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Verdria's Heart [Lush Valley, Tennessee] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 2

by Robyn Reigns

  “I couldn’t think of a better place. Not just any place will do. We’re so off the beaten path no one should be able to find me out here. I haven’t told anyone where I was headed. So, as long as I keep my location secret with the handful of people I trust, everything should be fine. I’m just hoping to relax and get my head sorted.”

  “The only other person here that knows anything about you is Matt,” Robin replied. “We don’t keep secrets from each other. I’m sorry Verd, but I had to tell him what I could. He promised to keep it quiet. You’ve always been way too independent. You need to remember you’re not alone in this world. Getting the short end of the stick growing up in foster care is not a good enough excuse anymore. It’s about time to let someone help you.”

  Just as Robin finished speaking her mind, she heard the front door bang shut as heavy footsteps from booted feet came trudging toward the kitchen. “Robin, baby girl, where are you?”

  Robin quickly called out as she stood from the table and walked towards the entrance. “In the kitchen, Matt!”

  She heard him as he rounded the corner and entered the kitchen. His eyes moved to the very attractive woman sitting at the table, but, after a quick glance, he only had eyes for her. Robin knew she was the love of his life, and it was only reconfirmed when he walked straight to Robin for a hug and kiss hello before even allowing her to perform introductions.

  Robin noted how Verdria quietly sat and watched her with Matt. She knew her friend never received the utter devotion and love that she did. If anything it would probably leave her friend speechless, especially since Matt was the type of man that gave of himself wholeheartedly, no questions asked. Men like him were rare and far between. She knew her friend waited patiently for their intimate greeting to be completed.

  No words needed to be said between them. Matt, at least one foot taller than Robin, sheltered her against his body. His strong arms with large gentle hands cradled her face as he kissed her on the lips and then quickly swept his tongue into her mouth. After he pulled his tongue from her mouth, he traced quick butterfly kisses sweeping along her forehead to just below her ear and finally ending on her neck. Verdria coughed and turned her head away from the affectionate scene, but not before Robin realized she was watching them with utter fascination.

  As Matt separated himself from his wife, he walked over to Verdria, holding his hand out in way of introduction. “It’s nice to meet you, Verdria. Robin hasn’t stopped talking about you since I’ve met her. We’re so glad to have you stay.”

  Verdria took Matt’s hand in greeting. “Thank you for the invite,” she said, as she quickly ended the greeting just as fast as it started. She seemed unsettled as she followed Matt out to her SUV to obtain her few pieces of luggage. Robin may not have seen her friend in years, but she still knew her well. After growing up in the foster care system, and given her bad break up with her latest beau, it was likely that she felt like she couldn’t trust anyone. All she could do was hope her friend would be able to open up to her. She knew her friend was lying by omission. It had to have been more than just a horrible breakup.

  Chapter 2

  Verdria woke to her blaring alarm clock the next morning. It sounded like fun when she agreed to do the morning milking with Matt. Now regretting her decision, she groaned as she headed to the bathroom to get ready. Still half asleep, she made her way over to the dairy, assuming it was in the direction from where the noisy mooing and rustling of impatient hooves was coming from. She located the large dairy herd and followed the cows toward the entrance. Matt was already standing in the milking pit preparing the clusters. Verdria walked down the steps to meet up with him. “Good morning, Matt,” she said as she walked up to him.

  “Morning, Verdria,” he replied with a small smile.

  “Thanks for letting me milk with you.” Smiling, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. “I hope you can be patient. I haven’t done this in years. The last time was while doing animal husbandry in my first and second years of vet school. Oh my, I think that was seven years ago. ” She continued, nervously rambling, “So if I’m too slow, get in the way too much, or hold up the line, you can just get rid of me.”

  The poor man must have thought she was crazy as he stood there listening to her ramble. Yesterday she was quiet and reserved, but today her nervous energy helped to override her aloofness. She must have sounded like a broken record and hoped she wasn’t annoying. Yep, she was definitely lucky. He seemed to be a very patient man. He turned toward her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Verdria,” he gently interrupted, “it really isn’t a problem, and you won’t get in the way. Just stand back and follow me for the first round of milking.” Walking toward the edge of the pit, he signaled toward the herdsman to let the first group of cows in. “And if you’re comfortable, you can have a go at the next round. It takes a lot to mess with my routine.” Once all the cattle were arranged in their cubicles, the milking clusters were quickly applied after all the teats were cleaned and checked for infection. Matt was very quick and proficient at his job.

