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Verdria's Heart [Lush Valley, Tennessee] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 3

by Robyn Reigns

  “Hiya, Kai. Sorry about this afternoon.” As he spoke, Verdria thought she saw Ryker clench his jaw and glare at the younger man. She was baffled. There was no way the man could be jealous it was too soon, they only met not even two hours ago. Maybe she was looking into things too much. Getting her mind off the subject she forced herself to listen to the interplay between the men.

  “Hey, man, no problem. I see you have other priorities. That beast you call a horse can wait,” he responded. “Micah wants to finish working the gelding he has in the ring right now anyway, and it could take a few more days.”

  “Verdria, this is Kai, and the hooligan in the ring over there is Micah. These guys have been working the horse ranch here for years. They’re probably the best trainers I have ever come across.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Verdria responded, shaking his hand in greeting. As she said her hello she absorbed details comparing the two horse trainers.

  Kai and Micah were very attractive men. Verdria observed that they seemed to be complete opposites. Kai looked like he could be Native American. Where Kai was dark, Micah was light. Micah’s blond hair was cut short, almost military style, whereas Kai had long, thick dark hair running down to mid-back. Micah’s light blue eyes were soft, smiling with laughter, where Kai’s were dark, nearly black, and hard. She was also mindful to the fact that even though she found them attractive, there was no attraction to them like with Ryker. Tearing herself away from the men, she decided to go explore the closest barn and check out the horses. The men were so busy in conversation hopefully they wouldn’t catch her walking away.

  Entering the barn, she heard a loud snort and whinny. She could hear the clang of horse hooves clapping the ground. Boy, that was one loud pissed-off horse, she thought to herself. Looking around the barn, she noticed everything was clean and well kept. No expense was spared in regards to animal comfort and care. This place was unbelievable. Another very loud bang caught her attention. Being curious, she walked toward the noise. Most of the stalls were empty. A quiet bay mare stood to her left chewing on some hay while a painted gelding seemed to stand frozen watching the both of them from the stall across the way. Verdria made her way all the way to the back of the barn. In the last stall she came across one of the most amazing creatures she had ever seen. He appeared to be a black stallion. He was most likely a Morgan. His muscular, compact black body was sheened with sweat. He looked cornered and angry. The poor thing must feel trapped, she thought. She stood by the stall door and just watched him. She stayed still and quiet for a time allowing the stallion to recognize her presence, watch her, and even breathe in her scent.

  Over the past few years, Verdria found out that she had an affinity to horses. She didn’t have much experience riding them, but she did enjoy petting and caring for them. She hadn’t come across any horses since moving back home to New Jersey and she missed working with them. Most of her contact with them took place while in veterinary school. Since then no other opportunities had come about, until now.

  Looking into this guy’s eyes, she knew on some level they were connected. “Hey, boy,” she quietly and calmly whispered. “Wow, you sure are a handsome one.” Staring, eye to eye, she lifted a hand out to him. He whinnied, shook his head side to side, and shied away. She continued crooning to him and finally got him to walk up to her hand. Slowly, she rested her palm flat on his muzzle and let her hand creep to his nose. He was very cautious, but sniffed her palm and continued to let her pet his face.

  Stuck in their own quiet world, Verdria was startled when Ryker raced up behind her, Kai and Micah on his heels. At least the horse didn’t jump back and shy away. That is until the oversized trio of testosterone driven men surrounded her on all sides, shouting for her to move away from the stall. Ryker seemed to be the angriest. Sighing, she turned and faced her nightmare straight on.

  “What do you think you’re doing, Verd! That mean son of a bitch could tear your arm off. You’re not hurt, are you?” Ryker’s harsh, angry voice caused the stallion to snort and neigh. She didn’t even have time to reply. Before she knew it he was pulling her to him. He examined her from head to toe looking for any signs of injury. He wouldn’t release her struggling body until he was satisfied she was unharmed.

  “Damn it, guys. What’s wrong with you all? I was just petting the poor thing and getting acquainted. Why did you have to he-man your way here?” Showing no fear, she continued raving at them, annoyed at their interference. “This poor horse feels trapped. I know he wasn’t going to hurt me. Just look at that poor thing. He has the gentlest soul.”

  “Um, Verdria,” Micah replied, trying to hold back laughter at the situation, “that gentle soul over there put two men in the hospital a couple days ago and nearly broke Kai’s arm yesterday.”

  She huffed at them. “Well, like I said, I knew he wouldn’t hurt me.” Verdria put her nose in the air, kept her back turned, and quickly walked away.

  * * * *

  Ryker gritted his teeth as he watched his little tigress walk away. His heart was still beating a mile a minute from fear of seeing her so close to that beast. If she had gotten injured he would never have forgiven himself. He was rooted to his current spot waiting for the adrenaline rush to gradually subside. Kai and Micah were standing behind him talking to each other and he tuned them out while thinking about the past hour or two.

