it again, two more times in fact, once with Kit still wearing the metal yoke, her face pressed against the floor, and a second time in bed, while she arched her back to present her ass and held her own ankles as he roughly penetrated her. They were at it for so long and with such verve that they fell asleep together on his bed, and Kit never made it back to her room that night at all.

  For the next four months they followed a set routine with only slight variations. There were training sessions morning and night, always at least one on the Swingmaster, and the other being either practice on some special aspect of the game, such as putting, chipping or sand shots, or a second round on the simulator. At mealtimes, the two girls still waited on him, and were subjected to his handling, either caresses (if they were doing well) or blows (if not).

  Kit and Dana, he discovered, were both extremely competitive, and he took full advantage of this shared trait. When he saw how much it motivated them, he systematized and intensified the competition. Whereas he had originally simply let the loser that day stay in her room to imagine the erotic delights being enjoyed by the other, Traynor now brought the unlucky girl in to watch as he enjoyed her friend, and to torment her in various ways. A typical such night would go as follows:

  Dana had performed outstandingly on the Swingmaster that day, making 21 of her 40 swings in the optimal range, which was the highest mark either girl had reached, and thus had earned a session of Traynor’s vigorous lovemaking. Kit had been ordered to report an hour earlier, and when Dana arrived she saw that Traynor had already been working on her friend.

  Kit was spread-eagled in a metal frame, naked as usual, her body crossed with livid whip marks. The frame was on a pivot, and Traynor had fixed her head-downwards, allowing him easy access to his principal target, the upper six inches of her inner thighs and the delta of her sex. Dana could tell where he had been concentrating by how numerous the overlapping red welts were on that part of Kit’s body. When Kit saw her, she looked up desperately and tried to say something. Since there was a tight leather mask covering the lower half of her face that prevented her from opening her jaws by so much as an inch, whatever she was trying to say was reduced to an inscrutable “Nnnnnn!”

  Traynor turned to look at Dana when she entered, the whip still in his hand. “Nice sight, isn’t she?” he asked. “I was about to start working on her tits. Would you like to watch?”

  Dana hesitated a fraction of a second. She and Kit had grown closer during their time together as roommates, in spite of the way Traynor had pitted them against each other. They were much more than friends now; they were lovers, not just physically but in every sense. Dana hated it when he hurt Kit, and hated watching him hurt her even more.

  But the months under Traynor’s supervision had changed her, had changed both girls. Dana was no longer the sexual innocent that she had been. Traynor had created new tastes in her (or developed something that had already existed in embryo, it hardly mattered which), tastes for both being dominated and for the domination of others. Part of Dana was absolutely revolted by the sight of the helpless, suffering Kit, and it tore at her terribly to see her hurt and to be unable to do anything. But there was another part of her that found the sight of the lovely blonde, her nude form, bound, whipped and muzzled, disturbingly exciting.

  “No, please, Master,” she answered. “Please don’t whip Kit any more. Wouldn’t you rather take me? I’m dying for your cock.”

  Traynor smiled knowingly. “Really? You’re sure you wouldn’t want to see this slut’s tits bounce? Because I was under the impression…”

  “Please, Master,” Dana interrupted, pushing aside the picture that came into her head of Kit’s lithe torso writhing under the whip, her breasts jumping with each stroke, “I wish you would whip my tits instead,” she volunteered. She knelt at his feet, thrust her chest out and grasped her ankles, offering her own breasts up for punishment.

  He shook his head and waved her back to her feet. “I’m sure she appreciates the offer, but it won’t be necessary. I have other plans for you,” he
said. “We’re going to give your friend Thayer a nice treat.”

  He gestured to Dana. “Bend over your girlfriend and start working on her pussy,” he ordered. “I’m sure she didn’t get enough last night.” Traynor had cameras hidden almost everywhere in his facility to record the activities of his students, and had long been aware of their sexual liaison. He had hours of video footage showing Dana and Kit making love.

  Dana grasped the backs of Kit’s thighs to hold her in position, and then lowered her head until her mouth was pressed against Kit’s sex and the thrilling scent of her arousal filled her nostrils. As Dana sent her tongue out into the trembling young woman, Traynor said, “Ass out, legs straight.”

  Dana assumed the position, one she had grown familiar with over the months under Traynor’s supervision, and started to lap at Kit’s aroused sex. She knew what was about to happen, but that foreknowledge did not keep her from yelping when a heavy wooden paddle slapped down hard onto her outthrust bottom. Her eyes slid to one side, as she tried to see what he was up to while she continued to service Kit, but he was directly behind her and she had no way to tell when or where the next blow would fall.

  After a half-dozen strokes, Dana was crying and her hindquarters and upper thighs felt as if they were on fire. In between blows of the paddle, Traynor manipulated her sex and jammed his fingers in and out between her buttocks until she was in sore need of relief. In the meantime, she had not neglected Kit, who was squirming madly, obviously on the point of exploding. A few more licks, and…

  Dana was suddenly pulled away and pushed to the floor. “Get your ass up in the air and show me how badly you want to be fucked,” Traynor said.

  As this was exactly what she wanted, Dana enthusiastically crouched on all fours, bent her back, and displayed herself to Traynor to the best of her ability. She was so excited that she almost did not notice Kit’s whimpers of frustration or the way her friend’s body contorted crazily in her need. She sighed deeply as Traynor’s erection pushed its way into her.

  Traynor’s eyes met Kit’s, whose inverted head was level with his own, while he thrust deeply into the dark-haired girl. “I’ll bet you wish you could change places with her,” he said. “Maybe Watson will kiss you while I fuck her. That might help.”