  Observing Matt’s routine, Verdria knew after a couple days of milking, with his guidance, she would have no problem getting the hang of things. As she jumped in to help him, it felt like riding a bike. Granted she was slower than Matt, but given a few days she’d be right on par with him.

  She was glad Matt didn’t hover. As soon as he realized she knew what she was doing, he gave her space to work alone. The tasks of milking relaxed her and took her mind off of her current problems for the moment. It must have been three to four hours later when the last round of cattle was brought through the dairy. This group was known or suspected mastitis cases. Verdria got lost in examining the cows for infection. She always became quite focused when completing tasks and completely tuned out her surroundings.

  Her current charge only had a mild infection. She felt bad for the poor girl, especially when she tried to imagine what it would be like if it were her own nipple and breast. This was why she stuck to small animal medicine. She was way too empathetic to work with food producing animals. There were too many restrictions on using antibiotic and pain meds, in her opinion.

  So lost was she in her task, it took a while before Verdria sensed a large, overwhelming figure just off to her right side. She never even heard him come in. He was having a conversation with Matt. The sound of his voice alone swept the feeling of butterfly wings through her belly. All it took was hearing him speak. It made Verdria’s pussy clench and spasm. She could feel a large accumulation of moisture in her panties. Never before had she reacted to a man like this, and the introduction hadn’t even started yet.

  She hoped he would just turn and walk away after he finished talking with Matt. Unfortunately, she stood there procrastinating too long and had no choice but to tolerate an actual meeting. When finally forced to turn, she had to tilt her head all the way back and look up to lock eyes. They were the most gorgeous eyes she had ever seen. Turquoise-green in color, they sat in a large smooth tanned face outlined by dark black hair. Hair so black it almost looked like there were streaks of blue traveling through the shoulder-length strands. Her head barely reached his chest. He must have been nearly three hundred pounds of muscle. There didn’t seem to be evidence of fat anywhere on his six-and-a-half-foot frame.

  Completely set off balance, she stood there speechless, unable to create a fraction of a sentence. Her cheeks started to heat as she felt warm and flushed with embarrassment. She wished she could become invisible and slink away, not only from this man but from her body’s uncontrollable response.

  * * * *

  Ryker headed down to the dairy, trying to finish all his errands before going to the horse section of the farm to start training and breaking that new stallion that he and Kai, one of the equine trainers and managers, found at the horse auction last week. He knew Kai would need his help. That stallion seemed like he was so mean he could be the son of Satan. Grabbing the cattle records, he jumped out of his truck as soo
n as he pulled up along the dairy. It looked like they were near done with the milking. He was glad not to be disrupting Matt’s routine. Ryker knew how difficult it could be to keep on schedule with the substantial number of cattle kept on the farm.

  Walking into the dairy, he was about to call out for Matt as he got closer to the pit. However, his attention was completely diverted by the woman standing next to his dairy manager. She was utterly breathtaking. Never had he felt an instant attraction like this. All his blood seemed to drain from his head to his cock. Thoughts of Matt and the cattle records he needed to discuss were completely swept from his mind. He was like a teenager with rampant hormones as his prick jerked awake. His cock was becoming so hard it was starting to rub against the zipper of his jeans. Quietly walking toward Matt and the mysterious woman, he tried to adjust his hard dick and make it more comfortable to move.

  Matt must have heard his shuffling footsteps as he approached the man’s back because he turned to greet him while he was still several feet away. “Hiya, Ry, what brings you out here so early this morning?”

  “Hey, Matt. Just came by to drop off the AI records you needed for the herd,” he said while keeping his eyes on the beauty. She still stood with her back to him, concentrating on her task at hand with the cattle. She appeared to be examining and treating a teat. Ryker got the feeling she was trying to pretend he wasn’t there.

  Determined to get an introduction, Ryker stood his ground, waiting for her to turn and acknowledge his presence. When she faced him full on, he raked his gaze over her, taking in her blue eyes, thick, curly blonde hair, and body built for sin. Her tight blue jeans and snug T-shirt barely left room for his imagination. His cock became more painful, growing thicker with his instant attraction.