  As he drove them to the barn he didn’t know whether to be annoyed or amused at her ire. Verdria’s stubborn refusal to answer his questions and her fidgeting had him counting from ten to twenty to dampen his anger. At one point he wished Owen was there. His brother was the patient one and never at a loss for words. He even drove by the main house looking for his brother’s SUV. But, the parking space had been empty. He couldn’t wait to introduce him to Verdria.

  Ryker never met a woman this pretentious before. He knew she was going to be a challenge. But he had a gut feeling that she would definitely be worth fighting for. After her sarcastic response about not wanting a man in her life or having sex for awhile his anger got the better of him and he unfortunately lashed out with words. He knew he should apologize for the childish statement. At that point it was a good thing he was pulling up to the main horse barn and paddock. He needed to get out of the confines of the pickup. Otherwise, he was liable to drag her into his lap and try and kiss her into submission.

  Still frustrated, especially because of the constant hard-on trying to bust open his pants’ zipper, he hurried to leave the pickup before she could voice a response to his statement about her having sex with two men. He raced around to Verdria’s side of the vehicle before she had a chance to open the door on her own. It was a good thing he did because she almost fell on her ass. She looked so shocked and flustered he felt sorry for her. Cradling her warm body against his almost set him off like a bottle rocket. He bit his cheek trying to get control over his erratic body.

  After she smacked him across his chest he let her gain some distance to collect herself. He’d felt her body respond to his and figured she was in the same boat as him. Shaking his head and chuckling to himself, he knew she may not be ready to admit it, but she wanted him. He wasn’t going to let her get too far away and quickly caught up with her, grabbed her hand, and drew her along with him towards Micah and Kai in the training ring.

  The green-eyed monster surfaced in him when he watched Kai’s reaction to his beautiful woman. He knew the other man’s gaze took her in from top to bottom and then to make him fume more, his gaze rested on her breasts. It was a good thing Kai’s eye moved off her body as he made the introductions. He was sorely tempted to punch the other man for practically ogling the woman.

  He was so busy catching up on ranching business with both horse trainers he didn’t realize until too late that the ornery woman was headed toward the barn containing the beastly horse. Heart in mouth he ran as fast as his feet could carry him towards her and the horse. The mean son of a bitch would make a fine animal if he could be tamed and broken. Unti
l then he was too unpredictable and had already hurt too many people. He was thanking God Verdria wasn’t hurt as he watched the men slowly leave the barn. He noticed they were trying to hide their amusement, but the laughter in their voices gave them away.

  “You know, Ry, if you don’t think you and Owen want her, Kai and I would be up to the challenge of taming that filly. Boy does that lady have potential.” Micah’s mischievous smile and words grated on Ryker’s nerves.

  Kai responded, “I bet that little one will be a spitfire in bed.”

  Feeling his possessiveness come to the fore, he growled at his two closest friends and workers. “She’s mine.” Ryker stated, displaying his dominance and staking his claim. He faced the two men. “As long as Owen is in agreement, that little filly will be the future Mrs. Crawford.”

  Already he knew life wouldn’t be the same without her. But, the true test was yet to come. Would Owen want her just as badly? For the first time he worried a woman might come between the two of them. If he and his brother couldn’t share this woman he knew it would wound their relationship. For some unknown reason he and his brother would never feel truly whole and complete unless they shared a relationship with the same woman. He knew in his heart Verdria would be more than just a fling. He prayed his brother would want her just as badly as he did.

  Chapter 3

  The next day, Verdria tried to relax. She sat on the porch swing with a glass of iced tea in one hand and a trashy romance in the other. It was quiet and peaceful since Matt was off on the farm and Robin was working. She thought back to her afternoon with Ryker yesterday. He was definitely one large overbearing brute, and she was way too attracted to the man. Just thinking about him made her feel flushed, and her panties got soaked through again. Men as masculine and ripped as Ryker were very few back east. She would miss him when she left, but in a few weeks she would need to go back to her hectic life and start looking for a new job. She had no choice but to quit her last position. It seemed like her ex wouldn’t stop following her every move. He was becoming more than just a stalker. Thankfully he hadn’t hurt her yet, but the people around her, those she had tried to start some form of relationship with had been threatened and a couple even physically injured.

  It didn’t seem like she had much time to figure out her life. She was worried her ex was probably closing in on her again. He kept making her feel cornered and frightened. His need for her was turning obsessive. Restraining orders didn’t help and he was great at covering his tracks, any charges brought against him never stuck. It felt like he always had people watching and tracking her. She tried hard to push thoughts of her nightmare to the back of her mind as best as she could. She sighed, resolved to get lost in her book. She was determined to get some R and R while here.