  Kit’s face was just a little above her, so Dana stretched out her neck and clamped her lips over Kit’s mouth. Kit responded with desperate intensity, thrusting her tongue into Dana’s mouth as deeply as she could, as if this would somehow provide the release she so badly needed. In fact, it only created even more sexual frustration. Kit screamed when Traynor expertly rode Dana to a climax, while the girls’ tongues were still intertwined.

  As Traynor had intended, Dana’s orgasm came quickly, while he had a considerable way yet to go. He moved her around to Kit’s rear, and then he made Dana tongue the blonde’s rear while he slowly and thoroughly took her, also in the rear. By now, both women were accustom to responding to this form of intercourse as strongly as to the more conventional sort, and Dana had two successively bigger eruptions before Traynor finally erupted at her rear.

  All of this took place under Kit’s eyes, and it nearly drove her mad to watch and be unable to participate. After the first time she had been forced to suffer through one of these shows, she told herself that she would eventually learn to handle it, that over time she would not be so profoundly affected by seeing Dana and Traynor at it. But she had been wrong: it only became more difficult to endure each time. She had been conditioned like a rat in a puzzle box, so that her responses were exactly the ones Traynor wanted. All she could do was grit her teeth and promise herself that she would be the one in Traynor’s arms the next time and that bitch Dana would be hanging where she was now.

  Afterwards, when they were back in their room, together in bed, Kit was, as always, incapable of remaining angry at her gentle friend. Dana apologized profusely, as she invariably did on these occasions, and Kit responded by stroking her soft black hair and saying, “You know I don’t blame you, Dana. You can’t help doing what he tells you; neither of us can.” She paused to kiss the other girl, and then continued, “You’re the sweetest, kindest person I ever met, and we’ll be best friends forever, no matter what Traynor does. So you don’t have to keep apologizing for something you have no control over, Ok?”

  Dana smiled shyly. “I’m so lucky to have you as my friend,” she said. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” She lay her head on Kit’s shoulder and closed her eyes. “I love you, Katherine Morris Thayer,” she murmured, and a moment later she was asleep.

  Kit looked at the face of her bedmate, which in sleep possessed the innocence of a young girl. She felt a surge of emotion, a mixture of protectiveness and deep affection. “I love you too, Dana Carol Watson. I think I always will.”

  Chapter Nine: Legends

  One Friday morning, during the fifth month of their stay, Traynor made an unusual announcement at breakfast. “You girls have been working so hard that I’m giving you the weekend off. You are both excused from training until Monday morning.” He smiled expectantly, as if he thought they would shower him with gratitude for his generosity.

  There was something in his tone that suggested there was something more to this than met the eye. Also, it was not like Traynor to do something as thoughtful as giving his students a day off or, to doing anything for them at all, for that matter. “So, are you saying we’re free to do whatever we want for the next three days?’ Kit asked suspiciously.

  “Well, no, now that you mention it,” he admitted. “But since you’re not going to be otherwise engaged, you can help me to entertain a few friends who are coming over for the weekend. You may have heard of them: Bill Nickelson, Tom Whitson, Rory McCloy and Big Cat Williams.”

  Dana and Kit’s jaws dropped open in astonishment. They had heard of them; anyone who knew anything about professional golf had heard of them. They were four of the most famous male golfers in the world. The youngest of them, McCloy, although only 21, had already won three Major championships and was on his way to becoming one of the greatest players of all time. The others had already established their places in the golfing firmament as legends of the game, Elbert “Big Cat” Williams in particular, who had won more Major championships than anyone but Jack Nicklaus.

  “You know Big Cat Williams?” Dana asked, awe in her voice.

  “I know all those guys,” Traynor answered. “I don’t sign with male golfers, but my colleagues who do call me in when they run into a problem they can’t handle. I know all the top swing coaches and all the players they work with. Would you like to meet the Big Cat, Watson? I have a feeling he wouldn’t mind getting to know you.” He leered suggestively.

  Dana suddenly recalled that Williams had a well-earned reputation as the horniest pro on the Tour. The break-up of his marriage after it was revealed that he had been sleeping with everything with a vagina had been a huge national news story. “Oh, why I’m not sure… I mean…”

  “Don’t worry about it. You’re not going to have a choice anyway,” Traynor said. “The match will determine who gets who.”

  He then explained to the girls what they had to look forward to on the weekend. On Friday afternoon, Traynor would host a match featuring the four pros. Dana and Kit would caddy for two of them, and two other women, former students of Traynor’s, would take the other bags. Afterwards, the pros would select their female companions for the evening. The order of finish in the match would determine the order of selection.

  Kit did not like the idea of whoring for Traynor’s golf buddies, golf legends or not, and she said so. “I didn’t sign on to be a whore for you,” she told him. She looked at Dana, and added, “Neither one of us did.”

  “It’s a little late to be making conditions at this point, Thayer,” Traynor answered. “Even assuming I let you walk away, which means you would forfeit the hundred thousand deposit, which I imagine is your sister’s money… and I wonder how you would explain it to her
... Aside from that, I still have your videos and the right to sell them to whoever I want. Do you really want to see yourself performing on the Internet like Berta Lund?” Kit opened her mouth to make a response, but nothing came to mind. Traynor waited until it was clear that she was not going to answer, and then said, “That’s what I thought.”

  Then he turned to Dana. “As for you, Watson, where is the money for your father’s treatment going to come from? It’s not going to fall out of the trees, now is it?” Dana’s head drooped on her long neck. “No, sir, it isn’t,” she said softly.

  Thus, Traynor effortlessly crushed the incipient rebellion.

  “Just forget all this nonsense and start smiling,” Traynor said. “I promised the boys I’d provide premium gash for them, and I don’t want you looking like you’re on the way to the electric chair. You’re going to be fucked by some of the biggest names in golf this weekend. Think of it as something you can tell your grandchildren when you’re old and gray.”


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