  “Verdria,” Matt softly spoke to her, “I’d like you to meet one of my bosses.” He turned her to face him. “Ryker Crawford, this is Verdria McKenna, the friend of Robin’s staying with us for a few weeks.”

  Clearing his throat, Ryker greeted her. “Nice to meet you, Verdria,” he said while holding his hand out, waiting to feel her smaller palm brush against his. “I hope you’re settling in well with Matt and Robin.”

  Matt placed his arm around her shoulders to get her attention and pulled her closer to the two men. Ryker stayed glued to his spot, waiting for her with his hand still extended. Finally, she noticed him waiting and placed her soft small hand into his larger rougher one.

  As soon as he held her hand, Ryker knew he wanted this woman. It took all his willpower not to pull her into his arms and kiss her. He wanted to taste her pouting pink lips, run his hands through her hair as he pulled her close to his chest, and feel her large breasts brush against his body. All he could think about was getting her naked and feeling her soft, creamy white figure run along his rough rugged skin. Standing close to her and breathing in her sweet womanly scent, he wondered if her pussy tasted just as good as she smelled. His cock became even more painful, growing thicker and heavier.

  He started coming to his senses when he heard Matt talking in the background. “Um, Ry? Did you hear what I just said?” All Ryker knew was that he had to get control over himself and find a way to get Verdria alone. He needed to better assess this sudden unwavering attraction. In the back of his mind, he wondered what Owen would think and feel on first meeting this woman.

  Shaking his head to clear it, Ryker responded, “Sorry, Matt, what did you say?” Eyes sparkling with a huge smile of amusement across his face, Matt responded to Ryker’s question and repeated his statement. “I said, thanks for dropping by with the records. I’ll go over the artificial insemination schedule and order the semen for the cows going into heat after I show Verd the rest of the farm.”

  Ryker knew he could not just walk away without having more contact with Verdria. The fact that she looked like a frightened deer didn’t help. He felt if he didn’t take his chance now, she would run and hide. Thinking on his feet, he questioned Matt, “Verdria hasn’t seen the ranch yet?”

  “Nah, I was going to take her around today. Maybe introduce her to some of the hands and some of the other managers, like Micah and Kai. Oh, and I was going to show her some of the horses. Verd is such an animal lover. I can see her fitting right in around here.”

  The thought of Matt introducing her to other men had Ryker grinding his teeth. He had barely known this woman a few minutes and was feeling possessive and jealous. Already he wanted to stake his claim on her and make her belong to him. “How about you go over the records, take care of your paperwork, and then spend some time with your little lady. I’d be more than happy to take Verdria around the place and introduce her to everyone,” Ryker said.

  Matt’s friendly smile turned stern. His normally happy-go-lucky voice was now serious. “She is staying in my home, and I consider her under my care right now, Ry. If anything should happen to her, I’m going to let the bull herd trample you.”

  “You know me, Matt. Would Owen or I ever intentionally hurt a woman?” Ryker growled, frustrated and afraid that his longtime friend and employee could hamper his way.

  It didn’t help that he noticed the woman slowly backing up and distancing herself from him. She didn’t seem afraid of him. In fact, with the red flush along both her cheeks he thought she was just as turned on as he was. He wasn’t going to let her get away. He found her completely stunning as she stepped back further, tossed the hair from her eyes, and remarked on their conversation. “Thanks for deciding on my day for me, guys. But, to be honest, I think I can explore and find my away around all on my own just fine. I’ve been a big girl, taking care of myself for years now.” Turning to make a hasty departure, she wasn’t fast enough. Matt caught her arm, keeping her there with his firm grip. As Ryker watched her feistiness it made him even hornier, if possible.

  Ryker watched and listened as Matt took charge of the situation. He decided not to interfere yet because the other man knew her better than him, even if it was via stories and descriptions from his wife.

  “Verd, I know you’re a very independent woman and can take care of yourself. But, think about Robin. She would be very worried about you roaming around the farm all alone. We know you have experience around horses and other livestock but some of the stories she told me about you made me shake in my boots. The one where you went to examine the bull because of a cut on its leg without any help and nearly got yourself gored left me speechless. If that happened here it would keep me up nights. I’m afraid of what kind of trouble you’ll get yourself into. Not to mention, if anything should happen to you my wife would not be very happy with me. Sleeping on the couch would be the least of my punishment. Just so you know, her happiness will always come first. So please, for Robin’s peace of mind,” he earnestly pleaded, “let Ryker give you the grand tour.”