  A few minutes later Verdria was finally lost in a fictional world. The perfect woman finally gave in to the perfect man, and of course they lived in a utopian society. The main character was admitting her undying love to her lover. She was so engrossed in her novel she barely heard Matt’s gruff voice calling for her. “Verdria!” He started raising his voice to get her attention. She barely had time to respond. “Verdria,” he called again to her, this time worry lacing his voice as he walked up to the porch. “I really hate asking this, but I need your help.” He walked closer, looking sweaty and tired. Blood streaked his hands. She was worried. But, if nothing else, she learned to always maintain calmness when faced with an emergency. It was difficult to, but she knew jumping up and down, and getting all emotional would be of no help. So she put on her calm doctor’s façade as she responded.

  “What can I do for you, Matt? I’m always here for you guys.”

  “One of my girls needs a C-section, Verd,” he said, wiping at sweat dripping from his forehead. “I’ve tried manipulating the calf every which way, but it’s too stuck.”

  “I’ll do my best, but a large animal vet would be way better than me.” It had been years since working with large animals. Heck, she hadn’t even examined a cow since vet school and that was going on at least four years. She was worried.

  “I know, honey. I hate putting you in this position, but our last doc decided to take a permanent vacation a few weeks ago. There’s no one else for miles. I promise we can keep this between the two of us. I’ll assist you, and no one else needs to know.”

  Nervous, but resolved, she followed Matt to the small medical building used for the cattle. Verdria was again impressed by the top of the line equipment. She walked over to the mooing cow. The poor girl was too tired to strain against contractions. The cow looked up at her with pleading brown eyes. Verdria did a quick exam and assessment. Agreeing with Matt, she collected all the instruments and materials needed for the procedure. Matt clipped and cleaned the cow’s side for her incision.

  She worked quickly injecting local anesthetic, then placing her incision. As soon as she incised through the uterus, Matt was there to assist and help pull out the sixty-pound heifer calf. They turned the calf upside down to help clear her airways, and Matt wiped the birthing fluid from her nose with some straw. Considering how long the cow was trying to give birth, they were amazed that the calf was born alive.

  Still worried because she hadn’t performed a C-section on a large animal since vet school, she gave in and decided to call her close friend Simon. After dialing his number, she placed the phone on speaker while she rescrubbed her hands to finish the C-section. Several rings passed before she heard the all-too-familiar English accent. “Hiya. Is that you, Verd?”

  “Yes, Simon. It’s me. How are you doing?” Verdria asked while eyeing up the different suture materials.

  “I’m doing well, gorgeous, and you?” he asked with worry tingeing his voice.

  “Oh, I’m doing well also. I just need some help.”

  “Well, my love, how may I be of service?” he replied. “Don’t tell me that wanker you called a boyfriend is giving you problems and stalking that beautiful ass of yours? Has he tried to hurt someone again? It wasn’t you this time, was it?” Simon asked with a fair amount of concern in his voice. “Do you need me to come out there to you? You know I’ll be more than happy to rip off his bollocks and—”

  “Whoa, hold up, Simon.” Verdria interrupted his tirade. “First, I’m so proud of you going all American and saying ass instead of arse. Second, Monty is off my trail for now. Let’s discuss him another time please. Lastly, I need guidance closing an incision. Someone strong armed me into a C-section. Now don’t laugh, Si, but I’m working on a cow.”

  “Oh my,” he couldn’t resist teasing as he chuckled, “are you sure it’s a cow and not a large mastiff? I know behind all that intelligence you possess still lurks all those blonde tendencies.”

  “Si, please,” she begged. “I’m trying to close my incision before the local wears off. Stop teasing for now.”

  “Okay, love. How can I help?”

  * * * *

  Owen could see a new restlessness in Ryker over the past few months. His brother was becoming very unsettled. He knew that feeling well. They both put so much time and effort into building up their business. Work and friends had become their only outlet for pent-up emotional energy. All their hard work was for one goal, their future. He was tired of just existing. He needed someone to love and cherish. He, like his brother, wanted someone special to build a family with.

  Owen followed behind his brother as they entered the large animal medical barn. His curiosity was piqued. Ryker would only tell him so much about Verdria. They never lied to each other, and they never withheld anything from each other. The fact that Ryker avoided fully answering Owen’s questions meant that he wanted an unbiased opinion. Was she the one? They were both feeling so lonely and so incomplete. But they were determined to find the right woman. Not just anyone would do.

  As he followed his brother into the building, he heard voices coming from the surgical area of the barn. He heard a woman’s voice. That must be Verdria. Then he heard a voice that sounded like
a man talking from a distance. What, was that an Australian accent? No, it had to be English.

  Ryker signaled him to remain quiet. They heard something about Monty stalking her, and then Verdria and the other guy just finished talking about suture material. Why would she be talking about suture material? Owen noticed Ryker was just as completely confused.

  “Si, how could I ever thank you, my handsome man?” Owen heard her ask as he watched her place the last skin suture on the cow. From the entrance doorway he saw her clean up the incision, and listened as she continued conversing with Simon. “You know I owe you big time for this.”


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