  He hoped she heard the pleading in Matt’s voice. Watching her stare into the other man’s puppy dog eyes, he wondered if she hesitated out of fear or shyness. Her lower lip was turning bright red and plump from practically chewing it. Both arms were folded across her chest as if she were trying to subconsciously protect herself. It was difficult to read her emotions. Ryker hoped getting to know this woman would be exciting. Gut instinct told him she would be stubborn and frustrating. If she said yes, he knew he would be in for the rollercoaster ride of his life. Finally he heard her sigh just before slowly nodding and verbalizing her decision. “I’ll go with him this one time. I’m doing this for you, Matt. You so owe me one.” She huffed, walking past him and the dairy manager to find her way outside for some fresh air.

  Ryker and Matt faced each other. “I know she’ll be in good hands with you. But, be careful with her, Ry. I think she’s been seriously hurt in the past.” With that enigmatic statement, Matt clapped him on the shoulders as he walked away.

  * * * *

  Verdria sat next to Ryker in his pickup. Impatiently, she tapped her fingers against the door as he drove toward their destination.

  She was in a dilemma. Thoughts weigh
ed heavy on her mind. She knew it would be better not to show her interest in this man, but the pull she felt toward him was too difficult to ignore. There were so many other safer choices. It was safer to let her career override her life. It was safer to ignore the man sitting beside her. It was safer to maintain control of herself and her life. She just wanted a safe, boring life. Why did people have to constantly interfere? It was bad enough having to deal with her ex from back home. This vacation was supposed to be a quiet get away. She just wanted to forget about her life back east just for a few weeks. And what happened? Her first day out here no less, she meets the fucking hottest grade-A all-American male she ever came across during her thirty-year existence on this earth. She was so angry at herself for feeling this attraction. Silently struggling with herself, she did her best to ignore the man next to her.

  “So, tell me about yourself.” His question pulled Verdria from her daydreaming, but she decided to not answer. “Do you have a boyfriend, a husband, or anyone special?”

  She still stayed quiet. Hoping to make him annoyed and get under his skin. It was only fair since he and Matt cornered her into this fiasco.

  “How about horses or cattle, do you know anything about them?” This time she thought she heard the man quietly count to ten under his breath when she was unresponsive. Taking pity on him she took her time in answering and made sure annoyance showed through loud and clear in her voice.“No, I don’t have a man right now. I don’t need or want a man in my life,” she replied coldly. “You’re wasting your time on me. I haven’t even been interested in having sex for quite some time.”

  Trying to remain stoic, her lips nearly twitched into a smile when she thought she heard the large tough looking man count to twenty this time. However, her amusement was quick to turn to anger at his reply. “It’s a good thing you don’t have a man right now. You’re about to have two men. We’ll have you creaming your panties and begging for our cocks so often all you’ll think about is sex.” Thank God he had stopped the pickup and placed it in park as he answered. All she wanted to do was get away from him and out of the confining front seat. She watched him hurry out of the vehicle while she was stunned and speechless. She was so upset she fumbled trying to open the door and nearly tripped over her own feet trying to get out of the pickup. She didn’t realize Ryker made his way around to help her until he caught her, otherwise, she would have landed butt first on the hard dirt ground. As he grabbed hold of her, she felt his hard biceps cradle her body against his muscular chest. When he slowly steadied her, she felt the large bulge of his cock press against the crack of her ass. She struggled to catch her breath. Letting out a loud moan, she could feel her vagina clench as her clit began to swell. Embarrassed, she smacked Ryker’s chest as she turned and pulled away. Before she could get any distance between them, Ryker took her hand and nearly dragged her along with him towards one of the large horse training rings. As they neared the fence, she watched a tall dark and handsome man jump off his perch to walk over and approach her and Ryker. She noted the man’s gaze went from head to toe and stopped glued to her breasts. The guy seemed fascinated. His eyes moved to meet Ryker’s only when he initiated the conversation.


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